{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
-- | Depth indexed perfect binary tree.
module Data.RAVec.Tree (
    Tree (..),

    -- * Construction

    -- * Conversions

    -- * Indexing

    -- * Folds

    -- * Mapping
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids
    -- TODO: itraverse_,

    -- * Zipping

    -- * Universe

    -- * QuickCheck

    ) where

import Prelude
       (Bool (..), Eq (..), Functor (..), Int, Ord (..), Show, id, seq,
       uncurry, ($), (*), (.))

import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..), (<$>))
import Control.DeepSeq     (NFData (..))
import Data.Hashable       (Hashable (..))
import Data.Monoid         (Monoid (..))
import Data.Nat            (Nat (..))
import Data.Semigroup      (Semigroup (..))
import Data.Typeable       (Typeable)
import Data.Wrd            (Wrd (..))

import qualified Data.Type.Nat as N

-- instances
import qualified Data.Foldable    as I (Foldable (..))
import qualified Data.Traversable as I (Traversable (..))
import qualified Test.QuickCheck  as QC

#ifdef MIN_VERSION_distributive
import qualified Data.Distributive as I (Distributive (..))

#ifdef MIN_VERSION_adjunctions
import qualified Data.Functor.Rep as I (Representable (..))

#ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids
import Data.Functor.Apply (Apply (..))

import qualified Data.Semigroup.Foldable    as I (Foldable1 (..))
import qualified Data.Semigroup.Traversable as I (Traversable1 (..))

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XScopedTypeVariables
-- >>> import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
-- >>> import Prelude (Char, not, uncurry, flip)

-- Data

-- | Perfectly balanced binary tree of depth @n@, with @2 ^ n@ elements.
data Tree (n :: Nat) a where
    Leaf :: a -> Tree 'Z a
    Node :: Tree n a -> Tree n a -> Tree ('S n) a
  deriving (Typeable)

-- Helpers

goLeft :: (Wrd ('S n) -> a) -> Wrd n -> a
goLeft f xs = f (W0 xs)

goRight :: (Wrd ('S n) -> a) -> Wrd n -> a
goRight f xs = f (W1 xs)

-- Instances

deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Tree n a)
deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Tree n a)
deriving instance Show a => Show (Tree n a)

instance Functor (Tree n) where
    fmap = map

instance I.Foldable (Tree n) where
    foldMap = foldMap
    foldr   = foldr
    foldl   = foldl
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
    null _ = False
    toList = toList
    length = length

instance I.Traversable (Tree n) where
    traverse = traverse

#ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids
instance I.Foldable1 (Tree n) where
    foldMap1 = foldMap1

instance I.Traversable1 (Tree n) where
    traverse1 = traverse1

instance NFData a => NFData (Tree n a) where
    rnf (Leaf x)   = rnf x
    rnf (Node x y) = rnf x `seq` rnf y

instance Hashable a => Hashable (Tree n a) where
    hashWithSalt salt (Leaf x) = salt
        `hashWithSalt` x
    hashWithSalt salt (Node x y) = salt
        `hashWithSalt` x
        `hashWithSalt` y

instance N.SNatI n => Applicative (Tree n) where
    pure = repeat
    (<*>) = zipWith ($)
    x <* _ = x
    _ *> x = x
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
    liftA2 = zipWith

#ifdef MIN_VERSION_distributive
instance N.SNatI n => I.Distributive (Tree n) where
    distribute f = tabulate (\k -> fmap (! k) f)

#ifdef MIN_VERSION_adjunctions
instance N.SNatI n => I.Representable (Tree n) where
    type Rep (Tree n) = Wrd n

    tabulate = tabulate
    index    = (!)

instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Tree n a) where
    Leaf x   <> Leaf y   = Leaf (x <> y)
    Node x y <> Node u v = Node (x <> u) (y <> v)

#ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids
instance Apply (Tree n) where
    (<.>)  = zipWith ($)
    _ .> x = x
    x <. _ = x
    liftF2 = zipWith

-- Construction

-- | 'Tree' of zero depth, with single element.
-- >>> singleton True
-- Leaf True
singleton :: a -> Tree 'Z a
singleton = Leaf

