{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module TestContainers.Docker
, Config(..)
, defaultDockerConfig
, dockerForMacConfig
, determineConfig
, ImageTag
, Image
, imageTag
, ContainerId
, Container
, containerId
, containerImage
, containerIp
, containerPort
, containerReleaseKey
, ToImage
, fromTag
, fromBuildContext
, fromDockerfile
, build
, DockerException(..)
, ContainerRequest
, containerRequest
, setName
, setCmd
, setRm
, setEnv
, setLink
, setExpose
, setWaitingFor
, run
, InspectOutput
, inspect
, stop
, kill
, rm
, withLogs
, WaitUntilReady
, waitUntilReady
, TimeoutException(..)
, waitUntilTimeout
, waitWithLogs
, UnexpectedEndOfPipe(..)
, Pipe(..)
, waitForLogLine
, dockerVersion
, isDockerForDesktop
, waitUntilMappedPortReachable
, ResIO
, runResourceT
, (&)
) where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (IOException, throw)
import Optics.Operators ((^?))
import Optics.Optic ((%))
import Optics.Fold (pre)
import Control.Monad.Catch (Exception, MonadCatch, MonadMask,
MonadThrow, bracket, throwM, try)
import Control.Monad.Fix (mfix)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadUnliftIO (withRunInIO))
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader (..), runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource (liftResourceT),
ReleaseKey, ResIO, register,
import Data.Aeson (Value, decode')
import qualified Data.Aeson.Optics as Optics
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LazyByteString
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Text (Text, isInfixOf, pack, strip,
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LazyText
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LazyText
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack,
import qualified Network.Socket as Socket
import Prelude hiding (error, id)
import qualified Prelude
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
import System.IO (Handle, hClose)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified System.Process as Process
import System.Timeout (timeout)
data Config = Config
configContainerIp :: Container -> Text
defaultDockerConfig :: Config
defaultDockerConfig = Config
configContainerIp = internalContainerIp
dockerForMacConfig :: Config
dockerForMacConfig = defaultDockerConfig
configContainerIp = \_ -> ""
determineConfig :: IO Config
determineConfig = do
pure dockerForMacConfig
data DockerException
= DockerException
exitCode :: ExitCode
, args :: [Text]
, stderr :: Text
| InspectUnknownContainerId { id :: ContainerId }
| InspectOutputInvalidJSON { id :: ContainerId }
| InspectOutputUnexpected { id :: ContainerId }
| UnknownPortMapping
id :: ContainerId
, port :: Text
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Exception DockerException
type MonadDocker m =
(MonadIO m, MonadMask m, MonadThrow m, MonadCatch m, MonadResource m, MonadReader Config m)
data ContainerRequest = ContainerRequest
toImage :: ToImage
, cmd :: Maybe [Text]
, env :: [(Text, Text)]
, exposedPorts :: [Int]
, volumeMounts :: [(Text, Text)]
, links :: [ContainerId]
, name :: Maybe Text
, rmOnExit :: Bool
, readiness :: Maybe WaitUntilReady
containerRequest :: ToImage -> ContainerRequest
containerRequest image = ContainerRequest
toImage = image
, name = Nothing
, cmd = Nothing
, env = []
, exposedPorts = []
, volumeMounts = []
, links = []
, rmOnExit = True
, readiness = Nothing
setName :: Text -> ContainerRequest -> ContainerRequest
setName newName req =
req { name = Just newName }
setCmd :: [Text] -> ContainerRequest -> ContainerRequest
setCmd newCmd req =
req { cmd = Just newCmd }
setRm :: Bool -> ContainerRequest -> ContainerRequest
setRm newRm req =
req { rmOnExit = newRm }
setEnv :: [(Text, Text)] -> ContainerRequest -> ContainerRequest
setEnv newEnv req =
req { env = newEnv }
setLink :: [ContainerId] -> ContainerRequest -> ContainerRequest
setLink newLink req =
req { links = newLink }
setExpose :: [Int] -> ContainerRequest -> ContainerRequest
setExpose newExpose req =
req { exposedPorts = newExpose }
setWaitingFor :: WaitUntilReady -> ContainerRequest -> ContainerRequest
setWaitingFor newWaitingFor req =
req { readiness = Just newWaitingFor }
run :: MonadDocker m => ContainerRequest -> m Container
run request = do
, name
, cmd
, env
, exposedPorts
, volumeMounts
, links
, rmOnExit
, readiness
} = request
image@Image{ tag } <- runToImage toImage
dockerRun :: [Text]
dockerRun = concat $
[ [ "run" ] ] ++
[ [ "--detach" ] ] ++
