{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf   #-}
module Reanimate.GeoProjection
  ( Projection(..)
  , XYCoord(..)
  , LonLat(..)
  , project
  , interpP
  , mergeP
  , isValidP
  , scaleP
  , flipYAxisP
  , moveBottomP
  , moveTopP
    -- * Projections
  , equirectangularP
  , mercatorP
  , mollweideP
  , hammerP
  , lambertP
  , bottomleyP
  , sinusoidalP
  , wernerP
  , bonneP
  , orthoP
  , cassiniP
  , augustP
  , collignonP
  , eckert1P
  , eckert3P
  , eckert5P
  , faheyP
  , foucautP
  , lagrangeP
    -- * GeoJSON helpers
  , drawFeatureCollection -- :: GeoFeatureCollection a -> (a -> SVG -> SVG) -> SVG
  , loadFeatureCollection -- :: FromJSON a => FilePath -> (a -> SVG -> SVG) -> SVG
  , applyProjection -- :: Projection -> SVG -> SVG
  , applyProjection' -- :: Double -> Projection -> SVG -> SVG
  , renderGeometry
  ) where

import           Codec.Picture
import           Codec.Picture.Types
import           Control.Lens        ((^.))
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.ST
import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.Geospatial     hiding (LonLat)
import           Data.LinearRing
import qualified Data.LineString     as Line
import           Debug.Trace
import           Graphics.SvgTree    (Tree (None))
import           Linear              (distance, lerp)
import           Linear.V2           hiding (angle)
import           Reanimate
import           System.IO.Unsafe

-- Constants
halfPi, sqrtPi, sqrt2, epsilon, tau :: Double
halfPi = pi/2
sqrtPi = sqrt pi
sqrt2 = sqrt 2
epsilon = 1.0e-12
tau = pi*2

toRads, cot :: Double -> Double
toRads dec = dec/180 * pi
cot = recip . tan

srcPixel :: Pixel pixel => Image pixel -> LonLat -> pixel
srcPixel src (LonLat lam phi) =
    pixelAt src xPx yPx
    !xPx = round $ ((lam+pi)/tau) * fromIntegral (imageWidth src-1)
    !yPx = round $ (1-((phi+halfPi)/pi)) * fromIntegral (imageHeight src-1)

{- HLINT ignore -}
findValidCoord :: Image pixel -> Projection -> XYCoord -> XYCoord
findValidCoord !src !p (XYCoord x y) = foldr const (XYCoord x y)
    [ XYCoord x' y'
    | let !xi = round $ x * wMax
          !yi = round $ y * hMax
    , !ax <- [xi, xi-1, xi+1]
    , ax >= 0
    , ax < w
    , let !x' = fromIntegral ax / wMax
    , !ay <- [yi, yi-1, yi+1]
    , ay >= 0
    , ay < h
    , let !y' = fromIntegral ay / hMax
    , validLonLat $! projectionInverse p $! XYCoord x' y'
    !w = imageWidth src
    !h = imageHeight src
    !wMax = fromIntegral (w-1)
    !hMax = fromIntegral (h-1)

isInWorld :: Projection -> XYCoord -> Bool
isInWorld p coord =
    odd $ length $ isInWorld' p coord

isInWorld' :: Projection -> XYCoord -> [(Double, Double)]
isInWorld' p (XYCoord x y) =
    [ (x1, y1)
    | (XYCoord x1 y1, XYCoord x2 y2) <- world
    , (y1 > y) /= (y2 > y) -- y is between y1 and y2
    , x < (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) / (y2 - y1) + x1 -- x is to the left of the line
    world = worldPolygon p

