{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

module Reflex.Host.Headless where

import Control.Concurrent.Chan (newChan, readChan)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix, fix)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad)
import Control.Monad.Ref (MonadRef, Ref, readRef)
import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum (..), (==>))
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.IORef (IORef, readIORef)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Traversable (for)

import Reflex
import Reflex.Host.Class

type MonadHeadlessApp t m =
  ( Adjustable t m
  , MonadFix m
  , MonadHold t m
  , MonadIO (HostFrame t)
  , MonadIO (Performable m)
  , MonadIO m
  , MonadRef (HostFrame t)
  , NotReady t m
  , PerformEvent t m
  , PostBuild t m
  , PrimMonad (HostFrame t)
  , Ref (HostFrame t) ~ IORef
  , Ref m ~ IORef
  , Reflex t
  , ReflexHost t
  , TriggerEvent t m

-- | Run a headless FRP network. Inside the action, you will most probably use
-- the capabilities provided by the 'TriggerEvent' and 'PerformEvent' type
-- classes to interface the FRP network with the outside world. Useful for
-- testing. Each headless network runs on its own spider timeline.
  :: (forall t m. MonadHeadlessApp t m => m (Event t ()))
  -- ^ The action to be run in the headless FRP network. The FRP network is
  -- closed at the first occurrence of the resulting 'Event'.
  -> IO ()
runHeadlessApp guest =
  -- We are using the 'Spider' implementation of reflex. Running the host
  -- allows us to take actions on the FRP timeline.
  withSpiderTimeline $ runSpiderHostForTimeline $ do
    -- Create the "post-build" event and associated trigger. This event fires
    -- once, when the application starts.
    (postBuild, postBuildTriggerRef) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
    -- Create a queue to which we will write 'Event's that need to be
    -- processed.
    events <- liftIO newChan
    -- Run the "guest" application, providing the appropriate context. We'll
    -- pure the result of the action, and a 'FireCommand' that will be used to
    -- trigger events.
    (result, fc@(FireCommand fire)) <- do
      hostPerformEventT $                 -- Allows the guest app to run
                                          -- 'performEvent', so that actions
                                          -- (e.g., IO actions) can be run when
                                          -- 'Event's fire.

        flip runPostBuildT postBuild $    -- Allows the guest app to access to
                                          -- a "post-build" 'Event'

          flip runTriggerEventT events $  -- Allows the guest app to create new
                                          -- events and triggers and write
                                          -- those triggers to a channel from
                                          -- which they will be read and
                                          -- processed.

    -- Read the trigger reference for the post-build event. This will be
    -- 'Nothing' if the guest application hasn't subscribed to this event.
    mPostBuildTrigger <- readRef postBuildTriggerRef

    -- Subscribe to an 'Event' of that the guest application can use to
    -- request application shutdown. We'll check whether this 'Event' is firing
    -- to determine whether to terminate.
    shutdown <- subscribeEvent result

    -- When there is a subscriber to the post-build event, fire the event.
    soa <- for mPostBuildTrigger $ \postBuildTrigger ->
      fire [postBuildTrigger :=> Identity ()] $ isFiring shutdown

    -- The main application loop. We wait for new events and fire those that
    -- have subscribers. If we detect a shutdown request, the application
    -- terminates.
    unless (or (fromMaybe [] soa)) $ fix $ \loop -> do
      -- Read the next event (blocking).
      ers <- liftIO $ readChan events
      stop <- do
        -- Fire events that have subscribers.
        fireEventTriggerRefs fc ers $
          -- Check if the shutdown 'Event' is firing.
          isFiring shutdown
      if or stop
        then pure ()
        else loop
    isFiring ev = readEvent ev >>= \case
      Nothing -> pure False
      Just _ -> pure True
    -- Use the given 'FireCommand' to fire events that have subscribers
    -- and call the callback for the 'TriggerInvocation' of each.
      :: MonadIO m
      => FireCommand t m
      -> [DSum (EventTriggerRef t) TriggerInvocation]
      -> ReadPhase m a
      -> m [a]
    fireEventTriggerRefs (FireCommand fire) ers rcb = do
      mes <- liftIO $
        for ers $ \(EventTriggerRef er :=> TriggerInvocation a _) -> do
          me <- readIORef er
          pure $ fmap (==> a) me
      a <- fire (catMaybes mes) rcb
      liftIO $ for_ ers $ \(_ :=> TriggerInvocation _ cb) -> cb
      pure a