Module: Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query
Description: Squeal expressions
Copyright: (c) Eitan Chatav, 2017
Maintainer: eitan@morphism.tech
Stability: experimental

Squeal expressions are the atoms used to build statements.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}
  , DataKinds
  , DeriveGeneric
  , DeriveDataTypeable
  , FlexibleContexts
  , FlexibleInstances
  , FunctionalDependencies
  , GADTs
  , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
  , LambdaCase
  , MagicHash
  , OverloadedStrings
  , PolyKinds
  , RankNTypes
  , ScopedTypeVariables
  , StandaloneDeriving
  , TypeApplications
  , TypeFamilies
  , TypeInType
  , TypeOperators
  , UndecidableInstances

module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression 
  ( -- * Expression
    Expression (UnsafeExpression, renderExpression)
  , HasParameter (param)
  , HasColumn (getColumn)
  , Column (Column)
  , renderColumn
  , GroupedBy (getGroup1, getGroup2)
    -- ** Default
  , def
  , unDef
    -- ** Null
  , null_
  , unNull
  , coalesce
  , fromNull
  , isNull
  , isn'tNull
  , matchNull
  , nullIf
  -- ** Functions
  , unsafeBinaryOp
  , unsafeUnaryOp
  , unsafeFunction
  , atan2_
  , cast
  , quot_
  , rem_
  , trunc
  , round_
  , ceiling_
  , greatest
  , least
    -- ** Conditions
  , Condition
  , true
  , false
  , not_
  , (.&&)
  , (.||)
  , caseWhenThenElse
  , ifThenElse
  , (.==)
  , (./=)
  , (.>=)
  , (.<)
  , (.<=)
  , (.>)
    -- ** Time
  , currentDate
  , currentTime
  , currentTimestamp
  , localTime
  , localTimestamp
    -- ** Text
  , lower
  , upper
  , charLength
  , like
    -- ** Aggregation
  , unsafeAggregate, unsafeAggregateDistinct
  , sum_, sumDistinct
  , PGAvg (avg, avgDistinct)
  , bitAnd, bitOr, boolAnd, boolOr
  , bitAndDistinct, bitOrDistinct, boolAndDistinct, boolOrDistinct
  , countStar
  , count, countDistinct
  , every, everyDistinct
  , max_, maxDistinct, min_, minDistinct
    -- * Tables
  , Table (UnsafeTable, renderTable)
  , HasTable (getTable)
    -- * TypeExpression
  , TypeExpression (UnsafeTypeExpression, renderTypeExpression)
  , PGTyped (pgtype)
  , bool
  , int2
  , smallint
  , int4
  , int
  , integer
  , int8
  , bigint
  , numeric
  , float4
  , real
  , float8
  , doublePrecision
  , serial2
  , smallserial
  , serial4
  , serial
  , serial8
  , bigserial
  , text
  , char
  , character
  , varchar
  , characterVarying
  , bytea
  , timestamp
  , timestampWithTimeZone
  , date
  , time
  , timeWithTimeZone
  , interval
  , uuid
  , inet
  , json
  , jsonb
  , notNull
  , default_
    -- * Re-export
  , (&)
  , NP ((:*), Nil)
  ) where

import Control.Category
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Monoid hiding (All)
import Data.Ratio
import Data.String
import Generics.SOP hiding (from)
import GHC.OverloadedLabels
import GHC.TypeLits
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))

import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC

import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Prettyprint
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Schema

column expressions

{- | `Expression`s are used in a variety of contexts,
such as in the target list of the `select` command,
as new column values in `insertInto` or `update`,
or in search `Condition`s in a number of commands.

The expression syntax allows the calculation of
values from primitive expression using arithmetic, logical,
and other operations.
newtype Expression
  (tables :: TablesType)
  (grouping :: Grouping)
  (params :: [ColumnType])
  (ty :: ColumnType)
    = UnsafeExpression { renderExpression :: ByteString }
    deriving (GHC.Generic,Show,Eq,Ord,NFData)

{- | A `HasParameter` constraint is used to indicate a value that is
supplied externally to a SQL statement.
`Squeal.PostgreSQL.PQ.queryParams` and
`Squeal.PostgreSQL.PQ.traversePrepared` support specifying data values
separately from the SQL command string, in which case `param`s are used to
refer to the out-of-line data values.
class (PGTyped (BaseType ty), KnownNat n)
  => HasParameter (n :: Nat) params ty | n params -> ty where
    param :: Expression tables grouping params ty
    param = UnsafeExpression $ parenthesized $
      "$" <> renderNat (Proxy @n) <+> "::"
        <+> renderTypeExpression (pgtype @(BaseType ty))
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} PGTyped (BaseType ty1)
  => HasParameter 1 (ty1:tys) ty1
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (KnownNat n, HasParameter (n-1) params ty)
  => HasParameter n (ty' : params) ty

