servant-auth-server- servant-server/servant-auth compatibility

Safe HaskellNone





This package provides implementations for some common authentication methods. Authentication yields a trustworthy (because generated by the server) value of an some arbitrary type:

type MyApi = Protected

type Protected = Auth '[JWT, Cookie] User :> Get '[JSON] UserAccountDetails

server :: Server Protected
server (Authenticated usr) = ... -- here we know the client really is
                                 -- who she claims to be
server _ = throwAll err401

Additional configuration happens via Context.


Basic types

data Auth auths val :: [*] -> * -> *

Auth [auth1, auth2] val :> api represents an API protected *either* by auth1 or auth2


type ServerT * ((:>) * * (Auth auths v) api) m = AuthResult v -> ServerT * api m 

data AuthResult val Source

The result of an authentication attempt.


Authenticated val

Authentication succeeded.


If an authentication procedure cannot be carried out - if for example it expects a password and username in a header that is not present - Indefinite is returned. This indicates that other authentication methods should be tried.


JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a compact and secure way of transferring information between parties. In this library, they are signed by the server (or by some other party posessing the relevant key), and used to indicate the bearer's identity or authorization.

Arbitrary information can be encoded - just declare instances for the FromJWT and ToJWT classes. Don't go overboard though - be aware that usually you'll be trasmitting this information on each request (and response!).

Note that, while the tokens are signed, they are not encrypted. Do not put any information you do not wish the client to know in them!


Re-exported from 'servant-auth'

data JWT :: *

A JSON Web Token (JWT) in the the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer token

Note that while the token is signed, it is not encrypted. Therefore do not keep in it any information you would not like the client to know.

JWTs are described in IETF's RFC 7519


FromJWT usr => IsAuth JWT usr Source 
type AuthArgs JWT = (:) * JWTSettings ([] *) Source 


class FromJWT a where Source

How to decode data from a JWT.

The default implementation assumes the data is stored in the unregistered dat claim, and uses the FromJSON instance to decode value from there.

Minimal complete definition



decodeJWT :: JWT -> Either Text a Source

class ToJWT a where Source

How to encode data from a JWT.

The default implementation stores data in the unregistered dat claim, and uses the type's ToJSON instance to encode the data.

Minimal complete definition



encodeJWT :: a -> ClaimsSet Source

Related types


data JWTSettings Source

JWTSettings are used to generate cookies, and to verify JWTs.




key :: JWK
audienceMatches :: StringOrURI -> IsMatch

An aud predicate. The aud is a string or URI that identifies the intended recipient of the JWT.

defaultJWTSettings :: JWK -> JWTSettings Source

A JWTSettings where the audience always matches.


Cookies are also a method of identifying and authenticating a user. They are particular common when the client is a browser


Re-exported from 'servant-auth'

data Cookie :: *

A cookie. The content cookie itself is a JWT. Another cookie is also used, the contents of which are expected to be send back to the server in a header, for CSRF protection.


FromJWT usr => IsAuth Cookie usr Source 
type AuthArgs Cookie = (:) * CookieSettings ((:) * JWTSettings ([] *)) Source 


data CookieSettings Source

The policies to use when generating cookies.

If *both* cookieMaxAge and cookieExpires are Nothing, browsers will treat the cookie as a *session cookie*. These will be deleted when the browser is closed.

Note that having the setting Secure may cause testing failures if you are not testing over HTTPS.




cookieIsSecure :: IsSecure

Secure means browsers will only send cookies over HTTPS. Default: Secure.

cookieMaxAge :: Maybe DiffTime

How long from now until the cookie expires. Default: Nothing

cookieExpires :: Maybe UTCTime

At what time the cookie expires. Default: Nothing

cookieSameSite :: SameSite

SameSite settings. Default: SameSiteLax.

sessionCookieName :: ByteString

What name to use for the cookie used for the session.

xsrfCookieName :: ByteString

What name to use for the cookie used for CSRF protection.

xsrfHeaderName :: ByteString

What name to use for the header used for CSRF protection.

Related types

class AreAuths as ctxs v Source

Minimal complete definition



AreAuths ([] *) ctxs v Source 
((~) * (AuthCheck v) (App (AuthArgs a) (Unapp (AuthArgs a) (AuthCheck v))), IsAuth a v, AreAuths as ctxs v, AppCtx ctxs (AuthArgs a) (Unapp (AuthArgs a) (AuthCheck v))) => AreAuths ((:) * a as) ctxs v Source 



Re-exported from 'servant-auth'

data BasicAuth :: *

Basic Auth.



class FromBasicAuthData a where Source


fromBasicAuthData :: BasicAuthData -> BasicAuthCfg -> IO (AuthResult a) Source

Whether the username exists and the password is correct. Note that, rather than passing a Pass to the function, we pass a function that checks an EncryptedPass. This is to make sure you don't accidentally do something untoward with the password, like store it.


type family BasicAuthCfg Source

Related types

data BasicAuthData :: *

A simple datatype to hold data required to decorate a request


class ThrowAll a where Source


throwAll :: ServantErr -> a Source

throwAll is a convenience function to throw errors across an entire sub-API

throwAll err400 :: Handler a :<|> Handler b :<|> Handler c
   == throwError err400 :<|> throwError err400 :<|> err400


generateKey :: IO JWK Source

Generate a key suitable for use with defaultConfig.

makeJWT :: ToJWT a => a -> JWTSettings -> Maybe UTCTime -> IO (Either Error ByteString) Source

Creates a JWT containing the specified data. The data is stored in the dat claim. The 'Maybe UTCTime' argument indicates the time at which the token expires.


class Default a where

A class for types with a default value.


def :: a

The default value for this type.

data SetCookie :: *

Data type representing the key-value pair to use for a cookie, as well as configuration options for it.

Creating a SetCookie

SetCookie does not export a constructor; instead, use the Default instance to create one and override values (see for details):

import Web.Cookie
:set -XOverloadedStrings
let cookie = def { setCookieName = "cookieName", setCookieValue = "cookieValue" }

Cookie Configuration

Cookies have several configuration options; a brief summary of each option is given below. For more information, see RFC 6265 or Wikipedia.