-- |
-- Module      : System.Taffybar
-- Copyright   : (c) Ivan A. Malison
-- License     : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Ivan A. Malison
-- Stability   : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
module System.Taffybar
  -- * Detail
  -- | This is a system status bar meant for use with window managers like
  -- XMonad. It is similar to xmobar, but with more visual flare and a different
  -- widget set. Contributed widgets are more than welcome. The bar is drawn
  -- using gtk and cairo. It is actually the simplest possible thing that could
  -- plausibly work: you give Taffybar a list of GTK widgets and it will render
  -- them in a horizontal bar for you (taking care of ugly details like
  -- reserving strut space so that window managers don't put windows over it).
  -- This is the real main module. The default bar should be customized to taste
  -- in the config file (~/.config/taffybar/taffybar.hs). Typically, this means
  -- adding widgets to the default config. A default configuration file is
  -- included in the distribution, but the essentials are covered here.

  -- * Config File
  -- | The config file is just a Haskell source file that is compiled at startup
  -- (if it has changed) to produce a custom executable with the desired set of
  -- widgets. You will want to import this module along with the modules of any
  -- widgets you want to add to the bar. Note, you can define any widgets that
  -- you want in your config file or other libraries. Taffybar only cares that
  -- you give it some GTK widgets to display.
  -- Below is a fairly typical example:
  -- > import System.Taffybar
  -- > import System.Taffybar.SimpleConfig
  -- > import System.Taffybar.Widget
  -- > import System.Taffybar.Information.CPU
  -- >
  -- > cpuCallback = do
  -- >   (_, systemLoad, totalLoad) <- cpuLoad
  -- >   return [ totalLoad, systemLoad ]
  -- >
  -- > main = do
  -- >   let cpuCfg = defaultGraphConfig { graphDataColors = [ (0, 1, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1, 0.5)]
  -- >                                   , graphLabel = Just "cpu"
  -- >                                   }
  -- >       clock = textClockNew Nothing "<span fgcolor='orange'>%a %b %_d %H:%M</span>" 1
  -- >       cpu = pollingGraphNew cpuCfg 0.5 cpuCallback
  -- >       workspaces = workspacesNew defaultWorkspacesConfig
  -- >       simpleConfig = defaultSimpleTaffyConfig
  -- >                        { startWidgets = [ workspaces ]
  -- >                        , endWidgets = [ sniTrayNew, clock, cpu ]
  -- >                        }
  -- >   simpleTaffybar simpleConfig
  -- This configuration creates a bar with four widgets. On the left is a widget
  -- that shows information about the workspace configuration. The rightmost
  -- widget is the system tray, with a clock and then a CPU graph. The clock is
  -- formatted using standard strftime-style format strings (see the clock
  -- module). Note that the clock is colored using Pango markup (again, see the
  -- clock module).
  -- The CPU widget plots two graphs on the same widget: total CPU use in green
  -- and then system CPU use in a kind of semi-transparent purple on top of the
  -- green.
  -- It is important to note that the widget lists are *not* [Widget]. They are
  -- actually [TaffyIO Widget] since the bar needs to construct them after performing
  -- some GTK initialization.
  -- ** A note about taffybar's dependency on DBus:
  -- |
  -- * If you start your window manager using a graphical login manager like gdm
  --   or kdm, DBus should be started automatically for you.
  -- * If you start xmonad with a different graphical login manager that does
  --   not start DBus for you automatically, put the line @eval \`dbus-launch
  --   --auto-syntax\`@ into your ~\/.xsession *before* xmonad and taffybar are
  --   started. This command sets some environment variables that the two must
  --   agree on.
  -- * If you start xmonad via @startx@ or a similar command, add the
  --   above command to ~\/.xinitrc

  -- * Colors
  -- | While taffybar is based on GTK+, it ignores your GTK+ theme. The default
  -- theme that it uses lives at
  -- https://github.com/taffybar/taffybar/blob/master/taffybar.css You can alter
  -- this theme by editing @~\/.config\/taffybar\/taffybar.css@ to your liking.
  -- For an idea of the customizations you can make, see
  -- <https://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/GtkThemes>.
  , dyreTaffybar
  , startTaffybar
  , dyreTaffybarMain
  ) where

import qualified Config.Dyre as Dyre
import qualified Config.Dyre.Params as Dyre
import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.GI.Gtk.Threading as GIThreading
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as Gtk
import           Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.CssProvider
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.StyleContext as Gtk
import           Graphics.X11.Xlib.Misc
import           System.Directory
import           System.Environment.XDG.BaseDir ( getUserConfigFile )
import           System.Exit ( exitFailure )
import           System.FilePath ( (</>) )
import qualified System.IO as IO
import           System.Taffybar.Context

import           Paths_taffybar ( getDataDir )

-- | The parameters that are passed to Dyre when taffybar is invoked with
-- 'dyreTaffybar'.
taffybarDyreParams :: Dyre.Params TaffybarConfig
taffybarDyreParams =
  { Dyre.projectName = "taffybar"
  , Dyre.realMain = dyreTaffybarMain
  , Dyre.showError = showError
  , Dyre.ghcOpts = ["-threaded", "-rtsopts"]
  , Dyre.rtsOptsHandling = Dyre.RTSAppend ["-I0", "-V0"]

-- | Use Dyre to configure and start taffybar. This will automatically recompile
-- taffybar whenever there are changes to your taffybar.hs configuration file.
dyreTaffybar :: TaffybarConfig -> IO ()
dyreTaffybar = Dyre.wrapMain taffybarDyreParams

showError :: TaffybarConfig -> String -> TaffybarConfig
showError cfg msg = cfg { errorMsg = Just msg }

dyreTaffybarMain :: TaffybarConfig -> IO ()
dyreTaffybarMain cfg =
  case errorMsg cfg of
    Nothing -> startTaffybar cfg
    Just err -> do
      IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr ("Error: " ++ err)

getDefaultConfigFile :: String -> IO FilePath
getDefaultConfigFile name = do
  dataDir <- getDataDir
  return (dataDir </> name)

startCSS :: IO CssProvider
startCSS = do
  -- Override the default GTK theme path settings.  This causes the
  -- bar (by design) to ignore the real GTK theme and just use the
  -- provided minimal theme to set the background and text colors.
  -- Users can override this default.
  taffybarProvider <- cssProviderNew
  let loadIfExists filePath =
        doesFileExist filePath >>=
        flip when (cssProviderLoadFromPath taffybarProvider filePath)
  loadIfExists =<< getDefaultConfigFile "taffybar.css"
  loadIfExists =<< getUserConfigFile "taffybar" "taffybar.css"
  Just scr <- Gtk.screenGetDefault
  Gtk.styleContextAddProviderForScreen scr taffybarProvider 800
  return taffybarProvider

-- | Start taffybar with the provided 'TaffybarConfig'. Because this function
-- will not handle recompiling taffybar automatically when taffybar.hs is
-- updated, it is generally recommended that end users use 'dyreTaffybar'
-- instead. If automatic recompilation is handled by another mechanism such as
-- stack or a custom user script or not desired for some reason, it is
-- perfectly fine to use this function.
startTaffybar :: TaffybarConfig -> IO ()
startTaffybar config = do
  _ <- initThreads
  _ <- Gtk.initGUI
  Gtk.postGUIAsync GIThreading.setCurrentThreadAsGUIThread
  _ <- startCSS
  _ <- buildContext config

  return ()