{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- |
-- The top-level type checker, which checks all declarations in a module.
module Language.PureScript.TypeChecker
  ( module T
  , typeCheckModule
  , checkNewtype
  ) where

import Prelude.Compat
import Protolude (ordNub)

import Control.Monad (when, unless, void, forM)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState(..), modify, gets)
import Control.Monad.Supply.Class (MonadSupply)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Class (MonadWriter(..), censor)

import Data.Foldable (for_, traverse_, toList)
import Data.List (nub, nubBy, (\\), sort, group, intersect)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Language.PureScript.AST
import Language.PureScript.Crash
import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.Linter
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Kinds as T
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad as T
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Synonyms as T
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Types as T
import Language.PureScript.TypeClassDictionaries
import Language.PureScript.Types

import Lens.Micro.Platform ((^..), _2, _3)

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> DataDeclType
  -> ProperName 'TypeName
  -> [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)]
  -> [DataConstructorDeclaration]
  -> SourceKind
  -> m ()
addDataType moduleName dtype name args dctors ctorKind = do
  env <- getEnv
  let mapDataCtor (DataConstructorDeclaration _ ctorName vars) = (ctorName, snd <$> vars)
  putEnv $ env { types = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (ctorKind, DataType args (map mapDataCtor dctors)) (types env) }
  for_ dctors $ \(DataConstructorDeclaration _ dctor fields) ->
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInDataConstructor dctor)) $
      addDataConstructor moduleName dtype name (map fst args) dctor fields

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> DataDeclType
  -> ProperName 'TypeName
  -> [Text]
  -> ProperName 'ConstructorName
  -> [(Ident, SourceType)]
  -> m ()
addDataConstructor moduleName dtype name args dctor dctorArgs = do
  let (fields, tys) = unzip dctorArgs
  env <- getEnv
  traverse_ checkTypeSynonyms tys
  let retTy = foldl srcTypeApp (srcTypeConstructor (Qualified (Just moduleName) name)) (map srcTypeVar args)
  let dctorTy = foldr function retTy tys
  let polyType = mkForAll (map (\i -> (NullSourceAnn, (i, Nothing))) args) dctorTy
  putEnv $ env { dataConstructors = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) dctor) (dtype, name, polyType, fields) (dataConstructors env) }

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> ProperName 'TypeName
  -> [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)]
  -> SourceType
  -> SourceKind
  -> m ()
addTypeSynonym moduleName name args ty kind = do
  env <- getEnv
  checkTypeSynonyms ty
  putEnv $ env { types = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (kind, TypeSynonym) (types env)
               , typeSynonyms = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (args, ty) (typeSynonyms env) }

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> Ident
  -> m ()
valueIsNotDefined moduleName name = do
  env <- getEnv
  case M.lookup (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (names env) of
    Just _ -> throwError . errorMessage $ RedefinedIdent name
    Nothing -> return ()

  :: (MonadState CheckState m)
  => ModuleName
  -> Ident
  -> SourceType
  -> NameKind
  -> m ()
addValue moduleName name ty nameKind = do
  env <- getEnv
  putEnv (env { names = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (ty, nameKind, Defined) (names env) })

  :: forall m
   . (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
  -> [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)]
  -> [SourceConstraint]
  -> [FunctionalDependency]
  -> [Declaration]
  -> m ()
addTypeClass qualifiedClassName args implies dependencies ds = do
  env <- getEnv
  let newClass = mkNewClass env
  traverse_ (checkMemberIsUsable newClass (typeSynonyms env)) classMembers
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { typeClasses = M.insert qualifiedClassName newClass (typeClasses . checkEnv $ st) } }
    classMembers :: [(Ident, SourceType)]
    classMembers = map toPair ds

    mkNewClass :: Environment -> TypeClassData
    mkNewClass env = makeTypeClassData args classMembers implies dependencies ctIsEmpty
      ctIsEmpty = null classMembers && all (typeClassIsEmpty . findSuperClass) implies
      findSuperClass c = case M.lookup (constraintClass c) (typeClasses env) of
        Just tcd -> tcd
        Nothing -> internalError "Unknown super class in TypeClassDeclaration"

    coveringSets :: TypeClassData -> [S.Set Int]
    coveringSets = S.toList . typeClassCoveringSets

    argToIndex :: Text -> Maybe Int
    argToIndex = flip M.lookup $ M.fromList (zipWith ((,) . fst) args [0..])

