{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

module Language.PureScript.Docs.Types
  ( module Language.PureScript.Docs.Types
  , module ReExports

import Protolude hiding (to, from)
import Prelude (String, unlines, lookup)

import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Arrow ((***))

import Data.Aeson ((.=))
import Data.Aeson.BetterErrors
  (Parse, ParseError, parse, keyOrDefault, throwCustomError, key, asText,
   keyMay, withString, eachInArray, asNull, (.!), toAesonParser, toAesonParser',
   fromAesonParser, perhaps, withText, asIntegral, nth, eachInObjectWithKey,
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import qualified Data.Time.Format as TimeFormat
import Data.Version
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V

import qualified Language.PureScript as P

import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)

import Web.Bower.PackageMeta hiding (Version, displayError)

import Language.PureScript.Docs.RenderedCode as ReExports
  (RenderedCode, asRenderedCode,
   ContainingModule(..), asContainingModule,
   RenderedCodeElement(..), asRenderedCodeElement,
   Namespace(..), FixityAlias)

type Type' = P.Type ()
type Kind' = P.Kind ()
type Constraint' = P.Constraint ()

-- Types

data Package a = Package
  { pkgMeta                 :: PackageMeta
  , pkgVersion              :: Version
  , pkgVersionTag           :: Text
  -- TODO: When this field was introduced, it was given the Maybe type for the
  -- sake of backwards compatibility, as older JSON blobs will not include the
  -- field. It should eventually be changed to just UTCTime.
  , pkgTagTime              :: Maybe UTCTime
  , pkgModules              :: [Module]
  , pkgModuleMap            :: Map P.ModuleName PackageName
  , pkgResolvedDependencies :: [(PackageName, Version)]
  , pkgGithub               :: (GithubUser, GithubRepo)
  , pkgUploader             :: a
  , pkgCompilerVersion      :: Version
    -- ^ The version of the PureScript compiler which was used to generate
    -- this data. We store this in order to reject packages which are too old.
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData a => NFData (Package a)

data NotYetKnown = NotYetKnown
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData NotYetKnown

type UploadedPackage = Package NotYetKnown
type VerifiedPackage = Package GithubUser

type ManifestError = BowerError

verifyPackage :: GithubUser -> UploadedPackage -> VerifiedPackage
verifyPackage verifiedUser Package{..} =
  Package pkgMeta

packageName :: Package a -> PackageName
packageName = bowerName . pkgMeta

-- |
-- The time format used for serializing package tag times in the JSON format.
-- This is the ISO 8601 date format which includes a time and a timezone.
jsonTimeFormat :: String
jsonTimeFormat = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"

-- |
-- Convenience function for formatting a time in the format expected by this
-- module.
formatTime :: UTCTime -> String
formatTime =
  TimeFormat.formatTime TimeFormat.defaultTimeLocale jsonTimeFormat

-- |
-- Convenience function for parsing a time in the format expected by this
-- module.
parseTime :: String -> Maybe UTCTime
parseTime =
  TimeFormat.parseTimeM False TimeFormat.defaultTimeLocale jsonTimeFormat

data Module = Module
  { modName         :: P.ModuleName
  , modComments     :: Maybe Text
  , modDeclarations :: [Declaration]
  -- Re-exported values from other modules
  , modReExports    :: [(InPackage P.ModuleName, [Declaration])]
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData Module

data Declaration = Declaration
  { declTitle      :: Text
  , declComments   :: Maybe Text
  , declSourceSpan :: Maybe P.SourceSpan
  , declChildren   :: [ChildDeclaration]
  , declInfo       :: DeclarationInfo
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData Declaration

-- |
-- A value of this type contains information that is specific to a particular
-- kind of declaration (as opposed to information which exists in all kinds of
-- declarations, which goes into the 'Declaration' type directly).
-- Many of the constructors are very similar to their equivalents in the real
-- PureScript AST, except that they have their name elided, since this is
-- already available via the rdTitle field of 'Declaration'.
data DeclarationInfo
  -- |
  -- A value declaration, with its type.
  = ValueDeclaration Type'

