{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Codec.Archive.Tar.Index.IntTrie (





#ifdef TESTS
  test1, test2, test3,
 ) where

import Prelude hiding (lookup)

import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as A
import Data.Array.IArray  ((!))
import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
#if (MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.ByteString        as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8  as BS.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy   as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
#if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,2) || defined(MIN_VERSION_bytestring_builder)
import Data.ByteString.Builder          as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder     as BS
import Control.Exception (assert)
#if MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,0)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict        as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict     as IntMap
import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap)
import qualified Data.Map               as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap            as IntMap
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)

import Data.List hiding (lookup, insert)
import Data.Function (on)

#ifdef TESTS
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import System.Posix.ByteString.FilePath (RawFilePath)

-- | A compact mapping from sequences of nats to nats.
-- NOTE: The tries in this module have values /only/ at the leaves (which
-- correspond to files), they do not have values at the branch points (which
-- correspond to directories).
newtype IntTrie k v = IntTrie (A.UArray Word32 Word32)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- Compact, read-only implementation of a trie. It's intended for use with file
-- paths, but we do that via string ids.

#ifdef TESTS
-- Example mapping:
example0 :: [(RawFilePath, Int)]
example0 =
  [(BS.Char8.pack "foo-1.0/foo-1.0.cabal", 512)   -- tar block 1
  ,(BS.Char8.pack "foo-1.0/LICENSE",       2048)  -- tar block 4
  ,(BS.Char8.pack "foo-1.0/Data/Foo.hs",   4096)] -- tar block 8

-- After converting path components to integers this becomes:
example1 :: [([Word32], Word32)]
example1 =
  [([1,2],   512)
  ,([1,3],   2048)
  ,([1,4,5], 4096)]

-- As a trie this looks like:

--  [ (1, *) ]
--        |
--        [ (2, 512), (3, 1024), (4, *) ]
--                                   |
--                                   [ (5, 4096) ]

-- We use an intermediate trie representation

mktrie :: [(Int, TrieNode k v)] -> IntTrieBuilder k v
mkleaf :: (Enum k, Enum v) => k -> v                  -> (Int, TrieNode k v)
mknode ::  Enum k          => k -> IntTrieBuilder k v -> (Int, TrieNode k v)

mktrie = IntTrieBuilder . IntMap.fromList
mkleaf k v = (fromEnum k, TrieLeaf (enumToWord32 v))
mknode k t = (fromEnum k, TrieNode t)

example2 :: IntTrieBuilder Word32 Word32
example2 = mktrie [ mknode 1 t1 ]
    t1   = mktrie [ mkleaf 2 512, mkleaf 3 2048, mknode 4 t2 ]
    t2   = mktrie [ mkleaf 5 4096 ]

example2' :: IntTrieBuilder Word32 Word32
example2' = mktrie [ mknode 0 t1 ]
    t1   = mktrie [ mknode 3 t2 ]
    t2   = mktrie [ mknode 1 t3, mknode 2 t4 ]
    t3   = mktrie [ mkleaf 4 10608 ]
    t4   = mktrie [ mkleaf 4 10612 ]
0: [1,N0,3]

  3: [1,N3,6]

   6: [2,N1,N2,11,12]

     11: [1,4,10608]
     14: [1,4,10612]

example2'' :: IntTrieBuilder Word32 Word32
example2'' = mktrie [ mknode 1 t1, mknode 2 t2 ]
    t1   = mktrie [ mkleaf 4 10608 ]
    t2   = mktrie [ mkleaf 4 10612 ]

example2''' :: IntTrieBuilder Word32 Word32
example2''' = mktrie [ mknode 0 t3 ]
    t3  = mktrie [ mknode 4 t8, mknode 6 t11 ]
    t8  = mktrie [ mknode 1 t14 ]
    t11 = mktrie [ mkleaf 5 10605 ]
    t14 = mktrie [ mknode 2 t19, mknode 3 t22 ]
    t19 = mktrie [ mkleaf 7 10608 ]
    t22 = mktrie [ mkleaf 7 10612 ]
 0: [1,N0,3]
 3: [2,N4,N6,8,11]
 8: [1,N1,11]
11: [1,5,10605]
14: [2,N2,N3,16,19]
19: [1,7,10608]
22: [1,7,10612]

