{-# Language AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
-- | See the /connections/ package for idempotent & selective semirings, and lattices.
module Data.Semiring.Property (
  -- * Required properties of pre-semirings
  , morphism_presemiring
  , associative_addition_on
  , commutative_addition_on
  , associative_multiplication_on
  , distributive_on
  , distributive_finite1_on
  , morphism_distribitive_on
  -- * Required properties of semirings
  , morphism_semiring
  , neutral_addition_on
  , neutral_multiplication_on
  , annihilative_multiplication_on
  , distributive_finite_on
  -- * Left-distributive presemirings and semirings
  , distributive_cross_on
  , distributive_cross1_on
  -- * Commutative presemirings & semirings 
  , commutative_multiplication_on
  -- * Cancellative presemirings & semirings 
  , cancellative_addition_on
  , cancellative_multiplication_on
) where

import Data.Semiring
import Test.Logic (Rel)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.Functor.Apply (Apply)
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable (Foldable1)
import Data.Semigroup.Additive
import Data.Semigroup.Multiplicative
import Data.Semigroup.Property
import qualified Test.Function  as Prop
import qualified Test.Operation as Prop

import Prelude hiding (Num(..), sum)

-- Required properties of pre-semirings & semirings

-- | \( \forall a, b \in R: a * b \sim a * b + b \)
-- If /R/ is non-unital (i.e. /one/ is not distinct from /zero/) then it will instead satisfy 
-- a right-absorbtion property. 
-- This follows from right-neutrality and right-distributivity.
-- Compare 'codistributive' and 'closed_stable'.
-- When /R/ is also left-distributive we get: \( \forall a, b \in R: a * b = a + a * b + b \)
-- See also 'Data.Warning' and < https://blogs.ncl.ac.uk/andreymokhov/united-monoids/#whatif >.
nonunital_on :: Presemiring r => Rel r b -> r -> r -> b
nonunital_on (~~) a b = (a * b) ~~ (a * b + b)

-- | Presemiring morphisms are distributive semigroup morphisms.
-- This is a required property for presemiring morphisms.
morphism_presemiring :: Eq s => Presemiring r => Presemiring s => (r -> s) -> r -> r -> r -> Bool
morphism_presemiring f x y z =
  morphism_additive_on (==) f x y &&
  morphism_multiplicative_on (==) f x y &&
  morphism_distribitive_on (==) f x y z

-- Required properties of semigroups

-- | \( \forall a, b, c \in R: (a + b) + c \sim a + (b + c) \)
-- All semigroups must right-associate addition.
-- This is a required property.
associative_addition_on :: (Additive-Semigroup) r => Rel r b -> r -> r -> r -> b
associative_addition_on (~~) = Prop.associative_on (~~) (+)

-- | \( \forall a, b, c \in R: (a * b) * c \sim a * (b * c) \)
-- All semigroups must right-associate multiplication.
-- This is a required property.
associative_multiplication_on :: (Multiplicative-Semigroup) r => Rel r b -> r -> r -> r -> b
associative_multiplication_on (~~) = Prop.associative_on (~~) (*)

-- | \( \forall a, b \in R: a + b \sim b + a \)
-- This is a an /optional/ property for semigroups, and a /required/ property for semirings.
commutative_addition_on :: (Additive-Semigroup) r => Rel r b -> r -> r -> b
commutative_addition_on (~~) = Prop.commutative_on (~~) (+)

-- | \( \forall a, b, c \in R: (a + b) * c \sim (a * c) + (b * c) \)
-- /R/ must right-distribute multiplication.
-- When /R/ is a functor and the semiring structure is derived from 'Alternative', 
-- this translates to: 
-- @
-- (a '<|>' b) '*>' c = (a '*>' c) '<|>' (b '*>' c)
-- @  
-- See < https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Alternative_and_MonadPlus >.
-- This is a required property.
distributive_on :: Presemiring r => Rel r b -> r -> r -> r -> b
distributive_on (~~) = Prop.distributive_on (~~) (+) (*)