worldPolygon :: Projection -> [(XYCoord, XYCoord)]
worldPolygon p =
    interp (-pi, -halfPi) (-pi, halfPi) ++
    interp (-pi, halfPi) (pi, halfPi) ++
    interp (pi, halfPi) (pi, -halfPi) ++
    interp (pi, -halfPi) (-pi, -halfPi)
    apply (lam, phi) = projectionForward p $ LonLat lam phi
    steps = 100
    interp (x1, y1) (x2,y2) =
      [ ( apply (fromToS x1 x2 (n/steps), fromToS y1 y2 (n/steps))
        , apply (fromToS x1 x2 ((n+1)/steps), fromToS y1 y2 ((n+1)/steps)))
      | n <- [0..steps-1]]

findNearestPixel :: MutableImage s PixelRGBA8 -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s PixelRGBA8
findNearestPixel src w h srcX srcY = worker $ take 20
    [ (x, y)
    | n <- [1..]
    , x <- [srcX-n .. srcY+n]
    , y <- if x == srcX-n || x == srcX+n then [srcY-n,srcY+n] else [srcY-n .. srcY+n]
    , x >= 0
    , y >= 0
    , x < w
    , y < h
    worker [] = pure $ PixelRGBA8 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0xFF
    worker ((x,y):rest) = do
      this <- readPixel src x y
      if this == blank
        then worker rest
        else return this
    blank = PixelRGBA8 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

interpP :: Image PixelRGBA8 -> Projection -> Projection -> Double -> Image PixelRGBA8
interpP !src !p1 !p2 !t = runST $ do
    !img <- newMutableImage w h
    let blank = PixelRGBA8 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    let isBlank pixel = pixel == blank
    -- forM_ [0..w-1] $ \x ->
    --   forM_ [0..h-1] $ \y -> do
    --     let x1 = fromIntegral x / (wMax)
    --         y1 = 1 - fromIntegral y / (hMax)
    --     when (isInWorld (mergeP p1 p2 t) (XYCoord x1 y1)) $
    --       writePixel img x y $ PixelRGBA8 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0xFF
    let factor = 2
    let l1 =
          loopTo (w*factor) $ \x -> do
            loopTo (h*factor) $ \y -> do
              let !x1' = fromIntegral x / (wMax*fromIntegral factor)
                  !y1' = fromIntegral y / (hMax*fromIntegral factor)
                  !lonlat = projectionInverse p1 $! XYCoord x1' y1'
                  p = srcPixel src lonlat
              when (validLonLat lonlat && pixelOpacity p /= 0) $ do
                let XYCoord x1 y1 = projectionForward p1 lonlat
                    XYCoord x2 y2 = findValidCoord src p2 $ projectionForward p2 lonlat
                    !x3 = round $ fromToS x1 x2 t * wMax
                    !y3 = round $ (1 - fromToS y1 y2 t) * hMax
                when (x3 >= 0 && x3 < w && y3 >= 0 && y3 < h) $
                  writePixel img x3 y3 p
        l2 =
          loopTo (w*factor) $ \x ->
            loopTo (h*factor) $ \y -> do
              let !x2' = fromIntegral x / (wMax*fromIntegral factor)
                  !y2' = fromIntegral y / (hMax*fromIntegral factor)
                  !lonlat = projectionInverse p2 (XYCoord x2' y2')
                  p = srcPixel src lonlat
              when (validLonLat lonlat && pixelOpacity p /= 0) $ do
                let XYCoord x2 y2 = projectionForward p2 lonlat
                    XYCoord x1 y1 = findValidCoord src p1 $ projectionForward p1 lonlat
                    !x3 = round $ fromToS x1 x2 t * wMax
                    !y3 = round $ (1 - fromToS y1 y2 t) * hMax
                when (x3 >= 0 && x3 < w && y3 >= 0 && y3 < h) $ do
                  writePixel img x3 y3 p
    if t < 0.5
      then l1 >> l2
      else l2 >> l1