{- | A `HasColumn` constraint indicates an unqualified column reference.
`getColumn` can only be unambiguous when the `TableExpression` the column
references is unique, in which case the column may be referenced using
@-XOverloadedLabels@. Otherwise, combined with a `HasTable` constraint, the
qualified column reference operator `!` may be used.
class KnownSymbol column => HasColumn column columns ty
  | column columns -> ty where
      :: HasUnique table tables columns
      => Alias column
      -> Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ty
    getColumn column = UnsafeExpression $ renderAlias column
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownSymbol column
  => HasColumn column ((column ::: optionality ty) ': tys) ('Required ty)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (KnownSymbol column, HasColumn column table ty)
  => HasColumn column (ty' ': table) ty

instance (HasColumn column columns ty, HasUnique table tables columns)
  => IsLabel column (Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ty) where
    fromLabel = getColumn (Alias @column)

instance (HasTable table tables columns, HasColumn column columns ty)
  => IsTableColumn table column (Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ty) where
    table ! column = UnsafeExpression $
      renderAlias table <> "." <> renderAlias column

-- | A `Column` is a witness to a `HasColumn` constraint. It's used
-- in `Squeel.PostgreSQL.Definition.unique` and other
-- `Squeel.PostgreSQL.Definition.TableConstraint`s to witness a
-- subcolumns relationship.
data Column
  (columns :: ColumnsType)
  (columnty :: (Symbol,ColumnType))
        :: HasColumn column columns ty
        => Alias column
        -> Column columns (column ::: ty)
deriving instance Show (Column columns columnty)
deriving instance Eq (Column columns columnty)
deriving instance Ord (Column columns columnty)

-- | Render a `Column`.
renderColumn :: Column columns columnty -> ByteString
renderColumn (Column column) = renderAlias column

{- | A `GroupedBy` constraint indicates that a table qualified column is
a member of the auxiliary namespace created by @GROUP BY@ clauses and thus,
may be called in an output `Expression` without aggregating.
class (KnownSymbol table, KnownSymbol column)
  => GroupedBy table column bys where
      :: (HasUnique table tables columns, HasColumn column columns ty)
      => Alias column
      -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ty
    getGroup1 column = UnsafeExpression $ renderAlias column
      :: (HasTable table tables columns, HasColumn column columns ty)
      => Alias table
      -> Alias column
      -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ty
    getGroup2 table column = UnsafeExpression $
      renderAlias table <> "." <> renderAlias column
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (KnownSymbol table, KnownSymbol column)
  => GroupedBy table column ('(table,column) ': bys)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
  ( KnownSymbol table
  , KnownSymbol column
  , GroupedBy table column bys
  ) => GroupedBy table column (tabcol ': bys)
  ( HasUnique table tables columns
  , HasColumn column columns ty
  , GroupedBy table column bys
  ) => IsLabel column
    (Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ty) where
      fromLabel = getGroup1 (Alias @column)
  ( HasTable table tables columns
  , HasColumn column columns ty
  , GroupedBy table column bys
  ) => IsTableColumn table column
    (Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ty) where (!) = getGroup2

-- | >>> renderExpression def
def :: Expression '[] 'Ungrouped params ('Optional (nullity ty))
def = UnsafeExpression "DEFAULT"

-- | >>> renderExpression $ unDef false
-- "FALSE"
  :: Expression '[] 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity ty))
  -- ^ not @DEFAULT@
  -> Expression '[] 'Ungrouped params ('Optional (nullity ty))
unDef = UnsafeExpression . renderExpression

-- | analagous to `Nothing`
-- >>> renderExpression $ null_
-- "NULL"
null_ :: Expression tables grouping params (optionality ('Null ty))
null_ = UnsafeExpression "NULL"

-- | analagous to `Just`
-- >>> renderExpression $ unNull true
-- "TRUE"
  :: Expression tables grouping params (optionality ('NotNull ty))
  -- ^ not @NULL@
  -> Expression tables grouping params (optionality ('Null ty))
unNull = UnsafeExpression . renderExpression

-- | return the leftmost value which is not NULL
-- >>> renderExpression $ coalesce [null_, unNull true] false
  :: [Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('Null ty))]
  -- ^ @NULL@s may be present
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('NotNull ty))
  -- ^ @NULL@ is absent
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('NotNull ty))
coalesce nullxs notNullx = UnsafeExpression $
  "COALESCE" <> parenthesized (commaSeparated
    ((renderExpression <$> nullxs) <> [renderExpression notNullx]))