-- | \( \forall M \geq 1; a_1 \dots a_M, b \in R: (\sum_{i=1}^M a_i) * b \sim \sum_{i=1}^M a_i * b \)
-- /R/ must right-distribute multiplication over finite (non-empty) sums.
-- For types with exact arithmetic this follows from 'distributive' and the universality of 'fold1'.
distributive_finite1_on :: Presemiring r => Foldable1 f => Rel r b -> f r -> r -> b
distributive_finite1_on (~~) as b = (sum1 as * b) ~~ (sumWith1 (* b) as)

-- | \( \forall a, b, c \in R: f ((a + b) * c) \sim f (a * c) + f (b * c) \)
-- Presemiring morphisms must be compatible with right-distribution.
morphism_distribitive_on :: Presemiring r => Presemiring s => Rel s b -> (r -> s) -> r -> r -> r -> b
morphism_distribitive_on (~~) f x y z = (f $ (x + y) * z) ~~ (f (x * z) + f (y * z))

-- Required properties of semirings

morphism_additive_on :: (Additive-Semigroup) r => (Additive-Semigroup) s => Rel s b -> (r -> s) -> r -> r -> b
morphism_additive_on (~~) f x y = (f $ x + y) ~~ (f x + f y)

morphism_multiplicative_on :: (Multiplicative-Semigroup) r => (Multiplicative-Semigroup) s => Rel s b -> (r -> s) -> r -> r -> b
morphism_multiplicative_on (~~) f x y = (f $ x * y) ~~ (f x * f y)

morphism_additive_on' :: (Additive-Monoid) r => (Additive-Monoid) s => Rel s b -> (r -> s) -> b
morphism_additive_on' (~~) f = (f zero) ~~ zero

morphism_multiplicative_on' :: (Multiplicative-Monoid) r => (Multiplicative-Monoid) s => Rel s b -> (r -> s) -> b
morphism_multiplicative_on' (~~) f = (f one) ~~ one

-- | Semiring morphisms are monoidal presemiring morphisms.
-- This is a required property for semiring morphisms.
morphism_semiring :: Eq s => Semiring r => Semiring s => (r -> s) -> r -> r -> r -> Bool
morphism_semiring f x y z =
  morphism_presemiring f x y z &&
  morphism_additive_on' (==) f &&
  morphism_multiplicative_on' (==) f

-- | \( \forall a \in R: (z + a) \sim a \)
-- A semigroup with a right-neutral additive identity must satisfy:
-- @
-- 'neutral_addition' 'zero' ~~ const True
-- @
-- Or, equivalently:
-- @
-- 'zero' '+' r ~~ r
-- @
-- This is a required property for additive monoids.
neutral_addition_on :: (Additive-Monoid) r => Rel r b -> r -> b
neutral_addition_on (~~) = Prop.neutral_on (~~) (+) zero

-- | \( \forall a \in R: (o * a) \sim a \)
-- A semigroup with a right-neutral multiplicative identity must satisfy:
-- @
-- 'neutral_multiplication' 'one' ~~ const True
-- @
-- Or, equivalently:
-- @
-- 'one' '*' r ~~ r
-- @
-- This is a required propert for multiplicative monoids.
neutral_multiplication_on :: (Multiplicative-Monoid) r => Rel r b -> r -> b
neutral_multiplication_on (~~) = Prop.neutral_on (~~) (*) one

-- | \( \forall a \in R: (z * a) \sim u \)
-- A /R/ is semiring then its addititive one must be right-annihilative, i.e.:
-- @
-- 'zero' '*' a ~~ 'zero'
-- @
-- For 'Alternative' instances this property translates to:
-- @
-- 'empty' '*>' a ~~ 'empty'
-- @
-- All right semirings must have a right-absorbative addititive one,
-- however note that depending on the 'Prd' instance this does not preclude 
-- IEEE754-mandated behavior such as: 
-- @
-- 'zero' '*' NaN ~~ NaN
-- @
-- This is a required property.
annihilative_multiplication_on :: Semiring r => Rel r b -> r -> b
annihilative_multiplication_on (~~) r = Prop.annihilative_on (~~) (*) zero r

