{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}

-- |
-- Copyright   : Anders Claesson 2013
-- Maintainer  : Anders Claesson <anders.claesson@gmail.com>

module Sym.Perm.D8
    -- * The group elements
      r0, r1, r2, r3
    , s0, s1, s2, s3

    -- * D8, the klein four-group, and orbits
    , d8
    , klein4
    , orbit
    , symmetryClasses
    , d8Classes
    , klein4Classes

    -- * Aliases
    , rotate
    , complement
    , reverse
    , inverse
    ) where

import Prelude           hiding (reverse)
import Data.List         hiding (reverse)
import Sym.Internal.Util
import Sym.Perm
import Foreign           hiding (complement, rotate)
import Foreign.C.Types
import System.IO.Unsafe

-- The group elements
-- ------------------

-- | Ration by 0 degrees, i.e. the identity map.
r0 :: Perm -> Perm
r0 :: Perm -> Perm
r0 Perm
w = Perm

-- | Ration by 90 degrees clockwise.
r1 :: Perm -> Perm
r1 :: Perm -> Perm
r1 = Perm -> Perm
s2 (Perm -> Perm) -> (Perm -> Perm) -> Perm -> Perm
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Perm -> Perm

-- | Ration by 2*90 = 180 degrees clockwise.
r2 :: Perm -> Perm
r2 :: Perm -> Perm
r2 = Perm -> Perm
r1 (Perm -> Perm) -> (Perm -> Perm) -> Perm -> Perm
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Perm -> Perm

-- | Ration by 3*90 = 270 degrees clockwise.
r3 :: Perm -> Perm
r3 :: Perm -> Perm
r3 = Perm -> Perm
r2 (Perm -> Perm) -> (Perm -> Perm) -> Perm -> Perm
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Perm -> Perm

-- | Reflection through a horizontal axis (also called 'complement').
s0 :: Perm -> Perm
s0 :: Perm -> Perm
s0 = Perm -> Perm

-- | Reflection through a vertical axis (also called 'reverse').
s1 :: Perm -> Perm
s1 :: Perm -> Perm
s1 = Perm -> Perm

-- | Reflection through the main diagonal (also called 'inverse').
s2 :: Perm -> Perm
s2 :: Perm -> Perm
s2 = Perm -> Perm

-- | Reflection through the anti-diagonal.
s3 :: Perm -> Perm
s3 :: Perm -> Perm
s3 = Perm -> Perm
s1 (Perm -> Perm) -> (Perm -> Perm) -> Perm -> Perm
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Perm -> Perm

-- D8, the klein four-group, and orbits
-- ------------------------------------

-- | The dihedral group of order 8 (the symmetries of a square); that is,
-- > d8 = [r0, r1, r2, r3, s0, s1, s2, s3]
d8 :: [Perm -> Perm]
d8 :: [Perm -> Perm]
d8 = [Perm -> Perm
r0, Perm -> Perm
r1, Perm -> Perm
r2, Perm -> Perm
r3, Perm -> Perm
s0, Perm -> Perm
s1, Perm -> Perm
s2, Perm -> Perm

-- | The Klein four-group (the symmetries of a non-equilateral
-- rectangle); that is,
-- > klein4 = [r0, r2, s0, s1]
klein4 :: [Perm -> Perm]
klein4 :: [Perm -> Perm]
klein4 = [Perm -> Perm
r0, Perm -> Perm
r2, Perm -> Perm
s0, Perm -> Perm

-- | @orbit fs x@ is the orbit of @x@ under the /group/ of function @fs@. E.g.,
-- > orbit klein4 "2314" == ["1423","2314","3241","4132"]
orbit :: [Perm -> Perm] -> Perm -> [Perm]
orbit :: [Perm -> Perm] -> Perm -> [Perm]
orbit [Perm -> Perm]
fs Perm
x = [Perm] -> [Perm]
forall a. Ord a => [a] -> [a]
nubSort [ Perm -> Perm
f Perm
x | Perm -> Perm
f <- [Perm -> Perm]
fs ]