    when False $
      forM_ [0..w-1] $ \x ->
        forM_ [0..h-1] $ \y -> do
          let x1 = fromIntegral x / (wMax)
              y1 = 1 - fromIntegral y / (hMax)
          this <- readPixel img x y
          when (isBlank this) $
            when (isInWorld (mergeP p1 p2 t) (XYCoord x1 y1)) $
              writePixel img x y =<< findNearestPixel img w h x y
    unsafeFreezeImage img
    loopTo m fn = go m
      where go 0 = return ()
            go n = fn (n-1) >> go (n-1)
    !w = imageWidth src
    !h = imageHeight src
    !wMax = fromIntegral (w-1)
    !hMax = fromIntegral (h-1)

eqLonLat :: LonLat -> LonLat -> Bool
eqLonLat (LonLat x1 y1) (LonLat x2 y2)
  = eqDouble x1 x2 && eqDouble y1 y2
eqCoords :: XYCoord -> XYCoord -> Bool
eqCoords (XYCoord x1 y1) (XYCoord x2 y2)
  = eqDouble x1 x2 && eqDouble y1 y2
eqDouble :: Double -> Double -> Bool
eqDouble a b = abs (a-b) < epsilon

data XYCoord = XYCoord !Double !Double -- 0 to 1
  deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Ord)
data LonLat = LonLat !Double !Double -- -pi to +pi, -halfPi to +halfPi
  deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Ord)
data Projection = Projection
  { projectionForward :: !(LonLat -> XYCoord)
  , projectionInverse :: !(XYCoord -> LonLat)

-- FIXME: Verify that 'src' has an aspect ratio of 2:1.
project :: Image PixelRGBA8 -> Projection -> Image PixelRGBA8
project src (Projection _ pInv) = generateImage fn w h
    w = imageWidth src
    h = imageHeight src
    fn xPx yPx =
      let x = (fromIntegral xPx / fromIntegral (w-1))
          y = 1-(fromIntegral yPx / fromIntegral (h-1))
          lonlat = pInv (XYCoord x y)
      if validLonLat lonlat
        then srcPixel src lonlat
        else PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 0

validLonLat :: LonLat -> Bool
validLonLat (LonLat lam phi) =
  lam >= -pi && lam <= pi && phi >= -pi/2 && phi <= pi/2

_validXYCoord :: XYCoord -> Bool
_validXYCoord (XYCoord x y) = x >= 0 && x <= 1 && y >= 0 && y <= 1

isValidP :: Projection -> Bool
isValidP (Projection p pInv) = and
    [ check x y
    | x <- [0..w-1::Int]
    , y <- [0..h-1::Int] ]
    w = 100
    h = 100
    check xPx yPx =
      let x = (fromIntegral xPx / fromIntegral (w-1))
          y = (fromIntegral yPx / fromIntegral (h-1))
          lonlat = pInv (XYCoord x y)
          lonlat2 = pInv $ p lonlat
      in not (validLonLat lonlat) || eqLonLat lonlat lonlat2
          || trace (show (lonlat, lonlat2)) False

moveBottomP :: Double -> Projection -> Projection
moveBottomP offset (Projection p pInv) = Projection p' pInv'
    p' (LonLat lon lat) =
      case p (LonLat lon lat) of
        XYCoord x y -> XYCoord x (fromToS offset 1 y)
    pInv' (XYCoord x y) = pInv (XYCoord x ((y-offset)/(1-offset)))

moveTopP :: Double -> Projection -> Projection
moveTopP offset = flipYAxisP . moveBottomP offset . flipYAxisP

flipYAxisP :: Projection -> Projection
flipYAxisP (Projection p pInv) = Projection p' pInv'
    p' (LonLat lam phi) =
      let XYCoord x y = p (LonLat lam (negate phi))
      in XYCoord x (1-y)
    pInv' (XYCoord x y) =
      let LonLat lam phi = pInv (XYCoord x (1-y))
      in LonLat lam (negate phi)

