{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

{-| The @'Yield' a@ effect lets a computation produce values of type @a@ during it's execution. -}

module Control.Effects.Yield where

import Import

import Control.Effects

import Control.Effects.Signal

import Control.Effects.List

import Control.Effects.Async

import GHC.Generics

import Control.Concurrent.MVar

import Control.Concurrent.Chan

data Yield a

instance Effect (Yield a) where

    data EffMethods (Yield a) m = YieldMethods

        { _yield :: a -> m () }

        deriving (Generic)

-- | Output a value of type @a@. The semantics are determined by the implementation, but usually this

--   will block until the next value is requested by the consumer.

yield :: forall a m. MonadEffect (Yield a) m => a -> m ()

YieldMethods yield = effect

-- | Implement 'Yield' by using non-determinism to output each of the values. This means you can

--   use the functions from "Control.Effects.List" to choose how to consume them. For example,

--   using 'evaluateToList' will give you a list of all yielded values. It also means the 'yield'

--   calls won't block since all the values are requested. Other consumer functions give you more

--   control.

implementYieldViaNonDeterminism ::

    forall a m b. MonadEffect NonDeterminism m

    => RuntimeImplemented (Yield a) (RuntimeImplemented (Signal a ()) (ExceptT a m)) b

    -> m a

implementYieldViaNonDeterminism m = m

    & (>> deadEnd)

    & implement (YieldMethods (signal @a))

    & handleSignal @a (\a -> do

        b <- choose [True, False]

        return $ if b then Break a else Resume ())

-- | Implement 'Yield' through an 'MVar'. The result is a monadic action (the inner one) that

--   returns one yielded

--   value or 'Nothing' if the computation is finished. All subsequent calls will also return

--   'Nothing'. Each execution of this action continues execution in the provided computation,

--   which is otherwise suspended.


--   If the provided computation forks new threads and doesn't wait for them to finish, 'Nothing'

--   may be returned prematurely (in the sense that maybe there's still a live thread yielding

--   values).


--   Since the yielding is done through a shared 'MVar', this

--   implementation is suitable to be run with multiple threads. Scheduling which thread gets

--   continued is defined by the semantics of 'MVar's.


--   [Note]

--      'yield' will block in this implementation.

implementYieldViaMVar ::

    forall a m b. (MonadIO m, MonadEffect Async m)

    => RuntimeImplemented (Yield a) m b -> m (m (Maybe a))

implementYieldViaMVar m = do

    mv <- liftIO newEmptyMVar

    block <- liftIO newEmptyMVar

    done <- liftIO $ newMVar False

    void $ async $ do

        liftIO $ takeMVar block

        void $ m & implement (YieldMethods (\a -> liftIO $ do

            putMVar mv (Just a)

            takeMVar block ))

        liftIO $ do

            void $ swapMVar done True

            void $ tryPutMVar mv Nothing

    return $ liftIO $ do

        d <- readMVar done

        if d then return Nothing

        else do

            putMVar block ()

            takeMVar mv

-- | Implements 'Yield' through a 'Chan'. The resulting monadic action (the inner one) reads one

--   value from the queue. 'Nothing' means the provided computation is done. If the provided

--   computation forks new threads and doesn't wait for them to finish, 'Nothing' may be written

--   prematurely (in the sense that maybe there's still a live thread yielding values).


--  [Note]

--      'yield' will /not/ block in this implementation.

implementYieldViaChan ::

    forall a m b. (MonadIO m, MonadEffect Async m)

    => RuntimeImplemented (Yield a) m b -> m (m (Maybe a))

implementYieldViaChan m = do

    ch <- liftIO newChan

    done <- liftIO $ newMVar False

    void $ async $ do

        void $ m & implement (YieldMethods (liftIO . writeChan ch . Just))

        liftIO $ writeChan ch Nothing

    return $ liftIO $ do

        d <- readMVar done

        if d then return Nothing

        else readChan ch >>= \case

            Nothing -> do

                void $ swapMVar done True

                return Nothing

            Just a -> return (Just a)

-- | A convenience function to go through all the yielded results. Use in combination with one

--   of the implementations. Collects a list of values.

traverseYielded :: Monad m => m (Maybe a) -> (a -> m b) -> m [b]

traverseYielded m f = m >>= \case

    Nothing -> return []

    Just a -> do

        b <- f a

        bs <- traverseYielded m f

        return (b : bs)

-- | A convenience function to go through all the yielded results. Use in combination with one

--   of the implementations. Discards the computed values.

traverseYielded_ :: Monad m => m (Maybe a) -> (a -> m b) -> m ()

traverseYielded_ m f = m >>= \case

    Nothing -> return ()

    Just a -> f a >> traverseYielded_ m f