    toPair (TypeDeclaration (TypeDeclarationData _ ident ty)) = (ident, ty)
    toPair _ = internalError "Invalid declaration in TypeClassDeclaration"

    -- Currently we are only checking usability based on the type class currently
    -- being defined.  If the mentioned arguments don't include a covering set,
    -- then we won't be able to find a instance.
    checkMemberIsUsable :: TypeClassData -> T.SynonymMap -> (Ident, SourceType) -> m ()
    checkMemberIsUsable newClass syns (ident, memberTy) = do
      memberTy' <- T.replaceAllTypeSynonymsM syns memberTy
      let mentionedArgIndexes = S.fromList (mapMaybe argToIndex (freeTypeVariables memberTy'))
      let leftovers = map (`S.difference` mentionedArgIndexes) (coveringSets newClass)

      unless (any null leftovers) . throwError . errorMessage $
          solutions = map (map (fst . (args !!)) . S.toList) leftovers
          UnusableDeclaration ident (nub solutions)

  :: (MonadState CheckState m)
  => Maybe ModuleName
  -> M.Map (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) (M.Map (Qualified Ident) (NEL.NonEmpty NamedDict))
  -> m ()
addTypeClassDictionaries mn entries =
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { typeClassDictionaries = insertState st } }
  where insertState st = M.insertWith (M.unionWith (M.unionWith (<>))) mn entries (typeClassDictionaries . checkEnv $ st)

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => [Text]
  -> m ()
checkDuplicateTypeArguments args = for_ firstDup $ \dup ->
  throwError . errorMessage $ DuplicateTypeArgument dup
  firstDup :: Maybe Text
  firstDup = listToMaybe $ args \\ ordNub args

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => TypeClassData
  -> Int -- ^ index of type class argument
  -> SourceType
  -> m ()
checkTypeClassInstance cls i = check where
  -- If the argument is determined via fundeps then we are less restrictive in
  -- what type is allowed. This is because the type cannot be used to influence
  -- which instance is selected. Currently the only weakened restriction is that
  -- row types are allowed in determined type class arguments.
  isFunDepDetermined = S.member i (typeClassDeterminedArguments cls)
  check = \case
    TypeVar _ _ -> return ()
    TypeLevelString _ _ -> return ()
    TypeConstructor _ ctor -> do
      env <- getEnv
      when (ctor `M.member` typeSynonyms env) . throwError . errorMessage $ TypeSynonymInstance
      return ()
    TypeApp _ t1 t2 -> check t1 >> check t2
    REmpty _ | isFunDepDetermined -> return ()
    RCons _ _ hd tl | isFunDepDetermined -> check hd >> check tl
    ty -> throwError . errorMessage $ InvalidInstanceHead ty

-- |
-- Check that type synonyms are fully-applied in a type
  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => SourceType
  -> m ()
checkTypeSynonyms = void . replaceAllTypeSynonyms