  -- |
  -- A data/newtype declaration, with the kind of declaration (data or
  -- newtype) and its type arguments. Constructors are represented as child
  -- declarations.
  | DataDeclaration P.DataDeclType [(Text, Maybe Kind')]

  -- |
  -- A data type foreign import, with its kind.
  | ExternDataDeclaration Kind'

  -- |
  -- A type synonym, with its type arguments and its type.
  | TypeSynonymDeclaration [(Text, Maybe Kind')] Type'

  -- |
  -- A type class, with its type arguments, its superclasses and functional
  -- dependencies. Instances and members are represented as child declarations.
  | TypeClassDeclaration [(Text, Maybe Kind')] [Constraint'] [([Text], [Text])]

  -- |
  -- An operator alias declaration, with the member the alias is for and the
  -- operator's fixity.
  | AliasDeclaration P.Fixity FixityAlias

  -- |
  -- A kind declaration
  | ExternKindDeclaration
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData DeclarationInfo

convertFundepsToStrings :: [(Text, Maybe Kind')] -> [P.FunctionalDependency] -> [([Text], [Text])]
convertFundepsToStrings args fundeps =
  map (\(P.FunctionalDependency from to) -> toArgs from to) fundeps
  argsVec = V.fromList (map fst args)
  getArg i =
      (P.internalError $ unlines
        [ "convertDeclaration: Functional dependency index"
        , show i
        , "is bigger than arguments list"
        , show (map fst args)
        , "Functional dependencies are"
        , show fundeps
      ) $ argsVec V.!? i
  toArgs from to = (map getArg from, map getArg to)

declInfoToString :: DeclarationInfo -> Text
declInfoToString (ValueDeclaration _) = "value"
declInfoToString (DataDeclaration _ _) = "data"
declInfoToString (ExternDataDeclaration _) = "externData"
declInfoToString (TypeSynonymDeclaration _ _) = "typeSynonym"
declInfoToString (TypeClassDeclaration _ _ _) = "typeClass"
declInfoToString (AliasDeclaration _ _) = "alias"
declInfoToString ExternKindDeclaration = "kind"

declInfoNamespace :: DeclarationInfo -> Namespace
declInfoNamespace = \case
  ValueDeclaration{} ->
  DataDeclaration{} ->
  ExternDataDeclaration{} ->
  TypeSynonymDeclaration{} ->
  TypeClassDeclaration{} ->
  AliasDeclaration _ alias ->
    either (const TypeLevel) (const ValueLevel) (P.disqualify alias)
  ExternKindDeclaration{} ->

isTypeClass :: Declaration -> Bool
isTypeClass Declaration{..} =
  case declInfo of
    TypeClassDeclaration{} -> True
    _ -> False

isValue :: Declaration -> Bool
isValue Declaration{..} =
  case declInfo of
    ValueDeclaration{} -> True
    _ -> False

isType :: Declaration ->  Bool
isType Declaration{..} =
  case declInfo of
    TypeSynonymDeclaration{} -> True
    DataDeclaration{} -> True
    ExternDataDeclaration{} -> True
    _ -> False

isValueAlias :: Declaration -> Bool
isValueAlias Declaration{..} =
  case declInfo of
    AliasDeclaration _ (P.Qualified _ d) -> isRight d
    _ -> False

isTypeAlias :: Declaration -> Bool
isTypeAlias Declaration{..} =
  case declInfo of
    AliasDeclaration _ (P.Qualified _ d) -> isLeft d
    _ -> False

isKind :: Declaration -> Bool
isKind Declaration{..} =
  case declInfo of
    ExternKindDeclaration{} -> True
    _ -> False

-- | Discard any children which do not satisfy the given predicate.
filterChildren :: (ChildDeclaration -> Bool) -> Declaration -> Declaration
filterChildren p decl =
  decl { declChildren = filter p (declChildren decl) }

data ChildDeclaration = ChildDeclaration
  { cdeclTitle      :: Text
  , cdeclComments   :: Maybe Text
  , cdeclSourceSpan :: Maybe P.SourceSpan
  , cdeclInfo       :: ChildDeclarationInfo
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData ChildDeclaration

data ChildDeclarationInfo
  -- |
  -- A type instance declaration, with its dependencies and its type.
  = ChildInstance [Constraint'] Type'