-- | analagous to `fromMaybe` using @COALESCE@
-- >>> renderExpression $ fromNull true null_
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('NotNull ty))
  -- ^ what to convert @NULL@ to
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('Null ty))
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('NotNull ty))
fromNull notNullx nullx = coalesce [nullx] notNullx

-- | >>> renderExpression $ null_ & isNull
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('Null ty))
  -- ^ possibly @NULL@
  -> Condition tables grouping params
isNull x = UnsafeExpression $ renderExpression x <+> "IS NULL"

-- | >>> renderExpression $ null_ & isn'tNull
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('Null ty))
  -- ^ possibly @NULL@
  -> Condition tables grouping params
isn'tNull x = UnsafeExpression $ renderExpression x <+> "IS NOT NULL"

-- | analagous to `maybe` using @IS NULL@
-- >>> renderExpression $ matchNull true not_ null_
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required nullty)
  -- ^ what to convert @NULL@ to
  -> ( Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('NotNull ty))
       -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required nullty) )
  -- ^ function to perform when @NULL@ is absent
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('Null ty))
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required nullty)
matchNull y f x = ifThenElse (isNull x) y
  (f (UnsafeExpression (renderExpression x)))

-- | right inverse to `fromNull`, if its arguments are equal then
-- `nullIf` gives @NULL@.
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -XDataKinds
-- >>> renderExpression @_ @_ @'[_] $ fromNull false (nullIf false (param @1))
-- "COALESCE(NULL IF (FALSE, ($1 :: bool)), FALSE)"
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('NotNull ty))
  -- ^ @NULL@ is absent
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('NotNull ty))
  -- ^ @NULL@ is absent
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('Null ty))
nullIf x y = UnsafeExpression $ "NULL IF" <+> parenthesized
  (renderExpression x <> ", " <> renderExpression y)

-- | >>> renderExpression @_ @_ @'[_] $ greatest currentTimestamp [param @1]
-- "GREATEST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ($1 :: timestamp with time zone))"
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required nullty)
  -- ^ needs at least 1 argument
  -> [Expression tables grouping params ('Required nullty)]
  -- ^ or more
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required nullty)
greatest x xs = UnsafeExpression $ "GREATEST("
  <> commaSeparated (renderExpression <$> (x:xs)) <> ")"

-- | >>> renderExpression $ least currentTimestamp [null_]
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required nullty)
  -- ^ needs at least 1 argument
  -> [Expression tables grouping params ('Required nullty)]
  -- ^ or more
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required nullty)
least x xs = UnsafeExpression $ "LEAST("
  <> commaSeparated (renderExpression <$> (x:xs)) <> ")"

-- | >>> renderExpression $ unsafeBinaryOp "OR" true false
  :: ByteString
  -- ^ operator
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ty0)
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ty1)
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ty2)
unsafeBinaryOp op x y = UnsafeExpression $ parenthesized $
  renderExpression x <+> op <+> renderExpression y

-- | >>> renderExpression $ unsafeUnaryOp "NOT" true
-- "(NOT TRUE)"
  :: ByteString
  -- ^ operator
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ty0)
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ty1)
unsafeUnaryOp op x = UnsafeExpression $ parenthesized $
  op <+> renderExpression x

-- | >>> renderExpression $ unsafeFunction "f" true
-- "f(TRUE)"
  :: ByteString
  -- ^ function
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required xty)
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required yty)
unsafeFunction fun x = UnsafeExpression $
  fun <> parenthesized (renderExpression x)

instance PGNum ty
  => Num (Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty))) where
    (+) = unsafeBinaryOp "+"
    (-) = unsafeBinaryOp "-"
    (*) = unsafeBinaryOp "*"
    abs = unsafeFunction "abs"
    signum = unsafeFunction "sign"
      = UnsafeExpression
      . fromString
      . show

instance (PGNum ty, PGFloating ty) => Fractional
  (Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty))) where
    (/) = unsafeBinaryOp "/"
    fromRational x = fromInteger (numerator x) / fromInteger (denominator x)

instance (PGNum ty, PGFloating ty) => Floating
  (Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty))) where
    pi = UnsafeExpression "pi()"
    exp = unsafeFunction "exp"
    log = unsafeFunction "ln"
    sqrt = unsafeFunction "sqrt"
    b ** x = UnsafeExpression $
      "power(" <> renderExpression b <> ", " <> renderExpression x <> ")"
    logBase b y = log y / log b
    sin = unsafeFunction "sin"
    cos = unsafeFunction "cos"
    tan = unsafeFunction "tan"
    asin = unsafeFunction "asin"
    acos = unsafeFunction "acos"
    atan = unsafeFunction "atan"
    sinh x = (exp x - exp (-x)) / 2
    cosh x = (exp x + exp (-x)) / 2
    tanh x = sinh x / cosh x
    asinh x = log (x + sqrt (x*x + 1))
    acosh x = log (x + sqrt (x*x - 1))
    atanh x = log ((1 + x) / (1 - x)) / 2