-- Conversions

-- | Convert 'Tree' to list.
-- >>> toList $ Node (Node (Leaf 'a') (Leaf 'b')) (Node (Leaf 'c') (Leaf 'd'))
-- "abcd"
toList :: Tree n a -> [a]
toList t = go t [] where
    go :: Tree n a -> [a] -> [a]
    go (Leaf x) = (x :)
    go (Node x y) = go x . go y

-- Indexing

-- | Indexing.
(!) :: Tree n a -> Wrd n -> a
(!) (Leaf x)   WE      = x
(!) (Node x _) (W0 is) = x ! is
(!) (Node _ y) (W1 is) = y ! is

tabulate :: forall n a. N.SNatI n => (Wrd n -> a) -> Tree n a
tabulate f = case N.snat :: N.SNat n of
    N.SZ -> Leaf (f WE)
    N.SS -> Node (tabulate (goLeft f)) (tabulate (goRight f))

leftmost :: Tree n a -> a
leftmost (Leaf a)   = a
leftmost (Node x _) = leftmost x

rightmost :: Tree n a -> a
rightmost (Leaf a)   = a
rightmost (Node _ y) = rightmost y

-- Folds

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Tree n a -> m
foldMap f (Leaf x)   = f x
foldMap f (Node x y) = mappend (foldMap f x) (foldMap f y)

ifoldMap :: Monoid m => (Wrd n -> a -> m) -> Tree n a -> m
ifoldMap f (Leaf x)   = f WE x
ifoldMap f (Node x y) = mappend (ifoldMap (goLeft f) x) (ifoldMap (goRight f) y)

foldMap1 :: Semigroup s => (a -> s) -> Tree n a -> s
foldMap1 f (Leaf x)   = f x
foldMap1 f (Node x y) = foldMap1 f x <> foldMap1 f y

ifoldMap1 :: Semigroup s => (Wrd n -> a -> s) -> Tree n a -> s
ifoldMap1 f (Leaf x)   = f WE x
ifoldMap1 f (Node x y) = ifoldMap1 (goLeft f) x <> ifoldMap1 (goRight f) y

-- | >>> foldr (:) [] $ Node (Leaf True) (Leaf False)
-- [True,False]
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree n a -> b
foldr f z (Leaf x)   = f x z
foldr f z (Node x y) = foldr f (foldr f z y) x

ifoldr :: (Wrd n -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree n a -> b
ifoldr f z (Leaf x)   = f WE x z
ifoldr f z (Node x y) = ifoldr (goLeft f) (ifoldr (goRight f) z y) x

foldr1Map :: (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Tree n a -> b
foldr1Map _ z (Leaf x)   = z x
foldr1Map f z (Node x y) = foldr f (foldr1Map f z y) x

ifoldr1Map :: (Wrd n -> a -> b -> b) -> (Wrd n -> a -> b) -> Tree n a -> b
ifoldr1Map _ z (Leaf x) = z WE x
ifoldr1Map f z (Node x y) = ifoldr (goLeft f) (ifoldr1Map (goRight f) (goRight z) y) x

-- | >>> foldl (flip (:)) [] $ Node (Leaf True) (Leaf False)
-- [False,True]
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Tree n a -> b
foldl f z (Leaf x) = f z x
foldl f z (Node x y) = foldl f (foldl f z x) y

ifoldl :: (Wrd n -> b -> a -> b) -> b -> Tree n a -> b
ifoldl f z (Leaf x)   = f WE z x
ifoldl f z (Node x y) = ifoldl (goLeft f) (ifoldl (goRight f) z x) y

-- TODO: foldl

-- | >>> length (universe :: Tree N.Nat3 (Wrd N.Nat3))
-- 8
length :: Tree n a -> Int
length = go 1 where
    go :: Int -> Tree n a -> Int
    go !acc (Leaf _)   = acc
    go  acc (Node x _) = go (2 * acc) x

-- Mapping

-- | >>> map not $ Node (Leaf True) (Leaf False)
-- Node (Leaf False) (Leaf True)
map :: (a -> b) -> Tree n a -> Tree n b
map f (Leaf x)   = Leaf (f x)
map f (Node x y) = Node (map f x) (map f y)

