{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
Copyright   : Written by David Himmelstrup
License     : Unlicense
Maintainer  : lemmih@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX
module Reanimate.Svg
  ( module Reanimate.Svg
  , module Reanimate.Svg.Constructors
  , module Reanimate.Svg.LineCommand
  , module Reanimate.Svg.BoundingBox
  , module Reanimate.Svg.Unuse
  ) where

import           Control.Lens                 ((%~), (&), (.~), (^.), (?~))
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Graphics.SvgTree
import           Linear.V2                    hiding (angle)
import           Reanimate.Constants
import           Reanimate.Animation (SVG)
import           Reanimate.Svg.Constructors
import           Reanimate.Svg.LineCommand
import           Reanimate.Svg.BoundingBox
import           Reanimate.Svg.Unuse
import qualified Reanimate.Transform          as Transform

-- | Remove transformations (such as translations, rotations, scaling)
--   and apply them directly to the SVG nodes. Note, this function
--   may convert nodes (such as Circle or Rect) to paths. Also note
--   that /does/ change how the SVG is rendered. Particularly, stroke
--   width is affected by directly applying scaling.
--   @lowerTransformations (scale 2 (mkCircle 1)) = mkCircle 2@
lowerTransformations :: SVG -> SVG
lowerTransformations = worker False Transform.identity
    updLineCmd m cmd =
      case cmd of
        LineMove p    -> LineMove $ Transform.transformPoint m p
        -- LineDraw p -> LineDraw $ Transform.transformPoint m p
        LineBezier ps -> LineBezier $ map (Transform.transformPoint m) ps
        LineEnd p     -> LineEnd $ Transform.transformPoint m p
    updPath m = lineToPath . map (updLineCmd m) . toLineCommands
    updPoint m (Num a,Num b) =
      case Transform.transformPoint m (V2 a b) of
        V2 x y -> (Num x, Num y)
    updPoint _ other = other -- XXX: Can we do better here?
    worker hasPathified m t =
      let m' = m * Transform.mkMatrix (t^.transform) in
      case t of
        PathTree path -> PathTree $
          path & pathDefinition %~ updPath m'
               & transform .~ Nothing
        GroupTree g -> GroupTree $
          g & groupChildren %~ map (worker hasPathified m')
            & transform .~ Nothing
        LineTree line ->
          LineTree $
            line & linePoint1 %~ updPoint m
                 & linePoint2 %~ updPoint m
        ClipPathTree{} -> t
        DefinitionTree{} -> t
        -- If we encounter an unknown node and we've already tried to convert
        -- to paths, give up and insert an explicit transformation.
        _ | hasPathified ->
          mkGroup [t] & transform ?~ [ Transform.toTransformation m ]
        -- If we haven't tried to pathify, run pathify only once.
        _ -> worker True m (pathify t)

-- | Remove all @id@ attributes.
lowerIds :: SVG -> SVG
lowerIds = mapTree worker
    worker t@GroupTree{} = t & attrId .~ Nothing
    worker t@PathTree{}  = t & attrId .~ Nothing
    worker t             = t

-- | Remove all draw attributes such as 'stroke', 'fill' and 'fill-opacity'.
clearDrawAttributes :: SVG -> SVG
clearDrawAttributes = mapTree worker
    worker t = t & drawAttributes .~ defaultSvg

-- | Optimize SVG tree without affecting how it is rendered.
simplify :: SVG -> SVG
simplify root =
  case worker root of
    []  -> None
    [x] -> x
    xs  -> mkGroup xs
    worker None = []
    worker (DefinitionTree d) =
      concatMap dropNulls
      [DefinitionTree $ d & groupChildren %~ concatMap worker]
    worker (GroupTree g)
      | g^.drawAttributes == defaultSvg =
        concatMap dropNulls $
        concatMap worker (g^.groupChildren)
      | otherwise =
        dropNulls $
        GroupTree $ g & groupChildren %~ concatMap worker
    worker t = dropNulls t

    dropNulls None = []
    dropNulls (DefinitionTree d)
      | null (d^.groupChildren) = []
    dropNulls (GroupTree g)
      | null (g^.groupChildren) = []
    dropNulls t = [t]

-- | Separate grouped items. This is required by clip nodes.
-- @removeGroups (withFillColor "blue" $ mkGroup [mkCircle 1, mkRect 1 1])
--    = [ withFillColor "blue" $ mkCircle 1
--      , withFillColor "blue" $ mkRect 1 1 ]@
removeGroups :: SVG -> [SVG]
removeGroups = worker defaultSvg
    worker _attr None = []
    worker _attr (DefinitionTree d) =
      concatMap dropNulls
      [DefinitionTree $ d & groupChildren %~ concatMap (worker defaultSvg)]
    worker attr (GroupTree g)
      | g^.drawAttributes == defaultSvg =
        concatMap dropNulls $
        concatMap (worker attr) (g^.groupChildren)
      | otherwise =
        concatMap (worker (attr <> g^.drawAttributes)) (g^.groupChildren)
    worker attr t = dropNulls (t & drawAttributes .~ attr)

    dropNulls None = []
    dropNulls (DefinitionTree d)
      | null (d^.groupChildren) = []
    dropNulls (GroupTree g)
      | null (g^.groupChildren) = []
    dropNulls t = [t]

