{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GADTs, RecordWildCards #-}
-- | Primitives and run function.
module Control.Shell.Internal
  ( Shell
  , ExitReason (..), Env (..)
  , shell, runSh
  , exit, run, try, getEnv, inEnv, unsafeLiftIO, (|>)
  ) where
import Control.Monad (when, ap, forM)
import Control.Monad.Fail
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Conc
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import qualified Data.IORef as IORef
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import qualified System.Process as Proc
import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified System.IO.Unsafe as IO
import qualified System.Directory as Dir (getCurrentDirectory)
import qualified System.Environment as Env (getEnvironment)
import qualified System.Info as Info (os)

-- | A command name plus a ProcessHandle.
data Pid = PID !String                         !Proc.ProcessHandle
         | TID !(Conc.MVar (Maybe ExitReason)) !Conc.ThreadId

-- | A shell environment: consists of the current standard input, output and
--   error handles used by the computation, as well as the current working
--   directory and set of environment variables.
data Env = Env
  { envStdIn   :: !IO.Handle
  , envStdOut  :: !IO.Handle
  , envStdErr  :: !IO.Handle
  , envWorkDir :: !FilePath
  , envEnvVars :: ![(String, String)]

-- | A shell command: either an IO computation or a pipeline of at least one
--   step.
data Shell a where
  Lift   :: !(IO a) -> Shell a
  Pipe   :: ![PipeStep] -> Shell ()
  Bind   :: Shell a -> (a -> Shell b) -> Shell b
  GetEnv :: Shell Env
  InEnv  :: Env -> Shell a -> Shell a
  Try    :: Shell a -> Shell (Either String a)
  Done   :: Shell a
  Fail   :: String -> Shell a

-- | A step in a pipeline: either a shell computation or an external process.
data PipeStep
  = Proc     !String ![String]
  | Internal !(Shell ())

instance Functor Shell where
  fmap f m = m >>= return . f

instance Applicative Shell where
  (<*>) = ap
  pure  = return

instance Monad Shell where
  return = Lift . return
  (>>=)  = Bind
  fail   = Fail

instance MonadFail Shell where
  fail = Fail

-- | Lift an IO computation into a shell. The lifted computation is not
--   thread-safe, and should thus absolutely not use environment variables,
--   relative paths or standard input/output.
unsafeLiftIO :: IO a -> Shell a
unsafeLiftIO = Lift

-- | Why did the computation terminate?
data ExitReason = Success | Failure !String
  deriving (Show, Eq)

{-# NOINLINE warningRef #-}
warningRef :: IORef.IORef Bool
warningRef = IO.unsafePerformIO $ IORef.newIORef False

-- | Run a shell computation. If part of the computation fails, the whole
--   computation fails. The computation's environment is initially that of the
--   whole process.
shell :: Shell a -> IO (Either ExitReason a)
shell m = do
    alreadyPrintedWarning <- IORef.atomicModifyIORef warningRef $ \x -> (True, x)
    when (not Conc.rtsSupportsBoundThreads && not alreadyPrintedWarning) $ do
      IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr "WARNING: your program is not linked against the threaded GHC runtime."
      IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr "You should REALLY build your program with -threaded,"
      IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr "or you may experience deadlocks."
    evs <- Env.getEnvironment
    wd <- Dir.getCurrentDirectory
    runSh (env wd evs) m
    env wd evs = Env
      { envStdIn   = IO.stdin
      , envStdOut  = IO.stdout
      , envStdErr  = IO.stderr
      , envWorkDir = wd
      , envEnvVars = evs

runSh :: Env -> Shell a -> IO (Either ExitReason a)
runSh _ (Lift m) = do
  Ex.catch (Right <$> m)
           (\(Ex.SomeException e) -> pure $ Left (Failure (show e)))
runSh env (Pipe p) = flip Ex.catch except $ do
  steps <- mkEnvs env p
  pids <- mapM (uncurry (runStep closeFDs)) steps
  ma <- waitPids pids
  case ma of
    Failure err -> pure $ Left (Failure err)
    _           -> pure $ Right ()
      | Info.os == "mingw32" = False
      | otherwise            = True
    except = \(Ex.SomeException e) -> pure $ Left (Failure (show e))
runSh _ Done = do
  return $ Left Success
runSh env (Bind m f) = do
  res <- runSh env m
  case res of
    Right x -> runSh env (f x)
    Left e  -> pure $ Left e
runSh env GetEnv = do
  pure $ Right env
runSh _ (InEnv env m) = do
  runSh env m
runSh env (Try m) = do
  res <- runSh env m
  case res of
    Right x          -> pure $ Right (Right x)
    Left (Failure e) -> pure $ Right (Left e)
    Left Success     -> pure $ Left Success
runSh _ (Fail e) = do
  pure $ Left (Failure e)

