strict-stm- Strict STM interface polymorphic over stm implementation.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module corresponds to STM in "stm" package



throwSTM :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) e a. (MonadSTM m, MonadThrow (STM m), Exception e) => e -> STM m a #

throwIO specialised to stm monad.

type family STM (m :: Type -> Type) = (stm :: Type -> Type) | stm -> m #

The STM monad.


Instances details
type STM IO 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Class.MonadSTM.Internal

type STM IO = STM
type STM (ReaderT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Class.MonadSTM.Internal

type STM (ReaderT r m) = ReaderT r (STM m)

class (Monad m, Monad (STM m)) => MonadSTM (m :: Type -> Type) where #

The STM primitives parametrised by a monad m.

Associated Types

type STM (m :: Type -> Type) = (stm :: Type -> Type) | stm -> m #

The STM monad.


atomically :: HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a #

Atomically run an STM computation.

See atomically.

retry :: STM m a #

See retry.

orElse :: STM m a -> STM m a -> STM m a #

See orElse.

check :: Bool -> STM m () #

See check.


Instances details
MonadSTM IO 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Class.MonadSTM.Internal

Associated Types

type STM IO = (stm :: Type -> Type) #

type TVar IO :: Type -> Type #

type TMVar IO :: Type -> Type #

type TQueue IO :: Type -> Type #

type TBQueue IO :: Type -> Type #

type TArray IO :: Type -> Type -> Type #

type TSem IO #

type TChan IO :: Type -> Type #


atomically :: HasCallStack => STM IO a -> IO a #

newTVar :: a -> STM IO (TVar IO a) #

readTVar :: TVar IO a -> STM IO a #

writeTVar :: TVar IO a -> a -> STM IO () #

retry :: STM IO a #

orElse :: STM IO a -> STM IO a -> STM IO a #

modifyTVar :: TVar IO a -> (a -> a) -> STM IO () #

modifyTVar' :: TVar IO a -> (a -> a) -> STM IO () #

stateTVar :: TVar IO s -> (s -> (a, s)) -> STM IO a #

swapTVar :: TVar IO a -> a -> STM IO a #

check :: Bool -> STM IO () #

newTMVar :: a -> STM IO (TMVar IO a) #

newEmptyTMVar :: STM IO (TMVar IO a) #

takeTMVar :: TMVar IO a -> STM IO a #

tryTakeTMVar :: TMVar IO a -> STM IO (Maybe a) #

putTMVar :: TMVar IO a -> a -> STM IO () #

tryPutTMVar :: TMVar IO a -> a -> STM IO Bool #

readTMVar :: TMVar IO a -> STM IO a #

tryReadTMVar :: TMVar IO a -> STM IO (Maybe a) #

swapTMVar :: TMVar IO a -> a -> STM IO a #

isEmptyTMVar :: TMVar IO a -> STM IO Bool #

newTQueue :: STM IO (TQueue IO a) #

readTQueue :: TQueue IO a -> STM IO a #

tryReadTQueue :: TQueue IO a -> STM IO (Maybe a) #

peekTQueue :: TQueue IO a -> STM IO a #

tryPeekTQueue :: TQueue IO a -> STM IO (Maybe a) #

flushTQueue :: TQueue IO a -> STM IO [a] #

writeTQueue :: TQueue IO a -> a -> STM IO () #

isEmptyTQueue :: TQueue IO a -> STM IO Bool #

unGetTQueue :: TQueue IO a -> a -> STM IO () #

newTBQueue :: Natural -> STM IO (TBQueue IO a) #

readTBQueue :: TBQueue IO a -> STM IO a #

tryReadTBQueue :: TBQueue IO a -> STM IO (Maybe a) #

peekTBQueue :: TBQueue IO a -> STM IO a #

tryPeekTBQueue :: TBQueue IO a -> STM IO (Maybe a) #

flushTBQueue :: TBQueue IO a -> STM IO [a] #

writeTBQueue :: TBQueue IO a -> a -> STM IO () #

lengthTBQueue :: TBQueue IO a -> STM IO Natural #

isEmptyTBQueue :: TBQueue IO a -> STM IO Bool #

isFullTBQueue :: TBQueue IO a -> STM IO Bool #