-- |
-- Type check all declarations in a module
-- At this point, many declarations will have been desugared, but it is still necessary to
--  * Kind-check all types and add them to the @Environment@
--  * Type-check all values and add them to the @Environment@
--  * Bring type class instances into scope
--  * Process module imports
  :: forall m
   . (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> [DeclarationRef]
  -> [Declaration]
  -> m [Declaration]
typeCheckAll moduleName _ = traverse go
  go :: Declaration -> m Declaration
  go (DataDeclaration sa@(ss, _) dtype name args dctors) = do
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInTypeConstructor name) . addHint (positionedError ss)) $ do
      when (dtype == Newtype) $ checkNewtype name dctors
      checkDuplicateTypeArguments $ map fst args
      ctorKind <- kindsOf True moduleName name args (concatMap (fmap snd . dataCtorFields) dctors)
      let args' = args `withKinds` ctorKind
      addDataType moduleName dtype name args' dctors ctorKind
    return $ DataDeclaration sa dtype name args dctors
  go (d@(DataBindingGroupDeclaration tys)) = do
    let tysList = NEL.toList tys
        syns = mapMaybe toTypeSynonym tysList
        dataDecls = mapMaybe toDataDecl tysList
        bindingGroupNames = ordNub ((syns^..traverse._2) ++ (dataDecls^..traverse._3))
        sss = fmap declSourceSpan tys
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInDataBindingGroup bindingGroupNames) . addHint (PositionedError sss)) $ do
      (syn_ks, data_ks) <- kindsOfAll moduleName syns (map (\(sa, _, name, args, dctors) -> (sa, name, args, concatMap (fmap snd . dataCtorFields) dctors)) dataDecls)
      for_ (zip dataDecls data_ks) $ \((_, dtype, name, args, dctors), ctorKind) -> do
        when (dtype == Newtype) $ checkNewtype name dctors
        checkDuplicateTypeArguments $ map fst args
        let args' = args `withKinds` ctorKind
        addDataType moduleName dtype name args' dctors ctorKind
      for_ (zip syns syn_ks) $ \((_, name, args, ty), kind) -> do
        checkDuplicateTypeArguments $ map fst args
        let args' = args `withKinds` kind
        addTypeSynonym moduleName name args' ty kind
    return d
    toTypeSynonym (TypeSynonymDeclaration sa nm args ty) = Just (sa, nm, args, ty)
    toTypeSynonym _ = Nothing
    toDataDecl (DataDeclaration sa dtype nm args dctors) = Just (sa, dtype, nm, args, dctors)
    toDataDecl _ = Nothing
  go (TypeSynonymDeclaration sa@(ss, _) name args ty) = do
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInTypeSynonym name) . addHint (positionedError ss) ) $ do
      checkDuplicateTypeArguments $ map fst args
      kind <- kindsOf False moduleName name args [ty]
      let args' = args `withKinds` kind
      addTypeSynonym moduleName name args' ty kind
    return $ TypeSynonymDeclaration sa name args ty
  go TypeDeclaration{} =
    internalError "Type declarations should have been removed before typeCheckAlld"
  go (ValueDecl sa@(ss, _) name nameKind [] [MkUnguarded val]) = do
    env <- getEnv
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInValueDeclaration name) . addHint (positionedError ss)) . censorLocalUnnamedWildcards val $ do
      val' <- checkExhaustiveExpr ss env moduleName val
      valueIsNotDefined moduleName name
      typesOf NonRecursiveBindingGroup moduleName [((sa, name), val')] >>= \case
        [(_, (val'', ty))] -> do
          addValue moduleName name ty nameKind
          return $ ValueDecl sa name nameKind [] [MkUnguarded val'']
        _ -> internalError "typesOf did not return a singleton"
  go ValueDeclaration{} = internalError "Binders were not desugared"
  go BoundValueDeclaration{} = internalError "BoundValueDeclaration should be desugared"
  go (BindingGroupDeclaration vals) = do
    env <- getEnv
    let sss = fmap (\(((ss, _), _), _, _) -> ss) vals
