shebanger: Transform a shell script into a series of scripts with only shebang lines

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Dependencies base (<5), base64-bytestring, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath, from-sum, optparse-applicative, pretty-simple, process, shebanger, text, time, unix [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2024-2024 Dennis Gosnell
Author Dennis Gosnell
Category Productivity
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Readme for shebanger-

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shebanger is a small CLI tool to transform a boring shell script into an exciting series of shebang lines!

shebanger takes a shell script as input, and outputs a series of shell scripts. Each of the output shell scripts only consists of a shebang line, they don't have any code in their body. Executing the first output shell script will run your original input shell program.


This section lists installation instructions for various Linux distros.

Generic Linux

There is a statically-linked x86_64 Linux ELF binary for shebanger available on each of the GitHub Releases.

Nix / NixOS

Cloudy can be built with Nix by using the .nix files in this repo:

$ nix-build

You can find the shebanger binary in ./result/bin/shebanger.

You can also install shebanger from Nixpkgs by using the haskellPackages.shebanger derivation:

$ nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A haskellPackages.shebanger

Other Distros

PRs are welcome adding instructions for installing Cloudy on other Linux distributions!


shebanger assumes it will be available on your PATH. You might see errors with the following commands if shebanger can't be found on your PATH.

There is an example shell script to use with shebanger in this repo called

$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "arguments to this script: $@"

First, run shebanger on this script:

$ shebanger ./

This outputs a bunch of scripts named like the following:

$ ls*

Each of these scripts is just a single line, and they look like the following:

$ cat ./
#!/usr/bin/env -S shebanger exec IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9lbnYgYmFzaAoKZWNobyAiYXJndW1lbnRzIHRvIHRoaXMgc2NyaXA=

You can see that this is a script that only consists of a shebang line. The contents of the original script are split into 50-byte chunks, base-64 encoded, passed within the shebang lines of the output scripts.

If you run ./, the original will be reconstructed and executed:

$ ./ hello this is an argument
arguments to this script: hello this is an argument

How Does shebanger Work?

shebanger works by base-64-encoding the original input script, and splitting it up into the shebang lines of a series of output scripts. Each of these output scripts consist of only a shebang line.

When running the output script, by executing each output script one-by-one in turn, shebanger collects the contents of the original script, reconstructs it, and executes it.

shebanger actually doesn't require the input to be a script, it works on any executable. However, see the following sections on limitations of this.


Currently shebanger collects the contents of the original scripts into an environment variable, and passes that along when exec'ing the next script.

This means that shebanger is not able to execute scripts longer than a few hundred kilobytes, since they tend to overflow the max size of all environment variables.


shebanger is inspired by bangscript by @viperML. The About explanation of bangscript is:

Embed scripts in a shebang

When I read this, I immediately thought it would be what shebanger currently is. Since bangscript is instead something actually useful, I knew I needed to write shebanger.


  1. Q: Why would someone ever actually use shebanger?

    A: ...