  -- |
  -- A data constructor, with its type arguments.
  | ChildDataConstructor [Type']

  -- |
  -- A type class member, with its type. Note that the type does not include
  -- the type class constraint; this may be added manually if desired. For
  -- example, `pure` from `Applicative` would be `forall a. a -> f a`.
  | ChildTypeClassMember Type'
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData ChildDeclarationInfo

childDeclInfoToString :: ChildDeclarationInfo -> Text
childDeclInfoToString (ChildInstance _ _)      = "instance"
childDeclInfoToString (ChildDataConstructor _) = "dataConstructor"
childDeclInfoToString (ChildTypeClassMember _) = "typeClassMember"

childDeclInfoNamespace :: ChildDeclarationInfo -> Namespace
childDeclInfoNamespace =
  -- We could just write this as `const ValueLevel` but by doing it this way,
  -- if another constructor is added, we get a warning which acts as a prompt
  -- to update this, instead of having this function (possibly incorrectly)
  -- just return ValueLevel for the new constructor.
    ChildInstance{} ->
    ChildDataConstructor{} ->
    ChildTypeClassMember{} ->

isTypeClassMember :: ChildDeclaration -> Bool
isTypeClassMember ChildDeclaration{..} =
  case cdeclInfo of
    ChildTypeClassMember{} -> True
    _ -> False

isDataConstructor :: ChildDeclaration -> Bool
isDataConstructor ChildDeclaration{..} =
  case cdeclInfo of
    ChildDataConstructor{} -> True
    _ -> False

newtype GithubUser
  = GithubUser { runGithubUser :: Text }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData GithubUser

newtype GithubRepo
  = GithubRepo { runGithubRepo :: Text }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData GithubRepo

data PackageError
  = CompilerTooOld Version Version
      -- ^ Minimum allowable version for generating data with the current
      -- parser, and actual version used.
  | ErrorInPackageMeta ManifestError
  | InvalidVersion
  | InvalidDeclarationType Text
  | InvalidChildDeclarationType Text
  | InvalidFixity
  | InvalidKind Text
  | InvalidDataDeclType Text
  | InvalidTime
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData PackageError

data InPackage a
  = Local a
  | FromDep PackageName a
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData a => NFData (InPackage a)

instance Functor InPackage where
  fmap f (Local x) = Local (f x)
  fmap f (FromDep pkgName x) = FromDep pkgName (f x)

takeLocal :: InPackage a -> Maybe a
takeLocal (Local a) = Just a
takeLocal _ = Nothing

takeLocals :: [InPackage a] -> [a]
takeLocals = mapMaybe takeLocal

ignorePackage :: InPackage a -> a
ignorePackage (Local x) = x
ignorePackage (FromDep _ x) = x

-- Types for links between declarations

data LinksContext = LinksContext
  { ctxGithub               :: (GithubUser, GithubRepo)
  , ctxModuleMap            :: Map P.ModuleName PackageName
  , ctxResolvedDependencies :: [(PackageName, Version)]
  , ctxPackageName          :: PackageName
  , ctxVersion              :: Version
  , ctxVersionTag           :: Text
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData LinksContext

data DocLink = DocLink
  { linkLocation  :: LinkLocation
  , linkTitle     :: Text
  , linkNamespace :: Namespace
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData DocLink

data LinkLocation
  -- | A link to a declaration in the current package.
  = LocalModule P.ModuleName

  -- | A link to a declaration in a different package. The arguments represent
  -- the name of the other package, the version of the other package, and the
  -- name of the module in the other package that the declaration is in.
  | DepsModule PackageName Version P.ModuleName

  -- | A link to a declaration that is built in to the compiler, e.g. the Prim
  -- module. In this case we only need to store the module that the builtin
  -- comes from. Note that all builtin modules begin with "Prim", and that the
  -- compiler rejects attempts to define modules whose names start with "Prim".
  | BuiltinModule P.ModuleName
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData LinkLocation