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInBindingGroup (fmap (\((_, ident), _, _) -> ident) vals)) . addHint (PositionedError sss)) $ do
      for_ vals $ \((_, ident), _, _) -> valueIsNotDefined moduleName ident
      vals' <- NEL.toList <$> traverse (\(sai@((ss, _), _), nk, expr) -> (sai, nk,) <$> checkExhaustiveExpr ss env moduleName expr) vals
      tys <- typesOf RecursiveBindingGroup moduleName $ fmap (\(sai, _, ty) -> (sai, ty)) vals'
      vals'' <- forM [ (sai, val, nameKind, ty)
                     | (sai@(_, name), nameKind, _) <- vals'
                     , ((_, name'), (val, ty)) <- tys
                     , name == name'
                     ] $ \(sai@(_, name), val, nameKind, ty) -> do
        addValue moduleName name ty nameKind
        return (sai, nameKind, val)
      return . BindingGroupDeclaration $ NEL.fromList vals''
  go (d@(ExternDataDeclaration _ name kind)) = do
    env <- getEnv
    putEnv $ env { types = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (kind, ExternData) (types env) }
    return d
  go (d@(ExternKindDeclaration _ name)) = do
    env <- getEnv
    putEnv $ env { kinds = S.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (kinds env) }
    return d
  go (d@(ExternDeclaration (ss, _) name ty)) = do
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInForeignImport name) . addHint (positionedError ss)) $ do
      env <- getEnv
      kind <- kindOf ty
      guardWith (errorMessage (ExpectedType ty kind)) $ kind == kindType
      case M.lookup (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (names env) of
        Just _ -> throwError . errorMessage $ RedefinedIdent name
        Nothing -> putEnv (env { names = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (ty, External, Defined) (names env) })
    return d
  go d@FixityDeclaration{} = return d
  go d@ImportDeclaration{} = return d
  go d@(TypeClassDeclaration (ss, _) pn args implies deps tys) = do
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInTypeClassDeclaration pn) . addHint (positionedError ss)) $ do
      env <- getEnv
      let qualifiedClassName = Qualified (Just moduleName) pn
      guardWith (errorMessage (DuplicateTypeClass pn ss)) $
        not (M.member qualifiedClassName (typeClasses env))
      addTypeClass qualifiedClassName args implies deps tys
      return d
  go (d@(TypeInstanceDeclaration (ss, _) ch idx dictName deps className tys body)) =
    rethrow (addHint (ErrorInInstance className tys) . addHint (positionedError ss)) $ do
      env <- getEnv
      let qualifiedDictName = Qualified (Just moduleName) dictName
      flip (traverse_ . traverse_) (typeClassDictionaries env) $ \dictionaries ->
        guardWith (errorMessage (DuplicateInstance dictName ss)) $
          not (M.member qualifiedDictName dictionaries)
      case M.lookup className (typeClasses env) of
        Nothing -> internalError "typeCheckAll: Encountered unknown type class in instance declaration"
        Just typeClass -> do
          checkInstanceArity dictName className typeClass tys
          sequence_ (zipWith (checkTypeClassInstance typeClass) [0..] tys)
          let nonOrphanModules = findNonOrphanModules className typeClass tys
          checkOrphanInstance dictName className tys nonOrphanModules
          let qualifiedChain = Qualified (Just moduleName) <$> ch
          checkOverlappingInstance qualifiedChain dictName className typeClass tys nonOrphanModules
          _ <- traverseTypeInstanceBody checkInstanceMembers body
          deps' <- (traverse . overConstraintArgs . traverse) replaceAllTypeSynonyms deps
          let dict = TypeClassDictionaryInScope qualifiedChain idx qualifiedDictName [] className tys (Just deps')
          addTypeClassDictionaries (Just moduleName) . M.singleton className $ M.singleton (tcdValue dict) (pure dict)
          return d

