module Rattletrap.Decode.Common
  ( Decode
  , DecodeBits
  , decodeWhen
  , getByteStringBits
  , getWord8Bits
  , runDecode
  , runDecodeBits
  , toBits
  , Binary.getFloatle
  , Binary.getByteString
  , Binary.getInt8
  , Binary.getInt32le
  , Binary.getInt64le
  , Binary.getWord8
  , Binary.getWord32le
  , Binary.getWord64le
  , BinaryBits.getBool
  , BinaryBits.getWord16be
  , BinaryBits.getWord32be

import qualified Control.Applicative as Applicative
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import qualified Data.Binary.Bits.Get as BinaryBits
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString as Bytes
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyBytes
import qualified Data.Word as Word
import qualified Rattletrap.Utility.Bytes as Utility

type Decode = Binary.Get

type DecodeBits = BinaryBits.BitGet

  :: (Applicative m, Applicative.Alternative f) => Bool -> m a -> m (f a)
decodeWhen p f = if p then fmap pure f else pure Applicative.empty

getByteStringBits :: Int -> DecodeBits Bytes.ByteString
getByteStringBits = BinaryBits.getByteString

getWord8Bits :: Int -> DecodeBits Word.Word8
getWord8Bits = BinaryBits.getWord8

runDecode :: Decode a -> Bytes.ByteString -> Either String a
runDecode decode bytes =
  case Binary.runGetOrFail decode (LazyBytes.fromStrict bytes) of
    Left (_, _, x) -> Left x
    Right (_, _, x) -> Right x

runDecodeBits :: DecodeBits a -> Bytes.ByteString -> Either String a
runDecodeBits = runDecode . BinaryBits.runBitGet

toBits :: Decode a -> Int -> DecodeBits a
toBits decode size = do
  bytes <- BinaryBits.getByteString size
  case runDecode decode (Utility.reverseBytes bytes) of
    Left problem -> fail problem
    Right result -> pure result