-- | >>> renderExpression @_ @_ @_ @(_ (_ 'PGfloat4)) $ atan2_ pi 2
-- "atan2(pi(), 2)"
  :: PGFloating float
  => Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity float))
  -- ^ numerator
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity float))
  -- ^ denominator
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity float))
atan2_ y x = UnsafeExpression $
  "atan2(" <> renderExpression y <> ", " <> renderExpression x <> ")"

-- When a `cast` is applied to an `Expression` of a known type, it
-- represents a run-time type conversion. The cast will succeed only if a
-- suitable type conversion operation has been defined.
-- | >>> renderExpression $ true & cast int4
-- "(TRUE :: int4)"
  :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null ty1))
  -- ^ type to cast as
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty0))
  -- ^ value to convert
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty1))
cast ty x = UnsafeExpression $ parenthesized $
  renderExpression x <+> "::" <+> renderTypeExpression ty

-- | integer division, truncates the result
-- >>> renderExpression @_ @_ @_ @(_(_ 'PGint2)) $ 5 `quot_` 2
-- "(5 / 2)"
  :: PGIntegral int
  => Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity int))
  -- ^ numerator
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity int))
  -- ^ denominator
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity int))
quot_ = unsafeBinaryOp "/"

-- | remainder upon integer division
-- >>> renderExpression @_ @_ @_ @(_ (_ 'PGint2)) $ 5 `rem_` 2
-- "(5 % 2)"
  :: PGIntegral int
  => Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity int))
  -- ^ numerator
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity int))
  -- ^ denominator
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity int))
rem_ = unsafeBinaryOp "%"

-- | >>> renderExpression @_ @_ @_ @(_ (_ 'PGfloat4)) $ trunc pi
-- "trunc(pi())"
  :: PGFloating frac
  => Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity frac))
  -- ^ fractional number
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity frac))
trunc = unsafeFunction "trunc"

-- | >>> renderExpression @_ @_ @_ @(_ (_ 'PGfloat4)) $ round_ pi
-- "round(pi())"
  :: PGFloating frac
  => Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity frac))
  -- ^ fractional number
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity frac))
round_ = unsafeFunction "round"

-- | >>> renderExpression @_ @_ @_ @(_ (_ 'PGfloat4)) $ ceiling_ pi
-- "ceiling(pi())"
  :: PGFloating frac
  => Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity frac))
  -- ^ fractional number
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity frac))
ceiling_ = unsafeFunction "ceiling"

-- | A `Condition` is a boolean valued `Expression`. While SQL allows
-- conditions to have @NULL@, squeal instead chooses to disallow @NULL@,
-- forcing one to handle the case of @NULL@ explicitly to produce
-- a `Condition`.
type Condition tables grouping params =
  Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('NotNull 'PGbool))

-- | >>> renderExpression true
-- "TRUE"
true :: Condition tables grouping params
true = UnsafeExpression "TRUE"

-- | >>> renderExpression false
-- "FALSE"
false :: Condition tables grouping params
false = UnsafeExpression "FALSE"

-- | >>> renderExpression $ not_ true
-- "(NOT TRUE)"
  :: Condition tables grouping params
  -> Condition tables grouping params
not_ = unsafeUnaryOp "NOT"

-- | >>> renderExpression $ true .&& false
  :: Condition tables grouping params
  -> Condition tables grouping params
  -> Condition tables grouping params
(.&&) = unsafeBinaryOp "AND"

-- | >>> renderExpression $ true .|| false
  :: Condition tables grouping params
  -> Condition tables grouping params
  -> Condition tables grouping params
(.||) = unsafeBinaryOp "OR"

-- | >>> renderExpression @_ @_ @_ @(_ (_ 'PGint2)) $ caseWhenThenElse [(true, 1), (false, 2)] 3
  :: [ ( Condition tables grouping params
       , Expression tables grouping params ('Required ty)
     ) ]
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ty)
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ty)
caseWhenThenElse whenThens else_ = UnsafeExpression $ mconcat
  [ "CASE"
  , mconcat
    [ mconcat
      [ " WHEN ", renderExpression when_
      , " THEN ", renderExpression then_
    | (when_,then_) <- whenThens
  , " ELSE ", renderExpression else_
  , " END"