-- | Given a links context, the current module name, the namespace of a thing
-- to link to, its title, and its containing module, attempt to create a
-- DocLink.
getLink :: LinksContext -> P.ModuleName -> Namespace -> Text -> ContainingModule -> Maybe DocLink
getLink LinksContext{..} curMn namespace target containingMod = do
  location <- getLinkLocation
  return DocLink
    { linkLocation = location
    , linkTitle = target
    , linkNamespace = namespace

  getLinkLocation = builtinLinkLocation <|> normalLinkLocation

  normalLinkLocation = do
    case containingMod of
      ThisModule ->
        return $ LocalModule curMn
      OtherModule destMn ->
        case Map.lookup destMn ctxModuleMap of
          Nothing ->
            return $ LocalModule destMn
          Just pkgName -> do
            pkgVersion <- lookup pkgName ctxResolvedDependencies
            return $ DepsModule pkgName pkgVersion destMn

  builtinLinkLocation =
    case containingMod of
      OtherModule mn | P.isBuiltinModuleName mn ->
        pure $ BuiltinModule mn
      _ ->

getLinksContext :: Package a -> LinksContext
getLinksContext Package{..} =
    { ctxGithub               = pkgGithub
    , ctxModuleMap            = pkgModuleMap
    , ctxResolvedDependencies = pkgResolvedDependencies
    , ctxPackageName          = bowerName pkgMeta
    , ctxVersion              = pkgVersion
    , ctxVersionTag           = pkgVersionTag

-- Parsing

parseUploadedPackage :: Version -> LByteString -> Either (ParseError PackageError) UploadedPackage
parseUploadedPackage minVersion = parse $ asUploadedPackage minVersion

parseVerifiedPackage :: Version -> LByteString -> Either (ParseError PackageError) VerifiedPackage
parseVerifiedPackage minVersion = parse $ asVerifiedPackage minVersion

asPackage :: Version -> (forall e. Parse e a) -> Parse PackageError (Package a)
asPackage minimumVersion uploader = do
  -- If the compilerVersion key is missing, we can be sure that it was produced
  -- with, since that is the only released version that included the
  -- `psc-publish` tool (now `purs publish`) before this key was added.
  compilerVersion <- keyOrDefault "compilerVersion" (Version [0,7,0,0] []) asVersion
  when (compilerVersion < minimumVersion)
    (throwCustomError $ CompilerTooOld minimumVersion compilerVersion)

  Package <$> key "packageMeta" asPackageMeta .! ErrorInPackageMeta
          <*> key "version" asVersion
          <*> key "versionTag" asText
          <*> keyMay "tagTime" (withString parseTimeEither)
          <*> key "modules" (eachInArray asModule)
          <*> moduleMap
          <*> key "resolvedDependencies" asResolvedDependencies
          <*> key "github" asGithub
          <*> key "uploader" uploader
          <*> pure compilerVersion
  moduleMap =
    key "moduleMap" asModuleMap
    `pOr` (key "bookmarks" bookmarksAsModuleMap .! ErrorInPackageMeta)

parseTimeEither :: String -> Either PackageError UTCTime
parseTimeEither =
  maybe (Left InvalidTime) Right . parseTime

asUploadedPackage :: Version -> Parse PackageError UploadedPackage
asUploadedPackage minVersion = asPackage minVersion asNotYetKnown

asNotYetKnown :: Parse e NotYetKnown
asNotYetKnown = NotYetKnown <$ asNull

instance A.FromJSON NotYetKnown where
  parseJSON = toAesonParser' asNotYetKnown

asVerifiedPackage :: Version -> Parse PackageError VerifiedPackage
asVerifiedPackage minVersion = asPackage minVersion asGithubUser

displayPackageError :: PackageError -> Text
displayPackageError e = case e of
  CompilerTooOld minV usedV ->
    "Expecting data produced by at least version " <> T.pack (showVersion minV)
    <> " of the compiler, but it appears that " <> T.pack (showVersion usedV)
    <> " was used."
  ErrorInPackageMeta err ->
    "Error in package metadata: " <> showBowerError err
  InvalidVersion ->
    "Invalid version"
  InvalidDeclarationType str ->
    "Invalid declaration type: \"" <> str <> "\""
  InvalidChildDeclarationType str ->
    "Invalid child declaration type: \"" <> str <> "\""
  InvalidFixity ->
    "Invalid fixity"
  InvalidKind str ->
    "Invalid kind: \"" <> str <> "\""
  InvalidDataDeclType str ->
    "Invalid data declaration type: \"" <> str <> "\""
  InvalidTime ->
    "Invalid time"

