module Swish.GraphPartition
( PartitionedGraph(..), getArcs, getPartitions
, GraphPartition(..), node, toArcs
, partitionGraph, comparePartitions
, partitionShowP
import Swish.GraphClass (Label(..), Arc(..))
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(..), State)
import Control.Monad.State (evalState)
import Data.List (foldl', partition)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), (<|))
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
data PartitionedGraph lb = PartitionedGraph [GraphPartition lb]
deriving (Eq, Show)
getArcs :: PartitionedGraph lb -> [Arc lb]
getArcs (PartitionedGraph ps) = concatMap toArcs ps
getPartitions :: PartitionedGraph lb -> [GraphPartition lb]
getPartitions (PartitionedGraph ps) = ps
data GraphPartition lb
= PartObj lb
| PartSub lb (NonEmpty (lb,GraphPartition lb))
node :: GraphPartition lb -> lb
node (PartObj ob) = ob
node (PartSub sb _) = sb
toArcs :: GraphPartition lb -> [Arc lb]
toArcs (PartObj _) = []
toArcs (PartSub sb prs) = concatMap toArcs1 $ NE.toList prs
toArcs1 (pr,ob) = Arc sb pr (node ob) : toArcs ob
instance (Label lb) => Eq (GraphPartition lb) where
(PartObj o1) == (PartObj o2) = o1 == o2
(PartSub s1 p1) == (PartSub s2 p2) = s1 == s2 && p1 == p2
_ == _ = False
instance (Label lb) => Ord (GraphPartition lb) where
(PartSub s1 p1) `compare` (PartSub s2 p2) = (s1,p1) `compare` (s2,p2)
(PartObj o1) `compare` (PartObj o2) = o1 `compare` o2
(PartSub _ _) `compare` _ = LT
_ `compare` (PartSub _ _) = GT
instance (Label lb) => Show (GraphPartition lb) where
show = partitionShow
partitionShow :: (Label lb) => GraphPartition lb -> String
partitionShow (PartObj ob) = show ob
partitionShow (PartSub sb (pr :| prs)) =
"("++ show sb ++ " " ++ showpr pr ++ concatMap ((" ; "++).showpr) prs ++ ")"
showpr (a,b) = show a ++ " " ++ show b
partitionShowP ::
(Label lb) =>
-> GraphPartition lb
-> String
partitionShowP _ (PartObj ob) = show ob
partitionShowP pref (PartSub sb (pr :| prs)) =
pref++"("++ show sb ++ " " ++ showpr pr ++ concatMap (((pref++" ; ")++).showpr) prs ++ ")"
showpr (a,b) = show a ++ " " ++ partitionShowP (pref++" ") b
partitionGraph :: (Label lb) => [Arc lb] -> PartitionedGraph lb
partitionGraph [] = PartitionedGraph []
partitionGraph arcs =
makePartitions fixs topv1 intv1
(fixs,vars) = partition isNonVar $ collect arcSubj arcs
vars1 = collectMore arcObj arcs vars
(intv,topv) = partition objOnce vars1
intv1 = map stripObj intv
topv1 = map stripObj topv
isNonVar = not . labelIsVar . fst
objOnce = isSingle . snd . snd
isSingle [_] = True
isSingle _ = False
stripObj (k,(s,_)) = (k,s)
type LabelledArcs lb = (lb, NonEmpty (Arc lb))
type LabelledPartition lb = (lb, GraphPartition lb)
type MakePartitionState lb = ([LabelledArcs lb], [LabelledArcs lb], [LabelledArcs lb])
type PState lb = State (MakePartitionState lb)
makePartitions ::
(Eq lb) =>
[LabelledArcs lb]
-> [LabelledArcs lb]
-> [LabelledArcs lb]
-> PartitionedGraph lb
makePartitions fixs topv intv =
PartitionedGraph $ evalState (makePartitions1 []) (fixs,topv,intv)
makePartitions1 ::
(Eq lb) =>
[LabelledArcs lb]
-> PState lb [GraphPartition lb]
makePartitions1 [] = do
s <- pickNextSubject
if null s then return [] else makePartitions1 s
makePartitions1 (sub:subs) = do
ph <- makePartitions2 sub