-- | >>> renderExpression @_ @_ @_ @(_ (_ 'PGint2)) $ ifThenElse true 1 0
  :: Condition tables grouping params
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ty)
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ty)
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required ty)
ifThenElse if_ then_ else_ = caseWhenThenElse [(if_,then_)] else_

-- | Comparison operations like `.==`, `./=`, `.>`, `.>=`, `.<` and `.<=`
-- will produce @NULL@s if one of their arguments is @NULL@.
-- >>> renderExpression $ unNull true .== null_
-- "(TRUE = NULL)"
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty)) -- ^ lhs
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty)) -- ^ rhs
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
(.==) = unsafeBinaryOp "="
infix 4 .==

-- | >>> renderExpression $ unNull true ./= null_
-- "(TRUE <> NULL)"
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty)) -- ^ lhs
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty)) -- ^ rhs
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
(./=) = unsafeBinaryOp "<>"
infix 4 ./=

-- | >>> renderExpression $ unNull true .>= null_
-- "(TRUE >= NULL)"
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty)) -- ^ lhs
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty)) -- ^ rhs
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
(.>=) = unsafeBinaryOp ">="
infix 4 .>=

-- | >>> renderExpression $ unNull true .< null_
-- "(TRUE < NULL)"
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty)) -- ^ lhs
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty)) -- ^ rhs
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
(.<) = unsafeBinaryOp "<"
infix 4 .<

-- | >>> renderExpression $ unNull true .<= null_
-- "(TRUE <= NULL)"
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty)) -- ^ lhs
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty)) -- ^ rhs
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
(.<=) = unsafeBinaryOp "<="
infix 4 .<=

-- | >>> renderExpression $ unNull true .> null_
-- "(TRUE > NULL)"
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty)) -- ^ lhs
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity ty)) -- ^ rhs
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
(.>) = unsafeBinaryOp ">"
infix 4 .>

-- | >>> renderExpression $ currentDate
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGdate))
currentDate = UnsafeExpression "CURRENT_DATE"

-- | >>> renderExpression $ currentTime
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGtimetz))
currentTime = UnsafeExpression "CURRENT_TIME"

-- | >>> renderExpression $ currentTimestamp
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGtimestamptz))
currentTimestamp = UnsafeExpression "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"

-- | >>> renderExpression $ localTime
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGtime))
localTime = UnsafeExpression "LOCALTIME"

-- | >>> renderExpression $ localTimestamp
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGtimestamp))
localTimestamp = UnsafeExpression "LOCALTIMESTAMP"


instance IsString
  (Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGtext))) where
    fromString str = UnsafeExpression $
      "E\'" <> fromString (escape =<< str) <> "\'"
        escape = \case
          '\NUL' -> "\\0"
          '\'' -> "''"
          '"' -> "\\\""
          '\b' -> "\\b"
          '\n' -> "\\n"
          '\r' -> "\\r"
          '\t' -> "\\t"
          '\\' -> "\\\\"
          c -> [c]

instance Monoid
  (Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGtext))) where
    mempty = fromString ""
    mappend = unsafeBinaryOp "||"

-- | >>> renderExpression $ lower "ARRRGGG"
-- "lower(E'ARRRGGG')"
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGtext))
  -- ^ string to lower case
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGtext))
lower = unsafeFunction "lower"

-- | >>> renderExpression $ upper "eeee"
-- "upper(E'eeee')"
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGtext))
  -- ^ string to upper case
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGtext))
upper = unsafeFunction "upper"

-- | >>> renderExpression $ charLength "four"
-- "char_length(E'four')"
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGtext))
  -- ^ string to measure
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGint4))
charLength = unsafeFunction "char_length"

-- | The `like` expression returns true if the @string@ matches
-- the supplied @pattern@. If @pattern@ does not contain percent signs
-- or underscores, then the pattern only represents the string itself;
-- in that case `like` acts like the equals operator. An underscore (_)
-- in pattern stands for (matches) any single character; a percent sign (%)
-- matches any sequence of zero or more characters.
-- >>> renderExpression $ "abc" `like` "a%"
-- "(E'abc' LIKE E'a%')"
  :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGtext))
  -- ^ string
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGtext))
  -- ^ pattern
  -> Expression tables grouping params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
like = unsafeBinaryOp "LIKE"


