{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | This module defines a simple textual weather widget that polls
-- NOAA for weather data.  To find your weather station, you can use
-- <https://www.weather.gov/tg/siteloc>
-- For example, Madison, WI is KMSN.
-- NOAA provides several pieces of information in each request; you can control
-- which pieces end up in your weather widget by providing a _template_ that is
-- filled in with the current information. The template is just a 'String' with
-- variables between dollar signs. The variables will be substituted with real
-- data by the widget. Example:
-- > let wcfg = (defaultWeatherConfig "KMSN") { weatherTemplate = "$tempC$ C @ $humidity$" }
-- >     weatherWidget = weatherNew wcfg 10
-- This example makes a new weather widget that checks the weather at KMSN
-- (Madison, WI) every 10 minutes, and displays the results in Celcius.
-- Available variables:
-- [@stationPlace@] The name of the weather station
-- [@stationState@] The state that the weather station is in
-- [@year@] The year the report was generated
-- [@month@] The month the report was generated
-- [@day@] The day the report was generated
-- [@hour@] The hour the report was generated
-- [@wind@] The direction and strength of the wind
-- [@visibility@] Description of current visibility conditions
-- [@skyCondition@] ?
-- [@tempC@] The temperature in Celsius
-- [@tempF@] The temperature in Farenheit
-- [@dewPoint@] The current dew point
-- [@humidity@] The current relative humidity
-- [@pressure@] The current pressure
-- As an example, a template like
-- > "$tempF$ °F"
-- would yield a widget displaying the temperature in Farenheit with a small
-- label after it.
-- Implementation Note: the weather data parsing code is taken from xmobar. This
-- version of the code makes direct HTTP requests instead of invoking a separate
-- cURL process.

module System.Taffybar.Widget.Weather
  ( WeatherConfig(..)
  , WeatherInfo(..)
  , WeatherFormatter(WeatherFormatter)
  , weatherNew
  , weatherCustomNew
  , defaultWeatherConfig
  ) where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import GI.GLib(markupEscapeText)
import GI.Gtk
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
import System.Log.Logger
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Printf
import Text.StringTemplate

import System.Taffybar.Widget.Generic.PollingLabel

data WeatherInfo = WI
  { stationPlace :: String
  , stationState :: String
  , year :: String
  , month :: String
  , day :: String
  , hour :: String
  , wind :: String
  , visibility :: String
  , skyCondition :: String
  , tempC :: Int
  , tempF :: Int
  , dewPoint :: String
  , humidity :: Int
  , pressure :: Int
  } deriving (Show)

-- Parsers stolen from xmobar

type Parser = Parsec String ()

pTime :: Parser (String, String, String, String)
pTime = do
  y <- getNumbersAsString
  _ <- char '.'
  m <- getNumbersAsString
  _ <- char '.'
  d <- getNumbersAsString
  _ <- char ' '
  (h:hh:mi:mimi) <- getNumbersAsString
  _ <- char ' '
  return (y, m, d , [h]++[hh]++":"++[mi]++mimi)

pTemp :: Parser (Int, Int)
pTemp = do
  let num = digit <|> char '-' <|> char '.'
  f <- manyTill num $ char ' '
  _ <- manyTill anyChar $ char '('
  c <- manyTill num $ char ' '
  _ <- skipRestOfLine
  return (floor (read c :: Double), floor (read f :: Double))

pRh :: Parser Int
pRh = do
  s <- manyTill digit $ char '%' <|> char '.'
  return $ read s

pPressure :: Parser Int
pPressure = do
  _ <- manyTill anyChar $ char '('
  s <- manyTill digit $ char ' '
  _ <- skipRestOfLine
  return $ read s