pt <- makePartitions1 subs
return $ ph++pt
makePartitions2 ::
(Eq lb) =>
LabelledArcs lb
-> PState lb [GraphPartition lb]
makePartitions2 subs = do
(part,moresubs) <- makeStatements subs
moreparts <- if null moresubs
then return []
else makePartitions1 moresubs
return $ part:moreparts
makeStatements ::
(Eq lb) =>
LabelledArcs lb
-> PState lb (GraphPartition lb, [LabelledArcs lb])
makeStatements (sub,stmts) = do
propmore <- mapM makeStatement (NE.toList stmts)
let (props,moresubs) = unzip propmore
return (PartSub sub (NE.fromList props), concat moresubs)
makeStatement ::
(Eq lb) =>
Arc lb
-> PState lb (LabelledPartition lb, [LabelledArcs lb])
makeStatement (Arc _ prop obj) = do
intobj <- pickIntSubject obj
(gpobj, moresubs) <- if null intobj
then do
ms <- pickVarSubject obj
return (PartObj obj,ms)
else makeStatements (head intobj)
return ((prop,gpobj), moresubs)
pickNextSubject :: PState lb [LabelledArcs lb]
pickNextSubject = do
(a1,a2,a3) <- get
let (s,st) = case (a1,a2,a3) of
(s1h:s1t,s2,s3) -> ([s1h],(s1t,s2,s3))
([],s2h:s2t,s3) -> ([s2h],([],s2t,s3))
([],[],s3h:s3t) -> ([s3h],([],[],s3t))
([],[],[]) -> ([] ,([],[],[] ))
put st
return s
pickIntSubject :: (Eq lb) =>
-> PState lb [LabelledArcs lb]
pickIntSubject sub = do
(s1,s2,s3) <- get
let varsub = removeBy (\x->(x==).fst) sub s3
case varsub of
Just (vs, s3new) -> put (s1,s2,s3new) >> return [vs]
Nothing -> return []
pickVarSubject ::
(Eq lb) =>
lb ->
PState lb [LabelledArcs lb]
pickVarSubject sub = do
(s1,s2,s3) <- get
let varsub = removeBy (\x->(x==).fst) sub s2
case varsub of
Just (vs, s2new) -> put (s1,s2new,s3) >> return [vs]
_ -> return []
comparePartitions :: (Label lb) =>
PartitionedGraph lb
-> PartitionedGraph lb
-> [(Maybe (GraphPartition lb), Maybe (GraphPartition lb))]
comparePartitions (PartitionedGraph gp1) (PartitionedGraph gp2) =
comparePartitions1 (reverse gp1) (reverse gp2)
comparePartitions1 :: (Label lb) =>
[GraphPartition lb]
-> [GraphPartition lb]
-> [(Maybe (GraphPartition lb),Maybe (GraphPartition lb))]
comparePartitions1 pg1 pg2 =
ds ++ [ (Just r1p,Nothing) | r1p<-r1 ]
++ [ (Nothing,Just r2p) | r2p<-r2 ]
(ds,r1,r2) = listDifferences comparePartitions2 pg1 pg2
comparePartitions2 :: (Label lb) =>
GraphPartition lb
-> GraphPartition lb
-> Maybe [(Maybe (GraphPartition lb), Maybe (GraphPartition lb))]
comparePartitions2 (PartObj l1) (PartObj l2) =
if matchNodes l1 l2 then Just [] else Nothing
comparePartitions2 pg1@(PartSub l1 p1s) pg2@(PartSub l2 p2s) =
if match then comp1 else Nothing
comp1 = case comparePartitions3 l1 l2 p1s p2s of
Nothing -> if matchVar then Nothing
else Just [(Just pg1,Just pg2)]
Just [] -> Just []
Just ps -> Just ps
matchVar = labelIsVar l1 && labelIsVar l2
match = matchVar || l1 == l2
comparePartitions2 pg1 pg2 =
if not (labelIsVar l1) && l1 == l2
then Just [(Just pg1,Just pg2)]
else Nothing
l1 = node pg1
l2 = node pg2
comparePartitions3 :: (Label lb) =>
-> lb
-> NonEmpty (LabelledPartition lb)
-> NonEmpty (LabelledPartition lb)
-> Maybe [(Maybe (GraphPartition lb),Maybe (GraphPartition lb))]
comparePartitions3 l1 l2 s1s s2s = Just $
ds ++ [ (Just (PartSub l1 (r1p :| [])),Nothing) | r1p<-r1 ]
++ [ (Nothing,Just (PartSub l2 (r2p :| []))) | r2p<-r2 ]
(ds,r1,r2) = listDifferences
(comparePartitions4 l1 l2)
(NE.toList s1s)
(NE.toList s2s)