instance A.FromJSON a => A.FromJSON (Package a) where
  parseJSON = toAesonParser displayPackageError
                            (asPackage (Version [0,0,0,0] []) fromAesonParser)

asGithubUser :: Parse e GithubUser
asGithubUser = GithubUser <$> asText

instance A.FromJSON GithubUser where
  parseJSON = toAesonParser' asGithubUser

asVersion :: Parse PackageError Version
asVersion = withString (maybe (Left InvalidVersion) Right . parseVersion')

parseVersion' :: String -> Maybe Version
parseVersion' str =
  case filter (null . snd) $ readP_to_S parseVersion str of
    [(vers, "")] -> Just vers
    _            -> Nothing

asModule :: Parse PackageError Module
asModule =
  Module <$> key "name" (P.moduleNameFromString <$> asText)
         <*> key "comments" (perhaps asText)
         <*> key "declarations" (eachInArray asDeclaration)
         <*> key "reExports" (eachInArray asReExport)

asDeclaration :: Parse PackageError Declaration
asDeclaration =
  Declaration <$> key "title" asText
              <*> key "comments" (perhaps asText)
              <*> key "sourceSpan" (perhaps asSourceSpan)
              <*> key "children" (eachInArray asChildDeclaration)
              <*> key "info" asDeclarationInfo

asReExport :: Parse PackageError (InPackage P.ModuleName, [Declaration])
asReExport =
  (,) <$> key "moduleName" asReExportModuleName
      <*> key "declarations" (eachInArray asDeclaration)
  -- This is to preserve backwards compatibility with 0.10.3 and earlier versions
  -- of the compiler, where the modReExports field had the type
  -- [(P.ModuleName, [Declaration])]. This should eventually be removed,
  -- possibly at the same time as the next breaking change to this JSON format.
  asReExportModuleName :: Parse PackageError (InPackage P.ModuleName)
  asReExportModuleName =
    asInPackage fromAesonParser .! ErrorInPackageMeta
    `pOr` fmap Local fromAesonParser

pOr :: Parse e a -> Parse e a -> Parse e a
p `pOr` q = catchError p (const q)

asInPackage :: Parse ManifestError a -> Parse ManifestError (InPackage a)
asInPackage inner =
  build <$> key "package" (perhaps (withText parsePackageName))
        <*> key "item" inner
  build Nothing = Local
  build (Just pn) = FromDep pn

asFixity :: Parse PackageError P.Fixity
asFixity =
  P.Fixity <$> key "associativity" asAssociativity
           <*> key "precedence" asIntegral

asFixityAlias :: Parse PackageError FixityAlias
asFixityAlias = fromAesonParser

parseAssociativity :: String -> Maybe P.Associativity
parseAssociativity str = case str of
  "infix"  -> Just P.Infix
  "infixl" -> Just P.Infixl
  "infixr" -> Just P.Infixr
  _        -> Nothing

asAssociativity :: Parse PackageError P.Associativity
asAssociativity = withString (maybe (Left InvalidFixity) Right . parseAssociativity)

asDeclarationInfo :: Parse PackageError DeclarationInfo
asDeclarationInfo = do
  ty <- key "declType" asText
  case ty of
    "value" ->
      ValueDeclaration <$> key "type" asType
    "data" ->
      DataDeclaration <$> key "dataDeclType" asDataDeclType
                      <*> key "typeArguments" asTypeArguments
    "externData" ->
      ExternDataDeclaration <$> key "kind" asKind
    "typeSynonym" ->
      TypeSynonymDeclaration <$> key "arguments" asTypeArguments
                             <*> key "type" asType
    "typeClass" ->
      TypeClassDeclaration <$> key "arguments" asTypeArguments
                           <*> key "superclasses" (eachInArray asConstraint)
                           <*> keyOrDefault "fundeps" [] asFunDeps
    "alias" ->
      AliasDeclaration <$> key "fixity" asFixity
                       <*> key "alias" asFixityAlias
    "kind" ->
      pure ExternKindDeclaration
    other ->
      throwCustomError (InvalidDeclarationType other)