parseData :: Parser WeatherInfo
parseData = do
  st <- getAllBut ","
  _ <- space
  ss <- getAllBut "("
  _ <- skipRestOfLine >> getAllBut "/"
  (y,m,d,h) <- pTime
  w <- getAfterString "Wind: "
  v <- getAfterString "Visibility: "
  sk <- getAfterString "Sky conditions: "
  _ <- skipTillString "Temperature: "
  (tC,tF) <- pTemp
  dp <- getAfterString "Dew Point: "
  _ <- skipTillString "Relative Humidity: "
  rh <- pRh
  _ <- skipTillString "Pressure (altimeter): "
  p <- pPressure
  _ <- manyTill skipRestOfLine eof
  return $ WI st ss y m d h w v sk tC tF dp rh p

getAllBut :: String -> Parser String
getAllBut s =
    manyTill (noneOf s) (char $ head s)

getAfterString :: String -> Parser String
getAfterString s = pAfter <|> return ("<" ++ s ++ " not found!>")
    pAfter = do
      _ <- try $ manyTill skipRestOfLine $ string s
      manyTill anyChar newline

skipTillString :: String -> Parser String
skipTillString s =
    manyTill skipRestOfLine $ string s

getNumbersAsString :: Parser String
getNumbersAsString = skipMany space >> many1 digit >>= \n -> return n

skipRestOfLine :: Parser Char
skipRestOfLine = do
  _ <- many $ noneOf "\n\r"

-- | Simple: download the document at a URL.
downloadURL :: Manager -> Request -> IO (Either String String)
downloadURL mgr request = do
  response <- httpLbs request mgr
  case responseStatus response of
    s | s >= status200 && s < status300 ->
      return $ Right (T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict $ responseBody response)
    otherStatus ->
      return . Left $ "HTTP 2XX status was expected but received " ++ show otherStatus

getWeather :: Manager -> String -> IO (Either String WeatherInfo)
getWeather mgr url = do
  request <- parseRequest url
  dat <- downloadURL mgr request
  case dat of
    Right dat' -> case parse parseData url dat' of
      Right d -> return (Right d)
      Left err -> return (Left (show err))
    Left err -> return (Left (show err))

defaultFormatter :: StringTemplate String -> WeatherInfo -> String
defaultFormatter tpl wi = render tpl'
    tpl' = setManyAttrib [ ("stationPlace", stationPlace wi)
                         , ("stationState", stationState wi)
                         , ("year", year wi)
                         , ("month", month wi)
                         , ("day", day wi)
                         , ("hour", hour wi)
                         , ("wind", wind wi)
                         , ("visibility", visibility wi)
                         , ("skyCondition", skyCondition wi)
                         , ("tempC", show (tempC wi))
                         , ("tempF", show (tempF wi))
                         , ("dewPoint", dewPoint wi)
                         , ("humidity", show (humidity wi))
                         , ("pressure", show (pressure wi))
                         ] tpl

getCurrentWeather :: IO (Either String WeatherInfo)
    -> StringTemplate String
    -> StringTemplate String
    -> WeatherFormatter
    -> IO (T.Text, Maybe T.Text)
getCurrentWeather getter labelTpl tooltipTpl formatter = do
  dat <- getter
  case dat of
    Right wi ->
      case formatter of
        DefaultWeatherFormatter -> do
          let rawLabel = T.pack $ defaultFormatter labelTpl wi
          let rawTooltip = T.pack $ defaultFormatter tooltipTpl wi
          lbl <- markupEscapeText rawLabel (-1)
          tooltip <- markupEscapeText rawTooltip (-1)
          return (lbl, Just tooltip)
        WeatherFormatter f -> do
          let rawLabel = T.pack $ f wi
          lbl <- markupEscapeText rawLabel (-1)
          return (lbl, Just lbl)
    Left err -> do
      logM "System.Taffybar.Widget.Weather" ERROR $ "Error in weather: " <> show err
      return ("N/A", Nothing)

-- | The NOAA URL to get data from
baseUrl :: String
baseUrl = "https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/data/observations/metar/decoded"