-- | Extract all path commands from a node (and its children) and concatenate them.
extractPath :: SVG -> [PathCommand]
extractPath = worker . simplify . lowerTransformations . pathify
    worker (GroupTree g) = concatMap worker (g^.groupChildren)
    worker (PathTree p)  = p^.pathDefinition
    worker _             = []

-- | Map over indexed symbols.
--   @withSubglyphs [0,2] (scale 2) (mkGroup [mkCircle 1, mkRect 2, mkEllipse 1 2])
--      = mkGroup [scale 2 (mkCircle 1), mkRect 2, scale 2 (mkEllipse 1 2)]@
withSubglyphs :: [Int] -> (SVG -> SVG) -> SVG -> SVG
withSubglyphs target fn = \t -> evalState (worker t) 0
    worker :: Tree -> State Int Tree
    worker t =
      case t of
        GroupTree g -> do
          cs <- mapM worker (g ^. groupChildren)
          return $ GroupTree $ g & groupChildren .~ cs
        PathTree{} -> handleGlyph t
        CircleTree{} -> handleGlyph t
        PolyLineTree{} -> handleGlyph t
        PolygonTree{} -> handleGlyph t
        EllipseTree{} -> handleGlyph t
        LineTree{} -> handleGlyph t
        RectangleTree{} -> handleGlyph t
        _ -> return t
    handleGlyph :: Tree -> State Int Tree
    handleGlyph svg = do
      n <- get <* modify (+1)
      if n `elem` target
        then return $ fn svg
        else return svg

-- | Split symbols.
--   @splitGlyphs [0,2] (mkGroup [mkCircle 1, mkRect 2, mkEllipse 1 2])
--      = ([mkRect 2], [mkCircle 1, mkEllipse 1 2])@
splitGlyphs :: [Int] -> SVG -> (SVG, SVG)
splitGlyphs target = \t ->
    let (_, l, r) = execState (worker id t) (0, [], [])
    in (mkGroup l, mkGroup r)
    handleGlyph :: SVG -> State (Int, [SVG], [SVG]) ()
    handleGlyph t = do
      (n, l, r) <- get
      if n `elem` target
        then put (n+1, l, t:r)
        else put (n+1, t:l, r)
    worker :: (SVG -> SVG) -> SVG -> State (Int, [SVG], [SVG]) ()
    worker acc t =
      case t of
        GroupTree g -> do
          let acc' sub = acc (GroupTree $ g & groupChildren .~ [sub])
          mapM_ (worker acc') (g ^. groupChildren)
        PathTree{} -> handleGlyph $ acc t
        CircleTree{} -> handleGlyph $ acc t
        PolyLineTree{} -> handleGlyph $ acc t
        PolygonTree{} -> handleGlyph $ acc t
        EllipseTree{} -> handleGlyph $ acc t
        LineTree{} -> handleGlyph $ acc t
        RectangleTree{} -> handleGlyph $ acc t
        DefinitionTree{} -> return ()
        _ ->
          modify $ \(n, l, r) -> (n, acc t:l, r)
<g transform="translate(10,10)">
  <g transform="scale(2)">
  <g transform="scale(0.5)">

[ (\svg -> <g transform="translate(10,10)"><g transform="scale(2)">svg</g></g>, <circle/>)
, (\svg -> <g transform="translate(10,10)"><g transform="scale(0.5)">svg</g></g>, <rect/>)]
-- | Split symbols and include their context and drawing attributes.
svgGlyphs :: SVG -> [(SVG -> SVG, DrawAttributes, SVG)]
svgGlyphs = worker id defaultSvg
    worker acc attr =
        None -> []
        GroupTree g ->
          let acc' sub = acc (GroupTree $ g & groupChildren .~ [sub])
              attr' = (g^.drawAttributes) `mappend` attr
          in concatMap (worker acc' attr') (g ^. groupChildren)
        t -> [(acc, (t^.drawAttributes) `mappend` attr, t)]

{-| Convert primitive SVG shapes (like those created by 'mkCircle', 'mkRect', 'mkLine' or
    'mkEllipse') into SVG path. This can be useful for creating animations of these shapes being
    drawn progressively with 'partialSvg'.