[ [ "--name", containerName ] | Just containerName <- [name] ] ++
[ [ "--env", variable <> "=" <> value ] | (variable, value) <- env ] ++
[ [ "--publish", pack (show port)] | port <- exposedPorts ] ++
[ [ "--link", container ] | container <- links ] ++
[ [ "--volume", src <> ":" <> dest ] | (src, dest) <- volumeMounts ] ++
[ [ "--rm" ] | rmOnExit ] ++
[ [ tag ] ] ++
[ command | Just command <- [cmd] ]
stdout <- docker dockerRun
id :: ContainerId
!id =
strip (pack stdout)
~inspectOutput = unsafePerformIO $
internalInspect id
config <- ask
container <- liftResourceT $ mfix $ \container -> do
releaseKey <- register $ runReaderT (runResourceT (stop container)) config
pure $ Container
, releaseKey
, image
, inspectOutput
, config
case readiness of
Just wait ->
waitUntilReady container wait
Nothing ->
pure ()
pure container
docker :: MonadIO m => [Text] -> m String
docker args =
dockerWithStdin args ""
dockerWithStdin :: MonadIO m => [Text] -> Text -> m String
dockerWithStdin args stdin = liftIO $ do
(exitCode, stdout, stderr) <- Process.readProcessWithExitCode "docker"
(map unpack args) (unpack stdin)
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> pure stdout
_ -> throwM $ DockerException
exitCode, args
, stderr = pack stderr
kill :: MonadDocker m => Container -> m ()
kill Container { id } = do
_ <- docker [ "kill", id ]
return ()
stop :: MonadDocker m => Container -> m ()
stop Container { id } = do
_ <- docker [ "stop", id ]
return ()
rm :: MonadDocker m => Container -> m ()
rm Container { id } = do
_ <- docker [ "rm", "-f", "-v", id ]
return ()
withLogs :: forall m a . MonadDocker m => Container -> (Handle -> Handle -> m a) -> m a
withLogs Container { id } logger = do
acquire :: m (Handle, Handle, Handle, Process.ProcessHandle)
acquire =
liftIO $ Process.runInteractiveProcess
[ "logs", "--follow", unpack id ]
release :: (Handle, Handle, Handle, Process.ProcessHandle) -> m ()
release (stdin, stdout, stderr, handle) =
liftIO $ Process.cleanupProcess
(Just stdin, Just stdout, Just stderr, handle)
bracket acquire release $ \(stdin, stdout, stderr, _handle) -> do
liftIO $ hClose stdin
logger stdout stderr
type ImageTag = Text
data ToImage = ToImage
runToImage :: forall m. MonadDocker m => m Image
, applyToContainerRequest :: ContainerRequest -> ContainerRequest
build :: MonadDocker m => ToImage -> m ToImage
build toImage@ToImage { applyToContainerRequest } = do
image <- runToImage toImage
return $ ToImage
runToImage = pure image
, applyToContainerRequest
defaultToImage :: (forall m . MonadDocker m => m Image) -> ToImage
defaultToImage action = ToImage
runToImage = action
, applyToContainerRequest = \x -> x
fromTag :: ImageTag -> ToImage
fromTag tag = defaultToImage $ do
output <- docker [ "pull", "--quiet", tag ]
return $ Image
tag = strip (pack output)
:: FilePath
-> Maybe FilePath
-> ToImage
fromBuildContext path mdockerfile = defaultToImage $ do
| Just dockerfile <- mdockerfile =
[ "build", "-f", pack dockerfile, pack path ]
| otherwise =
[ "build", pack path ]
output <- docker args
return $ Image
tag = strip (pack output)
:: Text
-> ToImage
fromDockerfile dockerfile = defaultToImage $ do
output <- dockerWithStdin [ "build", "--quiet", "-" ] dockerfile
return $ Image
tag = strip (pack output)
type ContainerId = Text
data Logger = Logger
debug :: forall m . (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m ()
, info :: forall m . (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m ()
, warn :: forall m . (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m ()
, error :: forall m . (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Text -> m ()
silentLogger :: Logger
silentLogger = Logger
debug = \_ -> pure ()
, info = \_ -> pure ()
, warn = \_ -> pure ()
, error = \_ -> pure ()
newtype WaitUntilReady = WaitUntilReady
checkContainerReady :: Logger -> Config -> Container -> ResIO ()
newtype UnexpectedEndOfPipe = UnexpectedEndOfPipe
id :: ContainerId
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Exception UnexpectedEndOfPipe
newtype TimeoutException = TimeoutException
id :: ContainerId
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Exception TimeoutException
waitUntilTimeout :: Int -> WaitUntilReady -> WaitUntilReady
waitUntilTimeout seconds wait = WaitUntilReady $ \logger config container@Container{ id } -> do
withRunInIO $ \runInIO -> do
result <- timeout (seconds * 1000000) $
runInIO (checkContainerReady wait logger config container)
