registry- data structure for assembling components
Safe HaskellNone




A registry supports the creation of values out of existing values and functions.

It contains 4 parts:

  • values: they are available for building anything else and have their exact value can be shown
  • functions: they are used to build other values. Only their type can be shown
  • specializations: description of specific values to use while trying to build another value of a given type
  • modifiers: function to apply to a newly built value before storing it for future use

The <: operator, to append functions or values to a registry:

registry =
     val (Config 1)
  <: val "hello"
  <: fun add1
  <: fun show1

At the type level a list of all the function inputs and all the outputs is being kept to check that when we add a function, all the inputs of that function can be built by the registry. This also ensures that we cannot introduce cycles by adding function which would require each other to build their output

It is possible to use the <+> operator to "override" some configurations:

 mocks =
      fun noLogging
   <: fun inMemoryDb

 mocks <+> registry


data Registry (inputs :: [Type]) (outputs :: [Type]) Source #

Container for a list of functions or values Internally all functions and values are stored as Dynamic values so that we can access their representation


Instances details
(Typeable a, Typeable b, insr ~ (Inputs a :++ Inputs b), outr ~ '[Output a, Output b]) => AddRegistryUncheckedLike (Typed a) (Typed b) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<+) :: Typed a -> Typed b -> Registry insr outr Source #

(Typeable a, IsSubset (Inputs a) '[Output b] a, Typeable b, insr ~ (Inputs a :++ Inputs b), outr ~ '[Output a, Output b]) => AddRegistryLike (Typed a) (Typed b) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<:) :: Typed a -> Typed b -> Registry insr outr Source #

(Typeable a, insr ~ (Inputs a :++ ins2), outr ~ (Output a ': out2)) => AddRegistryUncheckedLike (Typed a) (Registry ins2 out2) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<+) :: Typed a -> Registry ins2 out2 -> Registry insr outr Source #

(Typeable a, IsSubset (Inputs a) out2 a, insr ~ (Inputs a :++ ins2), outr ~ (Output a ': out2)) => AddRegistryLike (Typed a) (Registry ins2 out2) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<:) :: Typed a -> Registry ins2 out2 -> Registry insr outr Source #

Show (Registry inputs outputs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


showsPrec :: Int -> Registry inputs outputs -> ShowS #

show :: Registry inputs outputs -> String #

showList :: [Registry inputs outputs] -> ShowS #

Semigroup (Registry inputs outputs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<>) :: Registry inputs outputs -> Registry inputs outputs -> Registry inputs outputs #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Registry inputs outputs) -> Registry inputs outputs #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Registry inputs outputs -> Registry inputs outputs #

Semigroup (Registry inputs outputs) => Monoid (Registry inputs outputs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


mempty :: Registry inputs outputs #

mappend :: Registry inputs outputs -> Registry inputs outputs -> Registry inputs outputs #

mconcat :: [Registry inputs outputs] -> Registry inputs outputs #

(Typeable a, insr ~ (ins2 :++ Inputs a), outr ~ (out2 :++ '[Output a])) => AddRegistryUncheckedLike (Registry ins2 out2) (Typed a) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<+) :: Registry ins2 out2 -> Typed a -> Registry insr outr Source #

(Typeable a, IsSubset (Inputs a) out2 a, insr ~ (ins2 :++ Inputs a), outr ~ (out2 :++ '[Output a])) => AddRegistryLike (Registry ins2 out2) (Typed a) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<:) :: Registry ins2 out2 -> Typed a -> Registry insr outr Source #

(insr ~ (ins1 :++ ins2), outr ~ (out1 :++ out2)) => AddRegistryUncheckedLike (Registry ins1 out1) (Registry ins2 out2) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<+) :: Registry ins1 out1 -> Registry ins2 out2 -> Registry insr outr Source #

(insr ~ (ins1 :++ ins2), outr ~ (out1 :++ out2)) => AddRegistryLike (Registry ins1 out1) (Registry ins2 out2) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<:) :: Registry ins1 out1 -> Registry ins2 out2 -> Registry insr outr Source #

(<+>) :: Registry is1 os1 -> Registry is2 os2 -> Registry (is1 :++ is2) (os1 :++ os2) infixr 4 Source #

Append 2 registries together

register :: (Typeable a, IsSubset (Inputs a) out a) => Typed a -> Registry ins out -> Registry (Inputs a :++ ins) (Output a ': out) Source #