scaleP :: Double -> Double -> Projection -> Projection
scaleP xScale yScale (Projection p pInv) = Projection forward inverse
    forward lonlat =
      case p lonlat of
        XYCoord x y -> XYCoord ((x-0.5)*xScale+0.5) ((y-0.5)*yScale+0.5)
    inverse (XYCoord x y) =
      let new = XYCoord ((x-0.5)/xScale+0.5) ((y-0.5)/yScale+0.5)
      in pInv new

mergeP :: Projection -> Projection -> Double -> Projection
mergeP p1 p2 t = Projection p pInv
    p lonlat =
      let XYCoord x1 y1 = projectionForward p1 lonlat
          XYCoord x2 y2 = projectionForward p2 lonlat
      in XYCoord (fromToS x1 x2 t) (fromToS y1 y2 t)
    pInv coord =
      let LonLat lon1 lat1 = projectionInverse p1 coord
          LonLat lon2 lat2 = projectionInverse p2 coord
        if | oob lon1 lat1 && oob lon2 lat2 -> LonLat (0/0) (0/0)
           | otherwise     -> LonLat (fromToS lon1 lon2 t) (fromToS lat1 lat2 t)
    oob lon lat = lon < (-pi) || lon > pi || lat < (-pi/2) || lat > pi/2

-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_equirectangularP.gif>>
equirectangularP :: Projection
equirectangularP = Projection forward inverse
    forward (LonLat lam phi) = XYCoord ((lam+pi)/tau) ((phi+pi/2)/pi)
    inverse (XYCoord x y) = LonLat xPi yPi
        xPi = fromToS (-pi) pi x
        yPi = fromToS (-pi/2) (pi/2) y

-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_mercatorP.gif>>
mercatorP :: Projection
mercatorP = Projection forward inverse
    forward (LonLat lam phi) =
      XYCoord ((lam+pi)/tau)
        (min 1 $ max (0) $ (((log(tan(pi/4+phi/2))) + pi)/tau))
    inverse (XYCoord x y) = LonLat xPi (atan (sinh yPi))
        xPi = fromToS (-pi) pi x
        yPi = fromToS (-pi) pi y

-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_mollweideP.gif>>
mollweideP :: Projection
mollweideP = Projection forward inverse
    forward (LonLat lam phi) =
        XYCoord ((x+sqrt2*2)/(4*sqrt2)) ((y+sqrt2)/(2*sqrt2))
        x = (2*sqrt2)/pi * lam * cos theta
        y = sqrt2*sin theta
        theta = find_theta 100
        find_theta :: Int -> Double
        find_theta 0 = phi
        find_theta _ | abs phi == pi/2 = signum phi * pi/2
        find_theta n =
          let sub = find_theta (n-1)
          in sub - (2*sub+sin (2*sub)-pi*sin phi)/(2+2*cos(2*sub))
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS (-2*sqrt2) (2*sqrt2) x'
        y = fromToS (-sqrt2) sqrt2 y'
        theta = asin (y/sqrt2)
        lam = pi*x/(2*sqrt2*cos theta)
        phi = asin ((2*theta+sin(2*theta))/pi)

-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_hammerP.gif>>
hammerP :: Projection
hammerP = Projection forward inverse
    forward (LonLat lam phi) =
        XYCoord ((x+sqrt2*2)/(4*sqrt2)) ((y+sqrt2)/(2*sqrt2))
        x = (2*sqrt2*cos phi*sin (lam/2))/sqrt (1+cos phi*cos (lam/2))
        y = (sqrt2*sin phi)/ sqrt (1+cos phi*cos (lam/2))
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS (-2*sqrt2) (2*sqrt2) x'
        y = fromToS (-sqrt2) sqrt2 y'
        z = sqrt (1 - (x/4)**2 - (y/2)**2)
        lam = 2 * atan2 (z*x) (2*(2*z**2-1))
        phi = asin (z*y)

