smtlib2-1.0: A type-safe interface to communicate with an SMT solver.

Safe HaskellNone



type family AllEq tp n :: [Type] Source


AllEq tp Z = `[]` 
AllEq tp (S n) = tp : AllEq tp n 

allEqToList :: Natural n -> List a (AllEq tp n) -> [a tp] Source

allEqFromList :: [a tp] -> (forall n. Natural n -> List a (AllEq tp n) -> r) -> r Source

allEqOf :: Repr tp -> Natural n -> List Repr (AllEq tp n) Source

mapAllEq :: Monad m => (e1 tp -> m (e2 tp)) -> Natural n -> List e1 (AllEq tp n) -> m (List e2 (AllEq tp n)) Source

data Function fun con field sig where Source


Fun :: fun `(arg, res)` -> Function fun con field `(arg, res)` 
Eq :: Repr tp -> Natural n -> Function fun con field `(AllEq tp n, BoolType)` 
Distinct :: Repr tp -> Natural n -> Function fun con field `(AllEq tp n, BoolType)` 
Map :: List Repr idx -> Function fun con field `(arg, res)` -> Function fun con field `(Lifted arg idx, ArrayType idx res)` 
Ord :: NumRepr tp -> OrdOp -> Function fun con field `(`[tp, tp]`, BoolType)` 
Arith :: NumRepr tp -> ArithOp -> Natural n -> Function fun con field `(AllEq tp n, tp)` 
ArithIntBin :: ArithOpInt -> Function fun con field `(`[IntType, IntType]`, IntType)` 
Divide :: Function fun con field `(`[RealType, RealType]`, RealType)` 
Abs :: NumRepr tp -> Function fun con field `(`[tp]`, tp)` 
Not :: Function fun con field `(`[BoolType]`, BoolType)` 
Logic :: LogicOp -> Natural n -> Function fun con field `(AllEq BoolType n, BoolType)` 
ToReal :: Function fun con field `(`[IntType]`, RealType)` 
ToInt :: Function fun con field `(`[RealType]`, IntType)` 
ITE :: Repr a -> Function fun con field `(`[BoolType, a, a]`, a)` 
BVComp :: BVCompOp -> Natural a -> Function fun con field `(`[BitVecType a, BitVecType a]`, BoolType)` 
BVBin :: BVBinOp -> Natural a -> Function fun con field `(`[BitVecType a, BitVecType a]`, BitVecType a)` 
BVUn :: BVUnOp -> Natural a -> Function fun con field `(`[BitVecType a]`, BitVecType a)` 
Select :: List Repr idx -> Repr val -> Function fun con field `(ArrayType idx val : idx, val)` 
Store :: List Repr idx -> Repr val -> Function fun con field `(ArrayType idx val : (val : idx), ArrayType idx val)` 
ConstArray :: List Repr idx -> Repr val -> Function fun con field `(`[val]`, ArrayType idx val)` 
Concat :: Natural n1 -> Natural n2 -> Function fun con field `(`[BitVecType n1, BitVecType n2]`, BitVecType (n1 + n2))` 
Extract :: (((start + len) <= bw) ~ True) => Natural bw -> Natural start -> Natural len -> Function fun con field `(`[BitVecType bw]`, BitVecType len)` 
Constructor :: IsDatatype a => con `(arg, a)` -> Function fun con field `(arg, DataType a)` 
Test :: IsDatatype a => con `(arg, a)` -> Function fun con field `(`[DataType a]`, BoolType)` 
Field :: IsDatatype a => field `(a, t)` -> Function fun con field `(`[DataType a]`, t)` 
Divisible :: Integer -> Function fun con field `(`[IntType]`, BoolType)` 