-- | escape hatch to define aggregate functions
  :: ByteString -- ^ aggregate function
  -> Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required xty)
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required yty)
unsafeAggregate fun x = UnsafeExpression $ mconcat
  [fun, "(", renderExpression x, ")"]

-- | escape hatch to define aggregate functions over distinct values
  :: ByteString -- ^ aggregate function
  -> Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required xty)
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required yty)
unsafeAggregateDistinct fun x = UnsafeExpression $ mconcat
  [fun, "(DISTINCT ", renderExpression x, ")"]

-- | >>> renderExpression @'[_ ::: '["col" ::: 'Required (_ 'PGnumeric)]] $ sum_ #col
-- "sum(col)"
  :: PGNum ty
  => Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity ty))
  -- ^ what to sum
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required (nullity ty))
sum_ = unsafeAggregate "sum"

-- | >>> renderExpression @'[_ ::: '["col" ::: 'Required (_ 'PGnumeric)]] $ sumDistinct #col
-- "sum(DISTINCT col)"
  :: PGNum ty
  => Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity ty))
  -- ^ what to sum
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required (nullity ty))
sumDistinct = unsafeAggregateDistinct "sum"

-- | A constraint for `PGType`s that you can take averages of and the resulting
-- `PGType`.
class PGAvg ty avg | ty -> avg where
  avg, avgDistinct
    :: Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity ty))
    -- ^ what to average
    -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required (nullity avg))
  avg = unsafeAggregate "avg"
  avgDistinct = unsafeAggregateDistinct "avg"
instance PGAvg 'PGint2 'PGnumeric
instance PGAvg 'PGint4 'PGnumeric
instance PGAvg 'PGint8 'PGnumeric
instance PGAvg 'PGnumeric 'PGnumeric
instance PGAvg 'PGfloat4 'PGfloat8
instance PGAvg 'PGfloat8 'PGfloat8
instance PGAvg 'PGinterval 'PGinterval

-- | >>> renderExpression @'[_ ::: '["col" ::: 'Required (_ 'PGint4)]] $ bitAnd #col
-- "bit_and(col)"
  :: PGIntegral int
  => Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity int))
  -- ^ what to aggregate
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required (nullity int))
bitAnd = unsafeAggregate "bit_and"

-- | >>> renderExpression @'[_ ::: '["col" ::: 'Required (_ 'PGint4)]] $ bitOr #col
-- "bit_or(col)"
  :: PGIntegral int
  => Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity int))
  -- ^ what to aggregate
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required (nullity int))
bitOr = unsafeAggregate "bit_or"

-- | >>> renderExpression @'[_ ::: '["col" ::: 'Required (_ 'PGint4)]] $ bitAndDistinct #col
-- "bit_and(DISTINCT col)"
  :: PGIntegral int
  => Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity int))
  -- ^ what to aggregate
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required (nullity int))
bitAndDistinct = unsafeAggregateDistinct "bit_and"

-- | >>> renderExpression @'[_ ::: '["col" ::: 'Required (_ 'PGint4)]] $ bitOrDistinct #col
-- "bit_or(DISTINCT col)"
  :: PGIntegral int
  => Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity int))
  -- ^ what to aggregate
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required (nullity int))
bitOrDistinct = unsafeAggregateDistinct "bit_or"

-- | >>> renderExpression @'[_ ::: '["col" ::: 'Required (_ 'PGbool)]] $ boolAnd #col
-- "bool_and(col)"
  :: Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
  -- ^ what to aggregate
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
boolAnd = unsafeAggregate "bool_and"

-- | >>> renderExpression @'[_ ::: '["col" ::: 'Required (_ 'PGbool)]] $ boolOr #col
-- "bool_or(col)"
  :: Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
  -- ^ what to aggregate
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
boolOr = unsafeAggregate "bool_or"

-- | >>> renderExpression @'[_ ::: '["col" ::: 'Required (_ 'PGbool)]] $ boolAndDistinct #col
-- "bool_and(DISTINCT col)"
  :: Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
  -- ^ what to aggregate
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
boolAndDistinct = unsafeAggregateDistinct "bool_and"

-- | >>> renderExpression @'[_ ::: '["col" ::: 'Required (_ 'PGbool)]] $ boolOrDistinct #col
-- "bool_or(DISTINCT col)"
  :: Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
  -- ^ what to aggregate
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
boolOrDistinct = unsafeAggregateDistinct "bool_or"

-- | A special aggregation that does not require an input
-- >>> renderExpression countStar
-- "count(*)"
  :: Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required ('NotNull 'PGint8))
countStar = UnsafeExpression $ "count(*)"

