Module: Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query.From.Join
Description: Squeal joins
Copyright: (c) Eitan Chatav, 2019
Maintainer: eitan@morphism.tech
Stability: experimental

Squeal joins

  , DeriveGeneric
  , DerivingStrategies
  , FlexibleContexts
  , FlexibleInstances
  , GADTs
  , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
  , LambdaCase
  , MultiParamTypeClasses
  , OverloadedLabels
  , OverloadedStrings
  , QuantifiedConstraints
  , ScopedTypeVariables
  , StandaloneDeriving
  , TypeApplications
  , TypeFamilies
  , TypeInType
  , TypeOperators
  , RankNTypes
  , UndecidableInstances

module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query.From.Join
  ( -- * Join
    JoinItem (..)
  , cross, crossJoin, crossJoinLateral
  , inner, innerJoin, innerJoinLateral
  , leftOuter, leftOuterJoin, leftOuterJoinLateral
  , rightOuter, rightOuterJoin, rightOuterJoinLateral
  , fullOuter, fullOuterJoin, fullOuterJoinLateral
  ) where

import Generics.SOP hiding (from)

import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP

import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Type.Alias
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Logic
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query.From
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query.From.Set
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Render
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Type.List
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Type.Schema

-- $setup
-- >>> import Squeal.PostgreSQL

{- |
A `JoinItem` is the right hand side of a `cross`,
`inner`, `leftOuter`, `rightOuter`, `fullOuter` join of
data JoinItem
  (lat :: FromType)
  (with :: FromType)
  (db :: SchemasType)
  (params :: [NullType])
  (left :: FromType)
  (right :: FromType) where
      :: FromClause lat with db params right
      -- ^ A standard `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query.Join`.
      -- It is not allowed to reference columns provided
      -- by preceding `FromClause` items.
      -> JoinItem lat with db params left right
      :: Aliased (Query (Join lat left) with db params) query
      -- ^ Subqueries can be preceded by `JoinLateral`.
      -- This allows them to reference columns provided
      -- by preceding `FromClause` items.
      -> JoinItem lat with db params left '[query]
      :: SetFun db arg set
      -- ^ Set returning functions can be preceded by `JoinFunction`.
      -- This allows them to reference columns provided
      -- by preceding `FromClause` items.
      -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params left arg
      -- ^ argument
      -> JoinItem lat with db params left '[set]
      :: SListI args
      => SetFunN db args set
      -- ^ Set returning multi-argument functions
      -- can be preceded by `JoinFunctionN`.
      -- This allows them to reference columns provided
      -- by preceding `FromClause` items.
      -> NP (Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params left) args
      -- ^ arguments
      -> JoinItem lat with db params left '[set]
instance RenderSQL (JoinItem lat with db params left right) where
  renderSQL = \case
    Join tab -> "JOIN" <+> renderSQL tab
    JoinLateral qry -> "JOIN LATERAL" <+>
      renderAliased (parenthesized . renderSQL) qry
    JoinFunction fun x -> "JOIN" <+>
      renderSQL (fun (UnsafeExpression (renderSQL x)))
    JoinFunctionN fun xs -> "JOIN" <+>
      renderSQL (fun (SOP.hmap (UnsafeExpression . renderSQL) xs))

{- |
@left & cross (Join right)@. For every possible combination of rows from
@left@ and @right@ (i.e., a Cartesian product), the joined table will contain
a row consisting of all columns in @left@ followed by all columns in @right@.
If the tables have @n@ and @m@ rows respectively, the joined table will
have @n * m@ rows.
  :: JoinItem lat with db params left right -- ^ right
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (Join left right)
cross item tab = UnsafeFromClause $
  renderSQL tab <+> "CROSS" <+> renderSQL item

{- |
@left & crossJoin right@. For every possible combination of rows from
@left@ and @right@ (i.e., a Cartesian product), the joined table will contain
a row consisting of all columns in @left@ followed by all columns in @right@.
If the tables have @n@ and @m@ rows respectively, the joined table will
have @n * m@ rows.
  :: FromClause lat with db params right -- ^ right
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (Join left right)
crossJoin = cross . Join

{- |
Like `crossJoin` with a `subquery` but allowed to reference columns provided
by preceding `FromClause` items.
  :: Aliased (Query (Join lat left) with db params) query -- ^ right subquery
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (Join left '[query])
crossJoinLateral = cross . JoinLateral

{- | @left & inner (Join right) on@. The joined table is filtered by
the @on@ condition.
  :: JoinItem lat with db params left right -- ^ right
  -> Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params (Join left right) -- ^ @ON@ condition
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (Join left right)
inner item on tab = UnsafeFromClause $
  renderSQL tab <+> "INNER" <+> renderSQL item <+> "ON" <+> renderSQL on

{- | @left & innerJoin right on@. The joined table is filtered by
the @on@ condition.
  :: FromClause lat with db params right -- ^ right
  -> Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params (Join left right) -- ^ @ON@ condition
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (Join left right)
innerJoin = inner . Join

