{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}

{-# LANGUAGE Safe              #-}

#ifndef MIN_VERSION_transformers
#define MIN_VERSION_transformers(x,y,z) 0

#ifndef MIN_VERSION_transformers_compat
#define MIN_VERSION_transformers_compat(x,y,z) 0

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)

#elif MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,5,0)

#elif MIN_VERSION_transformers_compat(0,5,0) && !MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0)

module Data.Function.Step.Discrete.Open (
    -- * Step Function
    -- $setup
    SF (..),
    -- * Construction
    -- * Normalisation
    -- * Operators
    -- * Conversions
    -- * Debug
    ) where

import Control.Applicative  (liftA2)
import Control.DeepSeq      (NFData (..))
import Control.Monad        (ap)
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.List            (intercalate)
import Data.Map             (Map)
import Data.Maybe           (mapMaybe)
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

import Text.Show (showListWith)

import qualified Data.Function.Step as SF
import qualified Data.Map           as Map
import qualified Test.QuickCheck    as QC

-- | Step function. Piecewise constant function, having finitely many pieces.
-- See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Step_function>.
-- /Note:/ this variant has discrete domain.
-- It's enough to have only @<@$, without @≤@, as there is a /next/ element
-- without any others in between.
-- @'SF' (fromList [(k1, v1), (k2, v2)]) v3 :: 'SF' k v@ describes a piecewise constant function \(f : k \to v\):
-- \[
-- f\,x = \begin{cases}
-- v_1, \quad x < k_1 \newline
-- v_2, \quad k_1 \le x < k_2 \newline
-- v_3, \quad k_2 \le x
-- \end{cases}
-- \]
-- or as you would write in Haskell
-- @
-- f x | x < k1    = v1
--     | x < k2    = v2
--     | otherwise = v3
-- @
-- Constructor is exposed as you cannot construct non-valid 'SF'.
data SF k v = SF !(Map k v) !v
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

-- Instances

-- | 'pure' is a constant function.
instance Ord k => Applicative (SF k) where
    pure  = constant
    (<*>) = ap

instance Ord k => Monad (SF k) where
    return = pure

    SF m def0 >>= f = SF
        (Map.fromDistinctAscList $ mkDistinctAscList $ pieces ++ pieces1)
        pieces =
            [ (min k k', v')
            | (k, v) <- Map.toList m
            , let SF m' def = f v
            , (k', v') <- Map.toList m' ++ [(k, def)]
        (pieces1, def1) = let SF m' def = f def0 in (Map.toList m', def)

-- | Piecewise '<>'.
-- >>> putSF $ step 0 "a" "b" <> step 1 "c" "d"
-- \x -> if
--     | x < 0     -> "ac"
--     | x < 1     -> "bc"
--     | otherwise -> "bd"
instance (Ord k, Semigroup v) => Semigroup (SF k v) where
    (<>) = liftA2 (<>)

instance (Ord k, Monoid v) => Monoid (SF k v) where
    mempty = pure mempty
    mappend = liftA2 mappend

instance (Ord k, QC.Arbitrary k, QC.Arbitrary v) => QC.Arbitrary (SF k v) where
    arbitrary = fromList <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary
    shrink (SF m v) = uncurry fromList <$> QC.shrink (Map.toList m, v)

instance (NFData k, NFData v) => NFData (SF k v) where
    rnf (SF m v) = rnf (m, v)

-- Show

instance Show2 SF where
    liftShowsPrec2 spk slk spv slv d (SF m v) = showsBinaryWith
        (\_ -> showListWith $ liftShowsPrec2 spk slk spv slv 0)
        "fromList" d (Map.toList m) v

instance Show k => Show1 (SF k) where
    liftShowsPrec = liftShowsPrec2 showsPrec showList

instance (Show k, Show v) => Show (SF k v) where
    showsPrec = showsPrec2


instance (Show k, Show v) => Show (SF k v) where
    showsPrec d (SF m v) = showParen (d > 10)
        $ showString "fromList"
        . showsPrec 11 (Map.toList m)
        . showChar ' '
        . showsPrec 11 v

instance Show k => Show1 (SF k) where showsPrec1 = showsPrec


-- Helpers

mkDistinctAscList :: Ord k => [(k, b)] -> [(k, b)]
mkDistinctAscList []            = []
mkDistinctAscList ((k, v) : kv) = (k, v) : mkDistinctAscList' k kv

mkDistinctAscList' :: Ord k => k -> [(k, b)] -> [(k, b)]
mkDistinctAscList' _ [] = []
mkDistinctAscList' k (p@(k', _) : kv)
    | k < k'    = p : mkDistinctAscList' k' kv
    | otherwise =     mkDistinctAscList' k  kv

-- Operators

infixl 9 !

