Module      :  Codec.SelfExtract.Tar
Maintainer  :  Brandon Chinn <brandon@leapyear.io>
Stability   :  experimental
Portability :  portable

Defines utilities for creating/extracting TAR archives.

These functions shell out to the 'tar' process because Haskell packages that implement Tar would
need some C header files, which we don't want to require on the user end.

module Codec.SelfExtract.Tar
  ( tar
  , untar
  ) where

import Path (Dir, File, Path, toFilePath)
import Path.IO (ensureDir)
import System.Process (callProcess)

-- | Zip the given directory into the given archive.
tar :: Path b0 Dir -> Path b1 File -> IO ()
tar src archive = callProcess "tar" ["-czf", toFilePath archive, "-C", toFilePath src, "."]

-- | Extract the given archive to the given directory.
untar :: Path b0 File -> Path b1 Dir -> IO ()
untar archive dest = do
  ensureDir dest
  callProcess "tar" ["-xzf", toFilePath archive, "-C", toFilePath dest]