-- | Start a pipeline step.
runStep :: Bool -> Env -> PipeStep -> IO Pid
runStep closefds Env{..} (Proc cmd args) = do
    (_, _, _, ph) <- Proc.createProcess cproc
    pure $ PID cmd ph
    cproc = Proc.CreateProcess
      { Proc.cmdspec      = Proc.RawCommand cmd args
      , Proc.cwd          = Just envWorkDir
      , Proc.env          = Just envEnvVars
      , Proc.std_in       = Proc.UseHandle envStdIn
      , Proc.std_out      = Proc.UseHandle envStdOut
      , Proc.std_err      = Proc.UseHandle envStdErr
      , Proc.close_fds    = closefds
      , Proc.create_group = False
#if MIN_VERSION_process(1,2,0)
      , Proc.delegate_ctlc = False
#if MIN_VERSION_process(1,3,0)
      , Proc.detach_console     = False
      , Proc.create_new_console = False
      , Proc.new_session        = False
      , Proc.child_group        = Nothing
      , Proc.child_user         = Nothing
#if MIN_VERSION_process(1,5,0)
      , Proc.use_process_jobs   = False
runStep closefds env (Internal cmd) = do
  v <- Conc.newEmptyMVar
  tid <- Conc.forkFinally (runSh env cmd >>= done) $ \res -> do
    case res of
      Right (Left e) -> Conc.putMVar v (Just e)
      Left e         -> Conc.putMVar v (Just $ Failure $ show e)
      _              -> Conc.putMVar v Nothing
  pure $ TID v tid
    done x = do
      when closefds $ IO.hClose (envStdOut env)
      return x

-- | Pair up pipe steps with corresponding environments, ensuring that each
--   step is connected to the next via a pipe.
mkEnvs :: Env -> [PipeStep] -> IO [(Env, PipeStep)]
mkEnvs env = go [] (envStdIn env)
    go acc stdi [step] = do
      let env' = env {envStdIn = stdi, envStdOut = envStdOut env}
      pure ((env', step) : acc)
    go acc stdi (step : steps) = do
      (next, stdo) <- Proc.createPipe
      go ((env {envStdIn = stdi, envStdOut = stdo}, step):acc) next steps
    go acc _ _ = pure acc

-- | Terminate a pid, be it process or thread.
killPid :: Pid -> IO ()
killPid (PID _ p) = Proc.terminateProcess p
killPid (TID _ t) = Conc.killThread t

-- | Wait for all processes in the given list. If a process has failed, its
--   error message is returned and the rest are killed.
waitPids :: [Pid] -> IO ExitReason
waitPids (PID cmd p : ps) = do
  exCode <- Proc.waitForProcess p
  case exCode of
    Exit.ExitFailure ec -> do
      mapM_ killPid ps
      return . Failure $ concat
        ["Command `", cmd, "' failed with error code ", show ec]
    _ -> do
      waitPids ps
waitPids (TID v _ : ps) = do
  merr <- Conc.takeMVar v
  case merr of
    Just e -> mapM_ killPid ps >> return e
    _      -> waitPids ps
waitPids _ = do
  return Success

-- | Execute an external command. No globbing, escaping or other external shell
--   magic is performed on either the command or arguments. The program's
--   stdout will be written to stdout.
run :: FilePath -> [String] -> Shell ()
run p args = Pipe [Proc p args]

-- | Terminate the program successfully.
exit :: Shell a
exit = Done

-- | Connect the standard output of the first argument to the standard input
--   of the second argument, and run the two computations in parallel.
(|>) :: Shell () -> Shell () -> Shell ()
Pipe m |> Pipe n = Pipe (m ++ n)
Pipe m |> n      = Pipe (m ++ [Internal n])
m      |> Pipe n = Pipe (Internal m : n)
m      |> n      = Pipe [Internal m, Internal n]
infixl 5 |>

-- | Run a computation in the given environment.
inEnv :: Env -> Shell a -> Shell a
inEnv = InEnv

-- | Get the current environment.
getEnv :: Shell Env
getEnv = GetEnv

-- | Attempt to run a computation. If the inner computation fails, the outer
--   computations returns its error message, otherwise its result is returned.
try :: Shell a -> Shell (Either String a)
try = Try