comparePartitions4 :: (Label lb) =>
-> lb
-> LabelledPartition lb
-> LabelledPartition lb
-> Maybe [(Maybe (GraphPartition lb),Maybe (GraphPartition lb))]
comparePartitions4 _ _ (p1,o1) (p2,o2) =
if matchNodes p1 p2 then comp1 else Nothing
comp1 = case comparePartitions2 o1 o2 of
Nothing -> Just [(Just o1,Just o2)]
ds -> ds
matchNodes :: (Label lb) => lb -> lb -> Bool
matchNodes l1 l2
| labelIsVar l1 = labelIsVar l2
| otherwise = l1 == l2
collect :: (Eq b) => (a->b) -> [a] -> [(b, NonEmpty a)]
collect = collectBy (==)
collectBy :: (b->b->Bool) -> (a->b) -> [a] -> [(b, NonEmpty a)]
collectBy cmp sel = map reverseCollection . collectBy1 cmp sel []
collectBy1 :: (b->b->Bool) -> (a->b) -> [(b, NonEmpty a)] -> [a] -> [(b, NonEmpty a)]
collectBy1 _ _ sofar [] = sofar
collectBy1 cmp sel sofar (a:as) =
collectBy1 cmp sel (collectBy2 cmp sel a sofar) as
collectBy2 :: (b->b->Bool) -> (a->b) -> a -> [(b, NonEmpty a)] -> [(b, NonEmpty a)]
collectBy2 _ sel a [] = [(sel a, a :| [])]
collectBy2 cmp sel a (col@(k,as) : cols)
| cmp ka k = (k, a <| as) : cols
| otherwise = col : collectBy2 cmp sel a cols
ka = sel a
reverseCollection :: (b, NonEmpty a) -> (b, NonEmpty a)
reverseCollection (k,as) = (k, NE.reverse as)
collectMore :: (Eq b) => (a->b) -> [a] -> [(b,c)] -> [(b,(c,[a]))]
collectMore = collectMoreBy (==)
collectMoreBy ::
(b->b->Bool) -> (a->b) -> [a] -> [(b,c)] -> [(b,(c,[a]))]
collectMoreBy cmp sel as cols =
map reverseMoreCollection $
collectMoreBy1 cmp sel as (map (\ (b,cs) -> (b,(cs,[])) ) cols)
collectMoreBy1 ::
(b->b->Bool) -> (a->b) -> [a] -> [(b,(c,[a]))] -> [(b,(c,[a]))]
collectMoreBy1 _ _ [] cols = cols
collectMoreBy1 cmp sel (a:as) cols =
collectMoreBy1 cmp sel as (collectMoreBy2 cmp sel a cols)
collectMoreBy2 ::
(b->b->Bool) -> (a->b) -> a -> [(b,(c,[a]))] -> [(b,(c,[a]))]
collectMoreBy2 _ _ _ [] = []
collectMoreBy2 cmp sel a (col@(k,(b,as)):cols)
| cmp (sel a) k = (k,(b, a:as)):cols
| otherwise = col:collectMoreBy2 cmp sel a cols
reverseMoreCollection :: (b,(c,[a])) -> (b,(c,[a]))
reverseMoreCollection (k,(c,as)) = (k,(c,reverse as))
removeBy :: (b->a->Bool) -> b -> [a] -> Maybe (a,[a])
removeBy cmp a0 as = removeBy1 cmp a0 as []
removeBy1 :: (b->a->Bool) -> b -> [a] -> [a] -> Maybe (a,[a])
removeBy1 _ _ [] _ = Nothing
removeBy1 cmp a0 (a:as) sofar
| cmp a0 a = Just (a,reverseTo sofar as)
| otherwise = removeBy1 cmp a0 as (a:sofar)
reverseTo :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
reverseTo front back = foldl' (flip (:)) back front
removeEach :: [a] -> [(a,[a])]
removeEach [] = []
removeEach (a:as) = (a,as):[ (a1,a:a1s) | (a1,a1s) <- removeEach as ]
listDifferences :: (a->a->Maybe [d]) -> [a] -> [a] -> ([d],[a],[a])
listDifferences _ [] a2s = ([],[],a2s)
listDifferences cmp (a1:a1t) a2s =
case mcomp of
Nothing -> morediffs [] [a1] a1t a2s
Just (ds,a2t) -> morediffs ds [] a1t a2t
mcomp = choose $ mapMaybe maybeResult comps
comps = [ (cmp a1 a2,a2t) | (a2,a2t) <- removeEach a2s ]
maybeResult (Nothing,_) = Nothing
maybeResult (Just ds,a2t) = Just (ds,a2t)
morediffs xds xa1h xa1t xa2t = (xds++xds1,xa1h++xa1r,xa2r)
(xds1,xa1r,xa2r) = listDifferences cmp xa1t xa2t
choose [] = Nothing
choose ds@(d:_) = choose1 d ds
choose1 _ (d@([],_):_) = Just d
choose1 d [] = Just d
choose1 d (_:ds) = choose1 d ds