telegram-api- Telegram Bot API bindings

Safe HaskellNone




This module contains data objects which represents requests to Telegram Bot API



data SendMessageRequest Source

This object represents request for sendMessage




message_chat_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)

message_text :: Text

Text of the message to be sent

message_parse_mode :: Maybe ParseMode

Send Markdown, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic and inline URLs in your bot's message

message_disable_web_page_preview :: Maybe Bool

Disables link previews for links in this message

message_disable_notification :: Maybe Bool

Sends the message silently. iOS users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.

message_reply_to_message_id :: Maybe Int

If the message is a reply, ID of the original message

message_reply_markup :: Maybe ReplyKeyboard

Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for a custom reply keyboard, instructions to hide keyboard or to force a reply from the user.

data ForwardMessageRequest Source

This object represents request for forwardMessage




forward_chat_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)

forward_from_chat_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the chat where the original message was sent (or channel username in the format @channelusername)

forward_disable_notification :: Maybe Bool

Sends the message silently. iOS users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.

forward_message_id :: Int

Unique message identifier

data FileUpload Source

This object represents data (image, video, ...) with mime type to upload.




fileUpload_type :: Maybe MimeType

Mime type of the upload.

fileUpload_content :: FileUploadContent

The payload/source to upload.

data FileUploadContent Source

This object represents data (image, video, ...) to upload.

data SendPhotoRequest payload Source

This object represents request for sendPhoto




photo_chat_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)

photo_photo :: payload

Photo to send. You can either pass a file_id as String to resend a photo that is already on the Telegram servers, or upload a new photo.

photo_caption :: Maybe Text

Photo caption (may also be used when resending photos by file_id), 0-200 characters.

photo_disable_notification :: Maybe Bool

Sends the message silently. iOS users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.

photo_reply_to_message_id :: Maybe Int

If the message is a reply, ID of the original message

photo_reply_markup :: Maybe ReplyKeyboard

Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for a custom reply keyboard, instructions to hide keyboard or to force a reply from the user.

data SendAudioRequest payload Source

This object represents request for sendAudio




_audio_chat_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)

_audio_audio :: payload

Audio to send. You can either pass a file_id as String to resend an audio that is already on the Telegram servers, or upload a new audio file.

_audio_duration :: Maybe Int

Duration of the audio in seconds

_audio_performer :: Maybe Text


_audio_title :: Maybe Text

Track name

_audio_disable_notification :: Maybe Bool

Sends the message silently. iOS users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.

_audio_reply_to_message_id :: Maybe Int

If the message is a reply, ID of the original message

_audio_reply_markup :: Maybe ReplyKeyboard

Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for a custom reply keyboard, instructions to hide keyboard or to force a reply from the user.

data SendDocumentRequest payload Source

This object represents request for sendDocument




document_chat_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)

document_document :: payload

File to send. You can either pass a file_id as String to resend a file that is already on the Telegram servers, or upload a new file.

document_caption :: Maybe Text

Document caption (may also be used when resending documents by file_id), 0-200 characters

document_disable_notification :: Maybe Bool

Sends the message silently. iOS users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.

document_reply_to_message_id :: Maybe Int

If the message is a reply, ID of the original message

document_reply_markup :: Maybe ReplyKeyboard

Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for a custom reply keyboard, instructions to hide keyboard or to force a reply from the user.

data SendStickerRequest payload Source

This object represents request for sendSticker




sticker_chat_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)

sticker_sticker :: payload

Sticker to send. You can either pass a file_id as String to resend a sticker that is already on the Telegram servers, or upload a new sticker.

sticker_disable_notification :: Maybe Bool

Sends the message silently. iOS users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.

sticker_reply_to_message_id :: Maybe Int

If the message is a reply, ID of the original message

sticker_reply_markup :: Maybe ReplyKeyboard

Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for a custom reply keyboard, instructions to hide keyboard or to force a reply from the user.

data SendVideoRequest payload Source

This object represents request for sendVideo




_video_chat_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)

_video_video :: payload

Video to send. You can either pass a file_id as String to resend a video that is already on the Telegram servers, or upload a new video.

