module AST.Unify.Apply
( applyBindings
) where
import AST
import AST.Class.Unify (Unify(..), UVarOf, BindingDict(..))
import AST.Unify.Lookup (semiPruneLookup)
import AST.Unify.Occurs (occursError)
import AST.Unify.QuantifiedVar (HasQuantifiedVar(..), MonadQuantify(..))
import AST.Unify.Term (UTerm(..), uBody)
import Control.Lens.Operators
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (runStateT, get, put)
import Data.Constraint (withDict)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Prelude.Compat
{-# INLINE applyBindings #-}
applyBindings ::
forall m t.
Unify m t =>
Tree (UVarOf m) t ->
m (Tree Pure t)
applyBindings v0 =
semiPruneLookup v0
\(v1, x) ->
let result r = r <$ bindVar binding v1 (UResolved r)
quantify c =
newQuantifiedVariable c <&> (&# (quantifiedVar #))
>>= result
case x of
UResolving t -> occursError v1 t
UResolved t -> pure t
UUnbound c -> quantify c
USkolem c -> quantify c
UTerm b ->
(r, anyChild) <-
withDict (unifyRecursive (Proxy @m) (Proxy @t)) $
( Proxy @(Unify m) #>
\c ->
get >>= lift . (`unless` bindVar binding v1 (UResolving b))
put True
applyBindings c & lift
) (b ^. uBody)
& (`runStateT` False)
_Pure # r & if anyChild then result else pure
UToVar{} -> error "lookup not expected to result in var"
UConverted{} -> error "conversion state not expected in applyBindings"
UInstantiated{} -> error "applyBindings during instantiation"