reanimate- Animation library based on SVGs.

CopyrightWritten by David Himmelstrup
Safe HaskellNone




Declarative animation API based on combinators. For a higher-level interface, see Scene.



type Duration = Double Source #

Duration of an animation or effect. Usually measured in seconds.

type Time = Double Source #

Time signal. Goes from 0 to 1, inclusive.

type SVG = Tree Source #

SVG node.

data Animation Source #

Animations are SVGs over a finite time.

Creating animations

mkAnimation :: Duration -> (Time -> SVG) -> Animation Source #

Construct an animation with a given duration.

animate :: (Time -> SVG) -> Animation Source #

Construct an animation with a duration of 1.

staticFrame :: Duration -> SVG -> Animation Source #

Create an animation with provided duration, which consists of stationary frame displayed for its entire duration.

pause :: Duration -> Animation Source #

Empty animation (no SVG output) with a fixed duration.


pause 1 `seqA` drawProgress

Querying animations

duration :: Animation -> Duration Source #

Query the duration of an animation.

frameAt :: Time -> Animation -> SVG Source #

Calculate the frame that would be displayed at given point in time of running animation.

The provided time parameter is clamped between 0 and animation duration.

Composing animations

seqA :: Animation -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Play animations in sequence. The lhs animation is removed after it has completed. New animation duration is 'duration lhs + duration rhs'.


drawBox `seqA` drawCircle

andThen :: Animation -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Play left animation and freeze on the last frame, then play the right animation. New duration is 'duration lhs + duration rhs'.


drawBox `andThen` drawCircle

parA :: Animation -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Play two animation concurrently. Shortest animation freezes on last frame. New animation duration is 'max (duration lhs) (duration rhs)'.


drawBox `parA` adjustDuration (*2) drawCircle

parLoopA :: Animation -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Play two animation concurrently. Shortest animation loops. New animation duration is 'max (duration lhs) (duration rhs)'.


drawBox `parLoopA` adjustDuration (*2) drawCircle

parDropA :: Animation -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Play two animation concurrently. Animations disappear after playing once. New animation duration is 'max (duration lhs) (duration rhs)'.


drawBox `parLoopA` adjustDuration (*2) drawCircle

Modifying animations

setDuration :: Duration -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Set the duration of an animation by adjusting its playback rate. The animation is still played from start to finish without being cropped.

adjustDuration :: (Duration -> Duration) -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Change the duration of an animation. Animates are stretched or squished (rather than truncated) to fit the new duration.

mapA :: (SVG -> SVG) -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Map over the SVG produced by an animation at every frame.


mapA (scale 0.5) drawCircle

takeA :: Duration -> Animation -> Animation Source #

takeA duration animation creates a new animation consisting of initial segment of animation of given duration, played at the same rate as the original animation.

The duration parameter is clamped to be between 0 and animation's duration. New animation duration is equal to (eventually clamped) duration.

dropA :: Duration -> Animation -> Animation Source #

dropA duration animation creates a new animation by dropping initial segment of length duration from the provided animation, played at the same rate as the original animation.

The duration parameter is clamped to be between 0 and animation's duration. The duration of the resulting animation is duration of provided animation minus (eventually clamped) duration.

lastA :: Duration -> Animation -> Animation Source #

lastA duration animation return the last duration seconds of the animation.

pauseAtEnd :: Duration -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Freeze the last frame for t seconds at the end of the animation.


pauseAtEnd 1 drawProgress

pauseAtBeginning :: Duration -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Freeze the first frame for t seconds at the beginning of the animation.


pauseAtBeginning 1 drawProgress

pauseAround :: Duration -> Duration -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Freeze the first and the last frame of the animation for a specified duration.


pauseAround 1 1 drawProgress

repeatA :: Double -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Loop animation n number of times. This number may be fractional and it may be less than 1. It must be greater than or equal to 0, though. New duration is n*duration input.


repeatA 1.5 drawCircle

reverseA :: Animation -> Animation Source #

Play an animation in reverse. Duration remains unchanged. Shorthand for: signalA reverseS.


reverseA drawCircle

playThenReverseA :: Animation -> Animation Source #

Play animation before playing it again in reverse. Duration is twice the duration of the input.


playThenReverseA drawCircle

signalA :: Signal -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Modify the time component of an animation. Animation duration is unchanged.


signalA (fromToS 0.25 0.75) drawCircle

freezeAtPercentage Source #


:: Time

value between 0 and 1. The frame displayed at this point in the original animation will be displayed for the duration of the new animation

-> Animation

original animation, from which the frame will be taken

-> Animation

new animation consisting of static frame displayed for the duration of the original animation

freezeAtPercentage time animation creates an animation consisting of stationary frame, that would be displayed in the provided animation at given time. The duration of the new animation is the same as the duration of provided animation.

addStatic :: SVG -> Animation -> Animation Source #

Overlay animation on top of static SVG image.


addStatic (mkBackground "lightblue") drawCircle


getAnimationFrame :: Sync -> Animation -> Time -> Duration -> SVG Source #

Ask for an animation frame using a given synchronization policy.

data Sync Source #

Animation synchronization policies.


renderTree :: SVG -> String Source #

Helper function for pretty-printing SVG nodes.

renderSvg Source #


:: Maybe Number

The number to use as value of the width attribute of the resulting top-level svg element. If Nothing, the width attribute won't be rendered.

-> Maybe Number

Similar to previous argument, but for height attribute.

-> SVG

SVG to render

-> String

String representation of SVG XML markup

Helper function for pretty-printing SVG nodes as SVG documents.