texmath- Conversion between formats used to represent mathematics.

Safe HaskellNone



Functions for converting between different representations of mathematical formulas.

Also note that in general writeLaTeX . readLaTeX /= id.

A typical use is to combine together a reader and writer.

 import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
 import Text.TeXMath (writeMathML, readTeX)

 texMathToMathML :: DisplayType -> String -> Either String Element
 texMathToMathML dt s = writeMathML dt <$> readTeX s

It is also possible to manipulate the AST using Generics. For example, if you wanted to replace all occurences of the identifier x in your expression, you do could do so with the following script.

 import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
 import Data.Generics (everywhere, mkT)
 import Text.TeXMath (writeMathML, readTeX)
 import Text.TeXMath.Types
 import Text.XML.Light (Element)

 changeIdent :: Exp -> Exp
 changeIdent (EIdentifier "x") = EIdentifier "y"
 changeIdent e = e

 texToMMLWithChangeIdent :: DisplayType -> String -> Either String Element
 texToMMLWithChangeIdent dt s =
   writeMathML dt . everywhere (mkT changeIdent) <$> readTeX s



readMathML :: String -> Either String [Exp]Source

Parse a MathML expression to a list of Exp.

readTeX :: String -> Either String [Exp]Source

Parse a formula, returning a list of Exp.

writeTeX :: [Exp] -> StringSource

Transforms an expression tree to equivalent LaTeX with the default packages (amsmath and amssymb)

writeTeXWith :: Env -> [Exp] -> StringSource

Transforms an expression tree to equivalent LaTeX with the specified packages

addLaTeXEnvironment :: DisplayType -> String -> StringSource

Adds the correct LaTeX environment around a TeXMath fragment

writeOMML :: DisplayType -> [Exp] -> ElementSource

Transforms an expression tree to an OMML XML Tree

writeMathML :: DisplayType -> [Exp] -> ElementSource

Transforms an expression tree to a MathML XML tree

writePandoc :: DisplayType -> [Exp] -> Maybe [Inline]Source

Attempts to convert a formula to a list of Pandoc inlines.

data DisplayType Source



A displayed formula.


A formula rendered inline in text.