  checkInstanceArity :: Ident -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> TypeClassData -> [SourceType] -> m ()
  checkInstanceArity dictName className typeClass tys = do
    let typeClassArity = length (typeClassArguments typeClass)
        instanceArity = length tys
    when (typeClassArity /= instanceArity) $
      throwError . errorMessage $ ClassInstanceArityMismatch dictName className typeClassArity instanceArity

  checkInstanceMembers :: [Declaration] -> m [Declaration]
  checkInstanceMembers instDecls = do
    let idents = sort . map head . group . map memberName $ instDecls
    for_ (firstDuplicate idents) $ \ident ->
      throwError . errorMessage $ DuplicateValueDeclaration ident
    return instDecls
    memberName :: Declaration -> Ident
    memberName (ValueDeclaration vd) = valdeclIdent vd
    memberName _ = internalError "checkInstanceMembers: Invalid declaration in type instance definition"

    firstDuplicate :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Maybe a
    firstDuplicate (x : xs@(y : _))
      | x == y = Just x
      | otherwise = firstDuplicate xs
    firstDuplicate _ = Nothing

    :: Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
    -> TypeClassData
    -> [SourceType]
    -> S.Set ModuleName
  findNonOrphanModules (Qualified (Just mn') _) typeClass tys' = nonOrphanModules
    nonOrphanModules :: S.Set ModuleName
    nonOrphanModules = S.insert mn' nonOrphanModules'

    typeModule :: SourceType -> Maybe ModuleName
    typeModule (TypeVar _ _) = Nothing
    typeModule (TypeLevelString _ _) = Nothing
    typeModule (TypeConstructor _ (Qualified (Just mn'') _)) = Just mn''
    typeModule (TypeConstructor _ (Qualified Nothing _)) = internalError "Unqualified type name in findNonOrphanModules"
    typeModule (TypeApp _ t1 _) = typeModule t1
    typeModule _ = internalError "Invalid type in instance in findNonOrphanModules"

    modulesByTypeIndex :: M.Map Int (Maybe ModuleName)
    modulesByTypeIndex = M.fromList (zip [0 ..] (typeModule <$> tys'))

    lookupModule :: Int -> S.Set ModuleName
    lookupModule idx = case M.lookup idx modulesByTypeIndex of
      Just ms -> S.fromList (toList ms)
      Nothing -> internalError "Unknown type index in findNonOrphanModules"

    -- If the instance is declared in a module that wouldn't be found based on a covering set
    -- then it is considered an orphan - because we'd have a situation in which we expect an
    -- instance but can't find it. So a valid module must be applicable across *all* covering
    -- sets - therefore we take the intersection of covering set modules.
    nonOrphanModules' :: S.Set ModuleName
    nonOrphanModules' = foldl1 S.intersection (foldMap lookupModule `S.map` typeClassCoveringSets typeClass)
  findNonOrphanModules _ _ _ = internalError "Unqualified class name in findNonOrphanModules"

  -- Check that the instance currently being declared doesn't overlap with any
  -- other instance in any module that this instance wouldn't be considered an
  -- orphan in.  There are overlapping instance situations that won't be caught
  -- by this, for example when combining multiparametr type classes with
  -- flexible instances: the instances `Cls X y` and `Cls x Y` overlap and
  -- could live in different modules but won't be caught here.
    :: [Qualified Ident]
    -> Ident
    -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
    -> TypeClassData
    -> [SourceType]
    -> S.Set ModuleName
    -> m ()
  checkOverlappingInstance ch dictName className typeClass tys' nonOrphanModules = do
    for_ nonOrphanModules $ \m -> do
      dicts <- M.toList <$> lookupTypeClassDictionariesForClass (Just m) className

      for_ dicts $ \(ident, dictNel) -> do
        for_ dictNel $ \dict -> do
          -- ignore instances in the same instance chain
          if ch == tcdChain dict ||
            instancesAreApart (typeClassCoveringSets typeClass) tys' (tcdInstanceTypes dict)
          then return ()
          else throwError . errorMessage $
                OverlappingInstances className
                                      [ident, Qualified (Just moduleName) dictName]

    :: S.Set (S.Set Int)
    -> [SourceType]
    -> [SourceType]
    -> Bool
  instancesAreApart sets lhs rhs = all (any typesApart . S.toList) (S.toList sets)
      typesApart :: Int -> Bool
      typesApart i = typeHeadsApart (lhs !! i) (rhs !! i)

      -- Note: implementation doesn't need to care about all possible cases:
      -- TUnknown, Skolem, etc.
      typeHeadsApart :: SourceType -> SourceType -> Bool
      typeHeadsApart l                   r             | eqType l r = False
      typeHeadsApart (TypeVar _ _)       _                          = False
      typeHeadsApart _                   (TypeVar _ _)              = False
      typeHeadsApart (KindedType _ t1 _) t2                         = typeHeadsApart t1 t2
      typeHeadsApart t1                  (KindedType _ t2 _)        = typeHeadsApart t1 t2
      typeHeadsApart (TypeApp _ h1 t1)   (TypeApp _ h2 t2)          = typeHeadsApart h1 h2 || typeHeadsApart t1 t2
      typeHeadsApart _                   _                          = True

    :: Ident
    -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
    -> [SourceType]
    -> S.Set ModuleName
    -> m ()
  checkOrphanInstance dictName className tys' nonOrphanModules
    | moduleName `S.member` nonOrphanModules = return ()
    | otherwise = throwError . errorMessage $ OrphanInstance dictName className nonOrphanModules tys'

  censorLocalUnnamedWildcards :: Expr -> m a -> m a
  censorLocalUnnamedWildcards (TypedValue _ _ ty) = censor (filterErrors (not . isLocalUnnamedWildcardError ty))
  censorLocalUnnamedWildcards _ = id

  isLocalUnnamedWildcardError :: SourceType -> ErrorMessage -> Bool
  isLocalUnnamedWildcardError ty err@(ErrorMessage _ (WildcardInferredType _ _)) =
      ssWildcard (TypeWildcard (ss', _) Nothing) = [ss']
      ssWildcard _ = []
      sssWildcards = everythingOnTypes (<>) ssWildcard ty
      sss = maybe [] NEL.toList $ errorSpan err
      null $ intersect sss sssWildcards
  isLocalUnnamedWildcardError _ _ = False