_video_duration :: Maybe Int

Duration of sent video in seconds

_video_caption :: Maybe Text

Video caption, 0-200 characters.

_video_disable_notification :: Maybe Bool

Sends the message silently. iOS users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.

_video_reply_to_message_id :: Maybe Int

If the message is a reply, ID of the original message

_video_reply_markup :: Maybe ReplyKeyboard

Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for a custom reply keyboard, instructions to hide keyboard or to force a reply from the user.

data SendVoiceRequest payload Source

This object represents request for sendVoice




_voice_chat_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)

_voice_voice :: payload

Audio file to send. You can either pass a file_id as String to resend an audio that is already on the Telegram servers, or upload a new audio file.

_voice_duration :: Maybe Int

Duration of sent audio in seconds

_voice_disable_notification :: Maybe Bool

Sends the message silently. iOS users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.

_voice_reply_to_message_id :: Maybe Int

If the message is a reply, ID of the original message

_voice_reply_markup :: Maybe ReplyKeyboard

Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for a custom reply keyboard, instructions to hide keyboard or to force a reply from the user.

data SendLocationRequest Source

This object represents request for sendLocation




location_chat_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)

location_latitude :: Float

Latitude of location

location_longitude :: Float

Longitude of location

location_disable_notification :: Maybe Bool

Sends the message silently. iOS users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.

location_reply_to_message_id :: Maybe Int

If the message is a reply, ID of the original message

location_reply_markup :: Maybe ReplyKeyboard

Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for a custom reply keyboard, instructions to hide keyboard or to force a reply from the user.

data SendVenueRequest Source

This object represents request for sendVenue




_venue_chat_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)

_venue_latitude :: Float

Latitude of the venue

_venue_longitude :: Float

Longitude of the venue

_venue_title :: Text

Name of the venue

_venue_address :: Text

Address of the venue

_venue_foursquare_id :: Maybe Text

Foursquare identifier of the venue

_venue_disable_notification :: Maybe Bool

Sends the message silently. iOS users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.

_venue_reply_to_message_id :: Maybe Int

If the message is a reply, ID of the original message

_venue_reply_markup :: Maybe ReplyKeyboard

Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for a custom reply keyboard, instructions to hide keyboard or to force a reply from the user.

data SendContactRequest Source

This object represents request for sendContact




_contact_chat_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)

_contact_phone_number :: Text

Contact's phone number

_contact_first_name :: Text

Contact's first name

_contact_last_name :: Maybe Text

Contact's last name

_contact_disable_notification :: Maybe Bool

Sends the message silently. iOS users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.

_contact_reply_to_message_id :: Maybe Int

If the message is a reply, ID of the original message

_contact_reply_markup :: Maybe ReplyKeyboard

Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for a custom reply keyboard, instructions to hide keyboard or to force a reply from the user.

data SendChatActionRequest Source

This object represents request for sendChatAction




action_chat_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format `@channelusername`)

action_action :: ChatAction

Type of action to broadcast.

data AnswerInlineQueryRequest Source




query_inline_query_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the answered query

query_results :: [InlineQueryResult]

A JSON-serialized array of results for the inline query

query_cache_time :: Maybe Int

The maximum amount of time in seconds that the result of the inline query may be cached on the server. Defaults to 300.

query_is_personal :: Maybe Bool

Pass True, if results may be cached on the server side only for the user that sent the query. By default, results may be returned to any user who sends the same query

query_next_offset :: Maybe Text

Pass the offset that a client should send in the next query with the same text to receive more results. Pass an empty string if there are no more results or if you don‘t support pagination. Offset length can’t exceed 64 bytes.

query_switch_pm_text :: Maybe Text

If passed, clients will display a button with specified text that switches the user to a private chat with the bot and sends the bot a start message with the parameter switch_pm_parameter

query_switch_pm_parameter :: Maybe Text

Parameter for the start message sent to the bot when user presses the switch button

Example: An inline bot that sends YouTube videos can ask the user to connect the bot to their YouTube account to adapt search results accordingly. To do this, it displays a ‘Connect your YouTube account’ button above the results, or even before showing any. The user presses the button, switches to a private chat with the bot and, in doing so, passes a start parameter that instructs the bot to return an oauth link. Once done, the bot can offer a switch_inline button so that the user can easily return to the chat where they wanted to use the bot's inline capabilities.