-- | \( \forall M \geq 0; a_1 \dots a_M, b \in R: (\sum_{i=1}^M a_i) * b \sim \sum_{i=1}^M a_i * b \)
-- /R/ must right-distribute multiplication between finite sums.
-- For types with exact arithmetic this follows from 'distributive' & 'neutral_multiplication'.
distributive_finite_on :: Semiring r => Foldable f => Rel r b -> f r -> r -> b
distributive_finite_on (~~) as b = (sum as * b) ~~ (sumWith (* b) as)

-- Left-distributive presemirings and semirings

-- | \( \forall M,N \geq 0; a_1 \dots a_M, b_1 \dots b_N \in R: (\sum_{i=1}^M a_i) * (\sum_{j=1}^N b_j) \sim \sum_{i=1 j=1}^{i=M j=N} a_i * b_j \)
-- If /R/ is also left-distributive then it supports cross-multiplication.
distributive_cross_on :: Semiring r => Applicative f => Foldable f => Rel r b -> f r -> f r -> b
distributive_cross_on (~~) as bs = (sum as * sum bs) ~~ (cross as bs)

-- | \( \forall M,N \geq 1; a_1 \dots a_M, b_1 \dots b_N \in R: (\sum_{i=1}^M a_i) * (\sum_{j=1}^N b_j) = \sum_{i=1 j=1}^{i=M j=N} a_i * b_j \)
-- If /R/ is also left-distributive then it supports (non-empty) cross-multiplication.
distributive_cross1_on :: Presemiring r => Apply f => Foldable1 f => Rel r b -> f r -> f r -> b
distributive_cross1_on (~~) as bs = (sum1 as * sum1 bs) ~~ (cross1 as bs)

-- Commutative presemirings and semirings

-- | \( \forall a, b \in R: a * b \sim b * a \)
-- This is a an /optional/ property for semigroups, and a /optional/ property for semirings.
-- It is a /required/ property for rings.
commutative_multiplication_on :: (Multiplicative-Semigroup) r => Rel r b -> r -> r -> b
commutative_multiplication_on (~~) = Prop.commutative_on (~~) (*)

-- Properties of cancellative semigroups

-- | \( \forall a, b, c \in R: b + a \sim c + a \Rightarrow b = c \)
-- If /R/ is right-cancellative wrt addition then for all /a/
-- the section /(a +)/ is injective.
-- See < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancellation_property >
cancellative_addition_on :: (Additive-Semigroup) r => Rel r Bool -> r -> r -> r -> Bool
cancellative_addition_on (~~) a = Prop.injective_on (~~) (+ a)

-- | \( \forall a, b, c \in R: b * a \sim c * a \Rightarrow b = c \)
-- If /R/ is right-cancellative wrt multiplication then for all /a/
-- the section /(a *)/ is injective.
cancellative_multiplication_on :: (Multiplicative-Semigroup) r => Rel r Bool -> r -> r -> r -> Bool
cancellative_multiplication_on (~~) a = Prop.injective_on (~~) (* a)

-- | Idempotency property for additive semigroups.
-- @ 'idempotent_addition' = 'absorbative_addition' 'one' @
-- See < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Band_(mathematics) >.
-- This is a required property for lattices.
idempotent_addition_on :: (Additive-Semigroup) r => Rel r b -> r -> b
idempotent_addition_on (~~) r = (r + r) ~~ r

-- | Idempotency property for semigroups.
-- @ 'idempotent_multiplication' = 'absorbative_multiplication' 'zero' @
-- See < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Band_(mathematics) >.
-- This is a an /optional/ property for semigroups, and a /optional/ property for semirings.
-- This is a /required/ property for lattices.
idempotent_multiplication_on :: (Multiplicative-Semigroup) r => Rel r b -> r -> b
idempotent_multiplication_on (~~) r = (r * r) ~~ r