  -- |
  -- This function adds the argument kinds for a type constructor so that they may appear in the externs file,
  -- extracted from the kind of the type constructor itself.
  withKinds :: [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)] -> SourceKind -> [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)]
  withKinds []                  _               = []
  withKinds (s@(_, Just _ ):ss) (FunKind _ _   k) = s : withKinds ss k
  withKinds (  (s, Nothing):ss) (FunKind _ k1 k2) = (s, Just k1) : withKinds ss k2
  withKinds _                   _                 = internalError "Invalid arguments to peelKinds"

  :: forall m
   . MonadError MultipleErrors m
  => ProperName 'TypeName
  -> [DataConstructorDeclaration]
  -> m ()
checkNewtype _ [(DataConstructorDeclaration _ _ [_])] = return ()
checkNewtype name _ = throwError . errorMessage $ InvalidNewtype name

-- |
-- Type check an entire module and ensure all types and classes defined within the module that are
-- required by exported members are also exported.
  :: forall m
   . (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => Module
  -> m Module
typeCheckModule (Module _ _ _ _ Nothing) =
  internalError "exports should have been elaborated before typeCheckModule"
typeCheckModule (Module ss coms mn decls (Just exps)) =
  warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInModule mn)) $ do
    modify (\s -> s { checkCurrentModule = Just mn })
    decls' <- typeCheckAll mn exps decls
    checkSuperClassesAreExported <- getSuperClassExportCheck
    for_ exps $ \e -> do
      checkTypesAreExported e
      checkClassMembersAreExported e
      checkClassesAreExported e
      checkSuperClassesAreExported e
    return $ Module ss coms mn decls' (Just exps)
  qualify' :: a -> Qualified a
  qualify' = Qualified (Just mn)

  getSuperClassExportCheck = do
    classesToSuperClasses <- gets
      ( M.map
        ( S.fromList
        . filter (\(Qualified mn' _) -> mn' == Just mn)
        . fmap constraintClass
        . typeClassSuperclasses
      . typeClasses
      . checkEnv
      -- A function that, given a class name, returns the set of
      -- transitive class dependencies that are defined in this
      -- module.
          :: Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
          -> S.Set (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName))
      transitiveSuperClassesFor qname =
          (\s -> s <> foldMap (\n -> fromMaybe S.empty (M.lookup n classesToSuperClasses)) s)
          (fromMaybe S.empty (M.lookup qname classesToSuperClasses))

      superClassesFor qname =
        fromMaybe S.empty (M.lookup qname classesToSuperClasses)

    pure $ checkSuperClassExport superClassesFor transitiveSuperClassesFor
  moduleClassExports :: S.Set (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName))
  moduleClassExports = S.fromList $ mapMaybe (\x -> case x of
     TypeClassRef _ name -> Just (qualify' name)
     _ -> Nothing) exps

  untilSame :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
  untilSame f a = let a' = f a in if a == a' then a else untilSame f a'

  checkMemberExport :: (SourceType -> [DeclarationRef]) -> DeclarationRef -> m ()
  checkMemberExport extract dr@(TypeRef _ name dctors) = do
    env <- getEnv
    for_ (M.lookup (qualify' name) (types env)) $ \(k, _) -> do
      let findModuleKinds = everythingOnKinds (++) $ \case
            NamedKind _ (Qualified (Just mn') kindName) | mn' == mn -> [kindName]
            _ -> []
      checkExport dr $ KindRef (declRefSourceSpan dr) <$> findModuleKinds k
    for_ (M.lookup (qualify' name) (typeSynonyms env)) $ \(_, ty) ->
      checkExport dr (extract ty)
    for_ dctors $ \dctors' ->
      for_ dctors' $ \dctor ->
        for_ (M.lookup (qualify' dctor) (dataConstructors env)) $ \(_, _, ty, _) ->
          checkExport dr (extract ty)
  checkMemberExport extract dr@(ValueRef _ name) = do
    ty <- lookupVariable (qualify' name)
    checkExport dr (extract ty)
  checkMemberExport _ _ = return ()

