{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

{- | Parse 'Natural's from type-level 'Symbol's.

The type functions here may return errors. Use the provided and throw with
'TypeError', or wrap in your own error handling.


  * Oh dear. Oh dear. Oh dear. If I want to get proper working composition with
    meaningful errors, where the index pays attention to what we Drop... then I
    need to write a type-level parser monad. That's it. These parsers need to
    take in parser state (well, just character index is OK), and emit that state
    on success. Oh dear. Oh no.

module Data.Type.Symbol.Natural where

import Data.Type.Char.Digits
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Type.Bool ( type If )
import Data.Type.Equality ( type (==) )
import DeFun.Core ( type (~>), type App, type (@@) )
import Data.Type.Symbol ( type Length )

-- | Parse a 'Symbol' describing a  binary     (base  2) natural
--   to its 'Natural' value.
type ParseBinarySymbol  sym = ParseSymbolDigits  2 ParseBinaryDigitSym  sym

-- | Parse a 'Symbol' describing an octal      (base  8) natural
--   to its 'Natural' value.
type ParseOctalSymbol   sym = ParseSymbolDigits  8 ParseOctalDigitSym   sym

-- | Parse a 'Symbol' describing a  decimal    (base 10) natural
--   to its 'Natural' value.
type ParseDecimalSymbol sym = ParseSymbolDigits 10 ParseDecimalDigitSym sym

-- | Parse a 'Symbol' describing a hexadecimal (base 16) natural
--   to its 'Natural' value.
type ParseHexSymbol     sym = ParseSymbolDigits 16 ParseHexDigitSym     sym

type family PrettyE e where
    PrettyE 'EEmptySymbol = 'Text "empty symbol"
    PrettyE ('EBadDigit base ch idx) = PrettyEBadDigit base ch idx

type family MapLeftPrettyE e where
    MapLeftPrettyE ('Right a) = 'Right a
    MapLeftPrettyE ('Left  e) = 'Left (PrettyE e)

type family FromRightParseResult sym eab where
    FromRightParseResult _   ('Right a) = a
    FromRightParseResult sym ('Left  e) = TypeError
        (      'Text "error while parsing symbol: " :<>: 'Text sym
          :$$: PrettyE e

data E = EBadDigit Natural Char Natural | EEmptySymbol

type PrettyEBadDigit base ch idx =
         'Text "could not parse character as base "
    :<>: 'ShowType base :<>: 'Text " digit"
    :$$: 'ShowType ch :<>: 'Text " at index " :<>: 'ShowType idx

-- | Parse a symbol to a 'Natural' using the given base and digit parser.
type ParseSymbolDigits base tfDigitValue sym =
    If (Length sym == 0) ('Left 'EEmptySymbol)
        (WrapEBadDigit base
            (ParseSymbolDigits' base tfDigitValue ('Just 0) '\0' 0 (Length sym - 1) (UnconsSymbol sym)))

type family WrapEBadDigit base eab where
    WrapEBadDigit _    ('Right b) = 'Right b
    WrapEBadDigit base ('Left  '(ch, sym)) = 'Left ('EBadDigit base ch sym)

type ParseSymbolDigits'
    :: Natural                 {- ^ base -}
    -> (Char ~> Maybe Natural) {- ^ digit parser (defun symbol) -}
    -> Maybe Natural           {- ^ accumulator (Nothing means failure) -}
    -> Char                    {- ^ previous parsed character -}
    -> Natural                 {- ^ index in symbol -}
    -> Natural                 {- ^ current exponent -}
    -> Maybe (Char, Symbol)    {- ^ remaining symbol -}
    -> Either (Char, Natural) Natural
type family ParseSymbolDigits' base tfParseDigit mn prevCh idx expo mchsym where
    ParseSymbolDigits' base tfParseDigit ('Just n) prevCh idx expo 'Nothing =
        -- previous digit parsed, no more characters: all done
        'Right n
    -- note that the above will return 0 for empty symbols!
    -- we could add an equation for that... but it would be inefficient, since
    -- we only need to check once. instead, we handle that outside.
    ParseSymbolDigits' base tfParseDigit 'Nothing  prevCh idx expo mchsym =
        -- digit parse error: emit problematic 'Char' and its index
        -- the -1 is clumsy but the easiest way to achieve zero-indexing
        -- safe: we always start with 'Just, so if we get here we're at least 1
        'Left '(prevCh, idx-1)
    ParseSymbolDigits' base tfParseDigit ('Just n) prevCh idx expo ('Just '(ch, sym)) =
        -- previous digit parsed, characters remaining: parse next digit
        ParseSymbolDigits' base tfParseDigit
            (ParseSymbolDigits'Inc (base^expo) n (tfParseDigit @@ ch))
            ch (idx+1) (expo-1) (UnconsSymbol sym)

-- little helper for incrementing accumulator, or failing to 'Nothing'
type family ParseSymbolDigits'Inc mult n mDigit where
    ParseSymbolDigits'Inc mult n 'Nothing      = 'Nothing
    ParseSymbolDigits'Inc mult n ('Just digit) = 'Just (n + digit*mult)

type ParseBinaryDigitSym :: Char ~> Maybe Natural
data ParseBinaryDigitSym a
type instance App ParseBinaryDigitSym a = ParseBinaryDigit a

type ParseOctalDigitSym :: Char ~> Maybe Natural
data ParseOctalDigitSym a
type instance App ParseOctalDigitSym a = ParseOctalDigit a

type ParseDecimalDigitSym :: Char ~> Maybe Natural
data ParseDecimalDigitSym a
type instance App ParseDecimalDigitSym a = ParseDecimalDigit a

type ParseHexDigitSym :: Char ~> Maybe Natural
data ParseHexDigitSym a
type instance App ParseHexDigitSym a = ParseHexDigit a