raaz-0.0.2: The raaz cryptographic library.

Safe HaskellNone



Some useful utility functions and combinators.



length :: ByteString -> BYTES IntSource

A typesafe length for Bytestring

replicate :: LengthUnit l => l -> Word8 -> ByteStringSource

A type safe version of replicate

fromByteStringStorable :: Storable k => ByteString -> kSource

Get the value from the bytestring using peek.

createFrom :: LengthUnit l => l -> Pointer -> IO ByteStringSource

The IO action createFrom n cptr creates a bytestring by copying n bytes from the pointer cptr.

withByteString :: ByteString -> (Pointer -> IO a) -> IO aSource

Works directly on the pointer associated with the ByteString. This function should only read and not modify the contents of the pointer.



:: ByteString

The source.

-> Pointer

The destination.

-> IO () 

Copy the bytestring to the crypto buffer. This operation leads to undefined behaviour if the crypto pointer points to an area smaller than the size of the byte string.



:: LengthUnit n 
=> n

length of data to be copied

-> ByteString

The source byte string

-> Pointer

The buffer

-> IO () 

Similar to unsafeCopyToPointer but takes an additional input n which is the number of bytes (expressed in type safe length units) to transfer. This operation leads to undefined behaviour if either the bytestring is shorter than n or the crypto pointer points to an area smaller than n.