{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
module Test.Tasty.Travis
( travisTestReporter
, TravisConfig(..)
, defaultConfig
, FoldGroup(..)
, FoldWhen(..)
, SummaryWhen(..)
) where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>), (<$), (<*>))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Monoid (Sum(..))
import Data.Semigroup as Sem
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.IO (BufferMode(LineBuffering), hSetBuffering, stdout)
import Test.Tasty.Ingredients.ConsoleReporter
import Test.Tasty.Options (IsOption(..), OptionSet, setOption)
import Test.Tasty.Runners
newtype WrapIO a = WrapIO { unwrapIO :: IO a }
deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad)
instance Sem.Semigroup a => Sem.Semigroup (WrapIO a) where
x <> y = (<>) <$> x <*> y
instance Monoid a => Monoid (WrapIO a) where
mempty = WrapIO $ return mempty
mappend x y = mappend <$> x <*> y
data TravisConfig
= TravisConfig
{ travisQuiet :: Bool
, travisHideSuccesses :: Bool
, travisUseColour :: Bool
, travisFoldGroup :: FoldGroup
, travisFoldWhen :: FoldWhen
, travisSummaryWhen :: SummaryWhen
, travisTestOptions :: OptionSet -> OptionSet
defaultConfig :: TravisConfig
defaultConfig = TravisConfig
{ travisQuiet = quiet
, travisHideSuccesses = hide
, travisUseColour = True
, travisFoldGroup = FoldAll
, travisFoldWhen = FoldSuccess
, travisSummaryWhen = SummaryFailures
, travisTestOptions = id
} where
HideSuccesses hide = defaultValue
Quiet quiet = defaultValue
data FoldGroup
= FoldMoreThan Int
| FoldBelow Int
| FoldTop Int
| FoldAll
deriving (Eq, Show)
data FoldWhen
= FoldNever
| FoldSuccess
| FoldAlways
deriving (Eq, Show)
data SummaryWhen
= SummaryNever
| SummaryFailures
| SummaryAlways
deriving (Eq, Show)
travisTestReporter :: TravisConfig -> [Ingredient] -> TestTree -> IO ()
travisTestReporter cfg@TravisConfig{..} ingredients tests = do
isTravis <- maybe False (=="true") <$> lookupEnv "TRAVIS"
let finalIngredients
| isTravis = ingredients ++ [listingTests, travisReporter]
| otherwise = ingredients ++ [listingTests, consoleTestReporter]
tree | isTravis = PlusTestOptions travisTestOptions tests
| otherwise = tests
defaultMainWithIngredients finalIngredients tree
TestReporter baseOpts _ = consoleTestReporter
travisReporter :: Ingredient
travisReporter = TestReporter baseOpts runTests
runTests :: OptionSet -> TestTree
-> Maybe (StatusMap -> IO (Time -> IO Bool))
runTests opts tree = Just $ \smap ->
runTravisTestReporter cfg travisOptions tree smap
travisOptions :: OptionSet
travisOptions = setOption (Quiet travisQuiet)
. setOption (HideSuccesses travisHideSuccesses)
. setOption (if travisUseColour then Always else Auto)
$ opts
:: TravisConfig
-> OptionSet
-> TestTree
-> StatusMap
-> IO (Time -> IO Bool)
runTravisTestReporter cfg@TravisConfig{..} opts tree smap = do
let ?colors = travisUseColour
let testOutput = buildTestOutput opts tree
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
(output, stats) <- travisOutput cfg testOutput smap
when (not travisQuiet) $ unwrapIO $ output "" 0
return $ \time ->
(statFailures stats == 0) <$ printStatistics stats time
:: (?colors :: Bool)
=> TravisConfig
-> TestOutput
-> StatusMap
-> IO (String -> Int -> WrapIO (), Statistics)
travisOutput TravisConfig{..} output smap =
fmap strip . unwrapIO $ foldTestOutput foldTest foldHeading output smap
strip (x,y,_) = (x,y)
:: String
-> IO ()
-> IO Result
-> (Result -> IO ())
-> WrapIO (String -> Int -> WrapIO (), Statistics, Sum Int)
foldTest _name printName getResult printResult = WrapIO $ do
r <- getResult
return $ case resultOutcome r of
Success -> (success r, Statistics 1 0, Sum 1)
Failure{} -> (doPrint r, Statistics 1 1, Sum 1)
success r | travisHideSuccesses = \_ _ -> return ()
| otherwise = doPrint r
doPrint r _ _ = WrapIO $ printName >> printResult r
:: String
-> IO ()
-> WrapIO (String -> Int -> WrapIO (), Statistics, Sum Int)
-> WrapIO (String -> Int -> WrapIO (), Statistics, Sum Int)
foldHeading name printHeading foldBody = do
(printBody, stats@Statistics{..}, kids) <- foldBody
let act label n = WrapIO $ do
when mustFold $
putStrLn $ "travis_fold:start:" ++ foldMarker ++ "\\r"
if mustSummarise
then do
putStr $ replicate (2*n) ' ' ++ name ++ ": "
printStatisticsNoTime stats
else printHeading
unwrapIO $ printBody (foldMarker ++ ".") (n+1)
when mustFold $
putStrLn $ "travis_fold:end:" ++ foldMarker ++ "\\r"
replace c | isSpace c = '_'
| otherwise = c
foldMarker = label ++ map replace name
mustFold = doFold travisFoldWhen stats travisFoldGroup kids n
mustSummarise = and [ n /= 0, mustFold
, doSummary travisSummaryWhen stats]
if statTotal == 0 || (statFailures == 0 && travisHideSuccesses)
then return (\_ _ -> return (), stats, Sum 0)
else return (act, stats, Sum 1)
doFold :: FoldWhen -> Statistics -> FoldGroup -> Sum Int -> Int -> Bool
doFold FoldNever _ = \_ _ _ -> False
doFold FoldSuccess stats
| statFailures stats == 0 = doFoldGroup
| otherwise = \_ _ _ -> False
doFold FoldAlways _ = doFoldGroup
doFoldGroup :: FoldGroup -> Sum Int -> Int -> Bool
doFoldGroup FoldAll _ _ = True
doFoldGroup (FoldBelow n) _ i = i > n
doFoldGroup (FoldTop n) _ i = i <= n
doFoldGroup (FoldMoreThan n) kids _ = getSum kids > n
doSummary :: SummaryWhen -> Statistics -> Bool
doSummary SummaryNever _ = False
doSummary SummaryFailures stats = statFailures stats /= 0
doSummary SummaryAlways _ = True