case result of
Nothing ->
throwM $ TimeoutException { id }
Just _ ->
pure ()
:: Int
-> WaitUntilReady
waitUntilMappedPortReachable port = WaitUntilReady $ \logger _config container ->
withFrozenCallStack $ do
hostIp :: String
hostIp = unpack (containerIp container)
hostPort :: String
hostPort = show $ containerPort container port
resolve = do
let hints = Socket.defaultHints { Socket.addrSocketType = Socket.Stream }
head <$> Socket.getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just hostIp) (Just hostPort)
open addr = do
socket <- Socket.socket
(Socket.addrFamily addr)
(Socket.addrSocketType addr)
(Socket.addrProtocol addr)
(Socket.addrAddress addr)
pure socket
retry = do
debug logger $ "Trying to open socket to " <> pack hostIp <> ":" <> pack hostPort
result <- try (resolve >>= open)
case result of
Right socket -> do
debug logger $ "Successfully opened socket to " <> pack hostIp <> ":" <> pack hostPort
Socket.close socket
pure ()
Left (exception :: IOException) -> do
debug logger $ "Failed to open socket to " <> pack hostIp <> ":" <>
pack hostPort <> " with " <> pack (show exception)
threadDelay 500000
liftIO retry
waitWithLogs :: (Container -> Handle -> Handle -> IO ()) -> WaitUntilReady
waitWithLogs waiter = WaitUntilReady $ \_logger config container -> do
flip runReaderT config $ withLogs container $ \stdout stderr ->
liftIO $ waiter container stdout stderr
data Pipe
= Stdout
| Stderr
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
waitForLogLine :: Pipe -> (LazyText.Text -> Bool) -> WaitUntilReady
waitForLogLine whereToLook matches = waitWithLogs $ \Container { id } stdout stderr -> do
logs :: Handle
logs = case whereToLook of
Stdout -> stdout
Stderr -> stderr
logContent <- LazyByteString.hGetContents logs
logLines :: [LazyText.Text]
logLines =
(LazyText.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode)
(LazyByteString.lines logContent)
case find matches logLines of
Just _ -> pure ()
Nothing -> throwM $ UnexpectedEndOfPipe { id }
waitUntilReady :: MonadDocker m => Container -> WaitUntilReady -> m ()
waitUntilReady container waiter = do
config <- ask
liftResourceT $ checkContainerReady waiter silentLogger config container
data Image = Image
tag :: ImageTag
deriving (Eq, Show)
imageTag :: Image -> ImageTag
imageTag Image { tag } = tag
data Container = Container
id :: ContainerId
, releaseKey :: ReleaseKey
, image :: Image
, config :: Config
, inspectOutput :: InspectOutput
type InspectOutput = Value
containerId :: Container -> ContainerId
containerId Container { id } = id
containerImage :: Container -> Image
containerImage Container { image } = image
containerReleaseKey :: Container -> ReleaseKey
containerReleaseKey Container { releaseKey } = releaseKey
containerIp :: Container -> Text
containerIp container@Container { config = Config { configContainerIp } } =
configContainerIp container
internalContainerIp :: Container -> Text
internalContainerIp Container { id, inspectOutput } =
case inspectOutput
^? Optics.key "NetworkSettings"
% Optics.key "IPAddress"
% Optics._String of
Nothing ->
throw $ InspectOutputUnexpected { id }
Just address ->
containerPort :: Container -> Int -> Int
containerPort Container { id, inspectOutput } port =
textPort :: Text
textPort = pack (show port) <> "/tcp"
case inspectOutput
^? pre (Optics.key "NetworkSettings"
% Optics.key "Ports"
% Optics.key textPort
% Optics.values
% Optics.key "HostPort"
% Optics._String) of
Nothing ->
throw $ UnknownPortMapping
, port = textPort
Just hostPort ->
read (unpack hostPort)
inspect :: MonadDocker m => Container -> m InspectOutput
inspect Container { inspectOutput } =
pure inspectOutput
internalInspect :: (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) => ContainerId -> m InspectOutput
internalInspect id = do
stdout <- docker [ "inspect", id ]
case decode' (LazyByteString.pack stdout) of
Nothing ->
throwM $ InspectOutputInvalidJSON { id }
Just [] ->
throwM $ InspectUnknownContainerId { id }
Just [value] ->
pure value
Just _ ->
Prelude.error "Internal: Multiple results where I expected single result"
dockerVersion :: (MonadResource m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => m Text
dockerVersion = do
stdout <- docker [ "version", "--format", "{{.Server.KernelVersion}}" ]
return (pack stdout)
isDockerForDesktop :: (MonadResource m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => m Bool
isDockerForDesktop = do
version <- dockerVersion
pure $ "linuxkit" `isInfixOf` version