{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

{-| A module to read and write allele sharing histograms, as defined here:

module SequenceFormats.RareAlleleHistogram (RareAlleleHistogram(..), readHistogramFromHandle,
                            SitePattern, readHistogram, writeHistogramStdOut, writeHistogramFile, showSitePattern) where

import SequenceFormats.Utils (SeqFormatException(..))

import Control.Applicative (optional)
import Control.Error (assertErr)
import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (evalStateT)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (intercalate, sortBy)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Pipes.Attoparsec (parse)
import qualified Pipes.ByteString as PB
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(..), withFile)

-- |A datatype to represent an Allele Sharing Histogram:
data RareAlleleHistogram = RareAlleleHistogram {
    raNames :: [B.ByteString], -- ^A list of branch names
    raNVec :: [Int], -- ^A list of haploid sample sizes.
    raMinAf :: Int, -- ^The minimum allele count
    raMaxAf :: Int, -- ^The maximum allele count
    raConditionOn :: [Int], -- ^A list of branch indices that were used to condition the allele 
                            --sharing pattern
    raExcludePatterns :: [SitePattern], -- ^A list of patterns that are excluded.
    raTotalNrSites :: Int64, -- ^The total number of non-missing sites in the genome.
    raCounts :: Map.Map SitePattern Int64, -- ^The actual data, a dictionary from allele sharing patterns to observed numbers.
    raJackknifeEstimates :: Maybe (Map.Map SitePattern (Double, Double)) -- ^An optional dictionary that contains Jackknife estimates and standard deviations for each pattern frequency.
} deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |A simple type synonym for the SitePattern, represented as a list of Integers that represents 
-- each pattern across the branches.
type SitePattern = [Int]

-- |A simple function to convert a pattern into a String.
showSitePattern :: SitePattern -> String
showSitePattern = intercalate "," . map show

-- |Function to convert a Rare Allele Histogram to text. Returns an error if attempting to print a 
-- histogram with non-standard settings. Many settings, such as minAf>1, are only meant for 
-- in-memory representations, but are not compatible with the file format itself.
showHistogram :: RareAlleleHistogram -> Either String B.ByteString
showHistogram hist = do
    assertErr "can only print histogram with minAf=1 due to format-legacy" $ raMinAf hist == 1
    assertErr "can only print histogram with no conditioning due to format-legacy" $
        null (raConditionOn hist)
    assertErr "can only print histogram with no exclude pattern due to format-legacy" $
        null (raExcludePatterns hist)
    let head0 = "NAMES=" <> (B.intercalate "," . raNames $ hist)
        head1 = "N=" <> (B.pack . intercalate "," . map show . raNVec $ hist)
        head2 = "MAX_M=" <> (B.pack . show . raMaxAf $ hist)
        head3 = "TOTAL_SITES=" <> (B.pack . show . raTotalNrSites $ hist)
        body = do
            (k, v) <- sorted
            case raJackknifeEstimates hist of
                Nothing -> [B.intercalate " " [B.pack . showSitePattern $ k, B.pack . show $ v]]
                Just jkHist -> do
                    let Just (jkMean, jkSE) = k `Map.lookup` jkHist
                    return $ B.intercalate " " [B.pack . showSitePattern $ k, B.pack . show $ v,
                                                B.pack . show $ jkMean, B.pack . show $ jkSE]
    return $ B.unlines (head0:head1:head2:head3:body)
    sorted = sortBy (\(_, v1) (_, v2)  -> compare v2 v1) $ Map.toList (raCounts hist)

-- |Write a histogram to the stdout
writeHistogramStdOut :: (MonadIO m) => RareAlleleHistogram -> m ()
writeHistogramStdOut hist =
    case showHistogram hist of
        Left err -> throw (SeqFormatException err)
        Right outStr -> liftIO $ B.putStrLn outStr

-- |Write a histogram to a file
writeHistogramFile :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> RareAlleleHistogram -> m ()
writeHistogramFile outF hist =
    case showHistogram hist of
        Left err -> throw (SeqFormatException err)
        Right outStr -> liftIO $ B.writeFile outF outStr

-- |Read a histogram from a FilePath
readHistogram :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m RareAlleleHistogram
readHistogram path = liftIO $ withFile path ReadMode readHistogramFromHandle

-- |Read a histogram from a File Handle.
readHistogramFromHandle :: (MonadIO m) => Handle -> m RareAlleleHistogram
readHistogramFromHandle handle = do
    res <- evalStateT (parse parseHistogram) . PB.fromHandle $ handle
    case res of
        Nothing -> throw (SeqFormatException "histogram file exhausted too early")
        Just (Left err) -> throw (SeqFormatException ("Histogram parsing error: " <> show err))
        Just (Right hist) -> return hist

parseHistogram :: A.Parser RareAlleleHistogram
parseHistogram = do
    names <- parseNames
    nVec <- parseNVec
    maxM <- parseMaxM
    totalNrSites <- parseTotalNrSites
    body <- parseBody
    let countHist = Map.fromList $ [(k, c) | (k, c, _) <- body]
        jkHist = case head body of
            (_, _, Just _) -> Just . Map.fromList $ [(k, (jkMean, jkSE)) |
                                                     (k, _, Just (jkMean, jkSE)) <- body]
            _ -> Nothing
    return $ RareAlleleHistogram names nVec 1 maxM [][] totalNrSites countHist jkHist
    parseNames = A.string "NAMES=" *> name `A.sepBy1` A.char ',' <* A.endOfLine
    name = A.takeWhile1 (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '-')
    parseNVec = A.string "N=" *> A.decimal `A.sepBy1` A.char ',' <* A.endOfLine
    parseMaxM = A.string "MAX_M=" *> A.decimal <* A.endOfLine
    parseTotalNrSites = A.string "TOTAL_SITES=" *> A.decimal <* A.endOfLine

parseBody :: A.Parser [(SitePattern, Int64, Maybe (Double, Double))]
parseBody = A.many1 patternLine
    patternLine = (,,) <$> parsePattern <* A.space <*> parseLargeInt <*> optional parseJackknife <*
    parsePattern = A.decimal `A.sepBy1` A.char ','
    parseLargeInt = read <$> A.many1 A.digit
    parseJackknife = (,) <$> (A.space *> A.double) <* A.space <*> A.double