servant-streaming- Servant combinators for the 'streaming' package

Safe HaskellSafe




type StreamBody ct = StreamBodyMonad ct IO Source #

A request body that should be streamed.

data StreamBodyMonad (contentTypes :: [*]) (m :: * -> *) Source #

A request body that should be streamed with specified server monad

data StreamResponse (method :: StdMethod) (status :: Nat) (contentTypes :: [*]) Source #

A response body that should be streamed, with specified method, status, and content-type.

type StreamResponseGet = StreamResponse GET 200 Source #

The streaming version of the Get combinator.

type StreamResponsePost = StreamResponse POST 200 Source #

The streaming version of the Post combinator.

type StreamResponsePut = StreamResponse PUT 200 Source #

The streaming version of the Put combinator.

type StreamResponsePatch = StreamResponse PATCH 200 Source #

The streaming version of the Patch combinator.