purescript-0.3.4: PureScript Programming Language Compiler

Safe HaskellNone



Common pretty-printing utility functions



identToJs :: Ident -> StringSource

Convert an Ident into a valid Javascript identifier:

  • Alphanumeric characters are kept unmodified
  • Symbols are encoded as a dollar symbol ($) followed by their ordinal value

newtype Pattern u a b Source

A first-order pattern match

A pattern is a Kleisli arrow for the StateT Maybe monad. That is, patterns can fail, and can carry user-defined state.




runPattern :: Kleisli (StateT u Maybe) a b

pattern :: Pattern u a b -> u -> a -> Maybe bSource

Run a pattern with an input and initial user state

Returns Nothing if the pattern fails to match

mkPattern :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Pattern u a bSource

Construct a pattern from a function

mkPattern' :: (a -> StateT u Maybe b) -> Pattern u a bSource

Construct a pattern from a stateful function

parens :: String -> StringSource

Wrap a string in parentheses

chainl :: Pattern u a (a, a) -> (r -> r -> r) -> Pattern u a r -> Pattern u a rSource

Construct a pattern which recursively matches on the left-hand-side

chainr :: Pattern u a (a, a) -> (r -> r -> r) -> Pattern u a r -> Pattern u a rSource

Construct a pattern which recursively matches on the right-hand side

wrap :: Pattern u a (s, a) -> (s -> r -> r) -> Pattern u a r -> Pattern u a rSource

Construct a pattern which recursively matches on one-side of a tuple

split :: Pattern u a (s, t) -> (s -> t -> r) -> Pattern u a rSource

Construct a pattern which matches a part of a tuple

data OperatorTable u a r Source

A table of operators




runOperatorTable :: [[Operator u a r]]

data Operator u a r whereSource

An operator:

A left-associative operator
A right-associative operator
A prefix-like or postfix-like operator
A prefix-like or postfix-like operator which does not recurse into its operand


AssocL :: Pattern u a (a, a) -> (r -> r -> r) -> Operator u a r 
AssocR :: Pattern u a (a, a) -> (r -> r -> r) -> Operator u a r 
Wrap :: Pattern u a (s, a) -> (s -> r -> r) -> Operator u a r 
Split :: Pattern u a (s, t) -> (s -> t -> r) -> Operator u a r 

buildPrettyPrinter :: OperatorTable u a r -> Pattern u a r -> Pattern u a rSource

Build a pretty printer from an operator table and an indecomposable pattern