{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Reflex.Dom.Pandoc.Document
  ( elPandoc,
    PandocRaw (..),
    URILink (..),
    Config (..),

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Bool
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Reflex.Dom.Core hiding (Link, Space, mapAccum)
import Reflex.Dom.Pandoc.Footnotes
import Reflex.Dom.Pandoc.PandocRaw
import Reflex.Dom.Pandoc.SyntaxHighlighting (elCodeHighlighted)
import Reflex.Dom.Pandoc.URILink
import Reflex.Dom.Pandoc.Util (elPandocAttr, headerElement, renderAttr)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition

-- | Like `DomBuilder` but with a capability to render pandoc raw content.
type PandocBuilder t m =
  ( DomBuilder t m,
    PandocRaw m,
    PandocRawConstraints m

data Config t m a = Config
  { -- | Custom link renderer.
    _config_renderURILink :: m a -> URILink -> m a

defaultConfig :: Monad m => Config t m ()
defaultConfig =
  Config $ \f _ -> f >> pure ()

-- | Convert Markdown to HTML
elPandoc :: forall t m a. (PandocBuilder t m, Monoid a) => Config t m a -> Pandoc -> m a
elPandoc cfg doc@(Pandoc _meta blocks) = do
  let fs = getFootnotes doc
  x <- flip runReaderT fs $ renderBlocks cfg blocks
  fmap (x <>) $ renderFootnotes (sansFootnotes . renderBlocks cfg) fs

-- | Render list of Pandoc inlines
elPandocInlines :: PandocBuilder t m => [Inline] -> m ()
elPandocInlines = void . sansFootnotes . renderInlines defaultConfig

-- | Render list of Pandoc Blocks
elPandocBlocks :: PandocBuilder t m => [Block] -> m ()
elPandocBlocks = void . sansFootnotes . renderBlocks defaultConfig

mapAccum :: (Monoid b, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> [a] -> f b
mapAccum f xs =
  fmap mconcat $ for xs f

renderBlocks :: (PandocBuilder t m, Monoid a) => Config t m a -> [Block] -> ReaderT Footnotes m a
renderBlocks cfg =
  mapAccum $ renderBlock cfg

renderBlock :: (PandocBuilder t m, Monoid a) => Config t m a -> Block -> ReaderT Footnotes m a
renderBlock cfg = \case
  -- Pandoc parses github tasklist as this structure.
  Plain (Str "☐" : Space : is) -> checkboxEl False >> renderInlines cfg is
  Plain (Str "☒" : Space : is) -> checkboxEl True >> renderInlines cfg is
  Para (Str "☐" : Space : is) -> checkboxEl False >> renderInlines cfg is
  Para (Str "☒" : Space : is) -> checkboxEl True >> renderInlines cfg is
  Plain xs ->
    renderInlines cfg xs
  Para xs ->
    el "p" $ renderInlines cfg xs
  LineBlock xss ->
    flip mapAccum xss $ \xs -> do
      renderInlines cfg xs <* text "\n"
  CodeBlock attr x ->
    elCodeHighlighted attr x >> pure mempty
  RawBlock fmt x ->
    elPandocRaw fmt x >> pure mempty
  BlockQuote xs ->
    el "blockquote" $ renderBlocks cfg xs
  OrderedList _lattr xss ->
    -- TODO: Implement list attributes.
    el "ol" $ do
      flip mapAccum xss $ \xs -> do
        el "li" $ renderBlocks cfg xs
  BulletList xss ->
    el "ul" $ flip mapAccum xss $ \xs -> el "li" $ renderBlocks cfg xs
  DefinitionList defs ->
    el "dl" $ flip mapAccum defs $ \(term, descList) -> do
      x <- el "dt" $ renderInlines cfg term
      fmap (x <>) $ flip mapAccum descList $ \desc ->
        el "dd" $ renderBlocks cfg desc
  Header level attr xs ->
    elPandocAttr (headerElement level) attr $ do
      renderInlines cfg xs
  HorizontalRule ->
    el "hr" blank >> pure mempty
  Table _attr _captions _colSpec (TableHead _ hrows) tbodys _tfoot -> do
    -- TODO: Rendering is basic, and needs to handle with all attributes of the AST
    elClass "table" "ui celled table" $ do
      x <- el "thead" $ do
        flip mapAccum hrows $ \(Row _ cells) -> do
          el "tr" $ do
            flip mapAccum cells $ \(Cell _ _ _ _ blks) ->
              el "th" $ renderBlocks cfg blks
      fmap (x <>) $ flip mapAccum tbodys $ \(TableBody _ _ _ rows) ->
        el "tbody" $ do
          flip mapAccum rows $ \(Row _ cells) ->
            el "tr" $ do
              flip mapAccum cells $ \(Cell _ _ _ _ blks) ->
                el "td" $ renderBlocks cfg blks
  Div attr xs ->
    elPandocAttr "div" attr $
      renderBlocks cfg xs
  Null ->
    blank >> pure mempty
    checkboxEl checked =
      void $
          ( mconcat $ catMaybes $
              [ Just $ "type" =: "checkbox",
                Just $ "disabled" =: "True",
                bool Nothing (Just $ "checked" =: "True") checked