    :: (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> S.Set (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)))
    -> (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> S.Set (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)))
    -> DeclarationRef
    -> m ()
  checkSuperClassExport superClassesFor transitiveSuperClassesFor dr@(TypeClassRef drss className) = do
    let superClasses = superClassesFor (qualify' className)
        -- thanks to laziness, the computation of the transitive
        -- superclasses defined in-module will only occur if we actually
        -- throw the error. Constructing the full set of transitive
        -- superclasses is likely to be costly for every single term.
        transitiveSuperClasses = transitiveSuperClassesFor (qualify' className)
        unexported = S.difference superClasses moduleClassExports
    unless (null unexported)
      . throwError . errorMessage' drss
      . TransitiveExportError dr
      . map (TypeClassRef drss . disqualify)
      $ toList transitiveSuperClasses
  checkSuperClassExport _ _ _ =
    return ()

  checkExport :: DeclarationRef -> [DeclarationRef] -> m ()
  checkExport dr drs = case filter (not . exported) drs of
    [] -> return ()
    hidden -> throwError . errorMessage' (declRefSourceSpan dr) $ TransitiveExportError dr (nubBy nubEq hidden)
    exported e = any (exports e) exps
    exports (TypeRef _ pn1 _) (TypeRef _ pn2 _) = pn1 == pn2
    exports (KindRef _ pn1) (KindRef _ pn2) = pn1 == pn2
    exports (ValueRef _ id1) (ValueRef _ id2) = id1 == id2
    exports (TypeClassRef _ pn1) (TypeClassRef _ pn2) = pn1 == pn2
    exports _ _ = False
    -- We avoid Eq for `nub`bing as the dctor part of `TypeRef` evaluates to
    -- `error` for the values generated here (we don't need them anyway)
    nubEq (TypeRef _ pn1 _) (TypeRef _ pn2 _) = pn1 == pn2
    nubEq r1 r2 = r1 == r2

  -- Check that all the type constructors defined in the current module that appear in member types
  -- have also been exported from the module
  checkTypesAreExported :: DeclarationRef -> m ()
  checkTypesAreExported ref = checkMemberExport findTcons ref
    findTcons :: SourceType -> [DeclarationRef]
    findTcons = everythingOnTypes (++) go
      go (TypeConstructor _ (Qualified (Just mn') name)) | mn' == mn =
        [TypeRef (declRefSourceSpan ref) name (internalError "Data constructors unused in checkTypesAreExported")]
      go _ = []

  -- Check that all the classes defined in the current module that appear in member types have also
  -- been exported from the module
  checkClassesAreExported :: DeclarationRef -> m ()
  checkClassesAreExported ref = checkMemberExport findClasses ref
    findClasses :: SourceType -> [DeclarationRef]
    findClasses = everythingOnTypes (++) go
      go (ConstrainedType _ c _) = (fmap (TypeClassRef (declRefSourceSpan ref)) . extractCurrentModuleClass . constraintClass) c
      go _ = []
    extractCurrentModuleClass :: Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> [ProperName 'ClassName]
    extractCurrentModuleClass (Qualified (Just mn') name) | mn == mn' = [name]
    extractCurrentModuleClass _ = []

  checkClassMembersAreExported :: DeclarationRef -> m ()
  checkClassMembersAreExported dr@(TypeClassRef ss' name) = do
    let members = ValueRef ss' `map` head (mapMaybe findClassMembers decls)
    let missingMembers = members \\ exps
    unless (null missingMembers) . throwError . errorMessage' ss' $ TransitiveExportError dr missingMembers
    findClassMembers :: Declaration -> Maybe [Ident]
    findClassMembers (TypeClassDeclaration _ name' _ _ _ ds) | name == name' = Just $ map extractMemberName ds
    findClassMembers _ = Nothing
    extractMemberName :: Declaration -> Ident
    extractMemberName (TypeDeclaration td) = tydeclIdent td
    extractMemberName _ = internalError "Unexpected declaration in typeclass member list"
  checkClassMembersAreExported _ = return ()