{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module StatusNotifier.Host.Service where

import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Concurrent.MVar
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Lens.Tuple
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Except
import           DBus
import           DBus.Client
import           DBus.Generation
import qualified DBus.Internal.Message as M
import           DBus.Internal.Types
import qualified DBus.TH as DTH
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import           Data.Coerce
import           Data.Either
import           Data.Int
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.String
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.Unique
import           Data.Word
import           System.Log.Logger
import           Text.Printf

import qualified StatusNotifier.Item.Client as I
import           StatusNotifier.Util
import qualified StatusNotifier.Watcher.Client as W
import qualified StatusNotifier.Watcher.Constants as W
import qualified StatusNotifier.Watcher.Signals as W
import qualified StatusNotifier.Watcher.Service as W

statusNotifierHostString :: String
statusNotifierHostString = "StatusNotifierHost"

getBusName :: String -> String -> String
getBusName namespace =
  printf "%s.%s-%s" namespace statusNotifierHostString

data UpdateType
  = ItemAdded
  | ItemRemoved
  | IconUpdated
  | IconNameUpdated
  | TitleUpdated
  | TooltipUpdated deriving (Eq, Show)

type UpdateHandler = UpdateType -> ItemInfo -> IO ()

data Params = Params
  { dbusClient :: Maybe Client
  , uniqueIdentifier :: String
  , namespace :: String
  , startWatcher :: Bool

hostLogger = logM "StatusNotifier.Host.Service"

defaultParams = Params
  { dbusClient = Nothing
  , uniqueIdentifier = ""
  , namespace = "org.kde"
  , startWatcher = False

data ItemInfo = ItemInfo
  { itemServiceName :: BusName
  , itemServicePath :: ObjectPath
  , iconTitle :: String
  , iconName :: String
  , iconThemePath :: Maybe String
  , iconPixmaps :: [(Int32, Int32, BS.ByteString)]
  , menuPath :: Maybe ObjectPath
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

supressPixelData info =
  info { iconPixmaps = map (\(w, h, _) -> (w, h, "")) $ iconPixmaps info }

makeLensesWithLSuffix ''ItemInfo

convertPixmapsToHostByteOrder ::
  [(Int32, Int32, BS.ByteString)] -> [(Int32, Int32, BS.ByteString)]
convertPixmapsToHostByteOrder = map $ over _3 networkToSystemByteOrder

callFromInfo fn ItemInfo { itemServiceName = name
                         , itemServicePath = path
                         } = fn name path

data Host = Host
  { itemInfoMap :: IO (Map.Map BusName ItemInfo)
  , addUpdateHandler :: UpdateHandler -> IO Unique
  , removeUpdateHandler :: Unique -> IO ()
  , forceUpdate :: BusName -> IO ()
  } deriving Typeable

build :: Params -> IO (Maybe Host)
build Params { dbusClient = mclient
             , namespace = namespaceString
             , uniqueIdentifier = uniqueID
             , startWatcher = shouldStartWatcher
             } = do
  client <- maybe connectSession return mclient
  itemInfoMapVar <- newMVar Map.empty
  updateHandlersVar <- newMVar ([] :: [(Unique, UpdateHandler)])
  let busName = getBusName namespaceString uniqueID

      logError = hostLogger ERROR
      logErrorWithMessage message error = logError message >> logError (show error)
      logInfo = hostLogger INFO
      logErrorAndThen andThen e = logError (show e) >> andThen

      doUpdateForHandler utype uinfo (unique, handler) = do
        logInfo (printf "Sending update (iconPixmaps suppressed): %s %s, for handler %s"
                          (show utype)
                          (show $ supressPixelData uinfo)
                          (show $ hashUnique unique))
        forkIO $ handler utype uinfo

      doUpdate utype uinfo =
        readMVar updateHandlersVar >>= mapM_ (doUpdateForHandler utype uinfo)

      addHandler handler = do
        unique <- newUnique
        modifyMVar_ updateHandlersVar (return . ((unique, handler):))
        let doUpdateForInfo info = doUpdateForHandler ItemAdded info (unique, handler)
        readMVar itemInfoMapVar >>= mapM_ doUpdateForInfo
        return unique