renderInlines :: (PandocBuilder t m, Monoid a) => Config t m a -> [Inline] -> ReaderT Footnotes m a
renderInlines cfg =
  mapAccum $ renderInline cfg

renderInline :: (PandocBuilder t m, Monoid a) => Config t m a -> Inline -> ReaderT Footnotes m a
renderInline cfg = \case
  Str x ->
    text x >> pure mempty
  Emph xs ->
    el "em" $ renderInlines cfg xs
  Strong xs ->
    el "strong" $ renderInlines cfg xs
  Underline xs ->
    el "u" $ renderInlines cfg xs
  Strikeout xs ->
    el "strike" $ renderInlines cfg xs
  Superscript xs ->
    el "sup" $ renderInlines cfg xs
  Subscript xs ->
    el "sub" $ renderInlines cfg xs
  SmallCaps xs ->
    el "small" $ renderInlines cfg xs
  Quoted qt xs ->
    flip inQuotes qt $ renderInlines cfg xs
  Cite _ _ -> do
    el "pre" $ text "error[reflex-doc-pandoc]: Pandoc Cite is not handled"
    pure mempty
  Code attr x ->
    elPandocAttr "code" attr $ do
      text x
      pure mempty
  Space ->
    text " " >> pure mempty
  SoftBreak ->
    text " " >> pure mempty
  LineBreak ->
    text "\n" >> pure mempty
  RawInline fmt x ->
    elPandocRaw fmt x >> pure mempty
  Math mathType s -> do
    -- http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/basic/mathematics.html#tex-and-latex-input
    case mathType of
      InlineMath ->
        elClass "span" "math inline" $ text $ "\\(" <> s <> "\\)"
      DisplayMath ->
        elClass "span" "math display" $ text "$$" >> text s >> text "$$"
    pure mempty
  inline@(Link attr xs (lUrl, lTitle)) -> do
    let defaultRender = do
          let attr' = renderAttr attr <> ("href" =: lUrl <> "title" =: lTitle)
          elAttr "a" attr' $ renderInlines cfg xs
    case uriLinkFromInline inline of
      Just uriLink -> do
        fns <- ask
        lift $ _config_renderURILink cfg (flip runReaderT fns defaultRender) uriLink
      Nothing ->
  Image attr xs (iUrl, iTitle) -> do
    let attr' = renderAttr attr <> ("src" =: iUrl <> "title" =: iTitle)
    elAttr "img" attr' $ renderInlines cfg xs
  Note xs -> do
    fs :: Footnotes <- ask
    case Map.lookup (Footnote xs) fs of
      Nothing ->
        -- No footnote in the global map (this means that the user has
        -- defined a footnote inside a footnote); just put the whole thing in
        -- aside.
        elClass "aside" "footnote-inline" $ renderBlocks cfg xs
      Just idx ->
        renderFootnoteRef idx >> pure mempty
  -- el "aside" $ renderBlocks xs
  Span attr xs ->
    elPandocAttr "span" attr $
      renderInlines cfg xs
    inQuotes w = \case
      SingleQuote -> text "❛" >> w <* text "❜"
      DoubleQuote -> text "❝" >> w <* text "❞"