-- | @symmetryClasses fs xs@ is the list of equivalence classes under
-- the action of the /group/ of functions @fs@.
symmetryClasses :: [Perm -> Perm] -> [Perm] -> [[Perm]]
symmetryClasses :: [Perm -> Perm] -> [Perm] -> [[Perm]]
symmetryClasses [Perm -> Perm]
_  [] = []
symmetryClasses [Perm -> Perm]
fs xs :: [Perm]
xt) = [Perm] -> [[Perm]] -> [[Perm]]
forall a. Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
insert [Perm]
orb ([[Perm]] -> [[Perm]]) -> [[Perm]] -> [[Perm]]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Perm -> Perm] -> [Perm] -> [[Perm]]
symmetryClasses [Perm -> Perm]
fs [Perm]
      orb :: [Perm]
orb = [ Perm
w | Perm
w <- [Perm -> Perm] -> Perm -> [Perm]
orbit [Perm -> Perm]
fs Perm
x, Perm
w Perm -> [Perm] -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a -> Bool
`elem` [Perm]
xs ]
      ys :: [Perm]
ys  = [ Perm
y | Perm
y <- [Perm]
xt, Perm
y Perm -> [Perm] -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a -> Bool
`notElem` [Perm]
orb ]

-- | Symmetry classes with respect to D8.
d8Classes :: [Perm] -> [[Perm]]
d8Classes :: [Perm] -> [[Perm]]
d8Classes = [Perm -> Perm] -> [Perm] -> [[Perm]]
symmetryClasses [Perm -> Perm]

-- | Symmetry classes with respect to Klein4
klein4Classes :: [Perm] -> [[Perm]]
klein4Classes :: [Perm] -> [[Perm]]
klein4Classes = [Perm -> Perm] -> [Perm] -> [[Perm]]
symmetryClasses [Perm -> Perm]

-- Aliases
-- -------

marshal :: (Ptr CLong -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO ()) -> Perm -> Perm
marshal :: (Ptr CLong -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO ()) -> Perm -> Perm
marshal Ptr CLong -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO ()
op Perm
w =
    IO Perm -> Perm
forall a. IO a -> a
unsafePerformIO (IO Perm -> Perm)
-> ((Ptr CLong -> IO Perm) -> IO Perm)
-> (Ptr CLong -> IO Perm)
-> Perm
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Perm -> (Ptr CLong -> IO Perm) -> IO Perm
forall a. Perm -> (Ptr CLong -> IO a) -> IO a
unsafeWith Perm
w ((Ptr CLong -> IO Perm) -> Perm) -> (Ptr CLong -> IO Perm) -> Perm
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Ptr CLong
p -> do
      let n :: Int
n = Perm -> Int
forall a. Size a => a -> Int
size Perm
      Int -> (Ptr CLong -> IO ()) -> IO Perm
unsafeNew Int
n ((Ptr CLong -> IO ()) -> IO Perm)
-> (Ptr CLong -> IO ()) -> IO Perm
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Ptr CLong
q -> Ptr CLong -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO ()
op Ptr CLong
q Ptr CLong
p (Int -> CLong
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int
{-# INLINE marshal #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "d8.h inverse" c_inverse
    :: Ptr CLong -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO ()

-- | The group theoretical inverse: if @v = inverse u@ then
-- @v \`at\` (u \`at\` i) = i@.
inverse :: Perm -> Perm
inverse :: Perm -> Perm
inverse = (Ptr CLong -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO ()) -> Perm -> Perm
marshal Ptr CLong -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO ()
{-# INLINE inverse #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "d8.h reverse" c_reverse
    :: Ptr CLong -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO ()

-- | The reverse of the given permutation: if @v = reverse u@ then
-- @v \`at\` i = u \`at\` (n-1-i)@.
reverse :: Perm -> Perm
reverse :: Perm -> Perm
reverse = (Ptr CLong -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO ()) -> Perm -> Perm
marshal Ptr CLong -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO ()
{-# INLINE reverse #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "d8.h complement" c_complement
    :: Ptr CLong -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO ()

-- | The complement of the given permutation: if @v = complement u@ then
-- @v \`at\` i = n - 1 - u \`at\` i@.
complement :: Perm -> Perm
complement :: Perm -> Perm
complement = (Ptr CLong -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO ()) -> Perm -> Perm
marshal Ptr CLong -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO ()
{-# INLINE complement #-}

-- | @rotate = r1 = inverse . reverse@
rotate :: Perm -> Perm
rotate :: Perm -> Perm
rotate = Perm -> Perm