-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_lambertP.gif>>
lambertP :: Projection
lambertP = Projection forward inverse
    forward (LonLat lam phi) =
      XYCoord ((lam+pi)/tau) ((sin phi+1)/2)
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat x (asin y)
        x = fromToS (-pi) pi x'
        y = fromToS (-1) 1 y'

-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_bottomleyP.gif>>
bottomleyP :: Double -> Projection
bottomleyP !phi_1 = Projection forward inverse
    forward (LonLat lam phi) =
        XYCoord ((x+pi)/tau) ((y+pi/2)/pi)
        x = (rho * sin e) / sin phi_1
        y = pi/2 - rho * cos e
        rho = pi/2 - phi
        e = lam * sin phi_1 * sin rho / rho
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS (-pi) pi x'
        y = fromToS (-pi/2) (pi/2) y'
        x1 = x * sin phi_1
        y1 = pi/2 - y
        rho = sqrt (x1*x1 + y1*y1)
        e = atan2 x1 y1
        lam = (if rho == 0 then 1 else rho / sin rho) * e/sin phi_1
        phi = pi/2 - rho

-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_sinusoidalP.gif>>
sinusoidalP :: Projection
sinusoidalP = Projection forward inverse
    forward (LonLat lam phi) =
        XYCoord ((x+pi)/tau) ((y+pi/2)/pi)
        x = lam * cos phi
        y = phi
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat (x/cos y) y
        x = fromToS (-pi) pi x'
        y = fromToS (-pi/2) (pi/2) y'

-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_wernerP.gif>>
wernerP :: Projection
wernerP = moveTopP 0.23 $ Projection forward inverse
    forward (LonLat lam phi) =
        XYCoord ((x+pi)/tau) ((y+pi/2)/pi)
        rho = pi/2 - phi
        e = if rho == 0 then rho else lam * sin rho / rho
        x = rho * sin e
        y = pi/2 - rho * cos e
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS (-pi) pi x'
        y = fromToS (-pi/2) (pi/2) y'
        rho = sqrt (x**2 + (pi/2 - y)**2)
        e = atan2 x (pi/2 -y)
        phi = pi/2 - rho
        lam = e * rho / sin rho

-- FIXME: find right scale and position.
-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_bonneP.gif>>
bonneP :: Double -> Projection
bonneP 0 = sinusoidalP
bonneP phi_0 = moveTopP (-0.17*factor) $ scaleP 1 (fromToS 1 0.65 factor) $ Projection forward inverse
    factor = sin phi_0 / sin (pi/4)
    forward (LonLat lam phi ) = XYCoord ((x+pi)/tau) ((y+halfPi)/pi)
        cotPhi0 = cot phi_0
        rho = cotPhi0 + phi_0 - phi
        e = (lam * cos phi) / rho
        x = rho * sin e
        y = cotPhi0 - rho * cos e
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS (-pi) pi x'
        y = fromToS (-pi/2) (pi/2) y'
        cotPhi0 = cot phi_0
        rho = sqrt (x*x + (cot phi_0 - y)**2)
        -- e = atan2 x (cot phi_1 + phi_1 + y)
        phi = cotPhi0 + phi_0 - rho
        lam = rho / cos phi * atan2 x (cotPhi0-y)

-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_orthoP.gif>>
orthoP :: LonLat -> Projection
orthoP (LonLat lam_0 phi_0) = Projection forward inverse
    forward (LonLat lam phi)
        | cosc < 0  =
            let ang = atan2 y x
                xV = cos ang
                yV = sin ang
                xPos = 7/32 + ((xV+1)/2 * 9/16)
            in -- trace (show (x,y)) $
              XYCoord xPos ((yV+1)/2)
            --XYCoord (0/0) (0/0)
        | otherwise = XYCoord ((x+(16/9))/(16/9*2)) ((y+1)/2)
        x = cos phi * sin (lam - lam_0)
        y = cos phi_0 * sin phi - sin phi_0 * cos phi * cos (lam - lam_0)
        cosc = sin phi_0 * sin phi + cos phi_0 * cos phi * cos (lam-lam_0)
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS (-16/9) (16/9) x'
        y = fromToS (-1) 1 y'
        lam = wrap (-pi) pi $
          lam_0 + atan2 (x * sin c) (rho * cos c * cos phi_0 - y * sin c * sin phi_0)
        phi = wrap (-pi/2) (pi/2) $
          asin (cos c * sin phi_0 + (y * sin c * cos phi_0)/rho)
        rho = sqrt (x*x + y*y)
        c = asin rho
        wrap lower upper v
          | v > upper = v-upper+lower
          | v < lower = v+upper-lower
          | otherwise = v

