th-alpha- Alpha equivalence for TH Dec and Exp

Safe HaskellNone



Compare TH expressions (or clauses, patterns, etc.) for alpha equivalence. That is, compare for equality modulo the renaming of bound variables.

>>> areExpEq [| \x -> x |] [| \y -> y |]

This can be useful when for instance testing libraries that use Template Haskell: usually correctness is only defined up to alpha equivalence.

N.B.: This package doesn't yet handle type annotations correctly!



class AlphaEq a whereSource

The main Alpha Equivalence class. @= is by default defined in terms of lkEq. lkEq is exposed for composability: it is easy to recursively build AlphaEq instances from other AlphaEq instances by delegating the lookup update to the subinstances.


(@=) :: a -> a -> BoolSource

Compares its arguments for alpha equivalence.

lkEq :: a -> a -> Lookup -> Maybe LookupSource

Given a variable binding lookup compares arguments for alpha equivalence, returning Just of updated lookup in case of equivalence, Nothing otherwise.

exp_equal :: Quasi m => Exp -> Exp -> m BoolSource

Compare two expressions for alpha-equivalence. Since this uses th-desugar to desugar the expressions, returns a Bool in the Quasi context.