Store an element in the registry Internally elements are stored as Dynamic values The signature checks that a constructor of type a can be fully constructed from elements of the registry before adding it

registerUnchecked :: Typeable a => Typed a -> Registry ins out -> Registry (Inputs a :++ ins) (Output a ': out) Source #

Store an element in the registry Internally elements are stored as Dynamic values

appendUnchecked :: Typeable a => Registry ins out -> Typed a -> Registry (ins :++ Inputs a) (out :++ '[Output a]) Source #

Store an element in the registry, at the end of the registry Internally elements are stored as Dynamic values

addTypedUnchecked :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, ins ~ (Inputs a :++ Inputs b), out ~ '[Output a, Output b]) => Typed a -> Typed b -> Registry ins out Source #

Add 2 typed values together to form an initial registry

(+:) :: Typeable a => Typed a -> Registry ins out -> Registry (Inputs a :++ ins) (Output a ': out) infixr 5 Source #

Add an element to the Registry but do not check that the inputs of a can already be produced by the registry

class AddRegistryLike a b c | a b -> c where Source #


(<:) :: a -> b -> c infixr 5 Source #


Instances details
(Typeable a, IsSubset (Inputs a) '[Output b] a, Typeable b, insr ~ (Inputs a :++ Inputs b), outr ~ '[Output a, Output b]) => AddRegistryLike (Typed a) (Typed b) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<:) :: Typed a -> Typed b -> Registry insr outr Source #

(Typeable a, IsSubset (Inputs a) out2 a, insr ~ (Inputs a :++ ins2), outr ~ (Output a ': out2)) => AddRegistryLike (Typed a) (Registry ins2 out2) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<:) :: Typed a -> Registry ins2 out2 -> Registry insr outr Source #

(Typeable a, IsSubset (Inputs a) out2 a, insr ~ (ins2 :++ Inputs a), outr ~ (out2 :++ '[Output a])) => AddRegistryLike (Registry ins2 out2) (Typed a) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<:) :: Registry ins2 out2 -> Typed a -> Registry insr outr Source #

(insr ~ (ins1 :++ ins2), outr ~ (out1 :++ out2)) => AddRegistryLike (Registry ins1 out1) (Registry ins2 out2) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<:) :: Registry ins1 out1 -> Registry ins2 out2 -> Registry insr outr Source #

class AddRegistryUncheckedLike a b c | a b -> c where Source #


(<+) :: a -> b -> c infixr 5 Source #


Instances details
(Typeable a, Typeable b, insr ~ (Inputs a :++ Inputs b), outr ~ '[Output a, Output b]) => AddRegistryUncheckedLike (Typed a) (Typed b) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<+) :: Typed a -> Typed b -> Registry insr outr Source #

(Typeable a, insr ~ (Inputs a :++ ins2), outr ~ (Output a ': out2)) => AddRegistryUncheckedLike (Typed a) (Registry ins2 out2) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<+) :: Typed a -> Registry ins2 out2 -> Registry insr outr Source #

(Typeable a, insr ~ (ins2 :++ Inputs a), outr ~ (out2 :++ '[Output a])) => AddRegistryUncheckedLike (Registry ins2 out2) (Typed a) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<+) :: Registry ins2 out2 -> Typed a -> Registry insr outr Source #

(insr ~ (ins1 :++ ins2), outr ~ (out1 :++ out2)) => AddRegistryUncheckedLike (Registry ins1 out1) (Registry ins2 out2) (Registry insr outr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


(<+) :: Registry ins1 out1 -> Registry ins2 out2 -> Registry insr outr Source #

normalize :: Registry ins out -> Registry (Normalized ins) (Normalized out) Source #

Make the lists of types in the Registry unique, either for better display or for faster compile-time resolution with the make function

eraseTypes :: Registry ins out -> Registry '[ERASED_TYPES] '[ERASED_TYPES] Source #

Remove the parameters list of the registry and replace it with an empty type This makes it easier to read compilation errors where less types are being displayed On the other hand the resulting registry cannot be type-checked anymore when trying to get values out of it

safeCoerce :: IsSameSet out out1 => Registry ins out -> Registry ins1 out1 Source #

In case it is hard to show that the types of 2 registries align for example with conditional like if True then fun myFunctionWithKnownOutputs <: r else r

unsafeCoerce :: Registry ins out -> Registry ins1 out1 Source #

And for extreme cases where you know you're doing the right thing but can't prove it

end :: Registry '[] '[] Source #

The empty Registry

val :: (Typeable a, Show a) => a -> Typed a Source #

Create a value which can be added to the Registry

valTo :: forall m a. (Applicative m, Typeable a, Typeable (m a), Show a) => a -> Typed (m a) Source #