cassiniP :: Projection
cassiniP = Projection forward inverse
    forward (LonLat lam phi) =
      XYCoord ((asin (cos phi * sin lam)+halfPi)/pi) ((atan2 (tan phi) (cos lam)+pi)/tau)
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS (-halfPi) halfPi x'
        y = fromToS (-pi) pi y'
        lam = atan2 (tan x) (cos y)
        phi = asin (sin y * cos x)

augustP :: Projection
augustP = scaleP 0.70 0.70 $ Projection forward inverse
    xHi = 16/3
    xLo = -xHi
    yHi = 8 / 3
    yLo = -yHi
    forward (LonLat lam phi) = XYCoord ((xPos-xLo)/(xHi-xLo)) ((yPos-yLo)/(yHi-yLo))
        tanPhi = tan (phi/2)
        k = sqrt (1 - tanPhi * tanPhi)
        c = 1 + k * cos (lam / 2)
        x = sin (lam/2) * k / c
        y = tanPhi / c
        x2 = x*x
        y2 = y*y
        xPos = 4 / 3 * x * (3+x2 - 3*y2)
        yPos = 4 / 3 * y * (3 + 3*x2 - y2)
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS xLo xHi x' * 3 / 8
        y = fromToS yLo yHi y' * 3 / 8
        x2 = x*x
        y2 = y*y
        s = 1 + x2 + y2
        sin3Eta = sqrt ((s - sqrt (s*s - 4 * y * y)) / 2)
        eta = asin sin3Eta / 3
        xi = if sin3Eta /= 0 then acosh (abs (y / sin3Eta)) / 3 else asinh (abs x) / 3
        cosEta = cos eta
        coshXi = cosh xi
        d = coshXi * coshXi - cosEta * cosEta
        lam = signum x * 2 * atan2 (sinh xi * cosEta) (0.25 - d)
        phi = signum y * 2 * atan2 (coshXi * sin eta) (0.25 + d)

-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_collignonP.gif>>
collignonP :: Projection
collignonP = Projection forward inverse
    yHi = sqrtPi
    yLo = sqrtPi * (1 - sqrt2)
    xLo = -pi*(2/sqrtPi)*sqrt2
    xHi = pi*(2/sqrtPi)*sqrt2
    forward (LonLat lam phi) = XYCoord ((x-xLo)/(xHi-xLo)) ((y-yLo)/(yHi-yLo))
        alpha = sqrt (1 - sin phi)
        x = (2 / sqrtPi) * lam * alpha
        y = sqrtPi * (1 - alpha)
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS xLo xHi x'
        y = fromToS yLo yHi y'
        l = (y / sqrtPi -1)**2
        lam = if l > 0 then x * sqrt (pi / l) / 2 else 0
        phi = asin (1-l)

-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_eckert1P.gif>>
eckert1P :: Projection
eckert1P = Projection forward inverse
    alpha = sqrt (8 / (3*pi))
    yLo = -alpha * halfPi
    yHi = alpha * halfPi
    xLo = -alpha * pi
    xHi = alpha * pi
    forward (LonLat lam phi) = XYCoord ((x-xLo)/(xHi-xLo)) ((y-yLo)/(yHi-yLo))
        x = alpha * lam * (1 - abs phi / pi)
        y = alpha * phi
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS xLo xHi x'
        y = fromToS yLo yHi y'
        phi = y / alpha
        lam = x / (alpha * (1 - abs phi / pi))