asTypeArguments :: Parse PackageError [(Text, Maybe Kind')]
asTypeArguments = eachInArray asTypeArgument
  asTypeArgument = (,) <$> nth 0 asText <*> nth 1 (perhaps asKind)

asKind :: Parse PackageError Kind'
asKind = fromAesonParser .! InvalidKind

asType :: Parse e Type'
asType = fromAesonParser

asFunDeps :: Parse PackageError [([Text], [Text])]
asFunDeps = eachInArray asFunDep
  asFunDep = (,) <$> nth 0 (eachInArray asText) <*> nth 1 (eachInArray asText)

asDataDeclType :: Parse PackageError P.DataDeclType
asDataDeclType =
  withText $ \s -> case s of
    "data"    -> Right P.Data
    "newtype" -> Right P.Newtype
    other     -> Left (InvalidDataDeclType other)

asChildDeclaration :: Parse PackageError ChildDeclaration
asChildDeclaration =
  ChildDeclaration <$> key "title" asText
                           <*> key "comments" (perhaps asText)
                           <*> key "sourceSpan" (perhaps asSourceSpan)
                           <*> key "info" asChildDeclarationInfo

asChildDeclarationInfo :: Parse PackageError ChildDeclarationInfo
asChildDeclarationInfo = do
  ty <- key "declType" asText
  case ty of
    "instance" ->
      ChildInstance <$> key "dependencies" (eachInArray asConstraint)
                    <*> key "type" asType
    "dataConstructor" ->
      ChildDataConstructor <$> key "arguments" (eachInArray asType)
    "typeClassMember" ->
      ChildTypeClassMember <$> key "type" asType
    other ->
      throwCustomError $ InvalidChildDeclarationType other

asSourcePos :: Parse e P.SourcePos
asSourcePos = P.SourcePos <$> nth 0 asIntegral
                          <*> nth 1 asIntegral

asConstraint :: Parse PackageError Constraint'
asConstraint = P.Constraint () <$> key "constraintClass" asQualifiedProperName
                               <*> key "constraintArgs" (eachInArray asType)
                               <*> pure Nothing

asQualifiedProperName :: Parse e (P.Qualified (P.ProperName a))
asQualifiedProperName = fromAesonParser

asQualifiedIdent :: Parse e (P.Qualified P.Ident)
asQualifiedIdent = fromAesonParser

asSourceAnn :: Parse e (P.SourceAnn)
asSourceAnn = fromAesonParser

asModuleMap :: Parse PackageError (Map P.ModuleName PackageName)
asModuleMap =
  Map.fromList <$>
    eachInObjectWithKey (Right . P.moduleNameFromString)
                        (withText parsePackageName')

-- This is here to preserve backwards compatibility with compilers which used
-- to generate a 'bookmarks' field in the JSON (i.e. up to 0.10.5). We should
-- remove this after the next breaking change to the JSON.
bookmarksAsModuleMap :: Parse ManifestError (Map P.ModuleName PackageName)
bookmarksAsModuleMap =
  convert <$>
    eachInArray (asInPackage (nth 0 (P.moduleNameFromString <$> asText)))

  convert :: [InPackage P.ModuleName] -> Map P.ModuleName PackageName
  convert = Map.fromList . mapMaybe toTuple

  toTuple (Local _) = Nothing
  toTuple (FromDep pkgName mn) = Just (mn, pkgName)

asResolvedDependencies :: Parse PackageError [(PackageName, Version)]
asResolvedDependencies =
  eachInObjectWithKey parsePackageName' asVersion

parsePackageName' :: Text -> Either PackageError PackageName
parsePackageName' =
  mapLeft ErrorInPackageMeta . parsePackageName

mapLeft :: (a -> a') -> Either a b -> Either a' b
mapLeft f (Left x) = Left (f x)
mapLeft _ (Right x) = Right x

asGithub :: Parse e (GithubUser, GithubRepo)
asGithub = (,) <$> nth 0 (GithubUser <$> asText)
               <*> nth 1 (GithubRepo <$> asText)

asSourceSpan :: Parse e P.SourceSpan
asSourceSpan = P.SourceSpan <$> key "name" asString
                            <*> key "start" asSourcePos
                            <*> key "end" asSourcePos

