module Sound.Tidal.OscStream where

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Sound.Tidal.Tempo (Tempo, cps)
import Sound.Tidal.Stream
import Sound.Tidal.Utils
import GHC.Float (float2Double, double2Float)
import Sound.OSC.FD
import Sound.OSC.Datum
import Sound.Tidal.Params

data TimeStamp = BundleStamp | MessageStamp | NoStamp
 deriving Eq

data OscSlang = OscSlang {path :: String,
                          timestamp :: TimeStamp,
                          namedParams :: Bool,
                          preamble :: [Datum]

type OscMap = Map.Map Param Datum

toOscDatum :: Value -> Datum
toOscDatum (VF x) = float x
toOscDatum (VI x) = int32 x
toOscDatum (VS x) = string x

toOscMap :: ParamMap -> OscMap
toOscMap m = (toOscDatum) m

-- constructs and sends an Osc Message according to the given slang
-- and other params - this is essentially the same as the former
-- toMessage in Stream.hs

  :: (Integral a) =>
     -> OscSlang
     -> Shape
     -> Tempo
     -> a
     -> (Double,
     -> IO ()
send s slang shape change tick (on, off, m) = osc
      osc | timestamp slang == BundleStamp =
            sendOSC s $ Bundle (ut_to_ntpr logicalOnset) [Message (path slang) oscdata]
          | timestamp slang == MessageStamp =
            sendOSC s $ Message (path slang) ((int32 sec):(int32 usec):oscdata)
          | otherwise =
            doAt logicalOnset $ sendOSC s $ Message (path slang) oscdata
      oscPreamble = cpsPrefix ++ preamble slang
      oscdata | namedParams slang = oscPreamble ++ (concatMap (\(k, v) -> [string (name k), v] )
                                                    $ Map.assocs m)
              | otherwise = oscPreamble ++ (catMaybes $ map (\x -> Map.lookup x m) (params shape))
      cpsPrefix | cpsStamp shape && namedParams slang = [string "cps",
                                                         float (cps change),
                                                         string "delta",
                                                         float (logicalOffset
                                                                - logicalOnset),
                                                         string "cycle", float cycle
                | cpsStamp shape = [float (cps change)]
                | otherwise = []
      cycle = (on + fromIntegral tick) / (fromIntegral ticksPerCycle)
      _parameterise ds = mergelists (map (string . name) (params shape)) ds
      usec = floor $ 1000000 * (logicalOnset - (fromIntegral sec))
      sec = floor logicalOnset
      logicalOnset = logicalOnset' change tick on ((latency shape) + nudge)
      logicalOffset = logicalOnset' change tick off ((latency shape) + nudge)
      nudge = maybe 0 (toF) (Map.lookup nudge_p (m :: OscMap))
      toF (Float f) = float2Double f
      toF _ = 0

-- type OscMap = Map.Map Param (Maybe Datum)

-- Returns a function that will convert a generic ParamMap into a specific Osc message and send it over UDP to the supplied server
-- messages will be built according to the given OscSlang
makeConnection :: String -> Int -> OscSlang -> IO (ToMessageFunc)
makeConnection address port slang = do
  s <- openUDP address port
  return (\ shape change tick (on,off,m) -> do
             let m' = if (namedParams slang) then (Just m) else (applyShape' shape m)
             -- this might result in Nothing, make sure we do this first
             m'' <- fmap (toOscMap) m'
             -- to allow us to simplify `send` (no `do`)
             return $ send s slang shape change tick (on,off,m'')