-- | >>> renderExpression @'[_ ::: '["col" ::: 'Optional _]] $ count #col
-- "count(col)"
  :: Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required ty)
  -- ^ what to count
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required ('NotNull 'PGint8))
count = unsafeAggregate "count"

-- | >>> renderExpression @'[_ ::: '["col" ::: 'Required _]] $ countDistinct #col
-- "count(DISTINCT col)"
  :: Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required ty)
  -- ^ what to count
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required ('NotNull 'PGint8))
countDistinct = unsafeAggregateDistinct "count"

-- | synonym for `boolAnd`
-- >>> renderExpression @'[_ ::: '["col" ::: 'Required (_ 'PGbool)]] $ every #col
-- "every(col)"
  :: Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
  -- ^ what to aggregate
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
every = unsafeAggregate "every"

-- | synonym for `boolAndDistinct`
-- >>> renderExpression @'[_ ::: '["col" ::: 'Required (_ 'PGbool)]] $ everyDistinct #col
-- "every(DISTINCT col)"
  :: Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
  -- ^ what to aggregate
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required (nullity 'PGbool))
everyDistinct = unsafeAggregateDistinct "every"

-- | minimum and maximum aggregation
max_, min_, maxDistinct, minDistinct
  :: Expression tables 'Ungrouped params ('Required (nullity ty))
  -- ^ what to aggregate
  -> Expression tables ('Grouped bys) params ('Required (nullity ty))
max_ = unsafeAggregate "max"
min_ = unsafeAggregate "min"
maxDistinct = unsafeAggregateDistinct "max"
minDistinct = unsafeAggregateDistinct "min"


-- | A `Table` from a schema without its alias with an `IsLabel` instance
-- to call a table reference by its alias.
newtype Table
  (schema :: TablesType)
  (columns :: ColumnsType)
    = UnsafeTable { renderTable :: ByteString }
    deriving (GHC.Generic,Show,Eq,Ord,NFData)

-- | A `HasTable` constraint indicates a table reference.
class KnownSymbol table => HasTable table tables columns
  | table tables -> columns where
    getTable :: Alias table -> Table tables columns
    getTable table = UnsafeTable $ renderAlias table
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownSymbol table
  => HasTable table ((table ::: columns) ': tables) columns
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
  (KnownSymbol table, HasTable table schema columns)
    => HasTable table (table' ': schema) columns

instance HasTable table schema columns
  => IsLabel table (Table schema columns) where
    fromLabel = getTable (Alias @table)

type expressions

-- | `TypeExpression`s are used in `cast`s and `createTable` commands.
newtype TypeExpression (ty :: ColumnType)
  = UnsafeTypeExpression { renderTypeExpression :: ByteString }
  deriving (GHC.Generic,Show,Eq,Ord,NFData)