{- |
Like `innerJoin` with a `subquery` but allowed to reference columns provided
by preceding `FromClause` items.
  :: Aliased (Query (Join lat left) with db params) query -- ^ right subquery
  -> Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params (Join left '[query]) -- ^ @ON@ condition
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (Join left '[query])
innerJoinLateral = inner . JoinLateral

{- | @left & leftOuter (Join right) on@. First, an inner join is performed.
Then, for each row in @left@ that does not satisfy the @on@ condition with
any row in @right@, a joined row is added with null values in columns of @right@.
Thus, the joined table always has at least one row for each row in @left@.
  :: JoinItem lat with db params left right -- ^ right
  -> Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params (Join left right) -- ^ @ON@ condition
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (Join left (NullifyFrom right))
leftOuter item on tab = UnsafeFromClause $
  renderSQL tab <+> "LEFT OUTER" <+> renderSQL item <+> "ON" <+> renderSQL on

{- | @left & leftOuterJoin right on@. First, an inner join is performed.
Then, for each row in @left@ that does not satisfy the @on@ condition with
any row in @right@, a joined row is added with null values in columns of @right@.
Thus, the joined table always has at least one row for each row in @left@.
  :: FromClause lat with db params right -- ^ right
  -> Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params (Join left right) -- ^ @ON@ condition
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (Join left (NullifyFrom right))
leftOuterJoin = leftOuter . Join

{- |
Like `leftOuterJoin` with a `subquery` but allowed to reference columns provided
by preceding `FromClause` items.
  :: Aliased (Query (Join lat left) with db params) query -- ^ right subquery
  -> Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params (Join left '[query]) -- ^ @ON@ condition
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (Join left (NullifyFrom '[query]))
leftOuterJoinLateral = leftOuter . JoinLateral

{- | @left & rightOuter (Join right) on@. First, an inner join is performed.
Then, for each row in @right@ that does not satisfy the @on@ condition with
any row in @left@, a joined row is added with null values in columns of @left@.
This is the converse of a left join: the result table will always
have a row for each row in @right@.
  :: JoinItem lat with db params left right -- ^ right
  -> Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params (Join left right) -- ^ @ON@ condition
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (Join (NullifyFrom left) right)
rightOuter item on tab = UnsafeFromClause $
  renderSQL tab <+> "RIGHT OUTER" <+> renderSQL item <+> "ON" <+> renderSQL on

{- | @left & rightOuterJoin right on@. First, an inner join is performed.
Then, for each row in @right@ that does not satisfy the @on@ condition with
any row in @left@, a joined row is added with null values in columns of @left@.
This is the converse of a left join: the result table will always
have a row for each row in @right@.
  :: FromClause lat with db params right -- ^ right
  -> Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params (Join left right) -- ^ @ON@ condition
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (Join (NullifyFrom left) right)
rightOuterJoin = rightOuter . Join

{- |
Like `rightOuterJoin` with a `subquery` but allowed to reference columns provided
by preceding `FromClause` items.
  :: Aliased (Query (Join lat left) with db params) query -- ^ right subquery
  -> Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params (Join left '[query]) -- ^ @ON@ condition
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (Join (NullifyFrom left) '[query])
rightOuterJoinLateral = rightOuter . JoinLateral

{- | @left & fullOuter (Join right) on@. First, an inner join is performed.
Then, for each row in @left@ that does not satisfy the @on@ condition with
any row in @right@, a joined row is added with null values in columns of @right@.
Also, for each row of @right@ that does not satisfy the join condition
with any row in @left@, a joined row with null values in the columns of @left@
is added.
  :: JoinItem lat with db params left right -- ^ right
  -> Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params (Join left right) -- ^ @ON@ condition
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (NullifyFrom (Join left right))
fullOuter item on tab = UnsafeFromClause $
  renderSQL tab <+> "FULL OUTER" <+> renderSQL item <+> "ON" <+> renderSQL on

{- | @left & fullOuterJoin right on@. First, an inner join is performed.
Then, for each row in @left@ that does not satisfy the @on@ condition with
any row in @right@, a joined row is added with null values in columns of @right@.
Also, for each row of @right@ that does not satisfy the join condition
with any row in @left@, a joined row with null values in the columns of @left@
is added.
  :: FromClause lat with db params right -- ^ right
  -> Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params (Join left right) -- ^ @ON@ condition
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (NullifyFrom (Join left right))
fullOuterJoin = fullOuter . Join

{- |
Like `fullOuterJoin` with a `subquery` but allowed to reference columns provided
by preceding `FromClause` items.
  :: Aliased (Query (Join lat left) with db params) query -- ^ right subquery
  -> Condition 'Ungrouped lat with db params (Join left '[query]) -- ^ @ON@ condition
  -> FromClause lat with db params left -- ^ left
  -> FromClause lat with db params (NullifyFrom (Join left '[query]))
fullOuterJoinLateral = fullOuter . JoinLateral