-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_eckert3P.gif>>
eckert3P :: Projection
eckert3P = Projection forward inverse
    k = sqrt (pi * (4 + pi))
    yLo = negate yHi
    yHi = 4/k * halfPi
    xLo = negate xHi
    xHi = 4/k * pi
    forward (LonLat lam phi) = XYCoord ((x-xLo)/(xHi-xLo)) ((y-yLo)/(yHi-yLo))
        x = 2 / k * lam * (1 + sqrt (1 - 4*phi*phi/(pi*pi)))
        y = 4 / k * phi
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS xLo xHi x'
        y = fromToS yLo yHi y'
        lam = x  * k/2 / (1 + sqrt (1 - y*y* (4+pi)/(4*pi)))
        phi = y * k/4

-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_eckert5P.gif>>
eckert5P :: Projection
eckert5P = Projection forward inverse
    k = sqrt (2 + pi)
    yLo = negate yHi
    yHi = pi/k
    xLo = negate xHi
    xHi = tau/k
    forward (LonLat lam phi) = XYCoord ((x-xLo)/(xHi-xLo)) ((y-yLo)/(yHi-yLo))
        x = lam * (1 + cos phi) / k
        y = 2 * phi / k
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS xLo xHi x'
        y = fromToS yLo yHi y'
        lam = k * x / (1 + cos phi)
        phi = y * k / 2

-- | <<docs/gifs/doc_faheyP.gif>>
faheyP :: Projection
faheyP = Projection forward inverse
    faheyK = cos (toRads 35)
    yLo = negate yHi
    yHi = 1 + faheyK
    xLo = negate xHi
    xHi = pi * faheyK * 16/9
    forward (LonLat lam phi) = XYCoord ((x-xLo)/(xHi-xLo)) ((y-yLo)/(yHi-yLo))
        t = tan (phi/2)
        x = lam * faheyK * sqrt (1 - t*t)
        y = (1 + faheyK) * t
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS xLo xHi x'
        y = fromToS yLo yHi y'
        t = y / (1 + faheyK)
        lam = x / (faheyK * sqrt (1 - t*t))
        phi = 2 * atan2 y (1 + faheyK)

foucautP :: Projection
foucautP = Projection forward inverse
    yLo = negate yHi
    yHi = sqrtPi * tan (halfPi/2)
    xLo = negate xHi
    xHi = tau/sqrtPi
    forward (LonLat lam phi) = XYCoord ((x-xLo)/(xHi-xLo)) ((y-yLo)/(yHi-yLo))
        k = phi / 2
        cosk = cos k
        x = 2 * lam / sqrtPi * cos phi * cosk * cosk
        y = sqrtPi * tan k
    inverse (XYCoord x' y') = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS xLo xHi x'
        y = fromToS yLo yHi y'
        k = atan (y / sqrtPi)
        cosk = cos k
        phi = 2 * k
        lam = x * sqrtPi / 2 / (cos phi * cosk * cosk)

lagrangeP :: Projection
lagrangeP = Projection forward inverse
    yLo = negate yHi
    yHi = 2
    xLo = negate xHi
    xHi = 2
    n = 0.5
    forward (LonLat lam phi)
        | abs (abs phi - halfPi) < epsilon = XYCoord 0.5 (if phi < 0 then 0 else 1)
        | otherwise = XYCoord ((x-xLo)/(xHi-xLo)) ((y-yLo)/(yHi-yLo))
        sinPhi = sin phi
        v = ((1+sinPhi) / (1 - sinPhi))**(n/2)
        c = 0.5 * (v + 1/v) + cos (lam*n)
        x = 2 * sin (lam*n) / c
        y = (v - 1/v) /c
    inverse (XYCoord x' y')
        | abs (abs y'-1) < epsilon = LonLat 0 (signum y * halfPi)
        | otherwise = LonLat lam phi
        x = fromToS xLo xHi x' / 2
        y = fromToS yLo yHi y' / 2
        x2 = x * x
        y2 = y * y
        t = 2 * y / (1 + x2 + y2)
        t' = ((1+t) / (1-t)) ** (1/n)
        lam = atan2 (2*x) (1-x2-y2) / n
        phi = asin ((t'-1)/(t'+1))

