{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, DefaultSignatures, FlexibleInstances #-}

module AST.Class.Infer
    ( InferOf
    , Infer(..)
    , InferChild(..), _InferChild
    , InferredChild(..), inType, inRep
    ) where

import           AST
import           AST.Class.Unify
import           AST.Recurse
import           Control.Lens (makeLenses, makePrisms)
import qualified Control.Lens as Lens
import           Control.Lens.Operators
import           Data.Constraint (Dict(..), withDict)
import           Data.Functor.Sum.PolyKinds (Sum(..))
import           Data.Kind (Type)
import           Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))

import           Prelude.Compat

-- | @InferOf e@ is the inference result of @e@.
-- Most commonly it is an inferred type, using
-- > type instance InferOf MyTerm = ANode MyType
-- But it may also be other things, for example:
-- * An inferred value (for types inside terms)
-- * An inferred type together with a scope
type family InferOf (t :: Knot -> Type) :: Knot -> Type

type instance InferOf (Sum a b) = InferOf a

-- | A 'Knot' containing an inferred child node
data InferredChild v k t = InferredChild
    { _inRep :: !(k t)
        -- ^ Inferred node.
        -- An 'inferBody' implementation needs to place this value in the corresponding child node of the inferred term body
    , _inType :: !(Tree (InferOf (GetKnot t)) v)
        -- ^ The inference result for the child node.
        -- An 'inferBody' implementation may use it to perform unifications with it.
makeLenses ''InferredChild

-- | A 'Knot' containing an inference action.
-- The caller may modify the scope before invoking the action via
-- 'AST.Class.Infer.Env.localScopeType' or 'AST.Infer.ScopeLevel.localLevel'
newtype InferChild m k t =
    InferChild { inferChild :: m (InferredChild (UVarOf m) k t) }
makePrisms ''InferChild

-- | @Infer m t@ enables 'AST.Infer.infer' to perform type-inference for @t@ in the 'Monad' @m@.
-- The 'inferContext' method represents the following constraints on @t@:
-- * @KNodesConstraint (InferOf t) (Unify m)@ - The child nodes of the inferrence can unify in the @m@ 'Monad'
-- * @KNodesConstraint t (Infer m)@ - @Infer m@ is also available for child nodes
-- It replaces context for the 'Infer' class to avoid @UndecidableSuperClasses@.
-- Instances usually don't need to implement this method as the default implementation works for them,
-- but infinitely polymorphic trees such as 'AST.Term.NamelessScope.Scope' do need to implement the method,
-- because the required context is infinite.
class (Monad m, KFunctor t) => Infer m t where
    -- | Infer the body of an expression given the inference actions for its child nodes.
    inferBody ::
        Tree t (InferChild m k) ->
        m (Tree t k, Tree (InferOf t) (UVarOf m))

    -- TODO: Putting documentation here causes duplication in the haddock documentation
    inferContext ::
        Proxy m ->
        Proxy t ->
        Dict (KNodesConstraint t (Infer m), KNodesConstraint (InferOf t) (Unify m))
    {-# INLINE inferContext #-}
    default inferContext ::
        (KNodesConstraint t (Infer m), KNodesConstraint (InferOf t) (Unify m)) =>
        Proxy m ->
        Proxy t ->
        Dict (KNodesConstraint t (Infer m), KNodesConstraint (InferOf t) (Unify m))
    inferContext _ _ = Dict

instance Recursive (Infer m) where
    {-# INLINE recurse #-}
    recurse p =
        withDict (inferContext (p0 p) (p1 p)) Dict
            p0 :: Proxy (Infer m t) -> Proxy m
            p0 _ = Proxy
            p1 :: Proxy (Infer m t) -> Proxy t
            p1 _ = Proxy

instance (InferOf a ~ InferOf b, Infer m a, Infer m b) => Infer m (Sum a b) where
    {-# INLINE inferBody #-}
    inferBody (InL x) = inferBody x <&> Lens._1 %~ InL
    inferBody (InR x) = inferBody x <&> Lens._1 %~ InR

    {-# INLINE inferContext #-}
    inferContext p _ =
        withDict (inferContext p (Proxy @a)) $
        withDict (inferContext p (Proxy @b)) Dict