-- | A vertical bar that can plot data in the range [0, 1].  The
-- colors are configurable.
module System.Taffybar.Widget.Generic.VerticalBar (
  -- * Types
  -- * Accessors/Constructors
  ) where

import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C
import           Graphics.UI.Gtk
import           System.Taffybar.Widget.Util

newtype VerticalBarHandle = VBH (MVar VerticalBarState)
data VerticalBarState = VerticalBarState
  { barIsBootstrapped :: Bool
  , barPercent :: Double
  , barCanvas :: DrawingArea
  , barConfig :: BarConfig

data BarDirection = HORIZONTAL | VERTICAL

data BarConfig
  = BarConfig {
     -- | Color of the border drawn around the widget
      barBorderColor :: (Double, Double, Double)
     -- | The background color of the widget
    , barBackgroundColor :: Double -> (Double, Double, Double)
     -- | A function to determine the color of the widget for the current data point
    , barColor :: Double -> (Double, Double, Double)
     -- | Number of pixels of padding around the widget
    , barPadding :: Int
    , barWidth :: Int
    , barDirection :: BarDirection}
  | BarConfigIO { barBorderColorIO :: IO (Double, Double, Double)
                , barBackgroundColorIO :: Double -> IO (Double, Double, Double)
                , barColorIO :: Double -> IO (Double, Double, Double)
                , barPadding :: Int
                , barWidth :: Int
                , barDirection :: BarDirection}

-- | A default bar configuration.  The color of the active portion of
-- the bar must be specified.
defaultBarConfig :: (Double -> (Double, Double, Double)) -> BarConfig
defaultBarConfig c =
  { barBorderColor = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
  , barBackgroundColor = const (0, 0, 0)
  , barColor = c
  , barPadding = 2
  , barWidth = 15
  , barDirection = VERTICAL

defaultBarConfigIO :: (Double -> IO (Double, Double, Double)) -> BarConfig
defaultBarConfigIO c =
  { barBorderColorIO = return (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
  , barBackgroundColorIO = \_ -> return (0, 0, 0)
  , barColorIO = c
  , barPadding = 2
  , barWidth = 15
  , barDirection = VERTICAL

verticalBarSetPercent :: VerticalBarHandle -> Double -> IO ()
verticalBarSetPercent (VBH mv) pct = do
  s <- readMVar mv
  let drawArea = barCanvas s
  when (barIsBootstrapped s) $ do
    modifyMVar_ mv (\s' -> return s' { barPercent = clamp 0 1 pct })
    postGUIAsync $ widgetQueueDraw drawArea

clamp :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
clamp lo hi d = max lo $ min hi d

liftedBackgroundColor :: BarConfig -> Double -> IO (Double, Double, Double)
liftedBackgroundColor bc pct =
  case bc of
    BarConfig { barBackgroundColor = bcolor } -> return (bcolor pct)
    BarConfigIO { barBackgroundColorIO = bcolor } -> bcolor pct

liftedBorderColor :: BarConfig -> IO (Double, Double, Double)
liftedBorderColor bc =
  case bc of
    BarConfig { barBorderColor = border } -> return border
    BarConfigIO { barBorderColorIO = border } -> border

liftedBarColor :: BarConfig -> Double -> IO (Double, Double, Double)
liftedBarColor bc pct =
  case bc of
    BarConfig { barColor = c } -> return (c pct)
    BarConfigIO { barColorIO = c } -> c pct

renderFrame :: Double -> BarConfig -> Int -> Int -> C.Render ()
renderFrame pct cfg width height = do
  let fwidth = fromIntegral width
      fheight = fromIntegral height

  -- Now draw the user's requested background, respecting padding
  (bgR, bgG, bgB) <- C.liftIO $ liftedBackgroundColor cfg pct
  let pad = barPadding cfg
      fpad = fromIntegral pad
  C.setSourceRGB bgR bgG bgB
  C.rectangle fpad fpad (fwidth - 2 * fpad) (fheight - 2 * fpad)

  -- Now draw a nice frame
  (frameR, frameG, frameB) <- C.liftIO $ liftedBorderColor cfg
  C.setSourceRGB frameR frameG frameB
  C.setLineWidth 1.0
  C.rectangle (fpad + 0.5) (fpad + 0.5) (fwidth - 2 * fpad - 1) (fheight - 2 * fpad - 1)

renderBar :: Double -> BarConfig -> Int -> Int -> C.Render ()
renderBar pct cfg width height = do
  let direction = barDirection cfg
      activeHeight = case direction of
                       VERTICAL   -> pct * fromIntegral height
                       HORIZONTAL -> fromIntegral height
      activeWidth  = case direction of
                       VERTICAL   -> fromIntegral width
                       HORIZONTAL -> pct * fromIntegral width
      newOrigin    = case direction of
                       VERTICAL -> fromIntegral height - activeHeight
                       HORIZONTAL -> 0
      pad = barPadding cfg

  renderFrame pct cfg width height

  -- After we draw the frame, transform the coordinate space so that
  -- we only draw within the frame.
  C.translate (fromIntegral pad + 1) (fromIntegral pad + 1)
  let xS = fromIntegral (width - 2 * pad - 2) / fromIntegral width
      yS = fromIntegral (height - 2 * pad - 2) / fromIntegral height
  C.scale xS yS

  (r, g, b) <- C.liftIO $ liftedBarColor cfg pct
  C.setSourceRGB r g b
  C.translate 0 newOrigin
  C.rectangle 0 0 activeWidth activeHeight

drawBar :: MVar VerticalBarState -> DrawingArea -> C.Render ()
drawBar mv drawArea = do
  (w, h) <- widgetGetAllocatedSize drawArea
  s <- liftIO $ do
         s <- readMVar mv
         modifyMVar_ mv (\s' -> return s' { barIsBootstrapped = True })
         return s
  renderBar (barPercent s) (barConfig s) w h

verticalBarNew :: BarConfig -> IO (Widget, VerticalBarHandle)
verticalBarNew cfg = do
  drawArea <- drawingAreaNew
  mv <-
      { barIsBootstrapped = False
      , barPercent = 0
      , barCanvas = drawArea
      , barConfig = cfg
  widgetSetSizeRequest drawArea (barWidth cfg) (-1)
  _ <- on drawArea draw $ drawBar mv drawArea
  box <- hBoxNew False 1
  boxPackStart box drawArea PackGrow 0
  widgetShowAll box
  return (toWidget box, VBH mv)