drawFeatureCollection :: GeoFeatureCollection a -> (a -> SVG -> SVG) -> SVG
drawFeatureCollection geo fn = mkGroup
  [ fn (feature ^. properties) $ renderGeometry (feature ^. geometry)
  | feature <- toList (geo ^. geofeatures)

{-# INLINE loadFeatureCollection #-}
loadFeatureCollection :: FromJSON a => FilePath -> (a -> SVG -> SVG) -> SVG
loadFeatureCollection path = unsafePerformIO $ do
  mbGeo <- decodeFileStrict path
  case mbGeo of
    Nothing  -> error $ "loadFeatureCollection: Invalid GeoJSON: " ++ path
    Just geo -> return (drawFeatureCollection geo)

-- drawFeatureCollection :: GeoFeatureCollection a -> (a -> SVG -> SVG) -> SVG
-- loadFeatureColection :: FromJSON a => FilePath -> (a -> SVG -> SVG) -> SVG
-- modifyPoints :: ((Double,Double) -> (Double, Double)) -> SVG -> SVG
-- pointsToRadians :: SVG -> SVG
-- applyProjection :: Projection -> SVG -> SVG

renderGeometry :: GeospatialGeometry -> SVG
renderGeometry shape =
  case shape of
    MultiPolygon mpolygon ->
      mkGroup $ map (renderGeometry . Polygon) $ toList (splitGeoMultiPolygon mpolygon)
    Polygon poly ->
      [ mkLinePath section
      | section <- pure
          [ (x, y)
          | PointXY x y <- map retrieveXY (fromLinearRing (head (toList (poly^.unGeoPolygon))))
    Line line ->
      [ (x, y)
      | PointXY x y <- map retrieveXY (Line.fromLineString (line ^. unGeoLine))
    MultiLine ml ->
      mkGroup $ map (renderGeometry . Line) $ toList (splitGeoMultiLine ml)
    _ -> None

applyProjection :: Projection -> SVG -> SVG
applyProjection = applyProjection' 1e-2

applyProjection' :: Double -> Projection -> SVG -> SVG
applyProjection' tolerance p = mapSvgLines start
    start (LineMove x:rest) = LineMove (proj x) : worker x rest
    start _                 = []
    worker a (LineEnd b : rest) =
      let (x:xs) = reverse $ drop 1 $ mkChunks a b
      in map (\v -> LineBezier [v]) (map proj $ reverse xs) ++ LineEnd (proj x) : start rest
    worker a (LineBezier [b] : rest) =
      let (x:xs) = reverse $ drop 1 $ mkChunks a b
      in map (\v -> LineBezier [v]) (map proj $ reverse xs) ++ LineBezier [proj x] : worker x rest
    worker _ (LineBezier ps : rest) =
      LineBezier (map proj ps) : worker (last ps) rest
    worker _ (LineMove x:rest) = LineMove (proj x) : worker x rest
    worker _ [] = []
    lowTolerance = tolerance*tolerance

    proj (V2 lam phi) =
      case projectionForward p $ LonLat lam phi of
        XYCoord x y -> V2 x y
    mkChunks a b =
      let midway = lerp 0.5 a b in
      if distance (proj a) (proj b) < tolerance || distance a b < lowTolerance
        then [a, b]
        else mkChunks a midway ++ drop 1 (mkChunks midway b)