-- We convert from the 'Paths' to the 'IntTrieBuilder' using 'inserts':
test1 = example2 == inserts example1 empty

-- Each node has a size and a sequence of keys followed by an equal length
-- sequnce of corresponding entries. Since we're going to flatten this into
-- a single array then we will need to replace the trie structure with pointers
-- represented as array offsets.

-- Each node is a pair of arrays, one of keys and one of Either value pointer.
-- We need to distinguish values from internal pointers. We use a tag bit:
tagLeaf, tagNode, untag :: Word32 -> Word32
tagLeaf = id
tagNode = flip Bits.setBit   31
untag   = flip Bits.clearBit 31

isNode :: Word32 -> Bool
isNode = flip Bits.testBit 31

-- So the overall array form of the above trie is:
-- offset:   0   1    2    3   4  5  6    7    8     9     10  11  12
-- array:  [ 1 | N1 | 3 ][ 3 | 2, 3, N4 | 512, 2048, 10 ][ 1 | 5 | 4096 ]
--                     \__/                           \___/

#ifdef TESTS
example3 :: [Word32]
example3 =
 [1, tagNode 1,
  3, tagLeaf 2, tagLeaf 3, tagNode 4,
     512,       2048,      10,
  1, tagLeaf 5,

-- We get the array form by using flattenTrie:

test2 = example3 == flattenTrie example2

example4 :: IntTrie Int Int
example4 = IntTrie (mkArray example3)

mkArray :: [Word32] -> A.UArray Word32 Word32
mkArray xs = A.listArray (0, fromIntegral (length xs) - 1) xs

test3 = case lookup example4 [1] of
          Just (Completions [(2,_),(3,_),(4,_)]) -> True
          _                          -> False

test1, test2, test3 :: Bool

-- Decoding the trie array form

completionsFrom :: (Enum k, Enum v) => IntTrie k v -> Word32 -> Completions k v
completionsFrom trie@(IntTrie arr) nodeOff =
    [ (word32ToEnum (untag key), next)
    | keyOff <- [keysStart..keysEnd]
    , let key   = arr ! keyOff
          entry = arr ! (keyOff + nodeSize)
          next | isNode key = Completions (completionsFrom trie entry)
               | otherwise  = Entry (word32ToEnum entry)
    nodeSize  = arr ! nodeOff
    keysStart = nodeOff + 1
    keysEnd   = nodeOff + nodeSize

-- | Convert the trie to a list
-- This is the left inverse to 'construct' (modulo ordering).
toList :: forall k v. (Enum k, Enum v) => IntTrie k v -> [([k], v)]
toList = concatMap (aux []) . (`completionsFrom` 0)
    aux :: [k] -> (k, TrieLookup k v) -> [([k], v)]
    aux ks (k, Entry v)        = [(reverse (k:ks), v)]
    aux ks (k, Completions cs) = concatMap (aux (k:ks)) cs

-- Toplevel trie array construction

-- So constructing the 'IntTrie' as a whole is just a matter of stringing
-- together all the bits

-- | Build an 'IntTrie' from a bunch of (key, value) pairs, where the keys
-- are sequences.
construct :: (Enum k, Enum v) => [([k], v)] -> IntTrie k v
construct = finalise . flip inserts empty

