module Test.StateMachine.Internal.Sequential
( liftGen
, liftGen'
, liftShrinker
, liftShrink
, liftSem
, removeCommands
, collectStats
, checkSequentialInvariant
) where
import Control.Monad.State
(StateT, get, lift, mapStateT, modify, runStateT)
import Data.Functor.Compose
(Compose(..), getCompose)
import Data.Map
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Set
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Singletons.Decide
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
(type (@@), DemoteRep, Proxy(Proxy), Sing, SingKind,
import Test.QuickCheck
(Gen, choose, classify, counterexample, label,
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
(PropertyM, monitor, pre, run)
import Test.QuickCheck.Property
import Test.StateMachine.Internal.IxMap
import qualified Test.StateMachine.Internal.IxMap as IxM
import Test.StateMachine.Internal.Types
import Test.StateMachine.Internal.Types.IntRef
import Test.StateMachine.Internal.Utils
import Test.StateMachine.Types
:: forall ix cmd
. Ord ix
=> SingKind ix
=> DemoteRep ix ~ ix
=> IxTraversable cmd
=> HasResponse cmd
=> Gen (Untyped cmd (RefPlaceholder ix))
-> Pid
-> Map ix Int
-> Gen ([IntRefed cmd], Map ix Int)
liftGen gen pid
= fmap (\((rs, _), ns) -> (rs, ns))
. liftGen' (lift gen) () pid
:: forall ix cmd genState
. Ord ix
=> SingKind ix
=> DemoteRep ix ~ ix
=> IxTraversable cmd
=> HasResponse cmd
=> StateT genState Gen (Untyped cmd (RefPlaceholder ix))
-> genState
-> Pid
-> Map ix Int
-> Gen (([IntRefed cmd], genState), Map ix Int)
liftGen' gen gs pid ns = sized $ \sz -> runStateT (runStateT (go sz) gs) ns
go :: Int -> StateT genState (StateT (Map ix Int) Gen) [IntRefed cmd]
go 0 = return []
go sz = do
scopes <- lift get
Untyped cmd <- genFromMaybe $ do
Untyped cmd <- mapStateT lift gen
cmd' <- lift $ lift $ getCompose $ ifor
(Proxy :: Proxy ConstIntRef) cmd (translate scopes)
return $ Untyped <$> cmd'
ixref <- case response cmd of
SResponse -> return ()
SReference i -> do
lift $ modify (M.insertWith (\_ old -> old + 1) (fromSing i) 0)
m <- lift get
return $ IntRef (Ref (m M.! fromSing i)) pid
(IntRefed cmd ixref :) <$> go (sz 1)
:: forall (i :: ix)
. Map ix Int
-> Sing i
-> RefPlaceholder ix @@ i
-> Compose Gen Maybe IntRef
translate scopes i _ = Compose $ case M.lookup (fromSing i) scopes of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just u -> do
v <- choose (0, max 0 (u 1))
return . Just $ IntRef (Ref v) pid
liftShrinker :: (forall resp. Shrinker (cmd ConstIntRef resp)) -> Shrinker (IntRefed cmd)
liftShrinker shrinker (IntRefed cmd miref) =
[ IntRefed cmd' miref
| cmd' <- shrinker cmd
:: IxFoldable cmd
=> HasResponse cmd
=> (forall resp. Shrinker (cmd ConstIntRef resp))
-> Shrinker [IntRefed cmd]
liftShrink shrinker = go
go [] = []
go (c : cs) =
[ [] ] ++
[ removeCommands c cs ] ++
[ c' : cs' | (c', cs') <- shrinkPair (liftShrinker shrinker) go (c, cs) ]
:: forall cmd
. IxFoldable cmd
=> HasResponse cmd
=> IntRefed cmd
-> [IntRefed cmd]
-> [IntRefed cmd]
removeCommands (IntRefed cmd0 miref0) cmds0 =
case response cmd0 of
SResponse -> cmds0
SReference _ -> go cmds0 (S.singleton miref0)
go :: [IntRefed cmd] -> Set IntRef -> [IntRefed cmd]
go [] _ = []
go (cmd@(IntRefed cmd' miref) : cmds) removed =
case response cmd' of
SReference _ | cmd' `uses` removed -> go cmds (S.insert miref removed)
| otherwise -> cmd : go cmds removed
SResponse | cmd' `uses` removed -> go cmds removed
| otherwise -> cmd : go cmds removed
uses :: IxFoldable cmd => cmd ConstIntRef resp -> Set IntRef -> Bool
uses cmd xs = iany (\_ iref -> iref `S.member` xs) cmd
:: forall ix cmd refs resp m
. SDecide ix
=> Monad m
=> IxFunctor cmd
=> HasResponse cmd
=> (cmd refs resp -> m (Response_ refs resp))
-> cmd ConstIntRef resp
-> MayResponse_ ConstIntRef resp
-> StateT (IxMap ix IntRef refs) m (Response_ ConstIntRef resp)
liftSem sem cmd iref = do
env <- get
let cmd' = ifmap @_ @_ @_ @_ @refs (\s i -> env IxM.! (s, i)) cmd
case response cmd' of
SResponse -> lift $ sem cmd'
SReference i -> do
ref <- lift $ sem cmd'
modify $ IxM.insert i iref ref
return iref
collectStats :: [a] -> Property -> Property
collectStats cmds
= classify (len == 0) "0 commands"
. classify (len >= 1 && len < 15) "1-15 commands"
. classify (len >= 15 && len < 30) "15-30 commands"
. classify (len >= 30) "30+ commands"
len = length cmds
:: ShowCmd cmd
=> Monad m
=> SDecide ix
=> IxFunctor cmd
=> Show (model ConstIntRef)
=> HasResponse cmd
=> StateMachineModel model cmd
-> model ConstIntRef
-> (forall resp. model ConstIntRef -> MayResponse_ ConstIntRef resp -> cmd refs resp ->
m (Response_ refs resp))
-> [IntRefed cmd]
-> PropertyM (StateT (IxMap ix IntRef refs) m) ()
checkSequentialInvariant _ _ _ [] = return ()
smm@StateMachineModel {..} m sem (IntRefed cmd miref : cmds) = do
let s = takeWhile (/= ' ') $ showCmd $ ifmap (const showRef) cmd
monitor $ label s
pre $ precondition m cmd
resp <- run $ liftSem (sem m miref) cmd miref
let m' = transition m cmd resp
liftProperty $
("\nThe model when the post-condition for `" ++ s ++
"' fails is:\n\n " ++ show m ++ "\n\n" ++
"The model transitions into:\n\n " ++ show m'
) $ postcondition m cmd resp
checkSequentialInvariant smm m' sem cmds