-- | >>> imap (,) $ Node (Leaf True) (Leaf False)
-- Node (Leaf (0b0,True)) (Leaf (0b1,False))
imap :: (Wrd n -> a -> b) -> Tree n a -> Tree n b
imap f (Leaf x) = Leaf (f WE x)
imap f (Node x y) = Node (imap (goLeft f) x) (imap (goRight f) y)

traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Tree n a -> f (Tree n b)
traverse f (Leaf x)   = Leaf <$> f x
traverse f (Node x y) = Node <$> traverse f x <*> traverse f y

itraverse :: Applicative f => (Wrd n -> a -> f b) -> Tree n a -> f (Tree n b)
itraverse f (Leaf x)   = Leaf <$> f WE x
itraverse f (Node x y) = Node <$> itraverse (goLeft f) x <*> itraverse (goRight f) y

#ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids
traverse1 :: Apply f => (a -> f b) -> Tree n a -> f (Tree n b)
traverse1 f (Leaf x)   = Leaf <$> f x
traverse1 f (Node x y) = Node <$> traverse1 f x <.> traverse1 f y

itraverse1 :: Apply f => (Wrd n -> a -> f b) -> Tree n a -> f (Tree n b)
itraverse1 f (Leaf x)   = Leaf <$> f WE x
itraverse1 f (Node x y) = Node <$> itraverse1 (goLeft f) x <.> itraverse1 (goRight f) y

-- Zipping

-- | Zip two 'Vec's with a function.
zipWith ::  (a -> b -> c) -> Tree n a -> Tree n b -> Tree n c
zipWith f (Leaf x)   (Leaf y)   = Leaf (f x y)
zipWith f (Node x y) (Node u v) = Node (zipWith f x u) (zipWith f y v)

-- | Zip two 'Tree's. with a function that also takes the elements' indices.
izipWith :: (Wrd n -> a -> b -> c) -> Tree n a -> Tree n b -> Tree n c
izipWith f (Leaf x)   (Leaf y)   = Leaf (f WE x y)
izipWith f (Node x y) (Node u v) = Node (izipWith (goLeft f) x u) (izipWith (goRight f) y v)

-- | Repeat a value.
-- >>> repeat 'x' :: Tree N.Nat2 Char
-- Node (Node (Leaf 'x') (Leaf 'x')) (Node (Leaf 'x') (Leaf 'x'))
repeat :: N.SNatI n => a -> Tree n a
repeat x = N.induction1 (Leaf x) (\t -> Node t t)

-- Universe

-- | Get all @'Vec' n 'Bool'@ indices in @'Tree' n@.
-- >>> universe :: Tree N.Nat2 (Wrd N.Nat2)
-- Node (Node (Leaf 0b00) (Leaf 0b01)) (Node (Leaf 0b10) (Leaf 0b11))
universe :: N.SNatI n => Tree n (Wrd n)
universe = tabulate id

-- QuickCheck

instance N.SNatI n => QC.Arbitrary1 (Tree n) where
    liftArbitrary = liftArbitrary
    liftShrink    = liftShrink

liftArbitrary :: forall n a. N.SNatI n => QC.Gen a -> QC.Gen (Tree n a)
liftArbitrary arb = getArb $ N.induction1 (Arb (fmap Leaf arb)) step where
    step :: Arb m a -> Arb ('S m) a
    step (Arb rec) = Arb $ Node <$> rec <*> rec

newtype Arb n a = Arb { getArb :: QC.Gen (Tree n a) }

liftShrink :: forall n a. (a -> [a]) -> Tree n a -> [Tree n a]
liftShrink shr (Leaf x)   = Leaf <$> shr x
liftShrink shr (Node l r) = uncurry Node <$> QC.liftShrink2 rec rec (l, r) where
    rec = liftShrink shr

instance (N.SNatI n, QC.Arbitrary a) => QC.Arbitrary (Tree n a) where
    arbitrary = QC.arbitrary1
    shrink    = QC.shrink1

instance QC.CoArbitrary a => QC.CoArbitrary (Tree n a) where
    coarbitrary (Leaf x)   = QC.variant (0 :: Int) . QC.coarbitrary x
    coarbitrary (Node l r) = QC.variant (1 :: Int) . QC.coarbitrary (l, r)

instance (N.SNatI n, QC.Function a) => QC.Function (Tree n a) where
    function = case N.snat :: N.SNat n of
        N.SZ -> QC.functionMap (\(Leaf x) -> x)         Leaf
        N.SS -> QC.functionMap (\(Node l r ) -> (l, r)) (uncurry Node)