(GCompare ((,) [Type] Type) fun, GCompare ((,) [Type] *) con, GCompare ((,) * Type) field) => GCompare ((,) [Type] Type) (Function fun con field) Source 
(GEq ((,) [Type] Type) fun, GEq ((,) [Type] *) con, GEq ((,) * Type) field) => GEq ((,) [Type] Type) (Function fun con field) Source 
(GShow ((,) [Type] Type) fun, GShow ((,) [Type] *) con, GShow ((,) * Type) field) => GShow ((,) [Type] Type) (Function fun con field) Source 
(GetFunType fun, GetConType con, GetFieldType field) => GetFunType (Function fun con field) Source 
(GEq ((,) [Type] Type) fun, GEq ((,) [Type] *) con, GEq ((,) * Type) field) => Eq (Function fun con field sig) Source 
(GShow ((,) [Type] Type) fun, GShow ((,) [Type] *) con, GShow ((,) * Type) field) => Show (Function fun con field sig) Source 

data AnyFunction fun con field where Source


AnyFunction :: Function fun con field `(arg, t)` -> AnyFunction fun con field 

data OrdOp Source



data LetBinding v e t Source




letVar :: v t
letExpr :: e t

data Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e res where Source


Var :: v res -> Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e res 
QVar :: qv res -> Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e res 
FVar :: fv res -> Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e res 
LVar :: lv res -> Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e res 
App :: Function fun con field `(arg, res)` -> List e arg -> Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e res 
Const :: Value con a -> Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e a 
AsArray :: Function fun con field `(arg, res)` -> Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e (ArrayType arg res) 
Quantification :: Quantifier -> List qv arg -> e BoolType -> Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e BoolType 
Let :: List (LetBinding lv e) arg -> e res -> Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e res 


(GCompare Type v, GCompare Type qv, GCompare ((,) [Type] Type) fun, GCompare ((,) [Type] *) con, GCompare ((,) * Type) field, GCompare Type fv, GCompare Type lv, GCompare Type e) => GCompare Type (Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e) Source 
(GEq Type v, GEq Type qv, GEq ((,) [Type] Type) fun, GEq ((,) [Type] *) con, GEq ((,) * Type) field, GEq Type fv, GEq Type lv, GEq Type e) => GEq Type (Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e) Source 
(GShow Type v, GShow Type qv, GShow ((,) [Type] Type) fun, GShow ((,) [Type] *) con, GShow ((,) * Type) field, GShow Type fv, GShow Type lv, GShow Type e) => GShow Type (Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e) Source 
(GetType v, GetType qv, GetFunType fun, GetConType con, GetFieldType field, GetType fv, GetType lv, GetType e) => GetType (Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e) Source 
(GEq Type v, GEq Type qv, GEq ((,) [Type] Type) fun, GEq ((,) [Type] *) con, GEq ((,) * Type) field, GEq Type fv, GEq Type lv, GEq Type e) => Eq (Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e t) Source 
(GCompare Type v, GCompare Type qv, GCompare ((,) [Type] Type) fun, GCompare ((,) [Type] *) con, GCompare ((,) * Type) field, GCompare Type fv, GCompare Type lv, GCompare Type e) => Ord (Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e t) Source 
(GShow Type v, GShow Type qv, GShow ((,) [Type] Type) fun, GShow ((,) [Type] *) con, GShow ((,) * Type) field, GShow Type fv, GShow Type lv, GShow Type e) => Show (Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e r) Source 

class SMTOrd t where Source


lt :: Function fun con field `(`[t, t]`, BoolType)` Source

le :: Function fun con field `(`[t, t]`, BoolType)` Source

gt :: Function fun con field `(`[t, t]`, BoolType)` Source

ge :: Function fun con field `(`[t, t]`, BoolType)` Source

class SMTArith t where Source


arithFromInteger :: Integer -> ConcreteValue t Source

arith :: ArithOp -> Natural n -> Function fun con field `(AllEq t n, t)` Source

plus :: Natural n -> Function fun con field `(AllEq t n, t)` Source

minus :: Natural n -> Function fun con field `(AllEq t n, t)` Source

mult :: Natural n -> Function fun con field `(AllEq t n, t)` Source

abs' :: Function fun con field `(`[t]`, t)` Source

functionType :: Monad m => (forall arg t. fun `(arg, t)` -> m (List Repr arg, Repr t)) -> (forall arg dt. IsDatatype dt => con `(arg, dt)` -> m (List Repr arg, Datatype `(DatatypeSig dt, dt)`)) -> (forall dt t. IsDatatype dt => field `(dt, t)` -> m (Datatype `(DatatypeSig dt, dt)`, Repr t)) -> Function fun con field `(arg, res)` -> m (List Repr arg, Repr res) Source

