purescript-0.5.4: PureScript Programming Language Compiler

Safe HaskellNone



The main compiler module



compile :: Options -> [Module] -> Either String (String, String, Environment)Source

Compile a collection of modules

The compilation pipeline proceeds as follows:

  • Sort the modules based on module dependencies, checking for cyclic dependencies.
  • Perform a set of desugaring passes.
  • Type check, and elaborate values to include type annotations and type class dictionaries.
  • Regroup values to take into account new value dependencies introduced by elaboration.
  • Eliminate dead code.
  • Generate Javascript, and perform optimization passes.
  • Pretty-print the generated Javascript

class MonadMake m whereSource

A type class which collects the IO actions we need to be able to run in make mode


getTimestamp :: FilePath -> m (Maybe UTCTime)Source

Get a file timestamp

readTextFile :: FilePath -> m StringSource

Read a file as a string

writeTextFile :: FilePath -> String -> m ()Source

Write a text file

liftError :: Either String a -> m aSource

Report an error

progress :: String -> m ()Source

Respond to a progress update

make :: (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m, MonadMake m) => FilePath -> Options -> [(FilePath, Module)] -> m EnvironmentSource

Compiles in make mode, compiling each module separately to a js files and an externs file

If timestamps have not changed, the externs file can be used to provide the module's types without having to typecheck the module again.