-- |
-- Module      : System.Taffybar.Information.Network
-- Copyright   : (c) José A. Romero L.
-- License     : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : José A. Romero L. <escherdragon@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- Provides information about network traffic over selected interfaces,
-- obtained from parsing the @\/proc\/net\/dev@ file using some of the
-- facilities provided by the "System.Taffybar.Information.StreamInfo" module.

module System.Taffybar.Information.Network where

import           Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MV
import           Control.Exception (catch, SomeException)
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..))
import           Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
import           Data.Time.Clock
import           Data.Time.Clock.System
import           Safe ( atMay, initSafe, readDef )
import           System.Taffybar.Information.StreamInfo ( getParsedInfo )
import           System.Taffybar.Util

import           Prelude

networkInfoFile :: FilePath
networkInfoFile = "/proc/net/dev"

-- | Returns a two-element list containing the current number of bytes received
-- and transmitted via the given network interface (e.g. \"wlan0\"), according
-- to the contents of the @\/proc\/dev\/net@ file.
getNetInfo :: String -> IO (Maybe [Int])
getNetInfo iface = runMaybeT $ do
  isInterfaceUp iface
  handleFailure $ getParsedInfo networkInfoFile parseDevNet' iface

parseDevNet' :: String -> [(String, [Int])]
parseDevNet' input =
  map makeList $ parseDevNet input
  where makeList (a, (u, d)) = (a, [u, d])

parseDevNet :: String -> [(String, (Int, Int))]
parseDevNet = mapMaybe (getDeviceUpDown . words) . drop 2 . lines

getDeviceUpDown :: [String] -> Maybe (String, (Int, Int))
getDeviceUpDown s = do
  dev <- initSafe <$> s `atMay` 0
  down <- readDef (-1) <$> s `atMay` 1
  up <- readDef (-1) <$> s `atMay` out
  return (dev, (down, up))
    out = length s - 8

-- Nothing if interface does not exist or is down
isInterfaceUp :: String -> MaybeT IO ()
isInterfaceUp iface = do
  state <- handleFailure $ readFile $ "/sys/class/net/" ++ iface ++ "/operstate"
  case state of
    'u' : _ -> return ()
    _ -> mzero

handleFailure :: IO a -> MaybeT IO a
handleFailure action = MaybeT $ catch (Just <$> action) eToNothing
    eToNothing :: SomeException -> IO (Maybe a)
    eToNothing _ = pure Nothing

getDeviceSamples :: IO (Maybe [TxSample])
getDeviceSamples = runMaybeT $ handleFailure $ do
  contents <- readFile networkInfoFile
  length contents `seq` return ()
  time <- liftIO getSystemTime
  let mkSample (device, (up, down)) =
          TxSample { sampleUp = up
                   , sampleDown = down
                   , sampleTime = time
                   , sampleDevice = device
  return $ map mkSample $ parseDevNet contents

data TxSample = TxSample
  { sampleUp :: Int
  , sampleDown :: Int
  , sampleTime :: SystemTime
  , sampleDevice :: String
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

  :: RealFrac a1
  => a1 -> ([(String, (Rational, Rational))] -> IO ()) -> IO ()
monitorNetworkInterfaces interval onUpdate = void $ do
  samplesVar <- MV.newMVar []
  let sampleToSpeeds (device, (s1, s2)) = (device, getSpeed s1 s2)
      doOnUpdate samples = do
        let speedInfo = map sampleToSpeeds samples
        onUpdate speedInfo
        return samples
      doUpdate = MV.modifyMVar_ samplesVar ((>>= doOnUpdate) . updateSamples)
  foreverWithDelay interval doUpdate

updateSamples :: [(String, (TxSample, TxSample))] -> IO [(String, (TxSample, TxSample))]
updateSamples currentSamples = do
  let getLast sample@TxSample { sampleDevice = device } =
        maybe sample fst $ lookup device currentSamples
      getSamplePair sample@TxSample { sampleDevice = device } =
        (device, (sample, getLast sample))
  maybe currentSamples (map getSamplePair) <$> getDeviceSamples

getSpeed :: TxSample -> TxSample -> (Rational, Rational)
getSpeed TxSample { sampleUp = thisUp
                  , sampleDown = thisDown
                  , sampleTime = thisTime
         TxSample { sampleUp = lastUp
                  , sampleDown = lastDown
                  , sampleTime = lastTime
                  } =
        let intervalDiffTime =
              (systemToUTCTime thisTime)
              (systemToUTCTime lastTime)
            intervalRatio =
              if intervalDiffTime == 0
              then 0
              else toRational $ 1 / intervalDiffTime
        in ( fromIntegral (thisDown - lastDown) * intervalRatio
           , fromIntegral (thisUp - lastUp) * intervalRatio

sumSpeeds :: [(Rational, Rational)] -> (Rational, Rational)
sumSpeeds = foldr1 sumOne
    sumOne (d1, u1) (d2, u2) = (d1 + d2, u1 + u2)