unGetTBQueue :: TBQueue IO a -> a -> STM IO () #

newTSem :: Integer -> STM IO (TSem IO) #

waitTSem :: TSem IO -> STM IO () #

signalTSem :: TSem IO -> STM IO () #

signalTSemN :: Natural -> TSem IO -> STM IO () #

newTChan :: STM IO (TChan IO a) #

newBroadcastTChan :: STM IO (TChan IO a) #

dupTChan :: TChan IO a -> STM IO (TChan IO a) #

cloneTChan :: TChan IO a -> STM IO (TChan IO a) #

readTChan :: TChan IO a -> STM IO a #

tryReadTChan :: TChan IO a -> STM IO (Maybe a) #

peekTChan :: TChan IO a -> STM IO a #

tryPeekTChan :: TChan IO a -> STM IO (Maybe a) #

writeTChan :: TChan IO a -> a -> STM IO () #

unGetTChan :: TChan IO a -> a -> STM IO () #

isEmptyTChan :: TChan IO a -> STM IO Bool #

newTVarIO :: a -> IO (TVar IO a) #

readTVarIO :: TVar IO a -> IO a #

newTMVarIO :: a -> IO (TMVar IO a) #

newEmptyTMVarIO :: IO (TMVar IO a) #

newTQueueIO :: IO (TQueue IO a) #

newTBQueueIO :: Natural -> IO (TBQueue IO a) #

newTChanIO :: IO (TChan IO a) #

newBroadcastTChanIO :: IO (TChan IO a) #

MonadSTM m => MonadSTM (ReaderT r m)

The underlying stm monad is also transformed.

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Class.MonadSTM.Internal

Associated Types

type STM (ReaderT r m) = (stm :: Type -> Type) #

type TVar (ReaderT r m) :: Type -> Type #

type TMVar (ReaderT r m) :: Type -> Type #

type TQueue (ReaderT r m) :: Type -> Type #

type TBQueue (ReaderT r m) :: Type -> Type #

type TArray (ReaderT r m) :: Type -> Type -> Type #

type TSem (ReaderT r m) #

type TChan (ReaderT r m) :: Type -> Type #


atomically :: HasCallStack => STM (ReaderT r m) a -> ReaderT r m a #

newTVar :: a -> STM (ReaderT r m) (TVar (ReaderT r m) a) #

readTVar :: TVar (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) a #

writeTVar :: TVar (ReaderT r m) a -> a -> STM (ReaderT r m) () #

retry :: STM (ReaderT r m) a #

orElse :: STM (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) a #

modifyTVar :: TVar (ReaderT r m) a -> (a -> a) -> STM (ReaderT r m) () #

modifyTVar' :: TVar (ReaderT r m) a -> (a -> a) -> STM (ReaderT r m) () #

stateTVar :: TVar (ReaderT r m) s -> (s -> (a, s)) -> STM (ReaderT r m) a #

swapTVar :: TVar (ReaderT r m) a -> a -> STM (ReaderT r m) a #

check :: Bool -> STM (ReaderT r m) () #

newTMVar :: a -> STM (ReaderT r m) (TMVar (ReaderT r m) a) #

newEmptyTMVar :: STM (ReaderT r m) (TMVar (ReaderT r m) a) #

takeTMVar :: TMVar (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) a #

tryTakeTMVar :: TMVar (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) (Maybe a) #

putTMVar :: TMVar (ReaderT r m) a -> a -> STM (ReaderT r m) () #

tryPutTMVar :: TMVar (ReaderT r m) a -> a -> STM (ReaderT r m) Bool #

readTMVar :: TMVar (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) a #

tryReadTMVar :: TMVar (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) (Maybe a) #

swapTMVar :: TMVar (ReaderT r m) a -> a -> STM (ReaderT r m) a #

isEmptyTMVar :: TMVar (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) Bool #

newTQueue :: STM (ReaderT r m) (TQueue (ReaderT r m) a) #

readTQueue :: TQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) a #

tryReadTQueue :: TQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) (Maybe a) #

peekTQueue :: TQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) a #

tryPeekTQueue :: TQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) (Maybe a) #