-- ToJSON instances

instance A.ToJSON a => A.ToJSON (Package a) where
  toJSON Package{..} =
    A.object $
      [ "packageMeta"          .= pkgMeta
      , "version"              .= showVersion pkgVersion
      , "versionTag"           .= pkgVersionTag
      , "modules"              .= pkgModules
      , "moduleMap"            .= assocListToJSON P.runModuleName
                                                  (Map.toList pkgModuleMap)
      , "resolvedDependencies" .= assocListToJSON runPackageName
                                                  (T.pack . showVersion)
      , "github"               .= pkgGithub
      , "uploader"             .= pkgUploader
      , "compilerVersion"      .= showVersion P.version
      ] ++
      fmap (\t -> "tagTime" .= formatTime t) (maybeToList pkgTagTime)

instance A.ToJSON NotYetKnown where
  toJSON _ = A.Null

instance A.ToJSON Module where
  toJSON Module{..} =
    A.object [ "name"         .= P.runModuleName modName
             , "comments"     .= modComments
             , "declarations" .= modDeclarations
             , "reExports"    .= map toObj modReExports
    toObj (mn, decls) = A.object [ "moduleName" .= mn
                                 , "declarations" .= decls

instance A.ToJSON Declaration where
  toJSON Declaration{..} =
    A.object [ "title"      .= declTitle
             , "comments"   .= declComments
             , "sourceSpan" .= declSourceSpan
             , "children"   .= declChildren
             , "info"       .= declInfo

instance A.ToJSON ChildDeclaration where
  toJSON ChildDeclaration{..} =
    A.object [ "title"      .= cdeclTitle
             , "comments"   .= cdeclComments
             , "sourceSpan" .= cdeclSourceSpan
             , "info"       .= cdeclInfo

instance A.ToJSON DeclarationInfo where
  toJSON info = A.object $ "declType" .= declInfoToString info : props
    props = case info of
      ValueDeclaration ty -> ["type" .= ty]
      DataDeclaration ty args -> ["dataDeclType" .= ty, "typeArguments" .= args]
      ExternDataDeclaration kind -> ["kind" .= kind]
      TypeSynonymDeclaration args ty -> ["arguments" .= args, "type" .= ty]
      TypeClassDeclaration args super fundeps -> ["arguments" .= args, "superclasses" .= super, "fundeps" .= fundeps]
      AliasDeclaration fixity alias -> ["fixity" .= fixity, "alias" .= alias]
      ExternKindDeclaration -> []

instance A.ToJSON ChildDeclarationInfo where
  toJSON info = A.object $ "declType" .= childDeclInfoToString info : props
    props = case info of
      ChildInstance deps ty     -> ["dependencies" .= deps, "type" .= ty]
      ChildDataConstructor args -> ["arguments" .= args]
      ChildTypeClassMember ty   -> ["type" .= ty]

instance A.ToJSON GithubUser where
  toJSON = A.toJSON . runGithubUser

instance A.ToJSON GithubRepo where
  toJSON = A.toJSON . runGithubRepo

-- | Given a function for turning association list keys into JSON object keys,
-- and a function for turning association list values to JSON string values,
-- turns an association list into a JSON object.
-- For example:
-- @assocListToJSON T.pack T.pack [("a", "b")]@ will give @{"a": "b"}@.
assocListToJSON :: (a -> Text) -> (b -> Text) -> [(a, b)] -> A.Value
assocListToJSON f g xs = A.object (map (uncurry (.=) . (f *** g)) xs)

instance A.ToJSON a => A.ToJSON (InPackage a) where
  toJSON x =
    case x of
      Local y      -> withPackage (Nothing :: Maybe ()) y
      FromDep pn y -> withPackage (Just pn) y
    withPackage :: (A.ToJSON p, A.ToJSON x) => p -> x -> A.Value
    withPackage p y =
      A.object [ "package" .= p
               , "item"    .= y