-- Looking up in the trie array

data TrieLookup  k v = Entry !v | Completions (Completions k v) deriving Show
type Completions k v = [(k, TrieLookup k v)]

lookup :: forall k v. (Enum k, Enum v) => IntTrie k v -> [k] -> Maybe (TrieLookup k v)
lookup trie@(IntTrie arr) = go 0
    go :: Word32 -> [k] -> Maybe (TrieLookup k v)
    go nodeOff []     = Just (completions nodeOff)
    go nodeOff (k:ks) = case search nodeOff (tagLeaf k') of
      Just entryOff
        | null ks   -> Just (entry entryOff)
        | otherwise -> Nothing
      Nothing       -> case search nodeOff (tagNode k') of
        Nothing       -> Nothing
        Just entryOff -> go (arr ! entryOff) ks
        k' = enumToWord32 k

    entry       entryOff = Entry (word32ToEnum (arr ! entryOff))
    completions nodeOff  = Completions (completionsFrom trie nodeOff)

    search :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Maybe Word32
    search nodeOff key = fmap (+nodeSize) (bsearch keysStart keysEnd key)
        nodeSize  = arr ! nodeOff
        keysStart = nodeOff + 1
        keysEnd   = nodeOff + nodeSize

    bsearch :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Maybe Word32
    bsearch a b key
      | a > b     = Nothing
      | otherwise = case compare key (arr ! mid) of
          LT -> bsearch a (mid-1) key
          EQ -> Just mid
          GT -> bsearch (mid+1) b key
      where mid = (a + b) `div` 2

enumToWord32 :: Enum n => n -> Word32
enumToWord32 = fromIntegral . fromEnum

word32ToEnum :: Enum n => Word32 -> n
word32ToEnum = toEnum . fromIntegral

-- Building Tries

newtype IntTrieBuilder k v = IntTrieBuilder (IntMap (TrieNode k v))
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data TrieNode k v = TrieLeaf {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32
                  | TrieNode !(IntTrieBuilder k v)
  deriving (Show, Eq)

empty :: IntTrieBuilder k v
empty = IntTrieBuilder IntMap.empty

insert :: (Enum k, Enum v) => [k] -> v
       -> IntTrieBuilder k v -> IntTrieBuilder k v
insert []    _v t = t
insert (k:ks) v t = insertTrie (fromEnum k) (map fromEnum ks) (enumToWord32 v) t

insertTrie :: Int -> [Int] -> Word32
           -> IntTrieBuilder k v -> IntTrieBuilder k v
insertTrie k ks v (IntTrieBuilder t) =
    IntTrieBuilder $
      IntMap.alter (\t' -> Just $! maybe (freshTrieNode  ks v)
                                         (insertTrieNode ks v) t')
                   k t

insertTrieNode :: [Int] -> Word32 -> TrieNode k v -> TrieNode k v
insertTrieNode []     v  _           = TrieLeaf v
insertTrieNode (k:ks) v (TrieLeaf _) = TrieNode (freshTrie  k ks v)
insertTrieNode (k:ks) v (TrieNode t) = TrieNode (insertTrie k ks v t)

freshTrie :: Int -> [Int] -> Word32 -> IntTrieBuilder k v
freshTrie k []      v =
  IntTrieBuilder (IntMap.singleton k (TrieLeaf v))
freshTrie k (k':ks) v =
  IntTrieBuilder (IntMap.singleton k (TrieNode (freshTrie k' ks v)))

freshTrieNode :: [Int] -> Word32 -> TrieNode k v
freshTrieNode []     v = TrieLeaf v
freshTrieNode (k:ks) v = TrieNode (freshTrie k ks v)

inserts :: (Enum k, Enum v) => [([k], v)]
        -> IntTrieBuilder k v -> IntTrieBuilder k v
inserts kvs t = foldl' (\t' (ks, v) -> insert ks v t') t kvs

finalise :: IntTrieBuilder k v -> IntTrie k v
finalise trie =
    IntTrie $
      A.listArray (0, fromIntegral (flatTrieLength trie) - 1)
                  (flattenTrie trie)

unfinalise :: (Enum k, Enum v) => IntTrie k v -> IntTrieBuilder k v
unfinalise trie =
    go (completionsFrom trie 0)
    go kns =
      IntTrieBuilder $
          [ (fromEnum k, t)
          | (k, n) <- kns
          , let t = case n of
                      Entry       v    -> TrieLeaf (enumToWord32 v)
                      Completions kns' -> TrieNode (go kns')