-- | logical Boolean (true/false)
bool :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGbool))
bool = UnsafeTypeExpression "bool"
-- | signed two-byte integer
int2, smallint :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGint2))
int2 = UnsafeTypeExpression "int2"
smallint = UnsafeTypeExpression "smallint"
-- | signed four-byte integer
int4, int, integer :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGint4))
int4 = UnsafeTypeExpression "int4"
int = UnsafeTypeExpression "int"
integer = UnsafeTypeExpression "integer"
-- | signed eight-byte integer
int8, bigint :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGint8))
int8 = UnsafeTypeExpression "int8"
bigint = UnsafeTypeExpression "bigint"
-- | arbitrary precision numeric type
numeric :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGnumeric))
numeric = UnsafeTypeExpression "numeric"
-- | single precision floating-point number (4 bytes)
float4, real :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGfloat4))
float4 = UnsafeTypeExpression "float4"
real = UnsafeTypeExpression "real"
-- | double precision floating-point number (8 bytes)
float8, doublePrecision :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGfloat8))
float8 = UnsafeTypeExpression "float8"
doublePrecision = UnsafeTypeExpression "double precision"
-- | not a true type, but merely a notational convenience for creating
-- unique identifier columns with type `'PGint2`
serial2, smallserial :: TypeExpression ('Optional ('NotNull 'PGint2))
serial2 = UnsafeTypeExpression "serial2"
smallserial = UnsafeTypeExpression "smallserial"
-- | not a true type, but merely a notational convenience for creating
-- unique identifier columns with type `'PGint4`
serial4, serial :: TypeExpression ('Optional ('NotNull 'PGint4))
serial4 = UnsafeTypeExpression "serial4"
serial = UnsafeTypeExpression "serial"
-- | not a true type, but merely a notational convenience for creating
-- unique identifier columns with type `'PGint8`
serial8, bigserial :: TypeExpression ('Optional ('NotNull 'PGint8))
serial8 = UnsafeTypeExpression "serial8"
bigserial = UnsafeTypeExpression "bigserial"
-- | variable-length character string
text :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGtext))
text = UnsafeTypeExpression "text"
-- | fixed-length character string
char, character
  :: (KnownNat n, 1 <= n)
  => proxy n
  -> TypeExpression ('Required ('Null ('PGchar n)))
char p = UnsafeTypeExpression $ "char(" <> renderNat p <> ")"
character p = UnsafeTypeExpression $  "character(" <> renderNat p <> ")"
-- | variable-length character string
varchar, characterVarying
  :: (KnownNat n, 1 <= n)
  => proxy n
  -> TypeExpression ('Required ('Null ('PGvarchar n)))
varchar p = UnsafeTypeExpression $ "varchar(" <> renderNat p <> ")"
characterVarying p = UnsafeTypeExpression $
  "character varying(" <> renderNat p <> ")"
-- | binary data ("byte array")
bytea :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGbytea))
bytea = UnsafeTypeExpression "bytea"
-- | date and time (no time zone)
timestamp :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGtimestamp))
timestamp = UnsafeTypeExpression "timestamp"
-- | date and time, including time zone
timestampWithTimeZone :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGtimestamptz))
timestampWithTimeZone = UnsafeTypeExpression "timestamp with time zone"
-- | calendar date (year, month, day)
date :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGdate))
date = UnsafeTypeExpression "date"
-- | time of day (no time zone)
time :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGtime))
time = UnsafeTypeExpression "time"
-- | time of day, including time zone
timeWithTimeZone :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGtimetz))
timeWithTimeZone = UnsafeTypeExpression "time with time zone"
-- | time span
interval :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGinterval))
interval = UnsafeTypeExpression "interval"
-- | universally unique identifier
uuid :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGuuid))
uuid = UnsafeTypeExpression "uuid"
-- | IPv4 or IPv6 host address
inet :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGinet))
inet = UnsafeTypeExpression "inet"
-- | textual JSON data
json :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGjson))
json = UnsafeTypeExpression "json"
-- | binary JSON data, decomposed
jsonb :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null 'PGjsonb))
jsonb = UnsafeTypeExpression "jsonb"

-- | used in `createTable` commands as a column constraint to ensure
-- @NULL@ is not present
  :: TypeExpression (optionality ('Null ty))
  -> TypeExpression (optionality ('NotNull ty))
notNull ty = UnsafeTypeExpression $ renderTypeExpression ty <+> "NOT NULL"

-- | used in `createTable` commands as a column constraint to give a default
  :: Expression '[] 'Ungrouped '[] ('Required ty)
  -> TypeExpression ('Required ty)
  -> TypeExpression ('Optional ty)
default_ x ty = UnsafeTypeExpression $
  renderTypeExpression ty <+> "DEFAULT" <+> renderExpression x

-- | `pgtype` is a demoted version of a `PGType`
class PGTyped (ty :: PGType) where
  pgtype :: TypeExpression ('Required ('Null ty))
instance PGTyped 'PGbool where pgtype = bool
instance PGTyped 'PGint2 where pgtype = int2
instance PGTyped 'PGint4 where pgtype = int4
instance PGTyped 'PGint8 where pgtype = int8
instance PGTyped 'PGnumeric where pgtype = numeric
instance PGTyped 'PGfloat4 where pgtype = float4
instance PGTyped 'PGfloat8 where pgtype = float8
instance PGTyped 'PGtext where pgtype = text
instance (KnownNat n, 1 <= n)
  => PGTyped ('PGchar n) where pgtype = char (Proxy @n)
instance (KnownNat n, 1 <= n)
  => PGTyped ('PGvarchar n) where pgtype = varchar (Proxy @n)
instance PGTyped 'PGbytea where pgtype = bytea
instance PGTyped 'PGtimestamp where pgtype = timestamp
instance PGTyped 'PGtimestamptz where pgtype = timestampWithTimeZone
instance PGTyped 'PGdate where pgtype = date
instance PGTyped 'PGtime where pgtype = time
instance PGTyped 'PGtimetz where pgtype = timeWithTimeZone
instance PGTyped 'PGinterval where pgtype = interval
instance PGTyped 'PGuuid where pgtype = uuid
instance PGTyped 'PGjson where pgtype = json
instance PGTyped 'PGjsonb where pgtype = jsonb