flushTQueue :: TQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) [a] #

writeTQueue :: TQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> a -> STM (ReaderT r m) () #

isEmptyTQueue :: TQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) Bool #

unGetTQueue :: TQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> a -> STM (ReaderT r m) () #

newTBQueue :: Natural -> STM (ReaderT r m) (TBQueue (ReaderT r m) a) #

readTBQueue :: TBQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) a #

tryReadTBQueue :: TBQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) (Maybe a) #

peekTBQueue :: TBQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) a #

tryPeekTBQueue :: TBQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) (Maybe a) #

flushTBQueue :: TBQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) [a] #

writeTBQueue :: TBQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> a -> STM (ReaderT r m) () #

lengthTBQueue :: TBQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) Natural #

isEmptyTBQueue :: TBQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) Bool #

isFullTBQueue :: TBQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) Bool #

unGetTBQueue :: TBQueue (ReaderT r m) a -> a -> STM (ReaderT r m) () #

newTSem :: Integer -> STM (ReaderT r m) (TSem (ReaderT r m)) #

waitTSem :: TSem (ReaderT r m) -> STM (ReaderT r m) () #

signalTSem :: TSem (ReaderT r m) -> STM (ReaderT r m) () #

signalTSemN :: Natural -> TSem (ReaderT r m) -> STM (ReaderT r m) () #

newTChan :: STM (ReaderT r m) (TChan (ReaderT r m) a) #

newBroadcastTChan :: STM (ReaderT r m) (TChan (ReaderT r m) a) #

dupTChan :: TChan (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) (TChan (ReaderT r m) a) #

cloneTChan :: TChan (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) (TChan (ReaderT r m) a) #

readTChan :: TChan (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) a #

tryReadTChan :: TChan (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) (Maybe a) #

peekTChan :: TChan (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) a #

tryPeekTChan :: TChan (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) (Maybe a) #

writeTChan :: TChan (ReaderT r m) a -> a -> STM (ReaderT r m) () #

unGetTChan :: TChan (ReaderT r m) a -> a -> STM (ReaderT r m) () #

isEmptyTChan :: TChan (ReaderT r m) a -> STM (ReaderT r m) Bool #

newTVarIO :: a -> ReaderT r m (TVar (ReaderT r m) a) #

readTVarIO :: TVar (ReaderT r m) a -> ReaderT r m a #

newTMVarIO :: a -> ReaderT r m (TMVar (ReaderT r m) a) #

newEmptyTMVarIO :: ReaderT r m (TMVar (ReaderT r m) a) #

newTQueueIO :: ReaderT r m (TQueue (ReaderT r m) a) #

newTBQueueIO :: Natural -> ReaderT r m (TBQueue (ReaderT r m) a) #

newTChanIO :: ReaderT r m (TChan (ReaderT r m) a) #

newBroadcastTChanIO :: ReaderT r m (TChan (ReaderT r m) a) #

class MonadSTM m => MonadLabelledSTM (m :: Type -> Type) #

Labelled TVars & friends.

The IO instances is no-op, the IOSim instance enhances simulation trace. This is very useful when analysing low lever concurrency issues (e.g. deadlocks, livelocks etc).

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
MonadLabelledSTM IO

noop instance

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Class.MonadSTM.Internal


labelTVar :: TVar IO a -> String -> STM IO () #

labelTMVar :: TMVar IO a -> String -> STM IO () #

labelTQueue :: TQueue IO a -> String -> STM IO () #

labelTBQueue :: TBQueue IO a -> String -> STM IO () #

labelTArray :: (Ix i, Show i) => TArray IO i e -> String -> STM IO () #

labelTSem :: TSem IO -> String -> STM IO () #

labelTChan :: TChan IO a -> String -> STM IO () #

labelTVarIO :: TVar IO a -> String -> IO () #

labelTMVarIO :: TMVar IO a -> String -> IO () #

labelTQueueIO :: TQueue IO a -> String -> IO () #

labelTBQueueIO :: TBQueue IO a -> String -> IO () #

labelTArrayIO :: (Ix i, Show i) => TArray IO i e -> String -> IO () #

labelTSemIO :: TSem IO -> String -> IO () #

labelTChanIO :: TChan IO a -> String -> IO () #

type family InspectMonad (m :: Type -> Type) :: Type -> Type #


Instances details
type InspectMonad IO 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Class.MonadSTM.Internal

class (MonadSTM m, Monad (InspectMonad m)) => MonadInspectSTM (m :: Type -> Type) where #

This type class is indented for 'io-sim', where one might want to access a TVar in the underlying ST monad.

