servant-subscriber- When REST is not enough ...

Safe HaskellNone




data Subscribable Source #


HasForeign * lang ftype sublayout => HasForeign * lang ftype ((:>) * * Subscribable sublayout) Source # 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * Subscribable sublayout) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) Subscribable sublayout) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) Subscribable sublayout) -> Foreign ((* :> *) Subscribable sublayout) api #

HasLink * sub => HasLink * ((:>) * * Subscribable sub) Source # 

Associated Types

type MkLink ((:>) * * Subscribable sub) (endpoint :: (:>) * * Subscribable sub) :: * #


toLink :: Proxy ((* :> *) Subscribable sub) endpoint -> Link -> MkLink ((* :> *) Subscribable sub) endpoint #

HasServer * sublayout context => HasServer * ((:>) * * Subscribable sublayout) context Source # 

Associated Types

type ServerT ((:>) * * Subscribable sublayout) (context :: (:>) * * Subscribable sublayout) (m :: * -> *) :: * #


route :: Proxy ((* :> *) Subscribable sublayout) context -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server ((* :> *) Subscribable sublayout) context) -> Router env #

type IsElem' sa ((:>) * * Subscribable sb) Source # 
type IsElem' sa ((:>) * * Subscribable sb)
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * Subscribable sublayout) Source # 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * Subscribable sublayout) = Foreign ftype sublayout
type MkLink * ((:>) * * Subscribable sub) Source # 
type MkLink * ((:>) * * Subscribable sub) = MkLink * sub
type ServerT * ((:>) * * Subscribable sublayout) m Source # 
type ServerT * ((:>) * * Subscribable sublayout) m = ServerT * sublayout m

type family IsSubscribable endpoint api :: Constraint where ... Source #


IsSubscribable sa (Subscribable :> sb) = () 
IsSubscribable e (sa :<|> sb) = Or (IsSubscribable e sa) (IsSubscribable e sb) 
IsSubscribable ((sym :: Symbol) :> sa) (sym :> sb) = IsSubscribable sa sb 
IsSubscribable (e :> sa) (e :> sb) = IsSubscribable sa sb 
IsSubscribable sa (Header sym x :> sb) = IsSubscribable sa sb 
IsSubscribable sa (ReqBody y x :> sb) = IsSubscribable sa sb 
IsSubscribable (Capture z y :> sa) (Capture x y :> sb) = IsSubscribable sa sb 
IsSubscribable sa (QueryParam x y :> sb) = IsSubscribable sa sb 
IsSubscribable sa (QueryParams x y :> sb) = IsSubscribable sa sb 
IsSubscribable sa (QueryFlag x :> sb) = IsSubscribable sa sb 
IsSubscribable e a = IsSubscribable' e a 

type family IsSubscribable' endpoint api :: Constraint Source #

You may use this type family to tell the type checker that your custom type may be skipped as part of a link. This is useful for things like QueryParam that are optional in a URI and are not part of a subscription uri.

>>> data CustomThing
>>> type instance IsSubscribable' e (CustomThing :> sa) s = IsSubscribable e sa s

Note that IsSubscribable is called, which will mutually recurse back to IsSubscribable' if it exhausts all other options again.

Once you have written a HasSubscription instance for CustomThing you are ready to go.

type family IsElem endpoint api :: Constraint where ... #

Closed type family, check if endpoint is within api


IsElem e ((:<|>) sa sb) = Or (IsElem e sa) (IsElem e sb) 
IsElem ((:>) k * e sa) ((:>) k * e sb) = IsElem sa sb 
IsElem sa ((:>) * * (Header sym x) sb) = IsElem sa sb 
IsElem sa ((:>) * * (ReqBody k y x) sb) = IsElem sa sb 
IsElem ((:>) * * (Capture k z y) sa) ((:>) * * (Capture k x y) sb) = IsElem sa sb 
IsElem ((:>) * * (CaptureAll k z y) sa) ((:>) * * (CaptureAll k x y) sb) = IsElem sa sb 
IsElem sa ((:>) * * (QueryParam k x y) sb) = IsElem sa sb 
IsElem sa ((:>) * * (QueryParams k x y) sb) = IsElem sa sb 
IsElem sa ((:>) * * (QueryFlag x) sb) = IsElem sa sb 
IsElem (Verb k1 k m s ct typ) (Verb k1 k m s ct' typ) = IsSubList * ct ct' 
IsElem e e = () 
IsElem e a = IsElem' e a 

type family IsValidEndpoint endpoint :: Constraint where ... Source #

A valid endpoint may only contain Symbols and captures & for convenince Subscribable:


IsValidEndpoint ((sym :: Symbol) :> sub) = IsValidEndpoint sub 
IsValidEndpoint (Capture z y :> sub) = IsValidEndpoint sub 
IsValidEndpoint (Subscribable :> sub) = IsValidEndpoint sub 
IsValidEndpoint (Verb (method :: k1) (statusCode :: Nat) (contentTypes :: [*]) (a :: *)) = ()