Create a value which can be added to the Registry and "lift" it to an Applicative context

liftProvidedValue :: forall m a. (Applicative m, Typeable a, Typeable (m a), Show a) => a -> Value Source #

Create a "lifted" a Value

fun :: Typeable a => a -> Typed a Source #

Create a function which can be added to the Registry

funTo :: forall m a b. (ApplyVariadic m a b, Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> Typed b Source #

This is a shortcut to fun . allTo where allTo lifts all the inputs and output to an Applicative context

funAs :: forall m a b. (ApplyVariadic1 m a b, Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> Typed b Source #

This is a shortcut to fun . argsTo where allTo lifts the inputs only to an Applicative context In general funTo should work, even with function already returning an m a but if this is not the case (see issue #7) then funAs can be used

specialize :: forall a b ins out. (Typeable a, Typeable b) => b -> Registry ins out -> Registry ins out Source #

For a given type a being currently built when a value of type b is required pass a specific value

specializePath :: forall path b ins out. (PathToTypeReps path, Typeable b) => b -> Registry ins out -> Registry ins out Source #

specializeVal :: forall a b ins out. (Typeable a, Contains a out, Typeable b, Show b) => b -> Registry ins out -> Registry ins out Source #

specializePathVal :: forall path b ins out. (PathToTypeReps path, Typeable b, Show b) => b -> Registry ins out -> Registry ins out Source #

specializeValTo :: forall m a b ins out. (Applicative m, Typeable a, Typeable (m b), Typeable b, Show b) => b -> Registry ins out -> Registry ins out Source #

specializePathValTo :: forall m path b ins out. (Applicative m, PathToTypeReps path, Typeable (m b), Typeable b, Show b) => b -> Registry ins out -> Registry ins out Source #

class PathToTypeReps (path :: [Type]) where Source #

Typeclass for extracting type representations out of a list of types


Instances details
(Typeable a, PathToTypeReps rest) => PathToTypeReps (a ': rest) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


someTypeReps :: Proxy (a ': rest) -> NonEmpty SomeTypeRep Source #

Typeable a => PathToTypeReps '[a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry

tweak :: forall a ins out. Typeable a => (a -> a) -> Registry ins out -> Registry ins out Source #

Once a value has been computed allow to modify it before storing it This keeps the same registry type


memoize :: forall m a ins out. (MonadIO m, Typeable a, Typeable (m a)) => Registry ins out -> IO (Registry ins out) Source #

Instantiating components can trigger side-effects The way the resolution algorithm works a component of type `m a` will be re-executed *everytime* it is needed as a given dependency This section adds support for memoizing those actions

Return memoized values for a monadic type Note that the returned Registry is in IO because we are caching a value and this is a side-effect!

memoizeAll :: forall m ins out. (MonadIO m, MemoizedActions out) => Registry ins out -> IO (Registry ins out) Source #

Memoize *all* the output actions of a Registry when they are creating effectful components This relies on a helper data structure MemoizeRegistry tracking the types already memoized and a typeclass MemoizedActions going through the list of out types to process them one by one. Note that a type of the form a will not be memoized (only `m a`)

newtype MemoizeRegistry (todo :: [Type]) (ins :: [Type]) (out :: [Type]) Source #




makeMemoizeRegistry :: forall todo ins out. Registry ins out -> MemoizeRegistry todo ins out Source #

class MemoizedActions ls where Source #


memoizeActions :: MemoizeRegistry ls ins out -> IO (MemoizeRegistry '[] ins out) Source #


Instances details
MemoizedActions ('[] :: [Type]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


memoizeActions :: forall (ins :: [Type]) (out :: [Type]). MemoizeRegistry '[] ins out -> IO (MemoizeRegistry '[] ins out) Source #

MemoizedActions rest => MemoizedActions (a ': rest) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


memoizeActions :: forall (ins :: [Type]) (out :: [Type]). MemoizeRegistry (a ': rest) ins out -> IO (MemoizeRegistry '[] ins out) Source #

(MonadIO m, Typeable a, Typeable (m a), MemoizedActions rest) => MemoizedActions (m a ': rest) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Registry.Registry


memoizeActions :: forall (ins :: [Type]) (out :: [Type]). MemoizeRegistry (m a ': rest) ins out -> IO (MemoizeRegistry '[] ins out) Source #