Associated Types

type InspectMonad (m :: Type -> Type) :: Type -> Type #


inspectTVar :: proxy m -> TVar m a -> InspectMonad m a #

Return the value of a TVar as an InspectMonad computation.

inspectTVar is useful if the value of a TVar observed by traceTVar contains other TVars.

inspectTMVar :: proxy m -> TMVar m a -> InspectMonad m (Maybe a) #

Return the value of a MonadSTM as an InspectMonad computation.


Instances details
MonadInspectSTM IO 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Class.MonadSTM.Internal

Associated Types

type InspectMonad IO :: Type -> Type #


inspectTVar :: proxy IO -> TVar IO a -> InspectMonad IO a #

inspectTMVar :: proxy IO -> TMVar IO a -> InspectMonad IO (Maybe a) #

data TraceValue where #

A GADT which instructs how to trace the value. The traceDynamic will use dynamic tracing, e.g. "Control.Monad.IOSim.traceM"; while traceString will be traced with EventSay. The IOSims dynamic tracing allows to recover the value from the simulation trace (see "Control.Monad.IOSim.selectTraceEventsDynamic").




Bundled Patterns

pattern TraceDynamic :: () => Typeable tr => tr -> TraceValue

Use only a dynamic tracer.

pattern TraceString :: String -> TraceValue

Use only string tracing.

pattern DontTrace :: TraceValue

Do not trace the value.

class MonadInspectSTM m => MonadTraceSTM (m :: Type -> Type) where #

MonadTraceSTM allows to trace values of stm variables when stm transaction is committed. This allows to verify invariants when a variable is committed.

Minimal complete definition

traceTVar, traceTQueue, traceTBQueue


traceTSem :: proxy m -> TSem m -> (Maybe Integer -> Integer -> InspectMonad m TraceValue) -> STM m () #

traceTSemIO :: TSem m -> (Maybe Integer -> Integer -> InspectMonad m TraceValue) -> m () #


Instances details
MonadTraceSTM IO

noop instance

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Class.MonadSTM.Internal


traceTVar :: proxy IO -> TVar IO a -> (Maybe a -> a -> InspectMonad IO TraceValue) -> STM IO () #

traceTMVar :: proxy IO -> TMVar IO a -> (Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a -> InspectMonad IO TraceValue) -> STM IO () #

traceTQueue :: proxy IO -> TQueue IO a -> (Maybe [a] -> [a] -> InspectMonad IO TraceValue) -> STM IO () #

traceTBQueue :: proxy IO -> TBQueue IO a -> (Maybe [a] -> [a] -> InspectMonad IO TraceValue) -> STM IO () #

traceTSem :: proxy IO -> TSem IO -> (Maybe Integer -> Integer -> InspectMonad IO TraceValue) -> STM IO () #

traceTVarIO :: TVar IO a -> (Maybe a -> a -> InspectMonad IO TraceValue) -> IO () #

traceTMVarIO :: TMVar IO a -> (Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a -> InspectMonad IO TraceValue) -> IO () #

traceTQueueIO :: TQueue IO a -> (Maybe [a] -> [a] -> InspectMonad IO TraceValue) -> IO () #

traceTBQueueIO :: TBQueue IO a -> (Maybe [a] -> [a] -> InspectMonad IO TraceValue) -> IO () #

traceTSemIO :: TSem IO -> (Maybe Integer -> Integer -> InspectMonad IO TraceValue) -> IO () #

data StrictTArray m i e Source #


Instances details
(MArray (TArray m) e stm, Monad stm) => MArray (StrictTArray m) e stm Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Concurrent.Class.MonadSTM.Strict.TArray


getBounds :: Ix i => StrictTArray m i e -> stm (i, i) #

getNumElements :: Ix i => StrictTArray m i e -> stm Int

newArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> e -> stm (StrictTArray m i e) #

newArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> stm (StrictTArray m i e) #

unsafeNewArray_ :: Ix i => (i, i) -> stm (StrictTArray m i e)

unsafeRead :: Ix i => StrictTArray m i e -> Int -> stm e

unsafeWrite :: Ix i => StrictTArray m i e -> Int -> e -> stm ()

traceTBQueue :: MonadTraceSTM m => proxy m -> StrictTBQueue m a -> (Maybe [a] -> [a] -> InspectMonad m TraceValue) -> STM m () Source #

writeTBQueue :: MonadSTM m => StrictTBQueue m a -> a -> STM m () Source #

unGetTBQueue :: MonadSTM m => StrictTBQueue m a -> a -> STM m () Source #

type LazyTChan m = TChan m Source #

writeTChan :: MonadSTM m => StrictTChan m a -> a -> STM m () Source #

unGetTChan :: MonadSTM m => StrictTChan m a -> a -> STM m () Source #

data StrictTMVar m a Source #

TMVar that keeps its value in WHNF at all times

Does not support an invariant: if the invariant would not be satisfied, we would not be able to put a value into an empty TMVar, which would lead to very hard to debug bugs where code is blocked indefinitely.

type LazyTMVar m = TMVar m Source #

traceTMVar :: MonadTraceSTM m => proxy m -> StrictTMVar m a -> (Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a -> InspectMonad m TraceValue) -> STM m () Source #

newTMVar :: MonadSTM m => a -> STM m (StrictTMVar m a) Source #

newTMVarIO :: MonadSTM m => a -> m (StrictTMVar m a) Source #

putTMVar :: MonadSTM m => StrictTMVar m a -> a -> STM m () Source #

swapTMVar :: MonadSTM m => StrictTMVar m a -> a -> STM m a Source #

traceTQueue :: MonadTraceSTM m => proxy m -> StrictTQueue m a -> (Maybe [a] -> [a] -> InspectMonad m TraceValue) -> STM m () Source #

traceTQueueIO :: MonadTraceSTM m => StrictTQueue m a -> (Maybe [a] -> [a] -> InspectMonad m TraceValue) -> m () Source #

writeTQueue :: MonadSTM m => StrictTQueue m a -> a -> STM m () Source #

unGetTQueue :: MonadSTM m => StrictTQueue m a -> a -> STM m () Source #

type LazyTVar m = TVar m Source #

traceTVar :: MonadTraceSTM m => proxy m -> StrictTVar m a -> (Maybe a -> a -> InspectMonad m TraceValue) -> STM m () Source #

toLazyTVar :: StrictTVar m a -> LazyTVar m a Source #

Get the underlying TVar

Since we obviously cannot guarantee that updates to this LazyTVar will be strict, this should be used with caution.

newTVar :: MonadSTM m => a -> STM m (StrictTVar m a) Source #

newTVarIO :: MonadSTM m => a -> m (StrictTVar m a) Source #

newTVarWithInvariant Source #


:: (MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) 
=> (a -> Maybe String)

Invariant (expect Nothing)

-> a 
-> STM m (StrictTVar m a) 

newTVarWithInvariantIO Source #


:: (MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) 
=> (a -> Maybe String)

Invariant (expect Nothing)

-> a 
-> m (StrictTVar m a) 

readTVar :: MonadSTM m => StrictTVar m a -> STM m a Source #

writeTVar :: (MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) => StrictTVar m a -> a -> STM m () Source #

modifyTVar :: MonadSTM m => StrictTVar m a -> (a -> a) -> STM m () Source #

stateTVar :: MonadSTM m => StrictTVar m s -> (s -> (a, s)) -> STM m a Source #

swapTVar :: MonadSTM m => StrictTVar m a -> a -> STM m a Source #

checkInvariant :: HasCallStack => Maybe String -> a -> a Source #

Check invariant (if enabled) before continuing

checkInvariant mErr x is equal to x if mErr == Nothing, and throws an error err if mErr == Just err.

This is exported so that other code that wants to conditionally check invariants can reuse the same logic, rather than having to introduce new per-package flags.