{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, DeriveTraversable #-}

-- | The endpoints on the cloud server
module Development.Shake.Internal.History.Serialise(
    WithTypeReps(..), withTypeReps,
    WithKeys(..), withKeys, withIds, withoutKeys,
    SendAllKeys(..), RecvAllKeys(..),
    SendOneKey(..), RecvOneKey(..),
    ) where

import Development.Shake.Internal.History.Bloom
import General.Extra
import General.Binary
import General.Ids
import Data.List.Extra
import Development.Shake.Internal.Value
import Development.Shake.Internal.FileInfo
import Development.Shake.Internal.History.Types
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Typeable
import Prelude

data BuildTree key
    -- invariant: Entries are sorted
    = Depend [key] [([BS_Identity], BuildTree key)]
    | Done BS_Store [(FilePath, FileSize, FileHash)]

instance BinaryEx (BuildTree Int) where
    getEx = undefined
    putEx = undefined

instance Eq key => Semigroup (BuildTree key) where
    Depend ks1 vs1 <> Depend ks2 vs2
        | ks1 == ks2 = Depend ks1 $ mergeBy undefined vs1 vs2
        | otherwise = Depend ks2 vs2 -- this shouldn't happen, so give up
    x@Done{} <> _ = x
    _ <> y@Done{} = y

instance Eq key => Monoid (BuildTree key) where
    mempty = Depend [] []
    mappend = (<>)

data WithTypeReps a = WithTypeReps [BS_QTypeRep] a

instance BinaryEx a => BinaryEx (WithTypeReps a) where
    putEx = undefined
    getEx = undefined

withTypeReps :: Traversable f => f TypeRep -> WithTypeReps (f Int)
withTypeReps = undefined

data WithKeys a = WithKeys [BS_Key] a

instance BinaryEx a => BinaryEx (WithKeys a) where
    putEx = undefined
    getEx = undefined

withKeys :: Traversable f => f Key -> WithKeys (f Int)
withKeys = undefined

withIds :: Traversable f => (Id -> m Key) -> f Id -> m (WithKeys (f Int))
withIds = undefined

withoutKeys :: Map.HashMap TypeRep (BinaryOp Key) -> WithKeys (f Int) -> f Key
withoutKeys = undefined

data SendAllKeys typ = SendAllKeys Ver [(typ, Ver)]
    deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance BinaryEx (SendAllKeys Int) where
    putEx = undefined
    getEx = undefined

newtype RecvAllKeys key = RecvAllKeys [(key, Ver, [key], Bloom [BS_Identity])]

instance BinaryEx (RecvAllKeys Int) where
    getEx = undefined
    putEx = undefined

data SendOneKey key = SendOneKey Ver key Ver Ver [(key, BS_Identity)]

instance BinaryEx (SendOneKey Int) where
    getEx = undefined
    putEx = undefined

newtype RecvOneKey key = RecvOneKey (BuildTree key)

instance BinaryEx (RecvOneKey Int) where
    getEx = undefined
    putEx = undefined

data SendDownloadFiles key = SendDownloadFiles Ver key Ver Ver [(FilePath, FileSize, FileHash)]

instance BinaryEx (SendDownloadFiles Int) where
    getEx = undefined
    putEx = undefined

data SendUpload key = SendUpload Ver key Ver Ver [[(key, BS_Identity)]] BS_Store [(FilePath, FileSize, FileHash)]

instance BinaryEx (SendUpload Int) where
    getEx = undefined
    putEx = undefined