-- | A wrapper to allow users to specify a custom weather formatter.
-- The default interpolates variables into a string as described
-- above.  Custom formatters can do basically anything.
data WeatherFormatter
  = WeatherFormatter (WeatherInfo -> String) -- ^ Specify a custom formatter for 'WeatherInfo'
  | DefaultWeatherFormatter -- ^ Use the default StringTemplate formatter

-- | The configuration for the weather widget.  You can provide a custom
-- format string through 'weatherTemplate' as described above, or you can
-- provide a custom function to turn a 'WeatherInfo' into a String via the
-- 'weatherFormatter' field.
data WeatherConfig = WeatherConfig
  { weatherStation :: String -- ^ The weather station to poll. No default
  , weatherTemplate :: String -- ^ Template string, as described above.  Default: $tempF$ °F
  , weatherTemplateTooltip :: String -- ^ Template string, as described above.  Default: $tempF$ °F
  , weatherFormatter :: WeatherFormatter -- ^ Default: substitute in all interpolated variables (above)
  , weatherProxy :: Maybe String -- ^ The proxy server, e.g. "http://proxy:port". Default: Nothing

-- | A sensible default configuration for the weather widget that just
-- renders the temperature.
defaultWeatherConfig :: String -> WeatherConfig
defaultWeatherConfig station =
  { weatherStation = station
  , weatherTemplate = "$tempF$ °F"
  , weatherTemplateTooltip =
        [ "Station: $stationPlace$"
        , "Time: $day$.$month$.$year$ $hour$"
        , "Temperature: $tempF$ °F"
        , "Pressure: $pressure$ hPa"
        , "Wind: $wind$"
        , "Visibility: $visibility$"
        , "Sky Condition: $skyCondition$"
        , "Dew Point: $dewPoint$"
        , "Humidity: $humidity$"
  , weatherFormatter = DefaultWeatherFormatter
  , weatherProxy = Nothing

-- | Create a periodically-updating weather widget that polls NOAA.
weatherNew :: MonadIO m
           => WeatherConfig -- ^ Configuration to render
           -> Double     -- ^ Polling period in _minutes_
           -> m GI.Gtk.Widget
weatherNew cfg delayMinutes = liftIO $ do
  -- TODO: add explicit proxy host/port to WeatherConfig and
  -- get rid of this ugly stringly-typed setting
  let usedProxy = case weatherProxy cfg of
        Nothing -> noProxy
        Just str ->
          let strToBs = T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack
              noHttp = fromMaybe str $ stripPrefix "http://" str
              (phost, pport) = case span (':'/=) noHttp of
                (h, "") -> (strToBs h, 80) -- HTTP seems to assume 80 to be the default
                (h, ':':p) -> (strToBs h, read p)
                _ -> error "unreachable: broken span"
          in useProxy $ Proxy phost pport
  mgr <- newManager $ managerSetProxy usedProxy tlsManagerSettings
  let url = printf "%s/%s.TXT" baseUrl (weatherStation cfg)
  let getter = getWeather mgr url
  weatherCustomNew getter (weatherTemplate cfg) (weatherTemplateTooltip cfg)
    (weatherFormatter cfg) delayMinutes

-- | Create a periodically-updating weather widget using custom weather getter
  :: MonadIO m
  => IO (Either String WeatherInfo) -- ^ Weather querying action
  -> String -- ^ Weather template
  -> String -- ^ Weather template
  -> WeatherFormatter -- ^ Weather formatter
  -> Double -- ^ Polling period in _minutes_
  -> m GI.Gtk.Widget
weatherCustomNew getter labelTpl tooltipTpl formatter delayMinutes = liftIO $ do
  let labelTpl' = newSTMP labelTpl
      tooltipTpl' = newSTMP tooltipTpl

  l <- pollingLabelNewWithTooltip (delayMinutes * 60)
       (getCurrentWeather getter labelTpl' tooltipTpl' formatter)

  GI.Gtk.widgetShowAll l
  return l