    > pathifyExample :: Animation
    > pathifyExample = animate $ \t -> gridLayout
    >     [ [ partialSvg t $ pathify $ mkCircle 1
    >       , partialSvg t $ pathify $ mkRect 2 2
    >       ]
    >     , [ partialSvg t $ pathify $ mkEllipse 1 0.5
    >       , partialSvg t $ pathify $ mkLine (-1, -1) (1, 1)
    >       ]
    >     ]

pathify :: SVG -> SVG
pathify = mapTree worker
    worker =
        RectangleTree rect | Just (x,y,w,h) <- unpackRect rect ->
          PathTree $ defaultSvg
            & drawAttributes .~ rect ^. drawAttributes
            & strokeLineCap .~ pure CapSquare
            & pathDefinition .~
              [MoveTo OriginAbsolute [V2 x y]
              ,HorizontalTo OriginRelative [w]
              ,VerticalTo OriginRelative [h]
              ,HorizontalTo OriginRelative [-w]
              ,EndPath ]
        LineTree line | Just (x1,y1, x2, y2) <- unpackLine line ->
          PathTree $ defaultSvg
            & drawAttributes .~ line ^. drawAttributes
            & pathDefinition .~
              [MoveTo OriginAbsolute [V2 x1 y1]
              ,LineTo OriginAbsolute [V2 x2 y2] ]
        CircleTree circ | Just (x, y, r) <- unpackCircle circ ->
          PathTree $ defaultSvg
            & drawAttributes .~ circ ^. drawAttributes
            & pathDefinition .~
              [MoveTo OriginAbsolute [V2 (x-r) y]
              ,EllipticalArc OriginRelative [(r, r, 0,True,False,V2 (r*2) 0)
                                            ,(r, r, 0,True,False,V2 (-r*2) 0)]]
        PolyLineTree pl ->
          let points = pl ^. polyLinePoints
          in PathTree $ defaultSvg
               & drawAttributes .~ pl ^. drawAttributes
               & pathDefinition .~ pointsToPathCommands points
        PolygonTree pg ->
          let points = pg ^. polygonPoints
          in PathTree $ defaultSvg
               & drawAttributes .~ pg ^. drawAttributes
               -- Polygon automatically connects the last point to the first. For path we must do
               -- it explicitly
               & pathDefinition .~ (pointsToPathCommands points ++ [EndPath])
        EllipseTree elip | Just (cx,cy,rx,ry) <- unpackEllipse elip ->
          PathTree $ defaultSvg
             & drawAttributes .~ elip ^. drawAttributes
             & pathDefinition .~
               [ MoveTo OriginAbsolute [V2 (cx-rx) cy]
               , EllipticalArc OriginRelative [(rx, ry, 0,True,False,V2 (rx*2) 0)
                                              ,(rx, ry, 0,True,False,V2 (-rx*2) 0)]]
        t -> t
    unpackCircle circ = do
      let (x,y) = circ ^. circleCenter
      liftM3 (,,) (unpackNumber x) (unpackNumber y) (unpackNumber $ circ ^. circleRadius)
    unpackEllipse elip = do
      let (x,y) = elip ^. ellipseCenter
      liftM4 (,,,) (unpackNumber x) (unpackNumber y) (unpackNumber $ elip ^. ellipseXRadius)
                  (unpackNumber $ elip ^. ellipseYRadius)
    unpackLine line = do
      let (x1,y1) = line ^. linePoint1
          (x2,y2) = line ^. linePoint2
      liftM4 (,,,) (unpackNumber x1) (unpackNumber y1) (unpackNumber x2) (unpackNumber y2)
    unpackRect rect = do
      let (x', y') = rect ^. rectUpperLeftCorner
      x <- unpackNumber x'
      y <- unpackNumber y'
      w <- unpackNumber =<< rect ^. rectWidth
      h <- unpackNumber =<< rect ^. rectHeight
      return (x,y,w,h)
    pointsToPathCommands points = case points of
      [] -> []
      (p:ps) -> [ MoveTo OriginAbsolute [p]
                , LineTo OriginAbsolute ps ]
    unpackNumber n =
      case toUserUnit defaultDPI n of
        Num d -> Just d
        _     -> Nothing

-- | Map over all recursively-found path commands.
mapSvgPaths :: ([PathCommand] -> [PathCommand]) -> SVG -> SVG
mapSvgPaths fn = mapTree worker
    worker =
        PathTree path -> PathTree $
          path & pathDefinition %~ fn
        t -> t

-- | Map over all recursively-found line commands.
mapSvgLines :: ([LineCommand] -> [LineCommand]) -> SVG -> SVG
mapSvgLines fn = mapSvgPaths (lineToPath . fn . toLineCommands)

-- Only maps points in paths
-- | Map over all line command control points.
mapSvgPoints :: (RPoint -> RPoint) -> SVG -> SVG
mapSvgPoints fn = mapSvgLines (map worker)
    worker (LineMove p) = LineMove (fn p)
    worker (LineBezier ps) = LineBezier (map fn ps)
    worker (LineEnd p) = LineEnd (fn p)

-- | Convert coordinate system from degrees to radians.
svgPointsToRadians :: SVG -> SVG
svgPointsToRadians = mapSvgPoints worker
    worker (V2 x y) = V2 (x/180*pi) (y/180*pi)