{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

module Draw.Lib where

import Diagrams.Path (pathPoints)
import Diagrams.Prelude

import Graphics.SVGFonts.Text (TextOpts(..), Mode(..), Spacing(..), textSVG')
import Graphics.SVGFonts.Fonts (bit)
import Graphics.SVGFonts.ReadFont (PreparedFont, loadFont)

import Control.Arrow ((***))

import Paths_puzzle_draw (getDataFileName)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

type Backend' b = (V b ~ V2, N b ~ Double,
                   Renderable (Path V2 Double) b, Backend b V2 Double)

-- | Vertical/horizontal stroked line of given length.
vline, hline :: Backend' b => Double -> Diagram b
vline n = strokeLine . fromVertices . map p2 $ [(0, 0), (0, n)]
hline n = strokeLine . fromVertices . map p2 $ [(0, 0), (n, 0)]

-- | Variant of 'hcat'' that spreads with distance @1@.
hcatsep :: (InSpace V2 Double a, Juxtaposable a, HasOrigin a, Monoid' a)
        => [a] -> a
hcatsep = hcat' with {_sep = 1}

-- | Variant of 'vcat'' that spreads with distance @1@,
-- and stacks towards the top.
vcatsep :: (InSpace V2 Double a, Juxtaposable a, HasOrigin a, Monoid' a)
        => [a] -> a
vcatsep = cat' (r2 (0,1)) with {_sep = 1}

-- | Collapse the envelope to a point.
smash :: Backend' b => Diagram b -> Diagram b
smash = withEnvelope (pointDiagram origin :: D V2 Double)

-- | Helper to translate by a point given as @(Int, Int)@.
translatep :: (InSpace V2 Double t, Transformable t)
           => (Int, Int) -> t -> t
translatep = translate . r2i

-- | Convert pair of @Int@ to vector.
r2i :: (Int, Int) -> V2 Double
r2i = r2 . (fromIntegral *** fromIntegral)

-- | Convert pair of @Int@ to point.
p2i :: (Int, Int) -> P2 Double
p2i = p2 . (fromIntegral *** fromIntegral)

mirror :: (InSpace V2 Double t, Transformable t) => t -> t
mirror = reflectAbout (p2 (0, 0)) (direction $ r2 (1, -1))

-- | Interleave two lists.
interleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
interleave [] _ = []
interleave (x:xs) ys = x : interleave ys xs

magnitude :: V2 Double -> Double
magnitude = norm

-- | Spread diagrams evenly along the given vector.
spread :: Backend' b => V2 Double -> [Diagram b] -> Diagram b
spread v things = cat v . interleave (repeat (strut vgap)) $ things
    where ds = map (diameter v) things
          gap' = (magnitude v - sum ds) / fromIntegral (length things + 1)
          vgap = (gap' / magnitude v) *^ v

dmid ::  (InSpace V2 Double a, Enveloped a) => V2 Double -> a -> Double
dmid u a = (dtop + dbot) / 2 - dbot
    where menv v = magnitude . envelopeV v
          dtop = menv u a
          dbot = menv ((-1) *^ u) a

-- | Place the second diagram to the right of the first, aligning both
-- vertically. The origin is the origin of the left diagram.
besidesL :: Backend' b =>
            Diagram b -> Diagram b -> Diagram b
besidesL a b = a ||| strutX 0.5 ||| b'
    where b' = b # centerY # translate (dmid unitY a *^ unitY)

-- | Variant of 'besidesL' where the origin is that of the right diagram.
besidesR :: Backend' b =>
           Diagram b  -> Diagram b -> Diagram b
besidesR b a =  b' ||| strutX 0.5 ||| a
    where b' = b # centerY # translate (dmid unitY a *^ unitY)

aboveT :: Backend' b =>
          Diagram b -> Diagram b -> Diagram b
aboveT a b = a === strutY 0.5 === b'
    where b' = b # centerX # translate (dmid unitX a *^ unitX)

-- | @fit f a@ scales @a@ to fit into a square of size @f@.
fit :: (Transformable t, Enveloped t, InSpace V2 Double t) =>
       Double -> t -> t
fit f a = scale (f / m) a
    where m = max (diameter unitX a)
                  (diameter unitY a)

type Font = PreparedFont Double

-- | Write text that is centered both vertically and horizontally and that
-- has an envelope. Sized such that single capital characters fit nicely
-- into a square of size @1@.
text'' :: Backend' b => Font -> String -> Diagram b
text'' fnt t = stroke (textSVG' (TextOpts fnt INSIDE_H KERN False 1 1) t)
             # lwG 0 # rfc black # scale 0.8
    rfc :: (HasStyle a, InSpace V2 Double a) => Colour Double -> a -> a
    rfc = recommendFillColor

text' :: Backend' b => String -> Diagram b
text' = text'' fontGenLight

textFixed :: Backend' b => String -> Diagram b
textFixed = text'' fontBit

fontGenLight :: Font
fontGenLight = unsafePerformIO . loadFont . unsafePerformIO . getDataFileName
    $ "data/fonts/gen-light.svg"

fontBit :: Font
fontBit = unsafePerformIO $ bit

-- text' t = text t # fontSize 0.8 # font "Helvetica" # translate (r2 (0.04, -0.07))
--          <> phantom' (textrect t)
--textrect :: Backend' b => String -> Diagram b R2
--textrect t = rect (fromIntegral (length t) * 0.4) 0.7 # lc red
--text'' :: Backend' b => String -> Diagram b R2
--text'' t = text' t `atop` textrect t

-- | Variant of 'phantom' that forces the argument backend type.
phantom' :: Backend' b => Diagram b -> Diagram b
phantom' = phantom

debugPath :: Backend' b => Path V2 Double -> Diagram b
debugPath p = mconcat . map draw $ prts'
    prts = zip (pathVertices p) ['a'..]
    prts' = concatMap (\(ps,c) -> zipWith (\pt d -> (pt, c:d:[])) ps ['0'..]) prts
    draw (pt, l) = moveTo pt $ text' l

debugPath' :: Backend' b => Path V2 Double -> Diagram b
debugPath' p = mconcat . map draw $ prts'
    prts = zip (pathPoints p) ['a'..]
    prts' = concatMap (\(ps,c) -> zipWith (\pt d -> (pt, c:d:[])) ps ['0'..]) prts
    draw (pt, l) = moveTo pt $ text' l

opaque :: Backend' b => Diagram b -> Diagram b
opaque x = x <> bRect x # stroke # scale 1.1 # lwG 0 # fc white
    bRect :: Backend' b => Diagram b -> Path V2 Double
    bRect = boundingRect