-- |
-- Module      : System.Taffybar.Information.StreamInfo
-- Copyright   : (c) José A. Romero L.
-- License     : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : José A. Romero L. <escherdragon@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- Generic code to poll any of the many data files maintained by the kernel in
-- POSIX systems. Provides methods for applying a custom parsing function to the
-- contents of the file and to calculate differentials across one or more values
-- provided via the file.

module System.Taffybar.Information.StreamInfo
    ( getParsedInfo
    , getLoad
    , getAccLoad
    , getTransfer
    ) where

import Control.Concurrent ( threadDelay )
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )

-- | Apply the given parser function to the file under the given path to produce
-- a lookup map, then use the given selector as key to extract from it the
-- desired value.
getParsedInfo :: FilePath -> (String -> [(String, [a])]) -> String -> IO [a]
getParsedInfo path parser selector = do
    file <- readFile path
    length file `seq` return ()
    return (fromMaybe [] $ lookup selector $ parser file)

truncVal :: (RealFloat a) => a -> a
truncVal v
  | isNaN v || v < 0.0 = 0.0
  | otherwise = v

-- | Convert the given list of Integer to a list of the ratios of each of its
-- elements against their sum.
toRatioList :: (Integral a, RealFloat b) => [a] -> [b]
toRatioList deltas = map truncVal ratios
    where total = fromIntegral $ sum deltas
          ratios = map ((/total) . fromIntegral) deltas

-- | Execute the given action twice with the given delay in-between and return
-- the difference between the two samples.
probe :: (Num a, RealFrac b) => IO [a] -> b -> IO [a]
probe action delay = do
    a <- action
    threadDelay $ round (delay * 1e6)
    b <- action
    return $ zipWith (-) b a

-- | Execute the given action once and return the difference between the
-- obtained sample and the one contained in the given IORef.
accProbe :: (Num a) => IO [a] -> IORef [a] -> IO [a]
accProbe action sample = do
    a <- readIORef sample
    b <- action
    writeIORef sample b
    return $ zipWith (-) b a

-- | Probe the given action and, interpreting the result as a variation in time,
-- return the speed of change of its values.
getTransfer :: (Integral a, RealFloat b) => b -> IO [a] -> IO [b]
getTransfer interval action = do
    deltas <- probe action interval
    return $ map (truncVal . (/interval) . fromIntegral) deltas

-- | Probe the given action and return the relative variation of each of the
-- obtained values against the whole, where the whole is calculated as the sum
-- of all the values in the probe.
getLoad :: (Integral a, RealFloat b) => b -> IO [a] -> IO [b]
getLoad interval action = toRatioList <$> probe action interval

-- | Similar to getLoad, but execute the given action only once and use the
-- given IORef to calculate the result and to save the current value, so it
-- can be reused in the next call.
getAccLoad :: (Integral a, RealFloat b) => IORef [a] -> IO [a] -> IO [b]
getAccLoad sample action = toRatioList <$> accProbe action sample