data AnswerCallbackQueryRequest Source




cq_callback_query_id :: Text

Unique identifier for the query to be answered

cq_text :: Maybe Text

Text of the notification. If not specified, nothing will be shown to the user

cq_show_alert :: Maybe Bool

If true, an alert will be shown by the client instead of a notification at the top of the chat screen. Defaults to false.

data ReplyKeyboard Source



This object represents a custom keyboard with reply options


reply_keyboard :: [[KeyboardButton]]

Array of button rows, each represented by an Array of KeyboardButton objects

reply_resize_keyboard :: Maybe Bool

Requests clients to resize the keyboard vertically for optimal fit (e.g., make the keyboard smaller if there are just two rows of buttons). Defaults to false, in which case the custom keyboard is always of the same height as the app's standard keyboard.

reply_one_time_keyboard :: Maybe Bool

Requests clients to hide the keyboard as soon as it's been used. Defaults to false.

reply_selective :: Maybe Bool

Use this parameter if you want to show the keyboard to specific users only. Targets: 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot's message is a reply (has reply_to_message_id), sender of the original message. Example: A user requests to change the bot‘s language, bot replies to the request with a keyboard to select the new language. Other users in the group don’t see the keyboard.


Upon receiving a message with this object, Telegram clients will hide the current custom keyboard and display the default letter-keyboard. By default, custom keyboards are displayed until a new keyboard is sent by a bot. An exception is made for one-time keyboards that are hidden immediately after the user presses a button


reply_hide_keyboard :: Bool

Requests clients to hide the custom keyboard

reply_selective :: Maybe Bool

Use this parameter if you want to show the keyboard to specific users only. Targets: 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot's message is a reply (has reply_to_message_id), sender of the original message. Example: A user requests to change the bot‘s language, bot replies to the request with a keyboard to select the new language. Other users in the group don’t see the keyboard.


Upon receiving a message with this object, Telegram clients will display a reply interface to the user (act as if the user has selected the bot‘s message and tapped ’Reply'). This can be extremely useful if you want to create user-friendly step-by-step interfaces without having to sacrifice privacy mode.


reply_force_reply :: Bool

Shows reply interface to the user, as if they manually selected the bot‘s message and tapped ’Reply'

reply_selective :: Maybe Bool

Use this parameter if you want to show the keyboard to specific users only. Targets: 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot's message is a reply (has reply_to_message_id), sender of the original message. Example: A user requests to change the bot‘s language, bot replies to the request with a keyboard to select the new language. Other users in the group don’t see the keyboard.

data EditMessageTextRequest Source




emt_chat_id :: Maybe Text

Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format `@channelusername`)

emt_message_id :: Maybe Int

if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier of the sent message

emt_inline_message_id :: Maybe Text

Required if chat_id and message_id are not specified. Identifier of the inline message

emt_text :: Text

New text of the message

emt_parse_mode :: Maybe ParseMode

Send Markdown or HTML, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic, fixed-width text or inline URLs in your bot's message.

emt_disable_web_page_preview :: Maybe Bool

Disables link previews for links in this message

emt_reply_markup :: Maybe InlineKeyboardMarkup

A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard.

data EditMessageCaptionRequest Source




emc_chat_id :: Maybe Text

Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format `@channelusername`)

emc_message_id :: Maybe Int

Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier of the sent message

emc_inline_message_id :: Maybe Text

Required if chat_id and message_id are not specified. Identifier of the inline message

emc_caption :: Maybe Text

New caption of the message

emc_reply_markup :: Maybe InlineKeyboardMarkup

A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard.

data EditMessageReplyMarkupRequest Source




emrm_chat_id :: Maybe Text

Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format `@channelusername`)

emrm_message_id :: Maybe Int

Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier of the sent message

emrm_inline_message_id :: Maybe Text

Required if chat_id and message_id are not specified. Identifier of the inline message

emrm_reply_markup :: Maybe InlineKeyboardMarkup

A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard.