      removeHandler unique =
        modifyMVar_ updateHandlersVar (return . filter ((/= unique) . fst))

      getPixmaps a1 a2 a3 = fmap convertPixmapsToHostByteOrder <$>
                            I.getIconPixmap a1 a2 a3

      buildItemInfo name = runExceptT $ do
        pathString <- ExceptT $ W.getObjectPathForItemName client name
        let busName = fromString name
            path = objectPath_ pathString
            getMaybe fn a b c = right Just <$> fn a b c
            doGetDef def fn =
              ExceptT $ exemptAll def <$> fn client busName path
            doGet fn = ExceptT $ fn client busName path
        pixmaps <- doGetDef [] getPixmaps
        iName <- doGetDef name I.getIconName
        themePath <- doGetDef Nothing $ getMaybe I.getIconThemePath
        menu <- doGetDef Nothing $ getMaybe I.getMenu
        title <- doGetDef "" I.getTitle
        return ItemInfo
                 { itemServiceName = busName_ name
                 , itemServicePath = path
                 , iconPixmaps = pixmaps
                 , iconThemePath = themePath
                 , iconName = iName
                 , iconTitle = title
                 , menuPath = menu

      createAll serviceNames = do
        (errors, itemInfos) <-
          partitionEithers <$> mapM buildItemInfo serviceNames
        mapM_ (logErrorWithMessage "Error in item building at startup:") errors
        return itemInfos

      registerWithPairs =
        mapM (uncurry clientSignalRegister)
        where logUnableToCallSignal signal =
                hostLogger ERROR $ printf "Unable to call handler with %s" $
                     show signal
              clientSignalRegister signalRegisterFn handler =
                signalRegisterFn client matchAny handler logUnableToCallSignal

      handleItemAdded serviceName =
        modifyMVar_ itemInfoMapVar $ \itemInfoMap ->
          buildItemInfo serviceName >>=
                        either (logErrorAndThen $ return itemInfoMap)
                                 (addItemInfo itemInfoMap)
          where addItemInfo map itemInfo = doUpdate ItemAdded itemInfo >>
                  return (Map.insert (itemServiceName itemInfo) itemInfo map)

      getObjectPathForItemName name =
        maybe I.defaultPath itemServicePath . Map.lookup name <$>
        readMVar itemInfoMapVar

      handleItemRemoved serviceName =
        modifyMVar itemInfoMapVar doRemove >>=
        maybe logNonExistantRemoval (doUpdate ItemRemoved)
          busName = busName_ serviceName
          doRemove currentMap =
            return (Map.delete busName currentMap, Map.lookup busName currentMap)
          logNonExistantRemoval =
            hostLogger WARNING $ printf "Attempt to remove unknown item %s" $
                       show busName

      watcherRegistrationPairs =
        [ (W.registerForStatusNotifierItemRegistered, const handleItemAdded)
        , (W.registerForStatusNotifierItemUnregistered, const handleItemRemoved)

      getSender fn s@M.Signal { M.signalSender = Just sender} =
        logInfo (show s) >> fn sender
      getSender _ s = logError $ "Received signal with no sender: " ++ show s

      logPropError = logErrorWithMessage "Error updating property: "

      runProperty prop serviceName =
        getObjectPathForItemName serviceName >>= prop client serviceName

      logUnknownSender updateType signal =
        hostLogger WARNING $
                   printf "Got signal for update type: %s from unknown sender: %s"
                   (show updateType) (show signal)

      logErrorsUpdater lens updateType prop signal =
        makeUpdaterFromProp lens updateType prop signal >>=
        either logPropError ((flip when logSenderErrorAndUpdateAll) . isNothing)
            logSenderErrorAndUpdateAll = do
              logUnknownSender updateType signal
              void $ updatePropertyForAllItemInfos lens updateType prop

      makeUpdaterFromProp lens updateType prop
                          signal@M.Signal { M.signalSender = Just sender} =
        runExceptT $
          ExceptT (runProperty prop sender) >>=
          lift . runUpdateOfProperty lens updateType sender
      makeUpdaterFromProp _ _ _ _ = return $ Right Nothing