-- | Apply 'SF'.
-- >>> heaviside ! 2
-- 1
(!) :: Ord k => SF k v -> k -> v
SF m def ! x = case Map.lookupGT x m of
    Nothing     -> def
    Just (_, v) -> v

-- Construction

-- | Constant function
-- >>> putSF $ constant 1
-- \_ -> 1
constant :: a -> SF k a
constant = SF Map.empty

-- | Step function.
-- @'step' k v1 v2 = \\ x -> if x < k then v1 else v2@.
-- >>> putSF $ step 1 2 3
-- \x -> if
--     | x < 1     -> 2
--     | otherwise -> 3
step :: k -> v -> v -> SF k v
step k = SF . Map.singleton k

-- | Create function from list of cases and default value.
-- >>> putSF $ fromList [(1,2),(3,4)] 5
-- \x -> if
--     | x < 1     -> 2
--     | x < 3     -> 4
--     | otherwise -> 5
-- >>> map (fromList [(1,2),(3,4)] 5 !) [0..10]
-- [2,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5]
fromList :: Ord k => [(k, v)] -> v -> SF k v
fromList = SF . Map.fromList

-- Conversions to/from list

-- | Possible values of 'SF'
-- >>> values heaviside
-- [-1,1]
values :: SF k v -> [v]
values (SF m v) = Map.elems m ++ [v]

-- Normalise

-- | Merge adjustent pieces with same values.
-- /Note:/ 'SF' isn't normalised on construction.
-- Values don't necessarily are 'Eq'.
-- >>> putSF $ normalise heaviside
-- \x -> if
--     | x < 0     -> -1
--     | otherwise -> 1
-- >>> putSF $ normalise $ step 0 1 1
-- \_ -> 1
-- prop> normalise (liftA2 (+) p (fmap negate p)) == (pure 0 :: SF Int Int)
normalise :: Eq v => SF k v -> SF k v
normalise (SF m v) = uncurry mk $ foldr go ([], v) (Map.toList m) where
    mk m' _ = SF (Map.fromDistinctAscList m') v

    go p@(_, v') p'@(m', x)
        | v' == x   = p'
        | otherwise = (p : m', v')

-- Conversions

-- | Convert from discrete variant to more "dense"
-- >>> SF.putSF $ toDense $ fromList [(1,2),(3,4)] 5
-- \x -> if
--     | x < 1     -> 2
--     | x < 3     -> 4
--     | otherwise -> 5
toDense :: SF a b -> SF.SF a b
toDense (SF m v) = SF.SF (Map.mapKeysMonotonic SF.Open m) v

-- | Convert from "dense" variant. @<= k@ pieces will be converted to @< 'succ' k@.
-- There might be less pieces in the ressult 'SF', than in the original.
-- >>> let f = SF.fromList [(SF.Open 1,2),(SF.Closed 3,4),(SF.Open 4,5)] 6
-- >>> SF.putSF f
-- \x -> if
--     | x <  1    -> 2
--     | x <= 3    -> 4
--     | x <  4    -> 5
--     | otherwise -> 6
-- >>> putSF $ fromDense (Just . succ) f
-- \x -> if
--     | x < 1     -> 2
--     | x < 4     -> 4
--     | otherwise -> 6
    :: Ord a
    => (a -> Maybe a) -- ^ next key, if exists
    -> SF.SF a b
    -> SF a b
fromDense next (SF.SF m v) = SF (mapKeys m) v where
    mapKeys = Map.fromListWith (\_ -> id) . mapMaybe (_1 fk) . Map.toList

    fk (SF.Open k)   = Just k
    fk (SF.Closed k) = next k

    _1 :: Functor f => (a -> f b) -> (a, c) -> f (b, c)
    _1 f (a, c) = fmap (\b -> (b, c)) (f a)

-- Pretty-printing

-- | Show 'SF' as Haskell code
showSF :: (Show a, Show b) => SF a b -> String
showSF (SF m v) | Map.null m = "\\_ -> " ++ show v
showSF (SF m v) = intercalate "\n" $
    "\\x -> if" : [ "    | " ++ leftPad k ++ " -> " ++ x | (k, x) <- cases ]
    cases     = [ ("x < " ++ showsPrec 5 k "", show x) | (k,x) <- Map.toList m ] ++
                [ ("otherwise", show v) ]
    len       = maximum (map (length . fst) cases)
    leftPad s = s ++ replicate (len - length s) ' '

-- | @'putStrLn' . 'showSF'@
putSF :: (Show a, Show b) => SF a b -> IO ()
putSF = putStrLn . showSF

-- $setup
-- == Examples
-- >>> let heaviside = step 0 (-1) 1 :: SF Int Int
-- >>> putSF heaviside
-- \x -> if
--     | x < 0     -> -1
--     | otherwise -> 1
-- >>> map (heaviside !) [-3, 0, 4]
-- [-1,1,1]