-- Flattening Tries

type Offset = Int

flatTrieLength :: IntTrieBuilder k v -> Int
flatTrieLength (IntTrieBuilder tns) =
  + 2 * IntMap.size tns
  + sum [ flatTrieLength n | TrieNode n <- IntMap.elems tns ]

-- This is a breadth-first traversal. We keep a list of the tries that we are
-- to write out next. Each of these have an offset allocated to them at the
-- time we put them into the list. We keep a running offset so we know where
-- to allocate next.
flattenTrie :: IntTrieBuilder k v -> [Word32]
flattenTrie trie = go (queue [trie]) (size trie)
    size (IntTrieBuilder tns) = 1 + 2 * IntMap.size tns

    go :: Q (IntTrieBuilder k v) -> Offset -> [Word32]
    go todo !offset =
      case dequeue todo of
        Nothing                   -> []
        Just (IntTrieBuilder tnodes, tries) ->
            flat ++ go tries' offset'
            !count = IntMap.size tnodes
            flat   = fromIntegral count
                   : Map.keys  keysValues
                  ++ Map.elems keysValues
            (!offset', !keysValues, !tries') =
#if MIN_VERSION_containers(0,4,2)
              IntMap.foldlWithKey' accumNodes
                                   (offset, Map.empty, tries)
              foldl' (\a (k,v) -> accumNodes a k v)
                     (offset, Map.empty, tries)
                     (IntMap.toList tnodes)

    accumNodes :: (Offset, Map.Map Word32 Word32, Q (IntTrieBuilder k v))
               -> Int -> TrieNode k v
               -> (Offset, Map.Map Word32 Word32, Q (IntTrieBuilder k v))
    accumNodes (!off, !kvs, !tries) !k (TrieLeaf v) =
        (off, kvs', tries)
        kvs' = Map.insert (tagLeaf (int2Word32 k)) v kvs

    accumNodes (!off, !kvs, !tries) !k (TrieNode t) =
        (off + size t, kvs', tries')
        kvs'   = Map.insert (tagNode (int2Word32 k)) (int2Word32 off) kvs
        tries' = enqueue tries t

data Q a = Q [a] [a]

queue :: [a] -> Q a
queue xs = Q xs []

enqueue :: Q a -> a -> Q a
enqueue (Q front  back) x = Q front (x : back)

dequeue :: Q a -> Maybe (a, Q a)
dequeue (Q (x:xs) back)    = Just (x, Q xs back)
dequeue (Q []     back)    = case reverse back of
                               x:xs -> Just (x, Q xs [])
                               []   -> Nothing

int2Word32 :: Int -> Word32
int2Word32 = fromIntegral

-- (de)serialisation

serialise :: IntTrie k v -> BS.Builder
serialise (IntTrie arr) =
    let (_, !ixEnd) = A.bounds arr in
    BS.word32BE (ixEnd+1)
 <> foldr (\n r -> BS.word32BE n <> r) mempty (A.elems arr)

serialiseSize :: IntTrie k v -> Int
serialiseSize (IntTrie arr) =
    let (_, ixEnd) = A.bounds arr in
  + 4 * (fromIntegral ixEnd + 1)

deserialise :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe (IntTrie k v, BS.ByteString)
deserialise bs
  | BS.length bs >= 4
  , let lenArr   = readWord32BE bs 0
        lenTotal = 4 + 4 * fromIntegral lenArr
  , BS.length bs >= 4 + 4 * fromIntegral lenArr
  , let !arr = A.array (0, lenArr-1)
                      [ (i, readWord32BE bs off)
                      | (i, off) <- zip [0..lenArr-1] [4,8 .. lenTotal - 4] ]
        !bs' = BS.drop lenTotal bs
  = Just (IntTrie arr, bs')

  | otherwise
  = Nothing

readWord32BE :: BS.ByteString -> Int -> Word32
readWord32BE bs i =
    assert (i >= 0 && i+3 <= BS.length bs - 1) $
    fromIntegral (BS.unsafeIndex bs (i + 0)) `shiftL` 24
  + fromIntegral (BS.unsafeIndex bs (i + 1)) `shiftL` 16
  + fromIntegral (BS.unsafeIndex bs (i + 2)) `shiftL` 8
  + fromIntegral (BS.unsafeIndex bs (i + 3))

