quickcheck-state-machine-0.0.0: Test monadic programs using state machine based models

Copyright(C) 2017 ATS Advanced Telematic Systems GmbH
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerStevan Andjelkovic <stevan@advancedtelematic.com>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone



This module contains the building blocks needed to implement the sequentialProperty helper.



liftGen Source #


:: Ord ix 
=> SingKind ix 
=> DemoteRep ix ~ ix 
=> IxTraversable cmd 
=> HasResponse cmd 
=> Gen (Untyped cmd (RefPlaceholder ix))

Generator to be lifted.

-> Pid

Process id.

-> Map ix Int

Keeps track of how many refereces of sort ix are in scope.

-> Gen ([IntRefed cmd], Map ix Int) 

Lift a generator of untyped commands with reference placeholders into a generator of lists of untyped internal commands.

liftGen' Source #


:: Ord ix 
=> SingKind ix 
=> DemoteRep ix ~ ix 
=> IxTraversable cmd 
=> HasResponse cmd 
=> StateT genState Gen (Untyped cmd (RefPlaceholder ix))

Stateful generator to be lifted.

-> genState

Initial generator state.

-> Pid 
-> Map ix Int 
-> Gen (([IntRefed cmd], genState), Map ix Int) 

Same as the above, but for stateful generators.

liftShrinker :: (forall resp. Shrinker (cmd ConstIntRef resp)) -> Shrinker (IntRefed cmd) Source #

A shrinker of typed commands can be lifted to a shrinker of untyped commands.

liftShrink Source #


:: IxFoldable cmd 
=> HasResponse cmd 
=> (forall resp. Shrinker (cmd ConstIntRef resp))

Shrinker to be lifted.

-> Shrinker [IntRefed cmd] 

Lift a shrinker of internal commands into a shrinker of lists of untyped internal commands.

liftSem Source #


:: SDecide ix 
=> Monad m 
=> IxFunctor cmd 
=> HasResponse cmd 
=> (cmd refs resp -> m (Response_ refs resp))

Semantics to be lifted.

-> cmd ConstIntRef resp 
-> MayResponse_ ConstIntRef resp 
-> StateT (IxMap ix IntRef refs) m (Response_ ConstIntRef resp) 

Lift semantics of typed commands with external references, into semantics for typed commands with internal references.

removeCommands Source #


:: IxFoldable cmd 
=> HasResponse cmd 
=> IntRefed cmd

If this command returns a reference, then

-> [IntRefed cmd]

remove all commands that use that reference in this list. If a command we remove uses another reference, then we proceed recursively.

-> [IntRefed cmd] 

Remove commands that uses a reference.

collectStats :: [a] -> Property -> Property Source #

Collects length statistics about the input list.

checkSequentialInvariant Source #


:: ShowCmd cmd 
=> Monad m 
=> SDecide ix 
=> IxFunctor cmd 
=> Show (model ConstIntRef) 
=> HasResponse cmd 
=> StateMachineModel model cmd 
-> model ConstIntRef 
-> (forall resp. model ConstIntRef -> MayResponse_ ConstIntRef resp -> cmd refs resp -> m (Response_ refs resp)) 
-> [IntRefed cmd]

List of commands to check.

-> PropertyM (StateT (IxMap ix IntRef refs) m) () 

Check that the pre- and post-conditions hold in a sequential way.