{-# language BangPatterns #-}
{-# language BinaryLiterals #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# language DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# language GADTSyntax #-}
{-# language KindSignatures #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language MagicHash #-}
{-# language MultiWayIf #-}
{-# language PolyKinds #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
{-# language UnboxedSums #-}
{-# language UnboxedTuples #-}

-- | Parse token sequences.
module Data.Parser
  ( Parser
  , Result(..)
  , Slice(..)
  , parseSmallArray
  , parseSmallArrayEffectfully
    -- * Primitives
  , any
  , opt
  , peek
  , token
  , effect
  , fail
  , trySatisfy
    -- * Control Flow
  , foldSepBy1
  , sepBy1
  , skipWhile
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (length,any,fail)

import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Primitive (SmallArray(..))
import Data.Bytes.Parser (Result(..),Slice(..))
import Data.Parser.Unsafe (Parser(..))
import GHC.Exts (TYPE,Int(I#),Int#)
import GHC.ST (ST(ST),runST)

import qualified Data.Primitive as PM
import qualified GHC.Exts as Exts

type Result# e (a :: TYPE r) =
  (# e
  | (# a, Int#, Int# #) #) -- ints are offset and length

-- | Consumes and returns the next token from the input.
-- Fails if no tokens are left.
any :: e -> Parser a e s a
{-# inline any #-}
any e = uneffectful $ \array off len -> case len of
  0 -> Failure e
  _ ->
    let w = PM.indexSmallArray array off
     in Success (Slice (off + 1) (len - 1) w)

-- | Consume a token from the input or return @Nothing@ if
-- end of the stream has been reached. This parser never fails.
opt :: Parser a e s (Maybe a)
{-# inline opt #-}
opt = uneffectful $ \array off len -> case len of
  0 -> Success (Slice off 0 Nothing)
  _ ->
    let w = PM.indexSmallArray array off
     in Success (Slice (off + 1) (len - 1) (Just w))

-- | Looks at the next token from the input. If the token matches
-- the predicate, consume the token and return @True@. Otherwise,
-- do not consume the token and return @False@. If no tokens
-- remain in the input, return @False@. This parser never fails.
trySatisfy :: (a -> Bool) -> Parser a e s Bool
{-# inline trySatisfy #-}
trySatisfy p = uneffectful $ \array off len -> case len of
  0 -> Success (Slice off 0 False)
  _ -> let w = PM.indexSmallArray array off in
    case p w of
      True -> Success (Slice (off + 1) (len - 1) True)
      False -> Success (Slice off len False)

-- | Lift an effect into a parser.
effect :: ST s b -> Parser a e s b
{-# inline effect #-}
effect (ST f) = Parser
  (\(# _, off, len #) s0 -> case f s0 of
    (# s1, b #) -> (# s1, (# | (# b, off, len #) #) #)

-- | Consumes and returns the next token from the input.
-- Fails if no tokens are left.
fail :: e -> Parser a e s b
{-# inline fail #-}
fail e = Parser (\_ s0 -> (# s0, (# e | #) #) )

-- | Consumes the next token from the input. Fails if it
-- is not equal to the expected value.
token :: Eq a
  => e -- ^ Error message
  -> a -- ^ Expected value of next token
  -> Parser a e s ()
{-# inline token #-}
token e a = do
  b <- any e
  bool (fail e) (pure ()) (a == b)

-- | Returns the next token from the input without consuming
-- it. Fails if no tokens are left.
peek :: e -> Parser a e s a
{-# inline peek #-}
peek e = uneffectful $ \array off len -> if len > 0
    let w = PM.indexSmallArray array off
     in Success (Slice off len w)
  else Failure e

-- | Fold over the tokens, repeatedly running @step@ followed
-- by @separator@ until @separator@ returns 'False'. This is
-- strict in the accumulator and always runs @step@ at least
-- once. There is no backtracking; any failure causes the whole
-- combinator to fail. 
foldSepBy1 ::
     Parser a e s Bool -- ^ Separator
  -> (b -> Parser a e s b) -- ^ Step
  -> b -- ^ Initial value
  -> Parser a e s b
{-# inline foldSepBy1 #-}
foldSepBy1 sep f b0 = f b0 >>= go
  go !b = sep >>= \case
    True -> f b >>= go
    False -> pure b

-- | Skip tokens for which the predicate is true.
skipWhile ::
     (a -> Bool) -- ^ Predicate
  -> Parser a e s ()
{-# inline skipWhile #-}
skipWhile f = go where
  go = opt >>= \case
    Nothing -> pure ()
    Just t -> case f t of
      True -> go
      False -> internalUnconsume 1

-- | Fold over the tokens, repeatedly running @step@ followed
-- by @separator@ until @separator@ returns 'False'. The results
-- of @step@ are discarded, but in conjunction with @effect@,
-- this can be used to populate an array or a builder. This
-- always runs @step@ at least once.
-- > sepBy1 sep step === step *> (sep >>= bool (pure ()) (step *> (sep >>= bool (pure ()) (...))))
sepBy1 ::
     Parser a e s Bool -- ^ Separator
  -> Parser a e s b -- ^ Step
  -> Parser a e s ()
{-# inline sepBy1 #-}
sepBy1 sep f = f *> go where
  go = sep >>= \case
    True -> f *> go
    False -> pure ()

uneffectful :: (SmallArray a -> Int -> Int -> Result e b) -> Parser a e s b
{-# inline uneffectful #-}
uneffectful f = Parser
  ( \(# arr,off,len #) s0 -> (# s0, unboxResult (f (SmallArray arr) (I# off) (I# len)) #) )

unboxResult :: Result e a -> Result# e a
unboxResult (Success (Slice (I# b) (I# c) a)) = (# | (# a, b, c #) #)
unboxResult (Failure e) = (# e | #)

parseSmallArray ::
     forall a e b. (forall s. Parser a e s b)
  -> SmallArray a
  -> Result e b
parseSmallArray p (SmallArray arr) = runST action
  action :: forall s. ST s (Result e b)
  action = case p @s of
    Parser f -> ST
      (\s0 -> case f (# arr, 0#, (Exts.sizeofSmallArray# arr) #) s0 of
        (# s1, r #) -> (# s1, boxResult r #)

parseSmallArrayEffectfully :: Parser a e s b -> SmallArray a -> ST s (Result e b)
parseSmallArrayEffectfully (Parser f) (SmallArray arr) = ST
  (\s0 -> case f (# arr, 0#, (Exts.sizeofSmallArray# arr) #) s0 of
    (# s1, r #) -> (# s1, boxResult r #)

boxResult :: Result# e a -> Result e a
boxResult (# | (# a, b, c #) #) = Success (Slice (I# b) (I# c) a)
boxResult (# e | #) = Failure e

-- A copy of unconsume so that the modules do not need to
-- be restructured.
internalUnconsume :: Int -> Parser a e s ()
{-# inline internalUnconsume #-}
internalUnconsume n = uneffectful $ \_ off len ->
  Success (Slice (off - n) (len + n) ())