expressionType :: (Monad m, Functor m) => (forall t. v t -> m (Repr t)) -> (forall t. qv t -> m (Repr t)) -> (forall arg t. fun `(arg, t)` -> m (List Repr arg, Repr t)) -> (forall arg dt. IsDatatype dt => con `(arg, dt)` -> m (List Repr arg, Datatype `(DatatypeSig dt, dt)`)) -> (forall dt t. IsDatatype dt => field `(dt, t)` -> m (Datatype `(DatatypeSig dt, dt)`, Repr t)) -> (forall t. fv t -> m (Repr t)) -> (forall t. lv t -> m (Repr t)) -> (forall t. e t -> m (Repr t)) -> Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e res -> m (Repr res) Source

mapExpr Source


:: (Functor m, Monad m, Typeable con2) 
=> (forall t. v1 t -> m (v2 t))

How to translate variables

-> (forall t. qv1 t -> m (qv2 t))

How to translate quantified variables

-> (forall arg t. fun1 `(arg, t)` -> m (fun2 `(arg, t)`))

How to translate functions

-> (forall arg t. con1 `(arg, t)` -> m (con2 `(arg, t)`))

How to translate constructrs

-> (forall t res. field1 `(t, res)` -> m (field2 `(t, res)`))

How to translate field accessors

-> (forall t. fv1 t -> m (fv2 t))

How to translate function variables

-> (forall t. lv1 t -> m (lv2 t))

How to translate let variables

-> (forall t. e1 t -> m (e2 t))

How to translate sub-expressions

-> Expression v1 qv1 fun1 con1 field1 fv1 lv1 e1 r

The expression to translate

-> m (Expression v2 qv2 fun2 con2 field2 fv2 lv2 e2 r) 

mapFunction :: (Functor m, Monad m) => (forall arg t. fun1 `(arg, t)` -> m (fun2 `(arg, t)`)) -> (forall arg t. con1 `(arg, t)` -> m (con2 `(arg, t)`)) -> (forall t res. field1 `(t, res)` -> m (field2 `(t, res)`)) -> Function fun1 con1 field1 `(arg, res)` -> m (Function fun2 con2 field2 `(arg, res)`) Source

renderExprDefault :: (GetType qv, GShow v, GShow qv, GShow fun, GShow con, GShow field, GShow fv, GShow lv, GShow e) => RenderMode -> Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e tp -> ShowS Source

renderExpr :: GetType qv => RenderMode -> (forall tp. v tp -> ShowS) -> (forall tp. qv tp -> ShowS) -> (forall arg res. fun `(arg, res)` -> ShowS) -> (forall arg dt. con `(arg, dt)` -> ShowS) -> (forall dt res. field `(dt, res)` -> ShowS) -> (forall tp. fv tp -> ShowS) -> (forall tp. lv tp -> ShowS) -> (forall tp. e tp -> ShowS) -> Expression v qv fun con field fv lv e tp -> ShowS Source

renderValue :: RenderMode -> (forall arg dt. con `(arg, dt)` -> ShowS) -> Value con tp -> ShowS Source

renderFunction :: RenderMode -> (forall arg res. fun `(arg, res)` -> ShowS) -> (forall arg dt. con `(arg, dt)` -> ShowS) -> (forall dt res. field `(dt, res)` -> ShowS) -> Function fun con field `(arg, res)` -> ShowS Source