-- Correctness property

#ifdef TESTS

prop_lookup :: (Ord k, Enum k, Eq v, Enum v, Show k, Show v)
            => [([k], v)] -> Bool
prop_lookup paths =
  flip all paths $ \(key, value) ->
    case lookup trie key of
      Just (Entry value') | value' == value -> True
      Just (Entry value')   -> error $ "IntTrie: " ++ show (key, value, value')
      Nothing               -> error $ "IntTrie: didn't find " ++ show key
      Just (Completions xs) -> error $ "IntTrie: " ++ show xs

    trie = construct paths

prop_completions :: forall k v. (Ord k, Enum k, Eq v, Enum v) => [([k], v)] -> Bool
prop_completions paths =
    inserts paths empty
 == convertCompletions (completionsFrom (construct paths) 0)
    convertCompletions :: Ord k => Completions k v -> IntTrieBuilder k v
    convertCompletions kls =
      IntTrieBuilder $
          [ case l of
              Entry v          -> mkleaf k v
              Completions kls' -> mknode k (convertCompletions kls')
          | (k, l) <- sortBy (compare `on` fst) kls ]

prop_lookup_mono :: ValidPaths -> Bool
prop_lookup_mono (ValidPaths paths) = prop_lookup paths

prop_completions_mono :: ValidPaths -> Bool
prop_completions_mono (ValidPaths paths) = prop_completions paths

prop_construct_toList :: ValidPaths -> Bool
prop_construct_toList (ValidPaths paths) =
       sortBy (compare `on` fst) (toList (construct paths))
    == sortBy (compare `on` fst) paths

prop_finalise_unfinalise :: ValidPaths -> Bool
prop_finalise_unfinalise (ValidPaths paths) =
    builder == unfinalise (finalise builder)
    builder :: IntTrieBuilder Char Char
    builder = inserts paths empty

prop_serialise_deserialise :: ValidPaths -> Bool
prop_serialise_deserialise (ValidPaths paths) =
    Just (trie, BS.empty) == (deserialise
                            . toStrict . BS.toLazyByteString
                            . serialise) trie
    trie :: IntTrie Char Char
    trie = construct paths

prop_serialiseSize :: ValidPaths -> Bool
prop_serialiseSize (ValidPaths paths) =
    (fromIntegral . LBS.length . BS.toLazyByteString . serialise) trie
 == serialiseSize trie
    trie :: IntTrie Char Char
    trie = construct paths

newtype ValidPaths = ValidPaths [([Char], Char)] deriving Show

instance Arbitrary ValidPaths where
  arbitrary =
      ValidPaths . makeNoPrefix <$> listOf ((,) <$> listOf1 arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
      makeNoPrefix [] = []
      makeNoPrefix ((k,v):kvs)
        | all (\(k', _) -> not (isPrefixOfOther k k')) kvs
                     = (k,v) : makeNoPrefix kvs
        | otherwise  =         makeNoPrefix kvs

  shrink (ValidPaths kvs) =
      map ValidPaths . filter noPrefix . filter nonEmpty . shrink $ kvs
      noPrefix []           = True
      noPrefix ((k,_):kvs') = all (\(k', _) -> not (isPrefixOfOther k k')) kvs'
                           && noPrefix kvs'
      nonEmpty = all (not . null . fst)

isPrefixOfOther a b = a `isPrefixOf` b || b `isPrefixOf` a

toStrict :: LBS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
#if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,0)
toStrict = LBS.toStrict
toStrict = BS.concat . LBS.toChunks


#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0))
(<>) :: Monoid m => m -> m -> m
(<>) = mappend