      runUpdateOfProperty lens updateType serviceName newValue = do
        maybeServiceInfo <- modifyMVar itemInfoMapVar modify
        whenJust maybeServiceInfo (doUpdate updateType)
        return maybeServiceInfo
            modify infoMap =
              let newMap = set (at serviceName . _Just . lens) newValue infoMap
              in return (newMap, Map.lookup serviceName newMap)

      updatePropertyForAllItemInfos lens updateType prop = do
        readMVar itemInfoMapVar >>= mapM (runUpdateForService . itemServiceName)
        where runUpdateForService serviceName =
                runProperty prop serviceName >>=
                either (const $ return ())
                       (void . runUpdateOfProperty lens updateType serviceName)

      updateAllIcons =
        updatePropertyForAllItemInfos iconPixmapsL IconUpdated getPixmaps >>
        updatePropertyForAllItemInfos iconNameL IconNameUpdated I.getIconName

      handleNewPixmaps =
        makeUpdaterFromProp iconPixmapsL IconUpdated getPixmaps
      handleNewIconName =
        makeUpdaterFromProp iconNameL IconNameUpdated I.getIconName
      handleNewIcon signal = do
        newNameResult <- handleNewIconName signal
        newPixmapsResult <- handleNewPixmaps signal
        let remPD = right (fmap supressPixelData)
            result = (remPD newNameResult, remPD newPixmapsResult)
            debugLog = hostLogger DEBUG $ printf "Icon update results %s" (show result)
            updateAll = logUnknownSender IconUpdated signal >> void updateAllIcons
            gotProp = rights [newNameResult, newPixmapsResult]
            fullSuccess = catMaybes gotProp
        if null fullSuccess
        then if null gotProp
             then hostLogger WARNING $ printf
                    "Failed to load new icon with either method %s"
                    (show result)
             else updateAll
        else debugLog
      handleNewTitle =
        logErrorsUpdater iconTitleL TitleUpdated I.getTitle

      clientRegistrationPairs =
        [ (I.registerForNewIcon, handleNewIcon)
        , (I.registerForNewTitle, handleNewTitle)

      initializeItemInfoMap = modifyMVar itemInfoMapVar $ \itemInfoMap -> do
        -- All initialization is done inside this modifyMvar to avoid race
        -- conditions with the itemInfoMapVar.
        clientSignalHandlers <- registerWithPairs clientRegistrationPairs
        watcherSignalHandlers <- registerWithPairs watcherRegistrationPairs
        let unregisterAll =
                mapM_ (removeMatch client) $
                    clientSignalHandlers ++ watcherSignalHandlers
            shutdownHost = do
                logInfo "Shutting down StatusNotifierHost"
                releaseName client (fromString busName)
                return ()
            logErrorAndShutdown error =
              logError (show error) >> shutdownHost >> return (Map.empty, False)
            finishInitialization serviceNames = do
              itemInfos <- createAll serviceNames
              let newMap = Map.fromList $ map (itemServiceName &&& id) itemInfos
                  -- Extra paranoia about the map
                  resultMap = if Map.null itemInfoMap
                              then newMap
                              else Map.union itemInfoMap newMap
              W.registerStatusNotifierHost client busName >>=
               either logErrorAndShutdown (const $ return (resultMap, True))
        W.getRegisteredStatusNotifierItems client >>=
         either logErrorAndShutdown finishInitialization

      startWatcherIfNeeded = do
        let watcherName = maybe "" coerce $ genBusName W.watcherClientGenerationParams
            startWatcher = do
              (_, doIt) <- W.buildWatcher W.defaultWatcherParams
        res <- DTH.getNameOwner client watcherName
        case res of
          Right _ -> return ()
          Left _ -> void $ forkIO $ void startWatcher

  when shouldStartWatcher startWatcherIfNeeded
  nameRequestResult <- requestName client (fromString busName) []
  if nameRequestResult == NamePrimaryOwner
  then do
    initializationSuccess <- initializeItemInfoMap
    return $ if initializationSuccess
      Just Host
      { itemInfoMap = readMVar itemInfoMapVar
      , addUpdateHandler = addHandler
      , removeUpdateHandler = removeHandler
      , forceUpdate = handleItemAdded . coerce
    else Nothing
  else do
    logErrorWithMessage "Failed to obtain desired service name" nameRequestResult
    return Nothing